Little Daisy

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Little Daisy Page 9

by Chloe Carpenter

  "Very. Let's take a look upstairs."

  There were four bedrooms, the biggest with an en suite bathroom, plus a separate bathroom with a wonderful deep bath that had lion's paw feet, and a modern shower cubicle big enough for two.

  "I love it," said Daisy. "I love all of it. But can we go buy a bucket and spade now, Daddy? Please?"

  "Sure. We can unpack later. We'll take a walk to those shops we passed and get a few provisions, and you can choose a bucket and spade."

  Daisy skipped alongside Johnny, humming a little tune. The weather was clear and bright and the salt tang of the sea was in the air, with gulls circling lazily overhead. They wandered round the shops and returned with a bright pink bucket and spade, a red and yellow striped inflatable beach ball, some bread, milk and other fresh foodstuffs plus a big tub of ice cream. Next they called at the fishmongers and chose something to have for dinner - lobster caught that morning.

  Daisy busied herself in the kitchen preparing lunch while Johnny unpacked their luggage and stowed it away. He returned to the kitchen with a carrier bag of tins and packets that they had brought with them, and put them in the kitchen cupboards, and shortly after that sat down with Daisy to eat lunch. They ate in the conservatory and munched on salad with cold chicken and some crusty bread. Daisy was in such a rush to get to the beach she decided to forgo her ice cream. She ran upstairs to change and emerged looking cute as a button in a pair of flip flops and a little pink bikini with a frill around the lower half. She also waved a matching pink sun hat.

  "Do I look the part, Daddy?" she asked, and whirled around the room.

  "You look delicious, pet. I'll change into swim shorts, then we'll grab a couple of towels and go. We'll leave the clearing up until later."

  The beach was perfect with gleaming golden sand. Their little cove was secluded and there were few other people about. Daisy had a wonderful time making a sand castle and decorating it with sea shells and bits of driftwood. They raced on the sand, laughing and chasing after the ball, and then headed to the sea shore.

  Daisy paddled and splashed in the shallows, shrieking in delight as the waves washed over her. A woman passing by with her dog smiled.

  "Your little girl looks as though she's thoroughly enjoying herself," she said to Johnny.

  "She certainly is," he replied. Daisy just giggled and nodded and splashed.

  After the woman had passed by, Daisy practised her swimming and swam out until she could just touch her toes on the sea bed. Johnny joined her, pressing her close to his hard body.

  "Mmmm, Daddy. The cold water's made you all BIG," said Daisy. She reached down to stroke the bulge that tented his shorts.

  "You'd better take care of it then, baby," he said huskily.

  Daisy didn't need any further encouragement. She slipped her hand down the front of his shorts and stroked his cock just the way he liked it until he began thrusting and grunting in satisfaction, squirting warm fluid all over her hand.

  "Is that all better now, Daddy?" she asked playfully.

  He gave her a smouldering look. "It is for the time being." He turned his head. There was no one else on the beach. He tugged her bikini bottom down to the top of her thighs and slipped his fingers inside her moist little pussy and played with her until she rocked with the force of a powerful orgasm, thrashing around in the water, creating waves that rocked her into sensual oblivion.

  It was a wonderful day. They remained on the beach until almost 7pm and then went back to the house to shower and prepare a dinner of lobster, fries, and a side salad.

  "Mmmm, this is delicious," said Daisy. "But I'm not too full for ice cream." She ate two helpings then sat back in her chair. "Oh, I'm so stuffed." She patted her tummy.

  Johnny chuckled. "It's good to see you eat well. Why don't you go sit on the sofa while I clear away. I'll be with you shortly."

  Twenty minutes later he went into the lounge, and there was Daisy, fast asleep on the sofa. Tenderly he picked her up and carried her up to bed. She didn't wake as he stripped off her clothes and tucked her up under the duvet.

  There was no bedtime story that night, just two healthily-tired people who slept soundly after a perfect day.


  They awoke just before 7am to the sound of light rain pattering on the window panes.

  "Oh bother," said Daisy crossly. "How dare it rain. I want to go to the beach."

  "It'll blow over. Anyhow, we can make our own entertainment regardless of the weather," Johnny said meaningfully.

  Daisy looked at him and a sly expression hovered on her pretty little face. "Daddy, do you want me to be a good girl or a bad girl today?"

  He gave her a penetrating stare. "Oh, I think it's time for a bad girl day. Up you get. Breakfast time."

  "Don't wanna get up." She turned her back on him and pulled the duvet up over her head.

  "Daisy, I told you to get up. Don't you dare disobey Daddy," he said sternly.

  In response, Daisy said a very rude word. It came out somewhat muffled from under the quilt, but Johnny heard it all the same.

  "Right, little girl. I know just the treatment for a little girl with a potty mouth!" He threw back the quilt, picked Daisy up and carried her off to the bathroom. Sitting her on the bathroom chair, he applied a blob of liquid soap on her tooth brush and made her brush her teeth with it.

  "Groooogh!" spat Daisy. "Ugh! It's bloody awful."

  Splat! A hand descended on her bottom. Splat! Splat!

  "Don't use such language, you bad girl."

  Daisy yelped as his hand whacked her again. Naked, she hopped about the bathroom, one hand clutching the toothbrush, the other trying unsuccessfully to cover her bottom. Somehow, Daddy's hand always found its target.

  "Ow! Yuck! Ow!"

  "You will brush for one minute. I'm timing you." Johnny looked as his watch as poor Daisy brushed and pulled gruesome faces as she tasted the nasty soap.

  At last the minute was up, and she was allowed to rinse with clear fresh water. Johnny wagged a finger at her. "Let that be a lesson to you to watch your language."

  "Yes Daddy," she said sulkily.

  "Right, I want you to wash your hands and face and brush your teeth properly with toothpaste while I sort some clothes out for you. And don't make a mess in this nice clean bathroom."

  When he returned, there were puddles of water on the floor, and huge globs of toothpaste all over the taps and the washbasin. He gave Daisy a hard stare, ordered her to clean it up immediately, and when she had grudgingly done so, had her bending over the end of the bath with her bottom stuck out.

  Daisy fully expected a spanking, but when Daddy returned, he had with him a tube of lube and a brand new butt plug.

  "This is what naughty girls get, and I have to inform you that this plug is a size bigger than the one you've been used to."

  "Oh noooo," wailed Daisy as he separated her butt cheeks, lubed her up, then began to slip the plug up inside her. "It's too big Daddy! I don't like it."

  "Well I like it," he said smugly. "And you'll wear it until lunchtime, and get a spanking too." When he inserted it fully he gave her cheeks a pat and then began to dress her in a pair of yellow panties with white ducks on, followed by a pair of white shorts and a green top with little puff sleeves.

  Daisy followed him down the stairs. Normally she would have taken the stairs quickly. But with the plug, she found herself walking slowly and carefully. And when she sat on the hard kitchen chair ... "Ohhhh!"

  "Feeling it, are you poppet? That's good." He buttered toast and placed a poached egg on each slice. "Eat up. You'll need all your energy for donkey riding now that the rain has stopped."

  "Yaaaay!" said Daisy, delighted at the prospect. But then her face fell. "But - er, Daddy. Will you take the nasty plug out first?"

  "Certainly not," said Johnny, and hid a smile at her expression of shock and outrage. "And don't think I've forgotten about your spanking either, because I haven't."

  Daisy pulled
a rueful face and finished her breakfast, pouting after every mouthful. That gave Johnny an idea. There was a little stool in the conservatory. He went to get it and put it in the kitchen.

  "This is the pouting stool, Daisy. You sit on it for five minutes every time you pout. I've been counting. You are going to sit there for 35 minutes while I relax and read my book."

  "Oh Daddy. S'not fair." She pouted again.

  "Forty minutes."

  Johnny lifted her onto the stool. It was high and uncomfortable, particularly with the butt plug she was wearing, though she did find that if she angled her hips a certain way, the plug actually felt kinda sexy. She experimented a little while Johnny was busy reading and not paying any attention to her, and when the 40 minutes were up, she looked at him with a slightly glazed expression that bemused him.

  "Time's up, naughty girl," he said as he lifted her off the stool. "Now come here and get over my lap. I'm going to turn that bad little bottom bright pink.

  He did too. Using his big hands he began spanking each cheek in turn, admiring her bouncing orbs as he did so. She had such a cute round little ass. He loved the way her cheeks bounced and jiggled as though begging for more. Daisy began to squeal and kick as the spanks descended relentlessly - and she felt not only the sting of the spanking but the deep penetration of the plug. It made her feel very naughty, but there was no time to dwell on the sensations building up in her pussy, because those spanks came hard and fast.

  "Yeowww!" she screeched as a particularly hard one landed.

  There came a welcome pause as Johnny said, "Now Daisy, go to the kitchen drawer and bring me the big wooden spoon."

  So Daisy waddled awkwardly across the kitchen, feeling extremely silly and acutely embarrassed with her panties bunched round her ankles, and the plug protruding from her little pink bottom, bobbing as she walked. She returned shortly, clutching the wooden spoon in one hand. It looked a mean old spoon.

  It was.

  It was several long minutes before the wooden spoon stopped dancing across her bottom. It didn't stop its work until that wiggling, jiggling bottom was the colour of a ripe strawberry. Her panties were long gone, lying on the floor, kicked into a corner by her flailing feet as the spoon lit a fire on her rump.

  Johnny patted the hot cheeks and admired the results of his work. "I think you'll remember this for a while, little girl. It will remind you to obey Daddy and watch your language."

  "Owowowww!" was all Daisy could say as she lay limply over his lap, trying to get her breath back. But then she felt his hand smoothing her sore cheeks, stroking the hot skin. She whimpered then, experiencing that post-spanking surge of eroticism. She spread her legs in invitation, eager to feel his fingers exploring her pussy. But it was not to be.

  "No Daisy. Bad girls don't get those sorts of special treats. Bad girls get to sit on pouting stools and sent to the corner with their red spanked bottoms on display. Off you go." He patted her rump and pointed to the corner. "You can cool down there for ten minutes - and then we'll go look for donkeys." He grinned wolfishly at the thought.

  Shit, thought Daisy. I have a spanked sore bottom AND a butt plug. How the hell am I supposed to ride a donkey?!

  As it happened, Johnny relented, thinking she'd be mighty uncomfortable anyway, given that she'd had a sound spanking. He was right! They walked a mile along the beach and found a man with six donkeys. They all had names on their bridles. Daisy pounced on the one called Daisy. She stroked the donkey's long silky ears and crooned softly to it. But her delight quickly evaporated when the donkey set off at a brisk trot, bouncing her red little bottom up and down in the saddle.

  "Ooo ow!" She tried to maintain some dignity so that the man leading the donkeys wouldn't think she was scared of riding, but it was difficult to pretend to smile happily when her poor sore spanked bottom kept on getting bounced.

  Johnny watched from a distance, chuckling as she approached. "There, pet. Did you enjoy that?"

  "Oh yes, Daddy," she said with a sweet smile, then when they had walked out of earshot of the donkey handler, added, "You're a mean old Daddy."

  "If you say so," said Johnny, trying to hide his smile.

  Daisy continued to do naughty things throughout the day. She buried Daddy's new watch in the sand, and then panicked when she couldn't find it again, not knowing he had already dug it up and slipped it in his pocket. She greedily ate most of the fries at lunchtime, and later hid one of Daddy's best shoes in the oven ... then she put salt in his coffee. That was the last straw!

  "Right, that's it!" said Johnny. "You've been so naughty all day. I expect you think you'll just get another spanking that you'll probably enjoy, huh?" He looked at Daisy's smug face. "Well you thought wrong, little girl. I brought something with me just in case it was needed. Come with me." Taking Daisy by the left ear he gave it a tug and led her upstairs. On reaching the landing, he made her turn round and face the wall. "Stand there and be quiet until I'm ready for you," he ordered.

  "But what-"

  "I said quiet," he said in that tone of voice.

  Feeling increasingly apprehensive by the minute, Daisy kept silent and wondered just what he had in store for her. She soon found out.

  A few minutes later, Johnny called her from the bathroom. "Come here, Daisy. I have a little something for you."

  Daisy scampered into the bathroom. She had no idea what to expect - until she saw the 2-quart enema bag and tubing hanging from the shower rail.

  "Oh fuck," she said. They had talked about enemas as something to experiment with, but she hadn't expected to satisfy her curiosity quite this soon.

  "What did you just say?"

  "Um, I said ... Oh duck. I forgot to bring my bath duck." Daddy gave her a hard stare as if to say he didn't believe a word of it, but he let the infraction go. After all, he had something else to occupy himself with right now.

  "Take off all your clothes Daisy. I want you naked."

  "Er ... can I just keep my panties on?"

  "I won't tell you again, Daisy," he said ominously.

  Slowly Daisy got undressed. It was so much better when Daddy undressed her. She didn't like stripping off in this situation.

  "Right, I want you on your knees on the bath mat, and down on your elbows so that your naughty little bottom is sticking right out."

  "Noooo, please. I'll be good," pleaded Daisy. "I'll be so good you won't know it's me!"

  "Do as you're told, Daisy. I'm not standing for any nonsense. Come on now, get into position."

  Daisy pouted and whimpered as she obeyed. Feeling humiliated beyond belief, she positioned herself as instructed, knowing that the position caused her bottom to spread apart revealing her anus and the lips of her shaved pussy.

  "Stick that naughty bottom right out. We'll lube you up a little first," said Johnny as he inserted his index finger into Daisy's rectum. You're used to me playing with your bottom ... but what happens next will be a whole new experience for my naughty girl." He added another generous dollop of lube to Daisy's presented bottom, swirling it around the winking sphincter, inserting his finger and working it around to ensure adequate lubrication. Then withdrawing his finger he replaced it with the tip of the nozzle and gently touched it to the glistening and lubricated anus and carefully and slowly pushed it in. "Hold still, Daisy. No wriggling. Relax now."

  Daisy groaned in embarrassment as the nozzle went in deeper, until the only part that was visible was the part where the inflater tube came out. Yet in spite of her embarrassment, she felt so submissive as she obeyed Daddy's commands. The control he was taking was a huge turn on in itself. She found herself wanting to please him in this new play activity. But once the water from the enema bag began to flow, she didn't like the sensation at all. It felt weird. Invasive. She began to whimper.

  "Hush," soothed Johnny. He stroked her back as she experienced this most intimate invasion and cringed in humiliation, and yet ... they both knew that humiliation and the dynamics of power exchange were the ve
ry things that she gloried in.

  "Ohhh ... but ... it's not comfortable," she wailed.

  "I never said that it would be. You'll feel a touch more discomfort now that the pressure is beginning to build, but it won't be for long."

  "Oh! Oh! It's not nice!" She began to wriggle and plead. "Take it out now ... please!"

  "No. Not yet. Just a little while longer."

  "But I need to .... you know."

  "Not yet, naughty girl. Stop complaining. Hold it in until I'm ready for you to release it."

  "Ohhh, but please!" She began to squirm and squirm. "I don't like it!" she wailed, as her insides gurgled and bubbled. The discomfort increased as she began to cramp with a pressing need to expel the fluid. She felt distended and full and totally humiliated with the long plastic tube snaking between her cheeks. "Ohhhh I really, really need to go ...." she wailed, red-faced and desperate.

  Eventually, when the bag was empty, Johnny gently pulled the nozzle free. "Ok, now you have my permission to release. Come back downstairs when you're through." He left the room to give her some privacy.

  Daisy dashed over to the toilet as though it were a matter of life and death. Sitting there, she relieved herself. "Oh what a fucking relief!" she muttered. "I won't be trying that again in a hurry!"

  She went downstairs on shaky legs. Johnny was in the kitchen drinking tea. He poured her a cup which she drank gratefully.

  "Feel better now, poppet?"

  "In a word, yes," she said, reverting to the adult Daisy.

  He picked up on it immediately. "Did you find it erotic?"

  "Hell no." She laughed weakly. "At least, not the enema part ... but I did find other aspects satisfying and stimulating."

  "You mean the power exchange and your submissiveness, plus the humiliation elements that you enjoy?"

  "Yes." She nodded. "That's exactly it. What do you get out of it?"

  "Your obedience."

  "Yeah. I think I can understand that."

  "Good. So here's another test of your obedience. We're going for a little walk. And you will wear a diaper."

  "Oh noooo!"

  "Oh yes." He produced one. "Hop up onto the table and I'll fasten it on all nice and snug. Then we'll go out for a walk, darling Daisy, diaper girl."


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