The Question Is

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The Question Is Page 15

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  Grace got through to him with a hug. Seth could only watch, amazed as they stood in the kitchen until Darby’s sobs subsided while Grace kept patting his head or back.

  “It will be okay, I promise you, it will be okay,” her soft croon as soothing as a lullaby.

  When Darby looked up, his embarrassed eyes sought Seth who for once did not know what to do. He was as emotionally invested in the young boy as he had ever been but lacked the confidence to reach out and hug him. Instead, he did what he always did, deflect, “So, where are these sandwiches you were making – this young gorgeous girl standing before us drove all the way to save my company again and I promised her food.”

  The forced laughs became real as the night progressed. The three of them even pulled out the old board games and Seth introduced Darby to the cut throat elements of Monopoly.

  Seth was in a leading position and ready for the final kill when Grace and Darby teamed up, combined all their properties and cash to wipe him out with a couple of unlucky rolls of the dice.

  “Cleaned up twice in one day. I think I should go back to brick laying,” he joked as Grace’s phone rang.

  “Oops, I forgot to tell Sienna I arrived safely.” The boys looked at each other as Grace left to take the call.

  “Dude, you have it bad for her,” Darby counselled, “Are you sure you want her here if she is off limits?”

  “I can handle it – in any case, she friend zoned me, and my business needs her.”

  “Are you sure I won’t be in the way?” the brash and confident young man quickly turned into the scared young boy again.

  “Darby, I’m not as good with the hugs and that stuff as Grace is, but you need to consider this place your home. I don’t know for how long, but you are welcome here and I will do my damnedest to make sure you are safe.”

  “Do you think they will let me see him?”

  “Your dad?”

  “Yeah, he is mad at me, but he’s … well he is still my dad.”

  “Mate, it won’t be up to me, but I will make some calls tomorrow. You go to school and keep your job and I will sort out the rest. Deal?”

  Darby reached out and clasped his hand. Seth hoped he had done enough to earn his trust.

  “Night,” Darby said, “And if I haven’t said it before, thanks.”

  “Sleep well.”


  Two days, that’s all it took for her world to turn upside down again. Seth’s company was more dependent on the timing of supplier payments than she expected. It took almost 48 hours of working closely with Derek Casbar, and the collective contacts of their firms to pull off a miracle.

  Not only did they renegotiate Seth’s payment terms for one of his suppliers, with Derek’s help, Seth now held a controlling interest in the supplier. A myriad of arrangements sat behind the deal, which at the end of the day confirmed his supply chain and kept his project alive.

  The work bit was easy, compared to how her heart felt.

  In two days, she, Seth and Darby became a family.

  Darby even started referring to them as “Ma” and “Pa” in a joking way.

  It felt like what she imagined an old, married couple. Yes, they slept in separate beds, but their kisses in the morning and evening moved from the cheek to chaste pecks on the lips. Any chance to touch or hug, from Darby going back to school to connecting to South Africa on the third attempt.

  Whatever sign she hoped for, delivered in spades.

  The love of her life left back in the city and not answering her phone or even staying in the unit. The security code hadn’t been used since a couple of hours after Grace left. After leaving a few messages, Grace stopped worrying about Sienna and started enjoying her time home.

  Home with Seth. Staying in the town that had old friends stopping her in the street and shops to say “Hi.”

  “I’m leaving tomorrow morning,” she said as they finished cleaning the dishes. Darby hadn’t come out of his room fighting some sort of demons on his computer.

  “Oh,” Seth wiped down the benches. She ached to be able to reach out to him, touch him, have him hold her instead of the cleaning cloth. Yet that single touch would be all that it took to have them back together and in bed. It couldn’t be like this - she needed time to catch her breath and make sure she knew what she wanted.

  “If I’m to be at the office by eight, I’ll need to leave here by around five.”

  “Okay,” suddenly the easy banter and friendship replaced by awkward silence.

  She couldn’t look him in the eyes, they would only plead with her to do something she wanted to do.

  “Seth, please, I’m not leaving you – I don’t live here anymore.”

  “Gracie, what do you want me to say. I said it last time and I haven’t changed my mind. I know you have to go home, it doesn’t mean I like it.”

  “I still want to be friends,” and until she figured out if she wanted more, she needed to keep their friendship alive.

  “Gracie, I love you enough to want you to be happy with Sienna – and I love you enough to settle for friendship. But don’t ever expect me to find it easy to let you go.”

  After he left, a room never felt so empty and Grace never felt so alone.

  Grace wanted to call Sienna and let her know that she was on her way home, but somehow the longer they went without talking the more normal her feelings for Seth began.

  Still, she needed to try otherwise another thing to fight about would be added to the growing list.

  Sienna finally answered her phone, “So!”

  “Sienna, it’s done, I’m finished and on my way home. Where are you?”

  “I stayed with Allie and Toni. They offered a free meal and invited me to stay. I didn’t want to go home to an empty unit without you.”

  “I’ll be home soon, will you be there or at the hospital.”

  “Connie was released the other day.”

  A long silence, while Grace tried to find something to say. How did it come to this – she didn’t want to go home.

  “Oh, well, drive safely,” Sienna ended with, “I love you.”

  Grace barely had time to automatically reply, “I love you, too,” before the line went dead.

  ? ? ?

  Does Sienna find out about “that night” if so go to The candle burns

  If Seth suspects she still has feelings for him go to Lying eyes

  One is not enough


  “Seth, we can’t,” Grace said the words she was expected to say.

  “Tell me you don’t want me.”

  “We can’t,” Damn it, she couldn’t lie to him.

  “Tell me,” his lips so close.

  “I need to go home to Sienna.”

  “Need or want.” Damn him to hell. Of course, he called her on it, “Can’t or won’t and never?”

  “What we had …” she started not even believing her own words when he took in his arms and challenged her to kiss him. So close, every beat of his heart matched hers – his mouth so close she could taste his lips before she touched them.

  Tentative at first, her thoughts were about Sienna – to stray once was human – to do so again would damn her for eternity. Then, as he opened to her, the only thoughts were of Seth – always Seth. She didn’t care that they were standing in the street in front of her building. Nor did she care that his hands found their way up her skirt. Nothing could possibly be wrong when it felt so damn perfect.

  “Enough!” without warning he pushed her away. “You deserve to be kissed, and by me. But tonight, when you’re with your girlfriend – try not to think of the last time we made love and how much we both want to do it again.”

  Before she had time to react, Seth released her and left her with nothing else to do other than to go home.

  Grace hoped Sienna was ready to be ravished as soon as she got home. Seth’s fault for turning her on and leaving her stranded.

  Preoccupied with her own desire, Grace almost missed
the romantic home coming - white table cloth, good cutlery and glass wear with music coming from the bedroom. Sienna read her mind, a night of romance and love was exactly what she needed.

  Grace smiled as she realized the music didn’t come from the bedroom, but from the candlelight bathroom where Sienna lay covered beneath a cloud of bubbles in the bath. She tried to push thoughts of Seth to the side as she selfishly wondered how it would feel to be sandwiched between the two people she loved.

  “Well, someone has been busy,” as Grace leant down to kiss her, Sienna grabbed her and pulled her into the water, laughing as bubble and water splashed all over the floor.

  “So, are we celebrating or commiserating?” Sienna didn’t wait for the answer as she started pulling off Grace’s clothes.

  “Work is finished for the day – definitely celebrating,” Grace didn’t want to say his name, not when she was about to make love to her girlfriend. It would seem disrespectful to both – especially when his kisses were still fresh on her lips.

  “Honey,” no jealousy in the kiss, “As much as I want to be the only one you are with tonight, I know this has been a big week for you and your new,” she paused, “Client. How did it go?”

  “I’m ready to celebrate – if you are,” no time to waste, Grace needed Sienna to take her, possess her and make her remember the life they built together and forget the man who walked back into it. The water barely slowed her down as first she stripped off her top and then Sienna finished what Seth started by removing her skirt and pants. Their naked legs intertwined, “The guy I told you about, Derek Casbar, is putting together a deal for us. Seth has his money for this project and Derek wants to work together setting up something else for one of his other clients.”

  “Now,” she slipped her arms under Sienna, feeling the smoothness of the oil against her skin, “I don’t want to think about the office anymore.”

  “Come here then my clever girl and get your reward,” Sienna lifted Grace, so her hips balanced on the edge of the tub.

  “What did you have in mind?” as Sienna encouraged her thighs to open with kisses and small bites – wanting to be rewarded and punished in equal measures and deciding the best way to erase Seth from her mind was to allow Sienna to have her way with her.

  Sienna’s mouth closed around her lower lips as Grace felt the familiar throbbing of all her senses and Sienna’s fingernails dug into her cheeks as her hips held in place.

  “Relax, enjoy,” Sienna crooned as she came up and kissed Grace’s inner thighs again before plunging her tongue deep inside. Grace lay back against the wall, feeling her own intensity build and wanting to do more for Sienna, desperate not to move but eager to be more active. All she wanted to do was rub her legs against Sienna’s, her toes finding their own place between Sienna’s legs. All the love she had for this woman was overwhelming and uncontrollable.

  With a thumb against her bud, Grace didn’t want to hold back any longer, arching her back and raising her hips as the shards of ecstasy shot through her. Diving back into the water, she scratched up Sienna’s legs to claim her groin against groin. As usual, their bodies fit together as if they were somehow made for each other.

  She cried out as Sienna’s hand plucked at her sensitive nipples which hardened at first touch and still alive. The need to be more involved was too strong and Grace found Sienna’s neck with her own kisses, fondling the breast, reminding herself stroke by stroke that not only was Sienna all woman, but her woman. Moving to her neck, Grace increased the intensity of her kisses and gentle biting, wanting to make Sienna cry out, wanting to see the lust in her eyes.

  Sienna writhed underneath her, and her cries intensified as Grace moved her hand lower until both girls’ hands were within each other’s legs.

  Grace rolled onto her side, so they could lie breast against breast, the slightest touch against the nipples as fingers moved around and around.

  “Ohhhhh,” she moaned. There was something wonderous about a woman’s touch. “How do you always know what I want and how I want it?”

  “I know you,” between kisses.

  The water splashed over the side as their passion rose. Sienna’s head moved lower, crushing her breast and biting her nipple. Grace lost her balance and slid under the water while the spasms of desire ripped through her.

  Coming up for air, she took control with her hands knowing exactly how to please her lover. With one hand behind, grabbing and squeezing her finger tips into the soft cheeks, the other hand continued its task.

  Sienna’s eyes closed, denying Grace the pleasure of watching them soften and then pique with desire. Slowly, her finger tips fluttered around the bud, teasing, ever teasing.

  “Now, please, oh, now,” Grace heard the cry she had been waiting for. Pulling Sienna closer with firm hands, her lips finding lips as her thumb knew exactly where to tweak Sienna’s bud to create the explosion of joy.


  “You cook the best salmon,” the romance from the bathroom followed them to the kitchen where they fed each other flakes of baked salmon and roast vegetables.

  “I had the perfect inspiration.” She needed the night to be perfect enough for them to reconnect, for Grace to forget what’s his name and not react to the embossed envelope pushed almost out of sight on the bench.

  “More wine?” Grace didn’t notice the envelope on her way to the fridge.

  “Always.” Tomorrow was soon enough for another fight.

  “Do you mind if I check my messages, I need to see if a report came in today.”

  “Sure,” Sienna knew their perfect night was about to end.

  “Oh! Fantastic! Did you see – Allie and Toni got engaged.”

  “That must be what the envelope is for, it’s on the bench with all the mail.”

  Grace carefully plied open the envelope, the gold print on white card taunting Sienna.

  Allie and Toni had only been together for one year. As soon as same sex marriage became legalized they said it would only be a matter of time before they made honest women of each other. Of all their friends, they were not the first to get engaged, but were the first to shun the big expensive wedding for a small and meaningful service.

  Grace pushed the invitation aside, “I’ll give Allie a call tomorrow.”

  Only Sienna saw the smile become less brilliant and the mood a little more somber. To Grace’s credit, she didn’t bring up the subject again. What would be the point, she had been very clear. Never and no.

  Why couldn’t Grace understand that spontaneity like tonight would be gone with feeding schedules and nappy changes. Babies ruined relationships – they didn’t make them better.

  “Coffee?” Grace started the machine when Sienna’s work mobile rang, and everything changed.

  “What do you need?” Sienna asked the caller, her eyes widening, “I’ll be there.”

  “I’ve got to go to the hospital,” the moment she hung up, the tears flowed. “Connie tried to take her own life tonight and her parents are beside themselves. They want me – no – they need me.”

  Grace still stood, frozen in shock as Sienna turned to her, ashen, “Grace, I don’t know what to do!”

  Grace went into organizational mode. She threw some clothes together, grabbed a couple of blankets that could be used as pillows or cushions against the harsh hospital chairs.

  As Sienna reached out to her work colleagues for advice, Grace made two thermoses of coffee and pulled a tray of date slice from the freezer.

  In the short drive to the hospital, Sienna filled her in.

  “Connie, she is just a baby – only fifteen. Because she doesn’t have boobs yet and likes her hair short, the girls at school have been teasing her that she is gay.”

  “Is she?”

  “She doesn’t think so, so the school called me in to listen to her. She likes boys but doesn’t think they will ever like her because she thinks she is ugly.”

  “Tell me one fifteen-year-old girl who thinks she is beautifu
l,” Grace said sympathetically, “Poor girl. What happened tonight?”

  “I don’t know. Her parents found her, called the ambulance and then called me.” Sienna grabbed Graces leg, her eyes pleading, “What if I let her down? What if I should have done more?”

  Grace stroked her hand comfortingly while focused on finding a car park, “You would have done everything possible, I know you.”

  “But Grace, what if it wasn’t enough?”


  Of all Seth’s friends, only Joe and Jo understood. For years he held onto the thought of Grace, imagined how they might randomly meet and reconnect. How everything would be back to the way it used to be.

  All his other friends assumed he was living the dream – successful business man with women all wanting to be with him. Living the single man’s dream. If only they knew most nights were spent with building plans and project schedules. All numbers on speed dial were either his accountant or major suppliers.

  Grace turning up at the reunion with her girlfriend stirred up some ribbing – especially when she left the party to come back to his house with the group.

  “Look at you two, so cute together.”

  “Seth and Grace, back together again.”

  “Seth and Grace and who cares in the background.”

  Photos tagged on social media were not helpful. As if he needed reminding of her beauty. Even without the long hair he used to love, the almost shorn head allowed her inner self to shine as brightly as her eyes.

  Spending the night together was more than he imagined or hoped for. Having one more opportunity to show her the man he became in her absence, and the chance to say the words his heart still held.

  He might die alone, but at least not wondering if he tried hard enough.

  That made it even more hurtful to realize that she had a new life and one that didn’t include him. As natural as they worked together with old habits flooding back – it didn’t change that she and Sienna were a couple.


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