Behind Her Eyes

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Behind Her Eyes Page 6

by RB Schalin

  Chapter 6

  The next morning I called Tom to let him know I would catch a ride with Brook. He gave me some comment about being pussy whipped, but I let it slide. I was in such a good mood, nothing could bother me.

  Brook picked me up at 7.30a.m., she had to go by the gas station to fill up the car. When we drove up to the pumps there was an old Ford Bronco in front of us. It was parked right between two pumps so we couldn’t get to the one closest to us. Brook got out of the car and walked up to the Bronco. Apparently no one was there because she came right back. As she was getting into her car again, a man walked around the corner, going towards the entrance to the Quick Mart that was attached to the gas station. Brooke walked around the car and aproached the man.

  ‘Excuse me, is the Bronco yours?’

  The man looked at her.

  ‘Yeah, what about it?’

  ‘Nothing, could you move it a bit so I can get to the pump please?’

  ‘Hang on; I will be back in two minutes.’

  ‘Please, we will be late for school.’

  ‘Look Missy, it’s not my problem if you’re late getting your lazy ass out of bed. I said I would move it when I am done.’

  Brooke calmly walked closer to the man, right up to his face. She looked up at him, and screamed,

  ‘Move your piece of shit truck now, fucker!’

  ‘What did you say, bitch?’ The man responded.

  ‘I said, move your piece of shit truck, fucker. Are you deaf as well as dumb?’

  I opened the door, to get out and try to calm down the situation. When I was half way to where they were standing, I saw the man push Brooke. Not hard enough for her to fall over, but she had to take a step back not to lose her balance. What happened next should have been a sign to me that Brooke was not like other girls. She stepped closer to the man, and with all the force she could manage kicked him right in the nuts. He went down on his knees. Brooke took aim and kicked him in the face. At that point I was running towards her.

  ‘Brooke, stop!’ I yelled. But she kicked him a second time. I reached her, and grabbed her shoulders. She fought back, but realized it was me, and let me drag her back. She screamed at the man lying on the ground holding his balls and bleeding from his mouth and nose.

  ‘Never touch me again, motherfucker, or the next time I will kill you!’

  I got her back in the car, and she reversed out and turned the car towards school.

  I was chocked by what I had just witnessed. That man must have weighed almost twice as much as Brooke, and she had taken him down in a second. Not even thinking about walking away. I turned to her, her face was soft and she was smiling, like if she was thinking about something very pleasant.

  ‘Are you OK, Brooke?’

  ‘Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be? It’s not me lying back there, bleeding all over the place.’

  ‘Well, I am pretty shaken up by what happened. I have never seen anything like it before.’

  ‘John, you are so sweet, that’s why I love you.’ She leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and continued.

  ‘You are so innocent. I just love that about you. Me on the other hand, I don’t take shit from anyone, doesn’t matter how big he or she is. And that excuse for a man was ignorant, and then he pushed me. If I let him get away with it I just wouldn’t be able to live with myself.’

  ‘So you don’t feel you over reacted?’

  ‘You saw it, he pushed me first.’

  ‘Yeah, but still?’

  ‘Just lets forget about what happened, and talk about other things.’

  We had arrived at school, and Brooke parked the car and we got out. We had our classes in different parts of the school, so we kissed goodbye there. As I looked down, I could see there was blood splatter on Brooke’s shoes.

  ‘You need to clean that off before it stains. Blood stains are hard to get out.’

  ‘Don’t worry John, a little blood hasn’t killed anyone, at least not on their shoes.’ With that she walked off. I stood watching her walk away, her hips swinging under her dress, her long legs, and her hair moving to the rhythm of her walk. I thought to myself, she is like no other girl I have ever met.

  During the lunch break I sat with Tom and Mike. Brooke was in the cafeteria as well, but at a table with the Seniors. She waved at me when she came in, but didn’t come over to say hi. No problem, I was cool with that.

  ‘John, do you think Brooke will make drama about us three taking off for the weekend?’ asked Tom.

  Good question, I thought to myself. Would she? She got angry about the bus, but then she said she was actually angry about something else. There was only one way to find out. I decided to ask her that night. My mother had asked me if I thought Brooke would come over for dinner, since she was alone at home. I said I would ask her.

  ‘I think she will be all right with it. I will ask her tonight, she is coming over for dinner.’

  ‘Oh, it’s time to meet the parents. Are you scared or nervous?’ asked Mike.

  ‘Not at all, Brooke is so nice; I know my family will like her.’

  ‘Just make sure Amy is locked up. She could ruin your entire love life.’

  We all laughed. Both Mike and Tom adored Amy, but she could be a bit of a pain in the butt sometimes.

  After the last class I walked over to where Brooke had parked her car. I noticed she forgot to lock it. I looked around to see if she was coming, but then remembered she had one more class, and I was supposed to wait for her. I got in on the passenger side, and turned on the radio. As I sit there curiosity got the better of me. I wondered what she might have in the glove box. I opened it and inside were the usual papers, insurance, registration card, a couple of pens, and a photo which I picked up. It was of a man and a woman. Between them there was a little girl, about twelve or thirteen. First I thought it must be Brook when she was younger, but when I looked closer I saw that the girl looked nothing like Brooke. I turned the photo over and on the back three names were written, James, Maria, Mia, and a date. As I put the photo back the insurance paper fell out. I picked it up and I noticed the name on the insurance was James Richards, issued in Nevada. I got an odd feeling, so I got out and looked at the car plates. They were from this state. I looked at the insurance, and it said a Nevada plate number, but the car model, color and year were all the same. That’s strange I thought as I got back into the car. I put the insurance back in the glove box and leaned back in the seat and dozed off.

  ‘Wake up baby.’ I felt a soft kiss on my mouth. I looked up into Brooke’s green eyes.

  ‘Hi there, I must have fallen asleep.’ I said rubbing my eyes.

  ‘Yeah, I could hear you snoring from across the parking lot,’ she said as she straddled me. She leaned forward and kissed me deeply. I could feel her breathing heavily and her breasts pushed against me. My hands found her nipples and were hard under my touch, and that was not the only thing that was hard.

  ‘That’s enough lover boy, it’s time to take you home.’

  ‘Alright.’ I said a bit disappointed, and then I remembered.

  ‘Brooke, my mom would like to invite you for dinner tonight. Don’t worry, she is a great cook. You won’t get food poisoning, I promise.’

  Brooke giggled and said, ‘looking at how strong you are I bet your mom is a great cook. Tell your mother I would love to come. What time should I be there?’

  ‘Make it 7pm.’

  ‘Cool, at 7pm it is. Now let’s go, I need to make myself even prettier than I am to impress your parents.’

  After giving her a last kiss, I said,‘impossible.’



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