Rocky Zang in The Amazing Mr. Magic (Judy Moody and Friends)

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Rocky Zang in The Amazing Mr. Magic (Judy Moody and Friends) Page 2

by Megan McDonald

secret word. Kazoo was the cue for Judy

  to push the rabbit through the trick

  bottom of the hat.


  Rocky peered into the hat.

  No rabbit.

  “Kazoo!” he said, louder this time.

  “Bless you,” said Stink.

  “Ka-ZOO, not ka-CHOO,” said Rocky.

  At last, pop! Rocky saw a bunny

  ear poke through the bottom of the

  hat, and


  Zing Zang Zoom-a-roo!



  reached into the hat and pulled out a

  stuffed rabbit . . .


  covered in ketchup!

  Screaming, Stink leaped up and ran

  out of the yard. He screamed as he ran

  across the street. He screamed all the

  way inside the Moody house.



  Judy came out from under the table.

  Rocky’s ears turned red. Rocky’s face

  turned red.

  “Sorry. I guess I sat on the ketchup,”

  said Judy.

  “Stella,” said Rocky, “you are the

  most UN-spectacular assistant ever!

  You messed up all my magic tricks!”

  “Not all of your tricks,” said Judy.

  “One of your tricks was super-


  “It was?” Rocky asked.

  “The Disappearing Pest trick,” said

  Judy. “You made Stink disappear!”







  The Disappearing Dollar

  SHAZAM! Rocky had a new magic trick.

  He called Judy Moody. “Meet me at

  the manhole. Pronto.”

  Rocky ran out of his house. Judy

  ran out of her house. They met in the


  “Guess what!” Rocky told Judy. “I

  have a new magic trick. The best magic

  trick ever.”

  “Better than the disappearing Stink

  trick?” Judy asked.



  “Way better,” said Rocky. He stared

  at Judy. “Why do you have leaves in

  your hair?” he asked.

  “I was raking leaves,” said Judy. “I

  made one whole dollar.” Judy waved

  a brand-spanking-new dollar bill

  in Rocky’s face. “Want to go to the

  candy store?”

  “I was just going to ask you if

  you had a dollar,” said Rocky. “My

  new trick is called the Disappearing


  “But I get my dollar back, right?”

  asked Judy.

  “Right,” said Rocky.

  Judy held out her dollar. One whole

  dollar bill. Rocky tried to take the

  dollar, but Judy did not let go.

  “You’ll get it back,” said Rocky.

  “Cross my heart. Magician’s honor!”


  At last, Judy handed over her


  “Behold!” said Rocky. “The

  Amazing Mr. Magic is about to make

  George Washington disappear




  into thin air.”

  “I can’t stand to watch!” said Judy.

  She covered her eyes with her hands.



  “You have to watch,” said Rocky.

  Judy uncovered her eyes. Rocky held

  up the dollar bill, snapping it nice and

  tight. “Ready? Now you see it. . . .”

  Rocky crunched the dollar bill up in

  his hands like a gum wrapper. Judy




  “Now you don’t!” Rocky opened his

  hands. His hands were empty. The

  dollar bill was G-O-N-E, gone! Vamoose!

  Vanished into thin air!


  “Wait. What? WOW!” said Judy.

  “How did you do that?”

  “Magic,” said Rocky.

  “You’re like the best magician

  ever! But my dollar. Where is it?”

  Rocky shook his head. “I can’t tell

  you. Then it wouldn’t be magic!”

  “But . . . I’m Stella the Spectacular,”

  said Judy. “Your assistant. Remember?”

  “I remember that Stella messed up

  all of my magic tricks. This is one trick

  she is NOT going to mess up.”

  “But I’m your best friend,” said Judy.

  Rocky shook his head. “My lips

  are zipped.”

  “C’mon, Zipper Lips. I got three

  blisters for that dollar.” Judy held up

  her hand and showed off her three



  “Still no,” said Rocky.

  “I didn’t wreck your magic tricks on

  purpose,” said Judy.

  “Still no,” said Rocky.

  “I’m leaving,” said Judy.

  Rocky crossed his arms. “So leave.”

  “Not without my dollar.”

  “I already gave it back,” said Rocky.

  “Did not,” said Judy.

  “Did too,” said Rocky. “Magically.”

  “Ugh! You know what, Rock? I take

  it back. You’re like the worst magician

  ever. And the worst friend ever.

  You’re the Amazing

  Mr. Meanie!

  And a big

  fat dollar stealer!”


  Rocky watched as Judy stormed off

  down the sidewalk. Boy, was she in a

  mood. She jammed her hands into her

  pockets. Then, Judy stopped dead in

  her tracks.

  Rocky waited.


  At last, he saw her pull something

  from her pocket. Something crinkly.

  Something crumply.


  Finally, Judy spun around and ran

  back toward Rocky, waving her dollar

  bill in the air.


  “You are the best magician ever,

  Rock,” she said. “You made my dollar

  disappear. But then you made it

  reappear in my pocket! And I didn’t

  even know! Why didn’t you just tell

  me?” she asked.

  “I didn’t want to spoil the magic,”

  said Rocky.


  Presto change-o! Rocky and Judy

  were friends again. Best friend






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