Moonbeams and magic

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Moonbeams and magic Page 5

by Taylor, Janelle

  fered sexual games which evoked incredible sensations when enhanced by drugs, but she had never been tempted to try them. She had a virtual reality unit on her ship for diversion and for practice sessions with assignments, one which could be programed with any image and scene she desired and which allowed her to either control the action or allow the situation to travel where it willed.

  Yana's roaming gaze paused and drifted over Dagan Latu who sat alone at a table with a drink before him and his eyes focused on her. She complimented herself for seizing his attention so quickly—even though her Yana facade and manner were responsible—and before she got close enough for her special fragrance to ensnare him. One of the few unoccupied tables was beside his position, so she walked in that direction with a subtle sway to her hips.

  Dagan observed the voluptuous creature with eyes as blue as a Kalfan sky in summer and features that were flawless in shape and size. Her hair was thick and long, with little curl, and as golden as the midnight sun that orbited his world. Her figure and movements were perfection. She was clad in a multicolored jumpsuit with flesh-revealing circles along the lengths of her arms and legs, and with matching cutouts at her abdomen and back. He noted a wide gold ring around her slender neck. It was her sole adornment, as no jewelry graced her ears, wrists, or fingers. A lazette was secured to one sleek thigh just above the knee, the fake jewels of its holder catching light and sparkling as she moved. There was a sultriness and allure about her that was arousing, especially since it had been a long time since he had enjoyed sex, a fact he had been reminded of during his two encounters with Starla. He had hoped Starla would appear this evening, but that seemed unlikely now; perhaps that denial was fortunate since he seemed to be susceptible to the enchanting pirate.

  As the striking creature neared, Dagan smiled and stood to seat her, assuming from her thorough scan of his person

  that she was joining him. He was amused and bewildered when she broke their visual bond with nonchalance and claimed the next table, putting her back to him. Almost feeling foolish, he sat down. He realized she was from the Asisa Galaxy, as the faint blue tinge to her hair, skin, and sclera of her eyes were traits of that alien race. He couldn't help but wonder what she was doing in a rough and crude settlement like Tochara. He ruled out the position of a Pleasure Giver, as she would be occupied on the next level of the Skull's Den. He doubted she was anyone's steady companion, as no intelligent man would allow her to come there alone. A lack of a marriage band on her wrist told him she was mateless. She must be a regular customer, since Radu appeared well acquainted with her. For certain, she was not Tochar's lover; he had seen that redhead earlier and knew she was Binixe, an hermaphroditic race from a planet in the Thracian Galaxy.

  Dagan leaned back in his seat, sipped his drink, and tried to ignore her. He was about as successftil as the other men present, who were almost drooling over the beauty. He decided that either she was off limits or had scorned them in the past because none approached her, which increased his curiosity. Her heady fragrance filled his nose, despite competition from the many other smells in the area. It was as if she exuded a powerful pheromone which stimulated his sex glands and enticed him as potently as Starla Vedris did. He looked at her tresses flowing over the chair and halting near a slim waist. Vain and a teaser, he concluded. He wasn't in the mood for games, and conceit always cooled his physical interest in a female, no matter her beauty, or how badly he needed sexual release.

  Yana sensed his potent gaze. She was not surprised he didn't approach her after a seeming rebuff on her part. In fact, she was glad he did not pour himself over her in an attempt to lure her into a casual sexual encounter, though he must be fighting a fierce battle to resist her Kalfan mat-

  ing scent. Cypher had prepared the pheromone and mixed it with an exotic floral aroma, and she had appHed it sparingly for this first encounter. Four men who were regular patrons asked her to dance or to join them, and she told them she was waiting for a companion to arrive. After a fifth, a stranger to Tochara, proved difficult to discourage for a while, she turned and asked Dagan, "Would you mind sitting with me while I have my drink so I can enjoy it without being bothered again?"

  Dagan was taken off-guard by the request, spoken in a sof^ and polite tone. "I'm comfortable here, but you can join me if you wish. I assure you you'll be safe and untroubled at my table. Conversation is by your choice."

  Yana took the seat across from him and smiled. "Thank you for the assistance. May I buy you a drink out of gratitude?"

  "Later, if you're here when I finish this one. Name's Dagan Latu."

  "I'm Yana. Have you just arrived? I don't recall seeing you before."

  Dagan lowered his glass, and his gaze met hers. Mysteries intrigued and challenged him, so he would play along with her ruse, because he was convinced she had intended to join him from the preon she had arrived. Perhaps she worked for Tochar and he was being studied. "That means you must be a regular in here during stopovers or you live in Tochara." It was a statement on his part, not a question.

  "Both. Is this a visit for you or a move here?" [

  "I'll be around for a long time. I just hired on to work I for Tochar." I

  Yana lifted her light-brown brows and widened her gaze ;| to indicate surprise. "Every man in the settlement craves such an elite position, so you must possess many skills to catch Tochar's eye. He hires only the best."

  He changed the subject abruptly. "I thought I caught your eye for a while there, but I guess I was mistaken."


  That was not the response she expected, but her wits did

  not scatter for more than a few moments. She lowered her long lashes and smiled before meeting his gaze again. "You did, but I don't approach strangers and normally do not accept their invitations to join them."

  "Unless you require one's assistance or protection." He watched her eyes brighten and her lips give way to another radiant smile as she nodded.

  "I don't like to cause noisy scenes and Radu doesn't tolerate trouble. In a settlement where men vastly outnumber women, it is difficult to be left alone when I only want to relax and have a drink."

  "Even if females outnumbered males, you would have that problem. What do you do in Tochara?" he asked, wording his query with care.

  "Very little. I'm only staying for a short time longer. There was a situation I had to escape and decided this was the last place anyone would search for me. I didn't realize Tochara was so . . . primitive. Fortunately, I know how to protect myself and to survive even under crude conditions." She laughed when he sent her a doubtful grin. "I meant, defend myself during perilous situations. Men like those five are nothing more than nuisances who need to be sent away quickly and quietly to avoid drawing unwanted attention and embarrassment to myself Or to them, since men do not take such predicaments well. As soon as matters are settled and it's safe, I'll return to where I came ft-om."

  Dagan leaned forward, propped his arms on the table, and ventured, "Which is the Asisia Galaxy."

  She feigned a look of dismay to lure him into her spell. She reasoned that a man like him would be drawn to a woman in danger, snared by a challenging mystery, not to mention highly responsive to the sensuous image Yakir had given her, and weakened by the captivating fragrance. "You know me? Were you sent to locate and retrieve me? I rarely

  talk with anyone, and when I do, it's to the wrong man. Your vile task will not be easy; I have sanctuary here."

  Dagan grasped her hand and kept her from rising to depart, noting how soft and warm her skin was. He was intrigued by her distress and hints, as he hadn't heard anything about a political upheaval in that location. No bi-jonis had been summoned, and its ruler had no daughters. That left him with the conclusion that the matter was a personal dilemma. "Don't panic, Yana; I'm not here because of you. I guessed from your colorings."

  Her gaze seemingly searched his as she asked, "Is that the truth?"

  He nodded and smiled. "You're still safe, so rela
x. Is it something you want to talk about with me? Can I help in some way? I'll guard your secret."

  "Perhaps you would, but I'll keep it for now." As she finished her drink, she realized either he would be dead tomorrow or he would become one of her targets as Tochar's hireling. Both thoughts were unsettling, and it was more strenuous than she had imagined to spend time with the appealing and disturbing man while on constant alert against slips. She had made the initial contact and seized his interest; that was sufficient for now.

  "Would you like to have another drink to calm you?" he offered.

  "Thank you, but no. It's late and I need to leave."

  "Will I see you again?" he asked, suspecting he would.

  "If you're alone when I return next time, I'll join you and stay longer, or you can join me if I arrive first."

  "Can I walk you to your dwelling?"

  "It isn't necessary. Perhaps next time, after I know you better."

  Dagan was unsure how to interpret her meaning. "If you need me for anything, anything, Yana, Radu knows where to find me."

  She nodded acceptance of his offer, whatever it entailed.

  She stood and said, "Thank you for the rescue and I look forward to seeing you again."

  "Any time, Yana." He watched her enter the women's private chamber. Radu approached and blocked his view as he was deciding whether or not to follow her to see where she lived and check if she met with anyone.

  The owner of the Skull's Den interrupted his thoughts. "Your abode is cleaned and ready to habitate," Radu said. "Drose will guide you there at your signal."

  "Thank you. Tochar will be pleased by the good service I've received. I needed the bath, food, and fresh garment." He looked the owner deep in the eyes. "Tell me, Radu, do you know who Yana is and why she is in Tochara?"

  The stocky man knew, but felt it was Yana's right and place to reveal those facts if she chose to do so. "My mouth does not travel across other's space. She visits here on occasion, but keeps to herself. You're a lucky man to have shared a drink with her; that's a rare event for Yana. I can tell you no more. Summon Drose when you're ready to leave."

  Dagan realized the man knew more than he had revealed, but was glad Radu wasn't a loose talker. He watched for Yana to reappear, and finally decided she had left while his view was obstructed. A woman that beautiftil and alluring, he reasoned, couldn't be hard to locate if he decided to do so another time. Too restless for sleep, and the hour too early, he purchased another drink and settled back in his chair to observe some more. It remained to be seen if signing on with Tochar would be profitable, but it surely would be challenging, and he had no choice under the circumstances in any case.

  Only an hora passed before Starla Vedris arrived, glanced around, and locked gazes with him. He lifted his hand and motioned for her to join him. From her expression and stroll to the bar, it appeared as if this wasn't his night to succeed with any woman. He realized he was wrong again as he

  watched her purchase a drink, then walk toward him. His lagging energy was renewed and thoughts of Yana vanished just by looking at the beautiful and mysterious spaceki. His keen wits went on alert and he prepared to see what he could learn about the lovely space pirate and his other teammates.



  Dagan watched Starla approach in a green jumpsuit that matched her eyes. Long brown tresses tumbled over her shoulders. Her movements were fluid and graceful, confident. Her aura was feminine, despite the laser weapon strapped to her waist. She sat down and sipped her drink as they studied each other. "It's late. I had given up on seeing you tonight," he told her.

  "We didn't have plans to meet."

  "I know, Starla, but I was hoping you'd come."


  "So you could tell me about Tochara and working for Tochar."

  "You'll learn all you need to know later, after your meeting with Tochar; that's when you'll be told if he accepts you or not."

  Dagan leaned forward and propped his arms on the table, catching a whiff of her fragrance, which was so different from Yana's heavier scent. "I was under the impression he had hired me and assigned you as my teacher."

  "Not until he has a lengthy and private talk with you."

  "About what?" he asked, and took a long drink from his glass.

  "That's between you and Tochar. I can't tell you anything until you're an insider and we're certain you can be trusted."

  Though the crowd had lessened at the Skull's Den, Dagan leaned closer and murmured in a low voice, "You should

  know I can be trusted, since I didn't betray you. What's my continued silence worth?"

  Starla walked her gaze over his grinning face with deliberate leisure. "Since I didn't take your life, that should be ample payment."

  "Weren't you just a little nervous and surprised when you saw me?"

  "No more than you were when you saw me."

  "Aren't you afraid I'll change my mind and expose you?"

  Starla leaned forward and whispered, "No, but do it and I'll kill you for certain next time because you wouldn't deserve this second chance."

  Dagan scrutinized her frosty gaze and heard her cold tone, but felt they were faked. She had been scared and tense during their earlier meeting, but she had concealed her feelings with skill and practice. Her fiill mouth was tempting and he wanted to taste it. He wanted to know everything about her, but not succumb to her many charms. He chuckled. "I believe you would attempt to kill me, so I'll try hard not to rub you wrong or be caught off guard again. Why exactly did you let me live?"

  Starla felt her rebellious body and emotions responding to him and ordered them to cease. "I don't want to have life-taking charges placed on my record, and I don't kill unless my life is in jeopardy. I presumed you wouldn't be a future threat because you'd be long gone from this sector; I figured you must have been free-riding for a good reason. I was partly right."

  "I assume, since you covered my head, Moig didn't see me."

  They were keeping their voices low and could not be overheard. "That's right," she admitted. "But even if you tell Tochar who you are, I doubt it will get me exiled; I'm too valuable to him. He'll consider it a weakness but not a fatal flaw. Don't forget, Tochar knows and trusts me."

  "Will he, after learning you lied to him and Moig about

  my death? From my experiences, disobedience is more acceptable than deceit."

  "I'll deal with that problem if it comes up. Besides, you also deceived him and could be exposed. Why did you hold silent about me?"

  "I doubt Tochar would hire any man who was recently disabled by a woman, or by another man for that matter. That would tarnish my prowess, right? Surely you didn't expect me to admit you tricked me and stung my ego. Besides, I felt I owed you for sparing my life. If our positions had been reversed that deega, I would've taken your same course of action. Despite what we are, taking lives unnecessarily is dangerous and costly. What you did doesn't make me doubt your loyalty to Tochar, so why report it? Besides, Moig made that decision and gave my extermination order."

  "But Tochar agreed with it after our return and even rewarded me for killing you. Now, tell me. How did you really get here?"

  "After I came to, hardly able to breathe thanks to you and that sack, I piloted the vessel close enough to use the escape pod, then sent it on its way out of this sector. I came down in the wasteland, out of their sensor range, and walked here. Tochar's patrol found me and took me to him. I'm sure he's already checked me out thoroughly."

  That's what you think, Dagan, but you 're in for a surprise tomorrow. "So, you were heading for Tochara all along?"

  "It sounded like the best way to earn plenty in a short time and in a safe haven. I was planning to take over that transporter that evening, but you intruded. Since we're going to be working together, it would be nice to be fiiends. We already have a bond of protective secrecy."

  "Let's keep it like that. Did you get a good price for those crystals?"

  "I doubt
it, because I didn't know their value. Tochar does, so I assume they're targets during raids, despite his warning. I saw the way he looked at them and touched

  them, and he told me large ones supply the power for his defense system. What do you know about them?"

  "If you join our team tomorrow, I'll tell you about the crystals and our raids."

  As she took a swallow of the purple liquid, he asked, "Why do you keep saying 'if'?" He watched her tongue collect a droplet from her upper lip and felt his loins quicken and flame at the enticing action.

  "You're a clever man so you must realize Tochar wouldn't hire anyone on first sight. He'll want to question you further, in detail, in private."

  "No problem; I'll tell him whatever he wants to know."

  For certain and without control, my ignorant auslander. I wish you would stop looking at me like that. What is it about you that's so irresistible? His black hair seemingly begged her to hide her fingers in its depths. His full lips called to her to kiss them, as did his handsome face and throat. His dark-blue eyes were as potent and mesmerizing as a swirling vortex, drawing her ever toward it. But he was a criminal, one of her targets soon, so she must not lose herself in him.

  "What's on your mind, Starla? You look puzzled, worried."

  "Somehow you don't strike me as a man who works for others."


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