SERENITY: A Path Home (Beauty 0f Life Book 6)

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SERENITY: A Path Home (Beauty 0f Life Book 6) Page 26

by Laura Acton

  Blaze snorted. “You’ve been in the field too long, buddy. Police aren’t military. They don’t operate in the black and white world we do. They work in the gray areas. Often faced with bad guys who aren’t truly bad, just someone dealing with situations they’re unprepared for and making poor choices.”

  “Yeah, still sucks. Give me the simple life. Targets equal scum the world can live without. Speaking of gray, how did you explain why you could take his call if we’re supposed to be in Kandahar?” Winds folded a whole piece of bacon into quarters and popped it into his mouth, savoring the flavor.

  “When Blondie apologized for waking me, I flat out lied and said we just finished a night mission. Felt bad. Didn’t like lying to him.” Blaze shifted his eyes to his coffee. “Though I’m glad he called, and I was able to answer.”

  Blaze’s wistful expression, worried Winds. “The kid was doing okay when you hung up, right? If not, screw surprising him and let’s fly down today.”

  “No need to ruin the surprise. He’s back to good. You understand how it is when things are going well for him. His insecurity creeps in and changes the context of the nightmares. Things collapse around him and he loses everything he holds dear. Well, in this nightmare, his entire world exploded into fireballs, and he stood by helpless to do anything as everyone he loves died.”

  Blaze rubbed the back of his neck as a mix of emotions flooded him. He leveled his gaze at Winds. “Blondie has it bad for Lexa.”

  Winds snickered. “Tell me something I don’t know. The Sinner is done for … off the market. My bet is that he is the next bachelor to fall.”

  “Winds, it isn’t easy for him. He’s conflicted even though he knows what he desires. Two people at stake here. I worry what will happen to him if Lexa crushes his heart. He’s latched onto her and believes Lexa is the beauty of life Brody talked about. The image of her death caused him to throw up last night. I’m not certain he can handle rejection from her.”

  Leaning back, and wrapping both hands around his coffee mug, Winds reflected on Blaze’s words for several minutes. “Why would she reject him?”

  “Are you seriously asking me that?” Blaze stared at Winds.

  “Yeah. Why would she? Thought she grasped who he is and what he values. Hell, they share similar ideals.”

  Blaze blew out a breath. In Winds’ mind relationships boiled down to his last statement. Understandable given different ideals cratered Winds’ single serious relationship and hurt him so deeply it drove Winds to declare he would remain a bachelor forever. “The situation is complicated, Winds. Two people. Two minds. Two sets of baggage. Relationships are never easy.

  “Blondie shared with me he believes she is afraid to make a commitment. Something in her past, which she won’t share, prevents her from opening up to him. And although she is important to him, Blondie’s trust issues and insecurities prevent him from being entirely transparent to her too. I believe both are afraid of being hurt … though their attraction is undeniable.

  “Plus, they have that whole being on the same team issue to deal with. I’m fairly certain the kid needs the team as much as he needs Lexa at the moment. He might not be suicidal anymore, but he hasn’t forgiven himself for Brody’s death. Not sure he ever will. Blondie needs his team to steady his world and guide him down a path to eventual serenity.

  “Though their jobs are risky like ours, their focus is different. They are all about using words before action. Blondie must develop a new operating model and balance after the years he spent focused solely on taking action. Alpha Team will help heal his soul in ways we never could. Each member possesses a unique perspective and has qualities which Blondie can learn from.”

  Winds nodded. “Enlighten me. What do you think they offer that we can’t provide?”

  Blaze stopped and reflected on his perception of the team after spending time with them.

  While Blaze thought, Winds stood and went to the kitchen to refill his coffee. Experience and shared histories demonstrated that Blaze’s insights into the kid and what he needed were spot on. After topping off his mug, Winds took the pot to refresh Blaze’s cup. He returned and sat across from Blaze, put his cup on the table and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, his amber eyes catching keen hazel ones.

  Holding Winds gaze, Blaze said, “As I see it, Bram offers him fatherly acceptance and reassurance. Nick provides him with direction and gentle guidance. Ray brings a soothing calmness. Loki, of course, fills his life with humor and innocence. Lexa is his beauty, and if things work out, she will be the one Blondie will count on most. She will keep him in the light.”

  Winds nodded when Blaze stopped. “What about Jon?”

  Blaze chuckled. “Jon? Well, that one is tough. Blondie and Jon will butt heads. I believe they’re alike in many ways. The most significant is they are both protectors but have different methods of safeguarding those they care about. That creates conflict. I think Jon is key to challenging Blondie’s ingrained behaviors and producing changes which will benefit the kid.”

  Reaching for his coffee mug, Winds asked, “So if this relationship with Lexa blows up, do you think Blondie might slip back into dark thoughts?”

  “That’s the million-dollar question. I’m not sure. If he loses both Lexa and the rest of them in the process then maybe. We’ll be here for him if that happens. I will never fail him again. He’s too important to me.”

  Winds smiled. “He’s your son.”

  A broad grin broke out on Blaze’s face. “Yeah, and he is now aware of my sentiments. Funny, but I found out last night he views me as a father.”

  “No duh, Papa Bear. Not news to me.”

  “What? How do you know that?”

  Chuckling, Winds said, “For all your insights, you can be so very blind sometimes. I’d say the shift occurred on our Guardian mission to Makhachkala to save those girls. I don’t have a clue what you said to each other on that rooftop, but that was a turning point.”

  The conversation he had with Blondie, rolled through Blaze’s mind. It was one he would share with no one. The kid had needed him, and he had been there, as simple as that, yet so complicated too. Some things were too personal and painful to give voice to, but it was more what Blondie didn’t say that confirmed what happened to him in captivity.

  Winds changed subjects. “So how are we going to surprise him?”

  Blaze grinned. “I talked to Scott. He’s arranging things for us on the twenty-sixth so Blondie can spend all day Christmas with his parents.”

  TRF HQ – Men’s Locker Room – 8:45 a.m.

  Dan blinked his eyes open. He hadn’t meant to nod off. Quickly scanning the room, Dan breathed a sigh of relief. No one came to get him for workout so he must not have catnapped long. He sat up on the bench he was laying on and stretched a bit. His neck had a little crick in it, and he wondered why. Yawning, he glanced at his wristwatch.

  Holy Crap! Eight forty-five. What the hell? Confused about the time, he scanned the room again. Empty. His eyes landed on the TRF clock above the lockers. Same time. Maybe Loki pulled a prank and changed the time. Dan stood rapidly, and something fell to the floor. His eyes traveled to the ground, and he stared at the puddled blanket at his feet. A blanket?

  Covering his face with his hands, Dan sat back down. Crap! I’m never gonna live this one down. What are Jon and the boss going to say? Damn, sleeping on the job. Do I even have a job?

  He heard the door open and several muted voices, then Trevor’s voice clearly, “Shhhh! Broderick’s sleeping. Jon will kill us if we wake him.”

  It was followed with a soft, “Alpha Team’s had one helluva long week. Broderick especially. He really should’ve taken today off. Lethals are always difficult to cope with no matter the situation. I can never sleep the night after. I expect Dan didn’t sleep much last night if Jon is letting him nap now.”

  Echo Team strolled toward their aisle but stopped in their tracks when they saw Dan sitting up.

  Trevor said, �
�Ah, rats! Dan, sorry to wake you. We were trying to be quiet.”

  Dan turned to the team, his face flushed slightly pink with embarrassment. “I was awake. Jon’s not gonna kill you.”

  Sergeant Crispin Winter asked, “You doing okay today? Given the emotional upheaval following a fatal shooting, due to either the event itself or the review board, you should have taken the day off. Most of us do.”

  Standing Dan went to his open locker, pulled off his workout shirt, and reached in for his long-sleeved arctic weather undershirt. “I’m good.”

  Familiar with Broderick’s temperament, Crispin didn’t to push. “Glad to hear. We’ll see you and your team at Swan Lake Hotel for the party. Can’t wait for the prank you and Loki planned for Bravo Team.”

  “So Loki talked to you?” Dan’s face lit with a grin.

  “Oh, yeah, we’ll do our part. In fact, I’m looking forward to it. This will be epic, and no one is gonna mess with either of you after this,” Trevor said.

  “Appreciate the help.” Dan pulled on his uniform pants as Echo Team moved on to their aisle to change for a training drill. Dan finished dressing swiftly. As he closed his locker, his eyes landed on the colorful drawing from Allie. It made him smile every time he looked at it. Bram’s girls were angels.

  Dan needed to find an ornament for Bram today—something meaningful. An idea began to form in his mind as he left the locker to locate the team. A little sleep helped clear his head, and he felt more centered. Being here where he belonged, surrounded by people who treated him well also helped.

  He had a sensation of coming home each time he walked through TRF headquarters door. In a way, it was home. He spent more hours here and with his teammates than he did in his apartment. A year and a half ago, he would never have believed he would have another family, but he did.

  Though his relationships with Nick, Jon, Bram, Ray, Loki, and Lexa were works in progress, Dan recognized his bond and ability to trust them continued to strengthen. They were not as strong as the bonds he forged with his brothers, but then again, he had six years with his unit, and they pulled him through some of the worse times in his life.

  Dan fully recognized that without Brody, Blaze, Mason, Winds, Jim, and Ripsaw, he wouldn’t be here or alive. The beautiful life Brody always told him about wouldn’t exist if not for his six brothers. He owed them more than he could ever repay. The only thing he wished for this year was that Blaze, Winds, and Mason were here for Christmas. Still counting the blessings from this year, he hoped to at least see them at Jim’s wedding.

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 9:00 a.m.

  Slowing, Dan took a deep breath and blew it out before he turned to enter the room. He wasn’t sure what to expect. He stepped through the entry to find Jon, Bram, Ray, Lexa, and Loki talking at the table. Conversation stopped when he entered, then picked up like there was nothing out of the ordinary.

  Dan ambled to his chair and sat down. It was a bit surreal to him.

  Nick strode in and clapped his hands once as he took his seat. “Warrant is a no go. Seems Mr. Cygne opted for door two and turned evidence against Mr. Angsa in exchange for a plea deal. We’ve got ourselves another patrol day. Loki and Dan, Bram and Ray, and Jon and Lexa. Button up and look good. For those who haven’t gotten their ornaments for tonight, a show of PR again today wouldn’t be a bad thing. Go keep the peace boys and girl.”

  Lexa tapped Dan on the shoulder. “You get your ornament yet?”

  Dan shook his head. “No, but I have an idea. You?”

  “I have a few ideas.” Lexa turned to Jon. “Shall we go?”

  Jon nodded. “Yep.”

  Nick smiled as the team left. He swiveled the chair and peered out at the city for a few moments. Yesterday, he found the perfect ornament for Loki. He couldn’t wait to see Loki’s reaction. Turning his eyes back to the table, Nick started in on the paperwork which never seemed to end.

  Revenge Served Ice Cold


  December 18

  Swan Lake Hotel – Ballroom – 6:30 p.m.

  Slowing as he entered the room with Loki, Dan stopped and looked at the festive decorations. Wow! Dan had never been to this hotel. It had to be way out of a constable’s budget … and with its location in the city where he lived there would be no need for him to stay here.

  Loki stood motionless gawking at the room. “Wow, this couldn’t be a more perfect place for our prank than if I’d planned it.”

  Dan snorted. “You did plan it, Loki.”

  “Oh, yeah, right.” Loki’s eyes shone with mischief as he chuckled.

  The guys stood viewing the room which had been decorated for the TRF holiday party tonight. Alpha, Bravo, and Echo teams plus half the support staff would celebrate tonight. Tomorrow’s party at this same location would be for Charlie, Delta, and the remaining staff.

  A swan motif tastefully accented the opulent decorations throughout the ballroom. The twinkling lights strung across the thirty-foot high ceiling of the room set up for dinner and dancing gave the impression of stars. A giant white swan adorned the top of a huge twenty-foot Christmas tree in one corner. Swathed in thousands of small multi-colored lights and hundreds of glittering swan ornaments of crystal, gold, and silver—a most impressive display.

  Seven round tables draped with royal red tablecloths took up the center portion of the banquet room. Each set for fourteen guests with pristine white cloth napkins formed into swans, crystal glassware, and silverware which reflected the sparkling lights from above. The chairs had been covered in red cloth and tied with metallic green and gold ribbons forming big bows on the backs. The centerpieces, replications of a winter pond scene, both beautiful and unique in fabrication, incorporated seven mechanized swans moving around giving the observer the appearance of seven swans a swimming.

  The event’s decorative theme continued with fresh pine garland adorned with small white swans, pine cones, and berries festooning the walls. The dance floor even emulated a pond surrounded by small pines decorated with red glass ornaments emblazoned with golden swans and colorful lights. In the far corner opposite the colossal tree, a full bar, wrapped in silver and bedecked by more garland, offered liquid refreshments. Near the bar stood two billiards tables.

  A vast glass wall revealed the hotel’s outside pool area which had been transformed into a Christmas wonderland with the fresh snow on the ground and snow-covered trees surrounding the area. The live trees alternately glowed red, blue, yellow, purple, and orange as a light projection wheel turned. An additional smaller bar, set up outside, along with tall space heaters and bar height tables created a cozy place to congregate and socialize before dinner.

  Loki tapped Dan and pointed to the pool. “There they are.”

  “Wow, those are perfect.”

  They headed to the table reserved for Alpha Team and their significant others to choose a seat. Each team member was allowed a plus one for tonight. Bram and Jon brought their wives, Jennifer and Kellie. Boss invited the lady he had been dating for several months. Ray’s latest girlfriend would be coming. Though he and Loki came stag, Dan wished Lexa could’ve come as his date.

  Though unhappy Lexa would be bringing a date, Dan understood they needed to cover their tracks. It would be difficult watching her with another man. He only hoped the guy treated her properly, or he might go off the deep end. That might be bad for them unless he could play-off his reaction as a concerned teammate. Though, with the boss here, that would be tough to do now that he began lowering his shield with the team.

  Loki’s giddiness increased in anticipation of the main event, gleefully rubbing his palms as Echo Team arrived in full uniforms minus tactical gear.

  Dan put a hand on Loki’s shoulder. “Bring it down a notch, or when Bravo gets here, they’ll know something is up.”

  “Okay, okay.” Loki took a deep breath.

  Sergeant Crispin Winter scanned the room and grinned. TRF had gone all out for the winter party this year. His wife would take plea
sure in tonight. He kissed her and said, “Tonight is going to be grand.”

  She whispered, “Are you sure the prank is on Bravo and not you?”

  Crispin chuckled. “I’m sure.” He strode over to Loki and Dan. “We’re here like you requested, wearing our uniforms.”

  Loki said, “Let’s set up, the guys from Bravo will be here any minute.” He, Dan, and Echo Team plus their significant others moved outside to the pool just as the men of Bravo Team began arriving, also dressed in their uniforms. They handed off garment bags to their wives or dates and followed the rest outside.

  Swan Lake Hotel – Pool Area – 6:40 p.m.

  Bravo Team Sergeant Camden Bradley surveyed the area and smiled. Commander Gambrill spared no expense this year. He noticed Dan and Loki wearing suits and walked over. “Hey, you’re not in uniform.”

  Dan responded, “Alpha Team already took their picture. The others are still changing. They’ll be down in a bit.”

  Eyeing them, Camden nodded. “This is a weird Christmas photo.”

  Trying to appear nonchalant, Loki shrugged. “I think it’s fitting given the location of the party.”

  Curtis, Bravo’s techie, joined them. “Can’t wait to change out of the uniform so I can have a beer.”

  Dan grinned. “Speaking of beer, Loki, how ‘bout we grab one?”

  Loki nodded as Curtis grumbled, “Wish we arrived before Echo Team. Then this darned photo thing would be finished, and I can start enjoying the night.”

  Hiding their grins, Dan and Loki headed for the outside bar supposedly to grab a drink. The bartender grinned and handed each of them a small dart gun as he said, “Dante, man, wowsers. When I heard about TRF’s holiday party and your request, I had to work tonight.”

  Grinning as he hid the little toy gun in his jacket, Loki made introductions. “Sergio, this is my teammate Dan. Dan this is my friend Sergio. We’ve known each other since we met in high school computer club.”


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