Dragon Born

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Dragon Born Page 15

by J N Moon

I stopped to gaze at the ocean, so different than the wild Northern sea, here crystalline blue dotted with silver chards where the sunlight bounced off the waves, but that wasn’t what Lucius was nodding towards.

  I frowned, Lucius’s sudden silence unnerved me, his behaviour completely different from half an hour ago.

  Whispering, I leaned into his ear, “Why are you suddenly so quiet? What aren’t you telling me? What’s wrong?”

  Twisting around, he pulled his glasses off, eyes wide with worry. From the corner of my eye, shadows descended around us, he pulled me in quick, smacking a firm kiss on my lips. A slight shiver of ice ran over me as the shadows passed over us, I wrapped my arms around him, playing along with our deception as lovers, hiding our faces in each other.

  Pulling away, I was breathless and angry. He licked his lower lip, face expressionless, but me, how horrible that I am, my body surged with emotions. I remembered then what I’d been told, Lucius was many things, a good friend, a master of the occult but his primary self was an incubus, a sex demon and geez didn’t I just know it. “What the hell was that?” I gasped.

  “Hunters, hunters using magic, which I had no idea. Thank God they didn’t detect mine,” Then rubbing my arm, “You ok? Sorry I kissed you, we just needed to be hidden, fast. Still, you’re a good kisser,” He winked.

  “So does that mean I no longer owe you?” I laughed.

  Winking he replied, “Not even close Emma.”

  On the beach, more white skins burned red as people roasted themselves but in the distance near a tiny seafood shack, on a stool sat Kai.

  To mortals he appeared human, darker skin and his hair moving slightly in the sea breeze, reaching his waist.

  Glancing about to check it was clear, we wandered over. He turned sensing us, first shock then a warm smile.

  “Kai, I thought your home was in Scotland?” I remarked casually.

  “Well, I was...”

  Lucius interrupted him, “We need to leave this place now, it’s not safe being here, the three of us out in the open...”

  Murmuring Kai spoke, “You know about the mortals?”

  “We do, by now most supes are probably aware. Was it Zeus and his Creatures?” Lucius asked.

  “We don’t know, though I’m sure that didn’t help.” Looking at me, “Oh I heard, we all did. The Minotaur and the Cyclops, but... it couldn’t be helped. It would’ve happened sooner or later, it’s happened before.”

  “It has?” I asked.

  His eyes narrowed, Kai studied my face, “History, witch trials in the fifteenth century, then again later in the seventeenth.”

  “The witch trials were because people found out about us? How come it was never written about?”

  “It was.” Lucius said dryly, “Just not for mortal eyes. We’ve learned a lot since then. Of course, now with the web, it’ll make it much harder to stop it from spreading, our only advantage is that mortals generally never believe it. It’s hard for them to comprehend, not a fault you understand, they’re just not designed to know it I guess.”

  “So now what, Kai, I don’t know what to do. I am responsible for you, I’m shocked your people insisted you and I have to be bonded, even after the will of the Gods, and the fact that I’m not human.”

  Frowning, he replied, “I’m starting to get a complex Emma. I don’t think you could shut me out any more if you tried.”

  “No, you know I don’t mean it like that.”

  As his hair fell over his face, he glanced up, his eyes deep, warm. Shuddering I looked away, it was as if he could see into my soul.

  Pulling myself together, both Selkie and an Incubus, “You know, I would be lucky as heck to have a man like you, or you Lucius but for one thing, seven years. That sucks and the second thing, I love Luke. I’m not sure how we’ll work this out, we’ll think of something.”

  “Be careful who you give your heart, and especially your soul to Emma. People are not always what they seem but for now I suggest we get out of here, either way,” Lucius said. “It isn’t safe, especially now that some mortals have got their hands on magic.” He turned around and walked away, pulling his phone out of his trouser pocket, “I’m going to call Sabian, then Anthony. Emma, you might want to call Conor and then we’ll leave.

  Snubbed at Lucius’s remark, muscles clenching, was he for real? Kind of weird, too, as he’d been the biggest factor in rescuing Luke.

  Hearing Conor’s voice again, reassuring, like warm honey. “Emma, where are you?”

  “In Devon, look, I’m guessing you know that mortals have found out?” My voice was low as I was, after all, surrounded by people.

  “Yes, y... no, go on, you first...”

  His voice shaky, something was wrong, “Ok, they or some of them have access to magic. Now what’s happened there?”

  “We had an attack, we’re alright, for now. I’ll only explain face to face, please tell me you’re on your way, but why the Hell are you in Devon of all places?”

  “It’s a long story, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “Are you alone? Tell me you’re safe?”

  “Lucius and Kai are with me. Lucius has his gifts, thank God,” I added, careful not to say too much out loud.

  “That’s one word for them, just watch him ok,” He warned.

  I sniggered, what the hell, Conor warns me about Lucius, Lucius warns me about Luke. Kai has a seven-year deal, heck.

  “Whatever, have you heard from Marcus at all?” I enquired.

  “Yes, they’re fully aware in Bath and are trying to put a plan together. Sabian’s in touch but if we all meet, we need to be bloody careful, it would, after all be the perfect trap.”

  “Agreed. Ok, I’ll be in touch.”

  “Emma, take care, call me if you need anything.”

  “You too.”

  Next, I dialed Luke’s number, but his phone went straight to messages. I text him to tell me when he was ok, he would be with Sabian so I wasn’t overly worried, but it pissed me off all these men warning me about all these men. Lauren, Sabian’s girlfriend, was luckier, I guess. If I needed to confide in anyone, it would be him, since all the others were so suspicious.

  Lucius beamed at me, “So, I heard.” He leaned in, “Be careful of the demon. He’s right, though, once you’ve tasted incubus, you’ll never stray. I am a demon of sex after all,” he chuckled. “What I don’t know about it, ain’t worth knowing, and Emma,” he winked, “I know a lot.” Then shaking his head laughing, he said, “Look, for now we’ll stay here, I’m not happy using magic right now, whatever they used was dark, powerful and they could easily detect it if I use magic right now. So for now we lay low, worst case scenario, tomorrow we’ll hire a car. Agreed?”

  Kai just stared at me, shrugging, despondency filled my core but I couldn’t argue, he knew much more than I. I breathed out, “If it means a chance to rest, then definitely.”

  Lucius insisted on paying for our hotel rooms, demons it seems are flush and he found us a hotel tucked away in a hillside with a cobbled path that led from the seaside with all its little shops of fossils. Store fronts brimming with sweets like stick rock in their bright pinks and purples, buckets and spades, inflatable dolphins brought back memories of childhood and I made them wait whilst I indulged myself, buying three sticks of rock for us.

  Lucius grimaced looking at the stick of sugar, it’s multi-colored stripes, unwrapping it he smelt it, bite it, then he raised his brows, nodding whilst Kai and I were already crunching down on the sugary sticks.

  Winding up and around the twisted narrow path, Victorian houses, their grand bay windows, pillared porches and lush green gardens seemingly squeezed together looking like they’d been built to encompass the hill itself, almost distorted, leaning in on each other up the slope.

  We had a large room and straight away I realized Lucius not only knew the owner but they, too, were immortal.

  Two werewolves ran Sea Heights, the hotel, as our eyes met a familiar sense of be
ing washed over me. Whilst Lucius and Kai talked supernatural with them, I got the key and went upstairs.

  A bright room overlooked the sea in the far distance. Two small sofas looking out of the bay windows, a coffee table, sideboard, with three doors leading off, one to the left and the others on the right.

  I picked the door to the left, dumped my bag and pulled out my phone.

  Luke had sent me a message, saying he was ok and with Sabian. Their pack was unaffected by anything. Weird, but they were on their way to Conor’s as he’d heard they’d had a run in with some hunters.

  I texted him back.

  We’ve found Kai but also hunters using magic, so we’re staying off grid for now. Lucius isn’t comfortable using magic to get us back in case it can be tracked. So we’re in Sea Heights hotel for the night. Miss you. XXX

  He promptly messaged me...

  I know of it, Bruce and Matt are really good, they’ll look out for you. Miss you like crazy. XXX Stay safe. Love You XXX

  I sank back on my bed, I already missed him. I needed to start thinking about where we could go after this, maybe Europe to lose ourselves but then again trouble seemed to follow us so maybe staying around friends is the best course? With thoughts fighting for time in my head, I drifted off to sleep.

  Restlessly I tossed and turned, until I felt his touch, his hand on my face sending sparks through me. His breath warm over my neck, shuddering as his hands touched my legs, slowly tracing their way up. His lips finding mine. Greedy, his kiss was deep, passionate, loving and my body melted feeling his on mine, blazed in desire, he whispered, “Are you sure?”

  Aching, longing for his touch, I replied, “Yes,” he responded with his lips on mine, his tongue delicately touching, then playfully biting my bottom lip.

  His hair brushed my stomach, then he arched himself over me, he sighed, “Let me love you to death.”

  His scent flooded me, sweet earthy smell, my stomach fluttered with yearning. He pressed his body onto me, aching with love I couldn’t get enough of him, his hands, his kisses. Yearning passion pounded through me, I felt he was aroused. Breathless, I kissed him fiercely.

  “Luke...” I whispered. Suddenly shuddering, a cold sweat broke over me, waking up, I bolted upright, panting, I looked around.

  I was in the hotel room, but that dream! Blinking rapidly, my eyes adjusted and I glanced around confused, it had seemed so real. Getting out of bed, my body shuddered, breathing heavy as if Luke had been here, I checked my phone. He’d sent me a text message, Love you, thinking of you. See you tomorrow, I hope. X

  I sighed, feeling warm inside. I wanted to leave now feeling thirsty for him, his kiss. Dragging myself off the bed, I got dressed and went out to make a tea. Darkness had fallen, only Lucius was up in the main room, he eyed me as I came in, “You look rested.”

  Grinning, I nodded and went over to the little table to make a cup of tea.

  The hotel had a mini fridge, inside was some fresh milk, “Do you want a drink?” I asked.

  His lips turned downwards, “Thanks, I’ve got one, come sit? I have some news.”

  As I joined him on the little sofa, he searched my face, “You look flushed,” he grinned. “Good dreams?”

  Smirking back, I avoided eye contact, “You could say that!”

  Something flustered in my stomach, his scent. For a second, I remembered that kiss, instinctively biting my nails, I shouldn’t think of him like that. Though, I admit if it weren’t for Luke, Lucius... But he’s a demon, that would be emotional suicide.

  Putting his scotch down, he showed me his iPad. Sitting next to him reminded me of Orkney when I’d fallen asleep on his shoulder, “Lucius, why are you doing all of this? I mean, you could just leave, I doubt any of this would affect you, or are you lonely?”

  He braced before looking up at me, I stole a look into his soulful eyes, “I loved a woman once Em, she was a demon, too. She was taken from me, not killed. Then she came back, I was... ecstatic. She wasn’t, we were together for a few months before she decided to be true to her Succubus nature. That is our kind rarely stay with one sexual partner, rather we’re designed, as it were to have many, many partners. A hundred years ago, before I met her, I lived for a long time in my true nature but I found sex, however exciting, passionate, wild was empty without connection, without love. I’m a freak in terms of being an Incubus, I only desire one mate, and for me once mated it’s forever, till death. Am I lonely now? No, I have friends, like you and the others thereabouts. But I don’t live amongst other demons, I find them superficial, impetuous and egotistical. Out for their own ends or always looking to fight. I like a woman who’s strong, independent but not afraid to ask for help, I am underneath this demon veneer a man after all, and I was human before I was made demon, and we men,” he touched his chest, dropping his head before looking back up to me, “Don’t get angry, but we, I like helping, especially you. I love being around you, you’re strong and vulnerable at the same time. You’re never snarky, never petulant, you’re always kind. And obviously beautiful, but you’re way to humble, to modest to even care about that. I don’t expect my words, my feeling to touch you, neither do I expect you trust me, being what I am. Anyway, look, this is what I found...”

  He returned his focus to his iPad, balanced on his leg. Studying his face, his mouth, his toned tattooed arms, nimble hands, the way his long hair fell forwards, brushing my skin as I sat close to him. He smelled of honey and the forest, bergamot from his hair. Like my dream. Was it him in my dream? He was an Incubus after all and after I’d said Luke’s name, he’d gone, vanished.

  I should ask him, but what if he says yes? What if he said no... but I had to, I had to know? He turned his face to mine, inches apart, his eyes tracing my face, looking into my soul, “You’re not listening,” he grinned. “You look, well it’s not appropriate to say, Emma Blakesley, what’s up?”

  “I dreamt of you, just now.”

  He moved his head slightly, pupils dilated, “Ok, was it a good dream?” He winked, grinning...

  Pre Order... Shadow Born.

  Other books

  If you want something deviously dark, with a smattering of horror try these....

  Always Dark Angel Series:

  Get FREE, just sign up, Always Dark Angel Prequel

  Book 1 Children of Dionysus

  Book 2 Dark Nephilim

  Book 3 Children of the Fallen

  Book 4 Prince of Hell

  Book 5 King of Hell

  Watch out for Immortal Creatures later in the year...and lots more.


  A writer of Dark Urban Fantasy with a smattering of gothic horror.

  What got me hooked into vampires, as a kid I secretly watched Hammer Horror films on my tv, then reading the classics, Dracula and Frankenstein. I was always more interested in the vampires than Van Helsing!

  Inspiring movies, Underworld, The Lost Boys, and Blade.

  My books are gritty and action-packed, taking you into the underbelly of the world of the damned, who live alongside the world of the living.

  Vampires, werewolves, demons along with mythological creatures are all mixed into my stories. A balance of fantasy and reality, a world that takes you, the reader away from the mundane stresses of life. And sometimes a smattering of the philosophical to...

  Dark, Sublime, Gripping Stories.

  When I’m not writing, I can be found wandering in nature, reading or at the movies.

  I’ve recently put my air guitar away to learn the real thing!

  If you want to connect, I like talking to like-minded souls so get in touch.

  Where Am I?







  Pinterest taoistjo

p; Feel free to connect! Thanks for reading, JOx




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