Make Me: Twelve Tales of Dark Desire

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Make Me: Twelve Tales of Dark Desire Page 190

by Aleatha Romig

  “I’ve got the monitor on and I’ll be listening. I don’t want to hear a sound, unless it’s an emergency, got it?” Without waiting for a response, Sam turned away. She could hear his tread on the basement stairs and then she was alone.

  Rae waited, still and silent as a mouse for several long moments, until the pressure in her bladder spurred her to action. She reached for the urinal and popped off the cap. Awkwardly she positioned herself over it, willing her tense muscles to relax enough to allow her to pee. Finally the pee rushed forth in a hot stream, splashing slightly as she adjusted the lip of the urinal to catch it.

  She capped the bottle and hung it again on the side of the cage, looking around for something to wipe herself with. Finding nothing, she used the edge of the sheet that covered the padding. She scooted away toward the other bottle. At first she tried to get it off the cage so she could hold it in her hands, but it was securely bolted in place with tiny padlocks. The bastard had thought of everything.

  It took a while to position herself so her mouth was at the proper angle to suck the spigot, but finally she managed. The water felt good going down, soothing her parched throat. Once she’d had enough to slake the worst of her thirst, she realized she was starving. Sam had gotten them both burgers at a drive thru on the way from her place to his, but she hadn’t been able to get down a single bite.

  She pushed against her empty stomach, looking down at her naked body. The welts were still there, long, angry lines of red where he’d whipped her. His come had dried on her breasts and face. Disgusted, she pushed at the tip of the water bottle with her finger, using a little to rub at the ejaculate. Better not waste the water, she warned herself, and gave up her efforts.

  The cage was nearly tall enough to sit up in, but it was easier to curl into a ball. She hugged herself, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. She was tired, so, so tired. Not that she could sleep, locked up in this crate like an animal! But at least she could rest, close her tired eyes and let her aching muscles recover as much as possible before the bastard returned with more torture and humiliation.

  She closed her eyes.

  And somehow, she slept.

  Chapter Four


  The sound insinuated itself into troubled dreams, pulling her toward consciousness. The sound of a thunder clap, a gun’s report, a snapping whip…

  Rae’s eyes flew open. It was the sound of a whip, though the crack was much sharper and louder than the small single tail he’d used on her earlier. Her heart began at once to flutter and constrict in her chest. Her left arm was trapped and numb beneath her body, which was curled into a fetal position on the floor of the animal cage where he’d left her.

  The whip continued to snap somewhere out of her range of vision, making her wince. She struggled into a sort of sitting crouch, her neck bent to keep from hitting the top of the cage with her head. The cracking sound suddenly ceased.

  He had heard her.

  She froze, not even daring to breathe. After a few moments she peered through the bars of the cage. She could see nothing from her corner except the door that led to the basement stairs. She heard the tread of his footsteps and a moment later his booted feet appeared. Her eyes followed the line of his long legs, now covered in soft black leather that molded to his muscular calves and thighs and the bulge at his crotch. She drew in her breath, aroused in spite of herself.

  She could see his face through the bars that made up the ceiling of her cage. His blond hair looked damp and freshly combed. Rae longed for a shower herself. Her skin was itchy with dried sweat and his sticky come, her hair tangled around her face. She needed to pee again and her mouth tasted sour.

  “Have a nice nap?” His tone was light, as if he had entered the bedroom of a friend who was just waking.

  An angry retort rose to her lips but she managed to bite it back just in time. Direct question, a small voice whispered and so she hurriedly said, “I guess I fell asleep,” hoping that counted as an answer.


  The question was like a key that unlocked her completely empty stomach. “Starving,” she admitted. How long had she been there? How long had she slept?

  He crouched in front of the cage. “I’ve made some dinner. I had mine already but I saved you some. Steak, salad, some fresh corn. I have a nice bottle of Cabernet opened. Sound good?”

  Rae’s mouth pooled with saliva at the mention of the food. “Yes. Yes, please,” she said eagerly, reaching to grip the bars of the cage. Surely he’d let her out now? Let her eat?

  He reached for the padlock and unlocked it. Releasing the latch, he let the gate swing outward. Standing again, he stepped back.

  Rae crawled out of the cramped space, keenly aware of her nudity and disheveled appearance, and the fact she was on her knees. She started to rise but his hand on her shoulder held her down.

  “You don’t get up until I tell you.”

  She stiffened but stayed down, the thought of steak and red wine keeping her still.

  Sam spoke over her head as she focused on his black square-toed boots. “Before you earn the privilege of a meal, there is the little matter of punishment number three.”

  Rae’s heart sank at this unwelcome pronouncement. Still she kept her head down, too hungry to protest.

  Sam’s hand extended into her line of vision, held out as if for her to take it. Tentatively she reached for it and he pulled her upright. She swayed, dizziness nearly overcoming her. Sam’s grip was tight and he brought an arm around her shoulders, steadying her.

  “Do you need to use the bathroom?” He kept his arm still around her. Despite herself, she leaned into him. The silk of his black shirt was soft against her skin. She could smell a hint of his woodsy cologne.

  “Yes,” she replied, silently praying he didn’t make her use the cage urinal in front of him. To her relief he guided her to the small bathroom and let her relieve herself in relative privacy, though he didn’t allow her to close the door. As she washed her hands and splashed water over her face, she noted there was no mirror in the bathroom.

  Sam stuck his head in the door, startling her. “Come out. You’ve had enough time.” Having no choice, she obeyed him. Sam led her to the center of the dungeon. “Stand at attention, feet shoulder-width apart,” he ordered. “Hands behind your head, same as for the kneeling up.”

  Feeling ridiculous, naked as she was, Rae had no choice but to comply. She felt the collar when she laced her fingers behind her neck, the metal buckle poking against her palms.

  He stepped back. She stayed still, eyes focused on the carpet. “While I was showering and cooking dinner,” Sam said, “I got to thinking about what would help you get accustomed more quickly to your situation.”

  He lifted his hand to her face and Rae stiffened, afraid he was going to slap her, but he only reached for a tendril of her hair, which he tucked behind one ear. He ran the back of one finger along her cheek—a gesture that would have been erotic or tender in other circumstances—but which now only frightened her.

  He lowered his finger, drawing it down her throat and over the swell of her right breast, tracing a slow, lingering circle around the nipple at its center. “I’m going to help you get into a more submissive mindset so you don’t keep banging your head against the wall of your disobedience and willfulness.”

  Reaching into his back pocket, Sam took out the dog leash. He clipped it to Rae’s collar and tugged gently. “Keep your hands in position and follow me.” He led her to a corner of the room to stand beside the short padded sawhorse. The spine, wider than Rae was used to seeing, was covered in soft black leather, the adjustable legs made of sturdy metal.

  “Bend over onto the bondage horse. I built it myself, extra wide and sturdy for your comfort while I whip you.” He chuckled at his own remark while Rae’s blood ran cold with fear. She noted it was only about half the length of a typical sawhorse, just right for accommodating the upper half of a person’s body as they bent forward. />
  What was he going to do to her? Instinctively she shrank back, dropping her hands from behind her head and wrapping them protectively around herself. “Please, Sam—”

  Sam fixed Rae with his penetrating gaze. “Do as you’re told,” he said quietly. His voice was calm but there was no mistaking the steel beneath it. He jerked lightly at her leash, pulling her forward. “You disobey one more time, you speak out of turn again, and no food or drink tonight. Just back in the cage.”

  Rae swallowed hard, her mouth dry, her heart beating like a drum. She moved hesitantly, bending over the sawhorse as he’d instructed. She felt Sam’s hand on her back, forcing her down onto the padded bench that pressed against her stomach and nestled between her breasts.

  “Spread your legs so they line up with the back legs of the sawhorse. Grip the front legs to keep your balance.” Rae wrapped her fingers around the cold metal, horribly aware of her splayed sex and asshole, exposed by the position into which he’d forced her. There was just room to rest her cheek against the soft, cool leather at the end of the padded bench.

  She could hear Sam behind her and a moment later he was kneeling beside her, rope in his hand. He wrapped the rope around her left ankle, binding her to the sawhorse leg. He moved to the other leg and then to each wrist, wrapping the thin rope around and around until Rae was thoroughly tethered to the sawhorse and completely immobile. She felt the tremble of her body and the beating of her heart. Her breath was ragged in her throat and when she felt his hand glide along her back, Rae couldn’t stop the yelp of fear that leaped from her mouth.

  “Sensory deprivation,” Sam said, waiting a beat, as if this was supposed to mean something to Rae. He continued. “The elimination of certain sensory perceptions can heighten a specific experience. You can’t move or resist me in any way. Now we’ll take away the senses, one by one.”

  He stepped closer and reached down. “Lift your head a little and open your mouth.” As Rae tried to comply, Sam pressed his fingers past her lips, forcing her jaws apart. Before she realized what he was doing, he’d shoved a rubber ball into her mouth, which forced her tongue back, completely gagging her.

  A wave of panic surged through her and she jerked hard in her ropes, but was unable to move, bound securely as she was. She could feel him buckling the ball gag behind her head and she tried to catch his eye, to beg him with her pleading expression not to do this, but all she could see was his crotch and muscular thighs beneath the black leather.

  She saw him reach into his shirt pocket. He pulled out two little orange cylinders. It took her a moment to figure out what they were, but she realized all too soon, as he pressed one into each of her ears.

  Finally he placed a sleep mask over her eyes. She was deaf, mute and blind, completely tied down, her ass and cunt fully exposed. She could hear the blood whooshing through her ears, pulsing in time to her heartbeat. The enormity of her vulnerability fully registered and Rae began to shake convulsively against the sawhorse. She was gripping the metal legs so hard her hands felt melded to them, the fingers paralyzed into position.

  She jerked as she felt Sam’s hands moving over her back and ass, her heart kicking into high gear. But instead of hurting her, his touch was soothing. He stroked her skin, moving in slow circles along her back and ass. She could feel his fingers, strong and sure, kneading her flesh, coaxing the rigidly clenched muscles beneath the skin to ease.

  He massaged her shoulders and moved in a line with his fingers along either side of her spine. He lingered at her lower back, working out the tension until, in spite of her predicament, Rae found herself relaxing and the hammer of fear in her chest slowed to a steady pulse.

  She felt his hands moving lightly over her ass, stroking the flesh, traveling downward toward her thighs and then back up again. She couldn’t see or hear him, or anticipate where he would touch her next. When his finger moved lightly over her bared asshole, instinctively she tried, but of course failed, to close her legs.

  The finger continued down, swirling lightly over her spread sex, gently touching the exposed folds. The finger was withdrawn and then returned, its tip now wet as it stroked in a tightening circle toward her entrance.

  Rae moaned against her gag as the finger pressed inside her. In spite of her fear, his touch was electric, tickling alive every nerve ending as he moved in and out of her, sliding up with a whisper soft touch to her clit, which she could feel swell in response.

  The memory of their one time together, when he’d convinced her to let him tie her wrists to the posts of the headboard while he fucked her, filtered into her brain. She’d come so hard, so many times that she’d lost count as he’d licked, fingered and fucked her to orgasm again and again. While her mind had rejected the rope and his dominant persona, her body had bucked and arched, out of control as he wrested every ounce of pleasure from her.

  When her cooler head had prevailed, she’d told him afterwards that she wasn’t into his scene, that it was better they just remain friends. When he’d had the gall to tell her she needed what he offered, she’d laughed it off, assuring him it had been an interesting experiment, but not one she cared to repeat. He’d looked at her long and hard, as if he could see behind her words to what lay beneath, but she’d shaken off his gaze, flipping her hair and turning away.

  He’d let her go.

  Now Sam’s fingers continued to move in and around Rae’s sex until she began to shudder in her restraints, an orgasm mounting and twisting inside her as she mewled against the ball wedged between her teeth. The climax crested and broke as she pulled hard against the ropes that held her bound and splayed. She lay in the silence and the dark, her heart smashing against the leather and beating in her ears.

  All at once she felt something cold and wet against her asshole. She felt Sam’s finger moving in a circle around the rim and then entering her nether hole. She felt her face heat at the thought of him staring down at her spread ass cheeks, his finger invading the virgin space. She stiffened, unable to close her legs as something slick and hard pressed its way past the tight sphincter.

  She felt the invading phallus push slowly but inexorably into her. It didn’t hurt too much until the last bit, which felt like a fist pushing its way into her. Every muscle in her body was clenched with pain and fear. She squealed ineffectually against her gag and then sagged against the sawhorse, thoroughly humiliated and exhausted.

  More lubricant was applied to her spread pussy, still highly sensitive from the recent strong orgasm. Though she couldn’t hear him through the plugs, or see him through the blindfold, Rae was aware of Sam moving behind her and placing something on the ground between her spread legs. Suddenly she felt the steady, thrumming vibration of something against her clit. The head of whatever was touching her was soft and spongy, alive with electric current as it teased and titillated her sex.

  The vibration moved its way through to the plug in her ass, heightening the sensations moving through her sex. She could feel her ass and hips jiggling and twitching of their own accord, while the rest of her remained still, held down with rope, silenced, blinded and gagged.

  Without choice or conscious decision, she found herself completely focused on and absorbed by what was happening to her body. There were no distractions and no room for thought.

  When the soft, pulsing at her pussy shifted into a higher, faster vibration, Rae gave up the fight, giving in completely to the full feeling in her ass, coupled with the steady tease of her cunt. Oh god, oh fuck, oh god… The words played through her brain like a mantra, an accompaniment to the ravaging of her senses by the relentless vibrator rising to a crescendo between her legs.

  Just as Rae began to come, a sudden line of fire arced its way across her back. She jerked hard in shock, but the orgasm was too relentless to be stopped by mere pain. As she rode the wave of her release, there was another stroke, and another, slicing along her ass, biting her thighs, stinging her shoulders. The cut of the whip curled around the aching ecstasy of the powerfu
l orgasm, blending in a confusion of pleasure and pain.

  Rae screamed against her gag, a muffled, gurgling sound trapped by the rubber ball filling her mouth. Tears wet the back of the sleep mask and sweat slicked her body. She felt the vibrator being shifted at her sex, the direct pressure removed from her clit as the head was now placed higher on her spread pussy. The result was a slow, steady, but easier to tolerate, thrum beneath the constant flicking bursts of pain drawn over her skin in stinging lines from shoulder to calf.

  I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…please, no, no, oh…

  Her mind began to empty, thoughts sliding out like water sluicing from a glass, leaving an emptiness, a curious kind of peace that comes with total surrender. Her muscles gave up, her fingers easing their grip against the metal legs of the sawhorse, her body melting onto the leather padding as if her very bones had turned to jelly. Though the whipping continued, along with the steady humming pulse at her cunt, Rae had lost not only the will, but the desire, to fight.

  She gave in completely, sliding along a river of pure sensation, her brain no longer distinguishing between pleasure and pain, between fear and desire. She just—was. She existed entirely inside this world of red hot fire and pure white heat, her body jerking spasmodically as orgasm after orgasm was pulled from her, bringing to life the limp ragdoll of her body for as long as it took to come, and to come, and to come again…


  Sam dropped the whip and removed the vibrator apparatus from between Rae’s legs. Gripping the base of the butt plug, he eased it from Rae’s body, carrying it to the bathroom sink for later cleaning. He unbuttoned his shirt as he came back into the room, letting it fall from his shoulders. He kicked off his boots and socks, and rolled the soft leather pants down his legs.


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