The Third Wife

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The Third Wife Page 13

by Silver, Jordan

  I was standing in the kitchen at the sink peeling vegetables for dinner. Alana was at the table with the girls while her boys and daughter were asleep. Victoria, the new babysitter came in all fresh and sweet smelling. She looked all around the room as if searching for someone. I knew who but I hoped to heaven Alana didn't figure it out or there would be hell to pay then, and I'd had enough drama to last me a lifetime.

  I knew the girl didn't stand a chance in getting what she was after, but that wouldn't stop her from trying. I also knew that Cody would never do that to Alana. Isn't that a strange thing for a woman to accept about her husband?

  "Where's Cody?"

  For some reason that burned me, enough was enough. "Mr. Jackson is busy, the children you are here to look after are asleep upstairs. Maybe you should see to them instead of worrying about where our husband is."

  She paled a little and rushed out of the room.

  I heard laughter at the table. Drat, I had forgotten that they were here. Alana was holding her stomach doubled over in laughter, it made me grin.

  "Way to go Arlene."

  "I don't like her."

  "Me neither."

  "So why is she still here?"

  "Good question, I'll get on that right quick."

  She'd left the room still laughing and went in search of Cody I guess. What ever she did must've worked because the next day Victoria was gone and a new, much older replacement was here. After that day Alana and I grew closer together. Helping her with the boys helped me get over my jealousy of them. Not to mention the way Cody had changed, he was more attentive not only to me but to the girls. Especially little Crystal who was almost without a mother. Alana and I combined our efforts to make her feel loved. Then we started bonding over other things, and before you know it, I had a new friend. My life would be the better for it. It sure made sharing easier.


  Boy, what a life. Time sure has flown by, five years. If I tell you all that has happened in that time it would take a couple lifetimes. First I'm almost twenty-three and I have seven kids, you heard me, seven. After Cody nailed me in our cabin, you guessed it, knocked up. I was not amused. At one point in my life I was going to be the mother of at least five children under the age of one. You couldn't write this shit.

  Everyone was excited, including Cody but I was pissed. Cody didn't t let my prissiness stop him from getting some so after a while I decided what the hell, wasn't much I could do about it might as well go with the flow. At the end of that catastrophe I had twin boys to thank for my new DDs. Cody was a very happy camper.

  When the new babies were one and the quads two, I started my soap making. Yes it had taken me all this time because my husband had turned into a worrying old woman. First he started working from home, which was fun because now I didn't have to go across town to get some afternoon delight, and he brought the desk and the couch home. Working from home, I don't see how he got anything done because he was always hovering around me and the kids.

  Arlene and I use to make fun of him. Especially when he would have the kids crawling around his desk while the twins were in their bouncy chairs giggling at any and everything. Katie was in school and Crystal was in preschool, so for the first part of the day we didn't have to deal with all eight children. But the evenings whoosh. Full house.

  "Cody the babysitters are bored." Arlene and I walked into his office one day after the two women had complained that he had once again high jacked the kids and taken them to his office. He was on the phone when we walked in but I hadn't noticed until he put his finger in the air. After he hung up I just shook my head at him.

  "How can you get anything done with all this noise in here?" I moved to take the kids with me.

  "Leave them Wildflower, they're fine where they are. Why don't you go show Arlene how to make soap and candles? I've got this."

  "Ooookay then." And that's how it started, me letting Arlene into my little enterprise. They didn't know it yet, well Cody knew but no one else. This was my dream it's what I was working towards. I'd decided to start a business and I knew from experience that my soaps were first class. It was kind of a passion for me after all, and without the added stress of school and with all the helping hands I had with the babies, I had more than enough time.

  So, I introduced Arlene to my soap making adventure. Within six months we had an online store. Cody was very supportive, as long as I didn't have to travel too far from home for any length of time he was all for it. But within that first year things really took off. Next thing I knew we were supplying local specialty shops and spas. There was even talk of opening our own shop. Cody wasn't too keen on that one. He hated the idea of me being away from home all those hours. I really wasn't interested either so I didn't put up too much of a fuss. The online business was enough. I even hired Mrs. Brewster and some of her buddies to help with the packaging and the phones.

  Fast-forward another three years or so and we have baby number seven. Another little girl, thank heaven. I'm still the only one to give him a son, and the truth. I'm tickled pink because my man is a fool for his sons. I know this because little Chandra wasn't even two months old before he was threatening to plant another one in me. Yeah right; was he nuts? Seven children in five years; tie a bell around my neck and call me Elsie the cow.

  Instead of slowing down Cody and I are growing closer and closer and our bedroom theatrics just keep getting better and better. After each pregnancy I would lose everything except my breasts, which Cody seemed fascinated by. He could hardly keep his hands off of them.

  I've grown more accustomed to the sharing thing, because when it was just he and I, it was just he and I. And our cabin got plenty of use, though it was off limits to anyone else. When I'd made that stipulation he'd been hurt because as he'd put it, he would never even entertain such a thought. That was our special place, ours and no one else's, except sometimes we took the kids. What he did and where he went with the others no longer bothered me. I've settled into my new life, secure in the knowledge that I am loved. It did help that he always acted like he’d missed me whenever we were apart. He didn’t say it but I could tell all the same.


  I can't believe how full and complete my life is right now. Six years ago I was a drowning man. I'd almost given up hope of ever finding this peace and serenity. Not to mention this great love that now consumed me. My life as my wildflower would say was un-freaking-believable. I've come to appreciate so much, my wives, my children, our home, so much has happened in this time.

  The girls have started a business. Well actually wildflower started a business with her soap and candle making. They're doing tremendously well in online sales and a few local shops had decided to carry their products as well. Next year they were thinking of branching off into knitted goods.

  Somehow this girl had come into all our lives and made us whole. Arlene was flourishing in a way I never thought I would see after our first two years together. It took us both a while to realize that it and been Sharon's influence that had been draining her. Now she is a happy, vivacious woman. The fact that wildflower included her and made her feel a part of whatever they were doing, went a long way to building her self confidence.

  And then there's Sharon, my problem child. It wasn't easy for her and it wasn't a picnic for us either. Her first few weeks in therapy were a nightmare. She seemed to be getting worse instead of better there for a while. And since the sessions were private I had no way of knowing what the hell was going on and what moves I should make. My only thought was protecting my family.

  Things really came to a head one day when I heard a commotion outside my office window. The sound was so foreign I almost didn't process it at first. But when I realized what was going on my heart moved to my throat and my feet ran towards the noise.

  Outside, between the main house and the guesthouse, Alana had Sharon by her hair and was dragging her. When she turned to look at me there was a handprint on her right cheek. I saw red, I didn'
t even think, just reacted as I stepped towards Sharon. What I would've done I have no idea. I just knew that the thought of anyone laying hands on my wife annoyed the hell out of me.

  That Sharon was also my wife was neither here nor there. She had proven time and again that that was a position she no longer had any interest in holding. Before I could reach her though, Wildflower had stopped me in my tracks.

  "No Cody, this is between her and I."

  "But she struck you."

  "I provoked her, now stay out of it." She turned back to a screaming, wailing Sharon who seemed to be having a tantrum.

  "I hate you..."

  "Well I don't have much love for you either bitch, but you will respect me. Now get your ass up and act like you have some sense. And the next time you mouth off at me like that I'll kick your ass again. Now go clean up before your daughter comes home and sees you like this." With that she threw her to the ground, walked over to me, planted a kiss on my lips, took my elbow, and led me back to the house.

  I looked back to see what kind of state Sharon was in. She was fuming, but she was trying to fix herself as she rushed back to the guesthouse.

  "You wanna tell me what that was about?"

  "Nope, it's between us girls, let's just say it was long overdue. Hopefully now that she's gotten that out of her system things should be a little saner around here. You do know your wife is nuts right?"

  She wasn't expecting an answer so I didn't give her one.

  That was four years ago or so. Things have certainly changed around here since then. Therapy for all of us was eye opening. I learned a lot about myself and about my family and what they need from me and me from them. Apart from what the therapist brought to the forefront. I learned for myself that my love for Alana was something to be celebrated, not to be guilt ridden over. I learned to free myself completely. She was just the one that did it for me. Sharon and Arlene were still my wives, Sharon after much therapy and some blowups between not only her and Wildflower, but her and Arlene as well, had finally started to come to terms with reality.

  The fact that Alana dragged her into their business venture went a long way to easing the transition. We learned that Sharon thrived on being the center of attention so when it came to dealing with business meetings and such and the catalog for their products, she was the model and spokes person. She really enjoyed that. Thank goodness she’d found her niche, something that made her happy. She was a much more pleasant person these days.

  She has even thanked Wildflower on more than one occasion for the opportunity. Now every time I see the three of them with their heads bent together, it makes me extremely proud. They've come so far. In the last five years Alana have given me three more children, twin boys, Caleb and Chad and now one girl only two months ago, my little Chandra. I have one daughter each from Arlene and Sharon, Courtney and Clarissa. Yes everyone knows how I feel about my sons and about the one who bore them for me. But thankfully we have all settled into our place, and we're all finally happy. I give to them what is in me to give, no more, no less. Now my family is happy, strong and together.


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  Jordan Silver is the author of over thirty (30) works of erotic romance available on amazon and paperback.




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