The Question Is

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The Question Is Page 17

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  Loving Sienna meant a life time of romance and self indulgence. Money would never be a problem and life would be about working hard for themselves and others. Travel would be theirs for the taking. Most of their friends were from the lesbian community. Even though her own family didn’t understand and barely approved of her relationship – she and Sienna found their own family and acceptance.

  Loving Seth meant … What did it mean?

  Was she truly thinking of throwing everything away for the dream of becoming a mother? A baby deserved more out of a father than “mummy wanted a baby.” How could she possibly know whether she wanted Seth or just a baby daddy?

  Damn it.

  Asking for a sign, she should have asked for answers, not more questions.

  Finally, Sienna answered – Grace didn’t think she would take too kindly to being told about a visit to Seth via voice mail.

  “Hey, babe – I’m leaving the hospital now. Are you ready to continue what you woke me up for last night?”

  “I’m not home …”

  “Then get ready for some pampering when you get home – bubbles in the bath and in our bed!” came the playful tones of a woman ready to make her night.

  “Sorry to burst your bubble, but I’m on my way out of town. A client’s crisis and I’ll be away for a couple of days.”

  “Oh.” The playful tones died. “Who would be the lucky client?”

  Silence. Sienna knew her major client and piece of work was setting up Seth’s company. All other work was supporting the junior partners with their own clients. Still, no use hiding it, “It’s Seth’s company – there are problems with a supplier and …”

  “Of course there is and his ‘Princess Gracie’ has to come to the rescue,” each word spat out in anger before the phone went dead.

  Grace tried to feel something.

  Her girlfriend, life partner, lover, best friend had hung up on her. Jealous about her going away for a couple of days with an ex-boyfriend – surely she should feel something. Or tried harder to tell her about Darby staying in the house or how long she’d be gone.

  It was as if by hanging up on her, Sienna handed over a free pass to explore what she wanted. That was ridiculous, she corrected herself. Sienna had every right to be upset with a sudden trip out of town to see Seth.

  Instead, Grace felt no regret, no wishing things could be different.

  Only excitement about seeing Seth.

  Getting to know him back home, in his house. Knowing with Darby around, there would be no opportunity for them to fall into bed like last time.

  It would be a chance for her to look at him through the eyes of – damn it – what did she want him to be.

  Was she wanting to see him through the eyes of a sperm donor? Or lover? More than a friend? After all these years, how would she even know?

  As she turned the corner into Seth’s street, she sped up, the house all lit up and police cars in the driveway.

  OMG, not Seth! Not Darby.

  She pulled up next to the house, hearing cursing from the hefty man being handled into the back seat of one of the cars before she even opened her own door.

  Seth stood, stony faced in the driveway, listening to a police office and a stunning brunette.

  Perhaps she should stay at her mother’s after all – she didn’t want to get in the way of another crisis.

  No, she corrected herself, this is where she needed to be.

  “Seth, are you okay?” pushing aside the brunette, she hugged him, checking him for blood or visible injuries. What would she do if something happened to him?

  Chill, she needed to chill and not act like a concerned girlfriend, “I mean, you didn’t tell me you were throwing a party.”

  “Fine, we are fine. Darby’s father came by looking for him and made some threats. It’s all taken care of.”

  Turning, she couldn’t see Darby anywhere, “Is he okay?”

  “Let’s say it is too early to tell but I think we are shaken and not stirred.”

  “Hi, I’m Lucy the social worker,” the brunette held out her hand giving Grace no choice but to shake it – at least she wasn’t a sexy neighbor. “You are?”

  “Grace.” She didn’t want to give out more information than necessary. “I’m an old friend of Seth’s,” she said squeezing his arm protectively, “And now my company is working with him on a project.”

  “Will you be staying at the house with Seth and the minor child?” Grace took affront at the formal approach. Who the hell was this woman and what was it to her?

  Maybe Seth had two jealous exes on his hands. “Ahhh, yes. I only arrived in town and didn’t know I’d be coming until a couple of hours ago.” Might as well put her cards on the table, “Is that a problem? Is it safe for me to stay?”

  Seth pulled away, his voice tight with concern, “Gracie, Lucy is more worried about Darby’s safety than yours,” to the woman he said, “Lucy, do we have to answer all these questions here or can we do this inside - I want to check on Darby.”

  “Of course, whatever you want,” Grace collected her bag from the car before following them inside. Lucy was the perfect woman – not one hair out of place, fitted tailored suit. Elegant and a social worker – perfect for Seth. The thought of them together caused a pit in her stomach and a pounding in her chest - she had no right to feel jealous.


  “Coffee or tea, Lucy?” he assumed she would want a pot of tea but didn’t want Grace to find out how well they knew each other or for either of the women to take over hostess duties. After walking out of his life, Grace didn’t have the right to act possessive and jealous, but he also didn’t want to give her the opportunity.

  “You know how I like my tea,” soothed Lucy, destroying any pretense.

  “Coffee for me, thanks,” Grace didn’t need to ask, he already had her cup under the coffee machine.

  “Lucy and I are old friends – most of the boys I start working with have either been through the system or are at risk.”

  “Seth is amazing with them, how long did you say you have known each other?” He tried to shake off Lucy’s possessive arm around him. Damn it! He had enough on his plate with his company and Darby. Two women claiming ownership seemed fun in theory but when one was already in a relationship and the other, well it would have been easier to love Lucy if he had ever gotten over Grace.

  “I didn’t but since high school, thanks” he handed Grace her coffee. “We dated and broke up when I went away for uni. Then recently, Seth and his company have become a client of my firm and we are working on a project together.” He couldn’t read Grace, was she jealous or giving him space?

  “I don’t suppose you have a ‘Working with Vulnerable Children’ card,” Lucy asked Grace, “Seth has one of course and we have to be careful who can be around Darby.”

  “Actually, I do,” he looked up from the milk frothing in surprise at the pride in her voice. “My girlfriend and I do a lot of work with at risk children in the city. She works with schools to review and implement their policies and we work with the teens who are abused by their families or in school environments for being different. Actually, for the last few days we have been supporting a family whose daughter tried to take her own life because of the bullying.”

  “Oh, so you are gay then?” Lucy was more comforted by Grace’s sexuality than holding the card. “I’m sure you understand why I needed to ask.”

  Seth tried not to think about Grace going home to someone else and forced a laugh, “Don’t worry, Luce, it’s like Grace said – we are old friends that are now working together. If Darby feels safe then he is welcome to stay.”

  They went into the study and Lucy talked through some of the things to watch for as Darby dealt with what happened with his father. He wished he could have made a success of their brief affair, but at least they walked away with enough respect for each other to focus on the boys at risk. After all statements were taken and papers signed, Lucy left, kissing Seth on
the cheek before tracking Darby down to say, “goodbye”.

  “Another unhappy ex?” Grace laughed as they hugged again, this time without an audience.

  “We tried, and now she probably realizes you are the reason it didn’t work out. And she is judging me for not moving on when my girl moved on with another girl.”

  “Sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be, it’s ancient history. Darby is the important one here and now. Do you mind if I go and make sure he’s okay before I make you dinner?” They smelt the toasted sandwiches even before they reached the kitchen.

  “Hey, mate, your dad left in the car.”

  Darby didn’t react, head down, focused on making the sandwiches.

  “Hi, Darby, I’m Grace. I’ll be staying here for a couple of days.”

  Still silence, the knife gliding through the butter. He made up almost a whole loaf of bread, working the sandwich toaster as an assembly line, every action deliberate.

  “Since there are going to be the three of us, what do you say we make some of your famous ANZAC biscuits. I’m sure there are rolled oats and golden syrup in the cupboard.” A shy nod.

  Seth lead Grace into the dining room where they could still see Darby without being too obtrusive.

  “When he is stressed, he closes down and needs to focus on something practical. Today it is cooking.”

  “What happened?” he appreciated Grace’s concern.

  “I came home, and Darby was lying in the fetal position on the lounge. His dad had broken into the back yard, banging on the doors demanding to be let in. You should have heard the abuse and threats he threw at the poor kid. I had no choice but to call the police and they spent a lot of time, wasted time, trying to negotiate him down. No one wanted a son to see his father arrested, but in the end they didn’t have a choice.

  “Oh, Seth,” this was the way life should be, having someone to help process the major stuff going on in his life, “How messed up for both of you. What happens now?”

  “Well the police will take it out of my hands. He threw a few punches at them, so he will be charged. The challenge is making sure Darby feels safe, to see this as a safe home for him again.”

  To hell with giving him space. Grace jumped up and ran into the kitchen. Before Seth could stop her, she wrapped Darby in her arms, patting his head saying, “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.”

  To his amazement, instead of pushing her away as he would with Seth, Darby returned the hug and within minutes, the strong sully young man turned into a boy, afraid of the future and sobbing on the shoulder of a stranger.

  Grace got through to him with a hug. Seth could only watch, amazed as they stood in the kitchen until Darby’s sobs subsided while Grace kept patting his head or back.

  “It will be okay, I promise you, it will be okay,” her soft croon as soothing as a lullaby.

  When Darby looked up, his embarrassed eyes sought Seth who for once did not know what to do. He was as emotionally invested in the young boy as he had ever been but lacked the confidence to reach out and hug him. Instead, he did what he always did, deflect, “So, where are these sandwiches you were making – this young gorgeous girl standing before us drove all the way to save my company again and I promised her food.”

  The forced laughs became real as the night progressed. The three of them even pulled out the old board games and Seth introduced Darby to the cut throat elements of Monopoly.

  Seth was in a leading position and ready for the final kill when Grace and Darby teamed up, combined all their properties and cash to wipe him out with a couple of unlucky rolls of the dice.

  “Cleaned up twice in one day. I think I should go back to brick laying,” he joked as Grace’s phone rang.

  “Oops, I forgot to tell Sienna I arrived safely.” The boys looked at each other as Grace left to take the call.

  “Do you think they will let me see him?”

  “Your dad?”

  “Yeah, he is mad at me, but he’s … well he is still my dad.”

  “Mate, it won’t be up to me, but I will make some calls tomorrow. You go to school and keep your job and I will sort out the rest. Deal?”

  Darby reached out and clasped his hand. Seth hoped he had done enough to earn his trust.

  “Night,” Darby said, “And if I haven’t said it before, thanks.”

  “Sleep well.”

  Before he left, Darby turned, “It’s none of my business, but I never knew two old people as hot for each other as you two, are you sure I won’t be in the way? I can find a friend’s place to stay at if you want.”

  “I can handle it – in any case, she friend zoned me years ago.”

  “Yeah right,” Darby snickered, “I know what friend zoned looks like and that sure wasn’t how she looked at you.”

  “Let it go,” Seth couldn’t stop blushing. He might as well have a teenage crush.

  “Seth, she might have a girlfriend, but you have something no chick can compete with.” Darby winked, shrugged and left the room.

  Out of the mouths of babes.


  Two days, that’s all it took for her world to turn upside down again. Seth’s company was more dependent on the timing of supplier payments than she expected. It took almost 48 hours of working closely with Derek Casbar and the collective contacts of their firms to pull off a miracle.

  Not only did they renegotiate Seth’s payment terms for one of his suppliers, with Derek’s help, Seth now held a controlling interest in the supplier. A myriad of arrangements sat behind the deal, which at the end of the day confirmed his supply chain and kept his project alive.

  The work bit was easy compared to how her heart felt.

  In two days she, Seth and Darby became a family.

  Darby even started referring to them as “Ma” and “Pa” in a joking way.

  Whatever sign she hoped for, delivered in spades.

  In every way.

  The first night, she started off in her own bed, but when the familiar dream of Seth invaded her sleep she tossed and turned trying to put him out of her mind. Difficult when she could imagine how many steps it was between their bedrooms. Where presumably he would be sleeping nude and surely she could go to him, have her way and leave without him even knowing what happened? Tossing and turning. Wanting to go to him, needing to stay alone in her own bed.

  What was she thinking!

  Wasn’t it enough that she was still racked with guilt from not only the reunion but also waking Sienna for sex after she dreamt of Seth?

  One night. One night to get him out of her system once and for all.



  She tiptoed to his room thinking if he was asleep, she would run back and lie in her bed until dawn.

  Instead, he was sitting in bed watching television when she pushed open the door and tentatively entered his room. No smile, no more pushing her away, his eyes followed her every movement as she removed her singlet, throwing it on the floor as she climbed between his sheets. Yes, he was naked and growing impressively pleased to see her.

  She removed her panties before straddling him, devouring him with kisses that were infinitely better than in her dreams.


  For five years he had one dream on repeat. A chance meeting, a smile followed by her realization that she never stopped loving him and then a kiss. The scene would fade from the declaration of love to a bed where she would be his again.

  Nothing prepared him for the night of the reunion.

  Even that night didn’t prepare him for this.

  Seth was ready for her before she pulled back the sheets. When one perfect leg reached over him, he stroked her, indulging in the softness of her skin and the pulled her closer to intensify the electric reaction within him of her skin against his.

  Her kisses so hungry, and he barely drew breath between each onslaught. He struggled not to explode on impact as she slid down him.

  Part of him wanted her to stop, to think and
be sure of what she was doing. With every kiss and with every rise and fall of her hips, his resolve faded.

  Grace sat up, arching her back to get greater access to him, and he rose to meet her beautiful breasts. Tongue flickering, the softness of that touch the opposite of the hardness beneath her. His firm hands pressed into her cheeks, with each thrust she cried out.

  He remembered her so well, how her lips trembled before she came. With every dive down him, she was getting closer, controlling the pace.

  Turning her over, he held her wrists, “Open your eyes,” his breathless command.

  The beautiful orbs filled with desire for him.

  He wanted her to succumb to him and slowed to long deep thrusts and took pride in her muffled cries, “More, I want more, Seth, more.”

  No doubt, she knew who she was in bed with.

  The trembling lip, the cries as she closed her fingers around his and he quickened the pace, driving her into the bed. As she shuddered beneath him, he couldn’t hold out any longer, filling her with all of his love until he had nothing left to give.



  Whatever sign she hoped for, these last few days delivered in spades.

  The love of her life was back in the city, not answering her phone or even staying in the unit. The security code hadn’t been used since a couple of hours after Grace left. After leaving a few messages over the first day, Grace stopped worrying about Sienna and started enjoying her time home.

  Home with Seth. Staying in the town that was still familiar, with old friends stopping her in the street and shops to say “Hi.”

  At home with Seth, working together, sharing the kitchen to cook together and listening to Darby sort through his issue, together. The first two nights, Grace kept up appearances and started the night in her separate bedroom before joining him until morning. Sleep still didn’t come easily, but at least now she had a reason.

  “I’m staying at with a friend tonight,” they finished dinner and Darby cleaned the kitchen for them.


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