SERENITY: A Path Home (Beauty 0f Life Book 6)

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SERENITY: A Path Home (Beauty 0f Life Book 6) Page 8

by Laura Acton

  His hand shook somewhat as he finally reached for the box and lifted the lid. A huge smile came to Dan’s face as he touched the beautiful sapphire, amethyst, and diamond butterfly pendant. The chain was gone, broken when Tortuga ripped it from Lexa’s neck. He would need to select another one.

  Dan loved the two-tone metal. The platinum body and antennae contrasted with the rose gold heart, making the heart stand out. As his finger traced the outline of the wings, he imagined tracing Lexa’s butterfly tattoo. This butterfly almost matched the coloring of the one on her lower back. Though Lexa’s tattoo had more purple, and there was no heart at the center.

  Micah silently observed the young man. In addition to designing jewelry, reading people was something in which Micah excelled. This man was in love. “I can tell you are enamored with the piece. I would like to offer you a significant discount since I know police officers give so much to our community and receive little in the way of compensation.”

  Unable to take his eyes off the sparkling butterfly, Dan said, “No discount needed. I have the means to pay whatever you are asking.” Lifting his eyes, he connected with Micah. “You said jewelry’s central to your business. I wouldn’t want to affect your bottom line. I’m going to need a new chain too. A delicate platinum one to match.”

  “I have the perfect one. I’ll be right back.” Micah moved further down the case to unlock another cabinet. He returned with two lengths. “Which would you prefer?”

  Dan examined both, unsure. “I’d like a chain the length of the one originally on the pendant. It fit Lexa perfectly.” Oh crap! I said her name. “Um, that is, Lexa’s the same size as, um my—”

  Micah interrupted, “Say no more, your secret is safe with me. The kiss was real. Taliya thought so when she read your eyes. They are the window to the heart and soul. You love her, don’t you?”

  Dan only nodded.

  Grinning, Micah handed Dan one of the necklaces. “This will be the one you want. I can attach the chain for you if you would like?”

  Reluctant to let go of velvet container, Dan said, “Yes.”

  Micah lifted the butterfly and swiftly attached the necklace. He laid it back down and decided the upgraded chain would be on the house without telling Dan. He moved to the register.

  Dan reached for his wallet as his eyes remained affixed to Lexa’s butterfly. Once the transaction was complete, he finally closed the box and looked at the owner. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure. Thank you too. I hope your lady loves you as much as you love her.”

  Without thinking, Dan replied, “Someday she will. I just need to be patient.” His eyes widened. Why did I say that out loud?

  Micah chuckled. “Ah, been there myself. Waited five long years for my Miriam to recognize we were meant to be together. We’ll be celebrating our fiftieth come April twenty-eighth. A most fortuitous day for me.”

  Dan hid his surprise at the date, as a lopsided grin appeared. Of all days, Lexa’s birthday. “Congratulations.”

  As the two made their way to the door, Micah said, “If ever you need something unique, I do special order designs. Perchance a set of wedding rings one day?”

  Chuckling, Dan said, “Perhaps. Though, I may be on your schedule. I’ll look you up in five years.”

  Micah guffawed as he shook Dan’s hand again. “I’ll be looking forward to the day. Take care and may the fates be kind to you.”

  Dan slipped the little box into his jacket and pulled out his phone to call a cab. He was talking to the dispatcher when Micah pulled his car to a stop at the curb, lowered the window, and called out to him. “I think your bank account has taken a large enough hit tonight. Let me at least save you cab fare and give you a lift home.”

  With a smile, Dan accepted the ride.

  Dan’s Apartment – 11:00 p.m.

  Dan stood at his dresser and opened the top left drawer. He pulled the black velveteen box out of his pocket and lifted the lid again. The butterfly was beautiful and cost a small fortune, but he had more than enough money.

  Being in the field for six straight years had one advantage, he had little opportunity to spend his earnings. Bella guided him as he invested most of his money. He used only a portion of the compounded interest to pay cash for his Ducati. His substantial savings gave him a sense of security. He would never need to touch the trust fund set up by his grandfather. Dan realized that even without his investment portfolio, he still would have found a way to buy this for Lexa.

  As he gazed at the diamond, amethyst, and sapphire butterfly, he fought the desire to race over to Lexa’s place and declare she was his beauty of life and he wanted to walk a path with her for the remainder of their lives. I wish I could give this to Lexa now, but doing so will push Lexa away rather than draw her closer to me. And this is too expensive to be a friend gift.

  Dan sighed, knowing he must wait. He closed the lid and tucked the box in the very back of his top drawer. After disrobing, Dan crawled into bed and stretched out feeling the pull of sore muscles. As he stared at the ceiling, his meandering mind settled.

  Fate had a hand in today. I will find a way to make the butterfly hers! Miracles happened to me before. Someday this butterfly will land on its forever home and nestle above Lexa’s heart.

  Dan drifted into a peaceful sleep with one final thought … Sexy Lexie is my turtle dove. One day she will realize we belong together and we will be mates for life.

  It Wasn’t Me!


  December 14

  TRF HQ – 4:40 a.m.

  Dan strolled into headquarters in a cheerful mood. This morning started off with him waking from a very erotic dream of Sexy Lexie, stiff in more places than his chest. A long, steamy shower allowed him to blissfully conclude his fantasy and ease all other areas of stiffness too. He dressed, went to his kitchen, and made instant coffee in his travel mug. When Loki pulled up, he was waiting in his apartment’s lobby.

  Nick grinned seeing Dan and Loki enter together. He was glad Loki drove Dan home last night. “Dan, a moment please.”

  Loki and Dan both stopped. Nick glanced at Loki and with a flick of his head, indicated the need for privacy, so Loki continued on to the locker room.

  Did he find out about Lexa and me? Dan’s gut twisted as he stepped into the briefing room with the boss.

  “We all are acquainted with how much it hurts getting hit in the vest, especially at close-range. Do you need the day off?”

  Dan relaxed. Our secret is still safe. A genuine smile lit his face. “Aside from a little tenderness and colorful bruising, I’m good. I’m up to the task today. I can perform my job without issue.”

  “Happy to hear that, but if things change tell me, please. Oh, one more thing. Lunch is on the department today. Inspector Pope wants to thank the entire team for our work yesterday.” With a huge smile and a pat on Dan’s shoulder, Nick said, “I want you to choose. Any place you desire.”

  “Can I think about it a bit?”

  “Sure. I’ll see you at the briefing.”

  Dan cocked his head to the side. “Aren’t you working out with the team?”

  “Not this morning. Gambrill called an ad hoc Sergeant’s meeting. Oh, and take it easy today. No need to push yourself in workout.”

  TRF HQ – Locker Room – 4:45 a.m.

  Today was shaping up to be a splendid day, minus the small dose of mother hen he got from the boss. Dan almost started whistling as he made his way to get ready for workout. But that whistle died on his lips as he strolled into the lockers and was confronted by the papered walls.

  I’m gonna kill him! Dan stared a moment dumbfounded. “Loki!” Dan bellowed as he strode into the room ripping papers down as he went.

  Poking his head out of his aisle, Loki put up his hands as he stifled chuckles and quickly said, “I didn’t do it. Promise!” At Dan’s ‘you are dead’ glare, Loki emphatically declared, “It. Wasn’t. Me!”

  “If not you, then who?” Dan made a show of scanning
the apparently empty locker room. “Who pray tell would do something like this? This is something only your bizarre mind would come up with.”

  Snickers were heard from two aisles over, the culprits couldn’t contain their merriment and revealed themselves. Dan and Loki looked at one another then both strode over to peer around the corner.

  Victor, Meng, Devon, and Todd glanced up, and Meng tapped Curtis on the shoulder because he didn’t see what they did. They all stood and faced a furious Dan and a bewildered Loki. Bravo Team busted out laughing. Their tactical lead, Doug, and Sergeant Camden Bradley entered the lockers from the shower area and chuckled at the sight before them.

  “I told you guys not to do it. You’re in for it now.” Camden shifted his eyes to Loki and Dan. “Play nice. Don’t injure my guys. They were only trying to be funny. Emphasis on trying. Sean told them about the little scene Echo Team encountered when they returned from the critical call last night. Something about you two shredding photoshopped pictures.”

  Dan pinned an icy glare on the men. “Just wait. You won’t know when, where, or how but you will pay for this!”

  Loki patted Dan’s back in solidarity as he grinned mischievously. “I’ll help Dan! You’ll never know when to expect it.”

  Bravo Team’s eyes widened. The master prankster was gunning for them now and what did Broderick have in mind? The deadly eyes of the ex-Special Forces sniper unsettled each of them.

  The corner of one side of Dan’s mouth raised slightly in a smirk as his gaze narrowed. His cheerful mood mostly restored by the dread in the guy’s expressions. This almost felt like when he and Brody pranked the unit. Dan let out a wickedly evil laugh. “A sniper can patiently wait for the perfect time to strike. Revenge is best served cold.”

  Loki couldn’t stop the enormous grin from forming as he nodded curtly. He added humor-laced words to Dan’s threat. “Icicle cold!”

  Dan tore down another picture of him photoshopped into a pear tree with icicles hanging off him and a modified pair of Dan and Lexa turtle doves perched on his head. Turning to leave the aisle, Dan didn’t see Loki give Bravo Team a thumbs up and mouthing ‘excellent prank.’

  Curtis turned to his teammates. “We’re in for it now!”

  Victor, the team sniper, shifted uncomfortably, but his smile grew. “Yeah, but that was just too damned funny not to do.”

  Sergeant Bradley shook his head as he chuckled. “I’m going to make sure you men are assigned more to do on the night shift in the future.”

  TRF HQ – Gym – 5:30 a.m.

  Dan focused on cardio using the stationary bike, avoiding jarring his chest on the treadmill. Still sore, there was no sense in aggravating his muscles by running. He bypassed the heavy bag for the same reason. Dan wiped the sweat from his face and moved to the weight bench to do a leg workout.

  Jon closely observed Dan this morning. He knew how much he ached the day or two after being hit in the vest. As Dan headed for the weights, Jon instructed, “Legs only, Dano. Give your chest a few days to recover.”

  Dan bit back a harsh retort as he replied mildly, “That was my plan. No need to mother-hen me. I’m a big boy and can take care of myself.”

  “Your track record says differently.” Jon raised fingers as he denoted the times Dan ignored his health. “A stab wound you butterfly taped which required twenty-three stitches to close. An injured shoulder, after tackling a purse snatcher. Nearly dying of bronchitis because you ignored a cough.

  “An ear infection which landed you in an elephant enclosure. Lack of sleep ending in a mix-up of meds and an impromptu nap in the elevator. Returning too soon after getting glass in your ass, and I’m sure a number of things I’m unaware of. So excuse me for questioning your ability to care for your health properly. Only legs and no running after subjects today.”

  Irked by Jon’s full mother-hen mode because it made him appear weak, which was still ingrained as unacceptable, Dan almost diverted to the heavy bag. Common sense prevailed, and he continued towards the weight bench. Jon has a point, but I’m not acknowledging that publicly. Besides, everything except for bronchitis I had under control. Well maybe not the ruptured ear, but I never had one of those before, so that isn’t my fault. And the sleeping pill and aspirin mix-up could happen to anyone.

  As he ran on the treadmill, Bram chuckled with the rest of the team at Jon’s litany of woes but noted a flash of anger in Dan’s eyes. To lighten things up, he returned to the joke of the morning. “Who agrees with me Dan looked like the abominable snowman in the photoshopped picture of him in the tree?”

  Growling, Dan threw his sweaty towel at Bram … a direct hit to his face. He found pages of the image plastered around headquarters, several hanging on the Christmas tree, and the team teased the hell out of him about it. I’m never going to hear the end of this one. Bravo Team is going to regret pranking me. “Can’t you find something else to talk about?”

  When the towel smacked him, Bram misstepped as he laughed with the others. “No, but I believe this is Loki’s fault. He created the turtle dove one.”

  “Hey, I didn’t do the frozen sniper in a tree though. How can this be all my fault?” Loki retorted.

  Nick strolled in nibbling on the pignoli Dan gave him.

  Jon shook his head as Nick finished one cookie and started in on another. “That’s like the third cookie for you today. You need to be hitting the gym with us. Not sure you’ve lost the weight you gained at Thanksgiving.”

  Nick chuckled. “I’d join you, but I’m attending the Sergeant’s meeting at six. Why don’t you have the team work on hand-to-hand this morning? We’re set for training and off calls until after lunch unless Delta Team becomes overstretched.”

  “Why are we off critical calls?” Jon asked.

  Glancing at Dan, checking to make sure he was not over-doing it after the past two days, Nick responded, “Team had a difficult day yesterday. Gambrill decided we need a little break, especially with us working thirteen days in a row.” He turned to Dan. “Did you decide what we are having for lunch?”

  “Why does Dan get to choose?” Loki pipped up as he rode the bike.

  Ray went to stand near Dan to spot him. He worried Dan’s chest still hurt and was doing the stoic soldier thing. “He’s the one who got shot. Dan should be the one to decide.”

  With conflicting emotions, happy his wallet was spared but upset any of them got hurt, Bram said, “That reminds me. Dan, you still owe us all a round at the Pond for getting injured.”

  “Yeah, sure. Still think that is a dumb rule,” Dan grumbled to the chuckles of the team. “I have plans tonight. How about later this week? Say Thursday, since the holiday party is on Friday night,” Dan suggested as he realized he needed more weight for a proper workout.

  “Thursday works for me. How about everyone else?” Lexa said. What are Dan’s plans for tonight? Does he want to come over? After last night, I’m not sure that would be the best thing to do—I need some space. My emotions are still all over the place.

  Everyone indicated Thursday would work for them.

  As Dan reached down to lift a weight to add it to the leg press, he found Ray reaching it first. He stared at him. What the heck is Ray doing?

  “Here, let me put the weight on for you,” Ray said lifting the disc into place.

  Crap! Today the team is going to mother-hen me to death. Taking a deep breath to quell the response he wanted to give, Dan said, “Thanks, Ray, but I could’ve done it myself.”

  Ray patted his shoulder gently. “Yeah, but you need to take it easy and not strain your chest muscles.”

  Beginning his reps, Dan glanced at Bram with a ‘help me’ plea.

  Bram shook his head. “Suck it up, Dan. We care.”

  Dan groaned.

  Jon, Nick, and Ray all stared at Dan with concern.

  “I’m alright!” Dan exclaimed to the three apprehensive faces staring at him. Being the butt of the jokes and coddled in the same day. Will I make it through th
is day without biting off someone’s head? At least I have tonight to look forward to. It will be entertaining having dinner with Jim and Heather.

  Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Lexa asked, “What are your plans for tonight?” She bit her lower lip and wished she had kept quiet. If Dan had planned to come over, she just forced him to lie.

  Dan grinned. “Jim invited me to dinner when I spoke to him on Saturday. He said Heather is making a special dish. She likes watching the cooking shows and wants to try out a new recipe. Jim joked that Heather hadn’t poisoned him yet, so it will be safe for me. I’m game for anything new, plus Jim said cherry cobbler is on the menu. One of my favorite desserts since I was a kid.”

  Relief swept through Lexa, and she smiled. “Are you riding your bike or do you want a lift?”

  “Jim’s picking me up after work.” Glancing at Lexa, Dan wondered why she would openly offer him a ride after yesterday.

  Realizing her mistake Lexa only made things worse when she said, “Well, good ‘cause you need to take precautions with your lungs.”

  Unaware of Dan’s growing annoyance, Nick asked, “So, Dan, what are we having for lunch?”

  Dan switched his gaze from Lexa to Boss as he bit down hard not to lash out verbally. “Whatever the majority wants. I’m not picky.” Dan focused on lifting weights to release his frustration at being mollycoddled.

  “How about that new seafood place? They do amazing things with salmon. They also have this to die for spicy dish made with whelks. I don’t recall the name, but it took my breath away. The spicier, the better. Right, Dan?” Ray flashed a grin at Dan.

  Dan nodded. He and Ray both loved spicy food.

  Loki shook his head. “Not into real spicy. How about Italian? There’s always Little Olive. They make lasagna almost as yummy as Ma’s and their breadsticks are made fresh daily.”

  Bram liked the garlic bread at that restaurant. “I vote for lasagna.”


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