Secrets of Lady Lucy

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Secrets of Lady Lucy Page 11

by Rachel Ann Smith

  “Nothing of importance. I just needed some time alone and fresh air to rid myself of…” Lady Mary stopped midsentence as Lord Waterford appeared but then quickly asked, “Lady Lucy, would you care to join me for a stroll in the gardens?”

  Without waiting for Lucy’s reply, Lady Mary rose and left. Ignoring Waterford’s scowl, Lucy rushed to follow her friend out the terrace doors. Why had Lady Mary given Waterford the cut direct?

  As she fell into step next to Lady Mary, she caught a glimpse of her friend’s features. She could clearly see Lady Mary was not in the mood to converse. Lucy let her thoughts wander as they walked through the garden. Why had Matthew and Blake ridden out early this morn? What were the pair up to?

  When she and Lady Mary had returned from the gardens, Lucy kept an eye on the stables from the drawing room, where all the ladies were taking tea. As soon as she spied Matthew, she made her way to the stables. “Matthew, where did you and Lord Devonton ride to this morn?”

  “We were out taking advantage of Redburn’s excellent stables before being subjected to the blitherings of marriage-minded mamas.” Matthew’s answer did not appease her.

  She let him go but kept an eye on him as he made his way back to the house. He could never get anything past her if she persisted. Lucy decided to take a different approach to the matter. She turned and approached the stables. She peeked into one of the stalls, where Blake was rubbing down his horse. He had his coat off and his shirtsleeves rolled up to expose his forearms. His shirt was tight across his broad chest, and her eyes continued to take in the ripple of his muscles. She couldn’t tear her gaze away from him.

  Blake caught her staring, turned, and devilishly gave her a wink. “Lucy, how are you today? Your brother and I just returned before the weather came in.” To her disappointment, he rolled his sleeves down and shrugged back into his coat.

  Ignoring the question, she asked, “Where did the two of you go?”

  Blake offered his arm and answered, “Oh, we just went out for some exercise with no particular destination in mind.”

  Lucy’s brow furrowed. It was telling how similar his response was to her brother’s… as if it were a coordinated lie.

  She placed her hand on Blake’s forearm, and he led her out of the stables. She didn’t want to return to the house and the other guests. What she wanted was to spend more time with Blake.

  As if reading her mind, he said, “I was just heading to the lake. Would you care to join me?”

  “Yes, I’d much prefer to stay out of doors if you think the weather will hold.”

  Following him to the lake would provide her an opportunity to question him further. What was his motive for drawing her away from the house party? Had his thoughts strayed to their interlude in the library as hers had?

  While they walked toward the lake in silence, Lucy attempted to refocus her thoughts back to the question of what activities her brother and Blake could have been engaged in this morn. But she was distracted by the warmth of his hand as he placed it over hers. It was an intimate gesture, one which she found both comforting and electrifying at the same time. As they approached the water, Blake took off his coat and laid it out for them to sit on under a tree. They were far enough away from the house that they had complete privacy.

  Blake’s thoughts were focused on what had occurred the night before in the library. Lucy had seen his sketch of her. Did she wonder what had prompted him to sketch Lady Mary and herself? It was a question he was trying to decipher himself. His attraction to Lucy was undeniable. She had responded to his kisses but gave no indication she would be open to the proposal of marriage. He needed a wife. While Lady Mary did not evoke the same responses within him as Lucy did, she was a smart, eligible lady of the ton.

  He lowered himself to the ground and leaned against the tree, waiting for Lucy to sit. Looking up at her, he patted space next to him. “Are you going to join me?”

  She hesitated another moment before lowering herself to the ground. As she tucked her legs under her skirts, Blake caught a glimpse of her pale pink stockings. Pink, not white? His hand itched to feel the silk against his palms. He put his hands around her waist and pulled her back to lean against him. It was highly inappropriate, but it felt right.

  Lucy relaxed into his embrace. Neither said anything but gazed out on the lake for a while, their breathing slowly becoming in sync. Eventually, Lucy closed her eyes and breathed.

  Blake reached over, picked a white daisy, and gave it to her. She proceeded to pluck the petals one by one. He remembered her skipping through Halestone Hall when she was a girl, chanting, He loves me, he loves me not.

  Ultimately, Lucy pulled off the last petal. “He loves me.”

  When she glanced up at him, there was a teasing sparkle in her eyes. He bent his head down to give her a kiss. It was a slow, seductive kiss, so dissimilar from the one the night before—light touches and the barest of pressure.

  Lucy broke the kiss and turned her gaze to the lake. He wasn’t finished tasting her, so he continued to nibble at her ear and down her neck.

  “Lord Devonton…”

  “Lucy, after last night, please call me Blake—or at the very least, Devonton.”

  Her brow furrowed, then arched and finally came to rest naturally as she said, “If you wish. Blake… do you have any family?”

  He smiled and gave her the serious answer she was looking for. “None living. My parents married unconventionally young, especially my papa at the age of one and twenty, and my mama was five years his junior. I was not blessed with any siblings, and my mama and papa passed in a carriage accident when I was sixteen.” He kept his voice totally devoid of emotion. “I’ve been on my own for many years now. I was sure my title and lands would either go to a distant relative since I wasn’t entirely sure I’d return from the Continent.”

  It was a good thing she was facing the lake and not him. Otherwise, he was certain he would have seen pity in her gaze. He waited for the typical response, “I’m sorry for your loss,” but it never came.

  “Having Matthew as a twin, I’ve always felt like half a person when he was not around. I know it is selfish, but I was glad he did not venture off like you. I find it odd that you were on the Continent during the war unless you were there to help with the fight. With no family, why did you decide to go?”

  Her reply totally took Blake by surprise. To lighten the conversation, he said. “I wouldn’t call traipsing across the Continent and mapping cities and routes as fighting.”

  “I would. Superior information would give the British the upper hand to defeat Bonaparte.” She turned to look into his eyes. “But you didn’t answer my question.” She continued to search his features as if trying to see into his soul, and soon he leaned down to kiss her. But she pulled away and shook her head.

  “I too have an excellent memory, and I will not let my question go unanswered. Before the house party is over, you will tell me.” She flashed a wicked smile as she was learning how to wield the power she now held over him.

  Since it was apparent there was to be no kissing, he said, “Hmm… if you and Harrington are a whole, you are by far the better half for company.” He nibbled and sucked on her earlobe, trying to elicit a moan from her.

  “Blake, you are like a puzzle to me. Matthew has mentioned you over the years, but I feel like I only have some of the pieces… the corner pieces, but with some of the border missing. I’d love for you to give me the rest to make the picture whole, but I’m not sure you are willing to share. Are you?”

  “Lady Lucy, I’m not some mysterious rake or scandalous rogue. I’m an open book. Just ask, and I’ll tell you.”

  “Really?” Seeing the twinkle in her eyes, he suspected her questions were going to be rather tricky. “Are you enjoying the house party?”

  Best he only reply either in the affirmative or negative. “Yes.”

  “Do you currently have a mistress?”

  Blake didn’t flinch before stating quite ad
amantly, “No.”

  “Have you ever had a mistress?”

  He pondered why Lucy was asking such bold, intimate questions but promptly answered, “No.”


  He couldn’t stick to the one-word answers for this question. Honesty would serve him best. “I’ve never been in one place long enough to maintain a mistress.”

  “Are you a virgin?”

  He tried not to laugh. “No.”

  As if on to his scheme, Lady Lucy changed her line of questions. “What is your favorite color?”

  “I don’t have one.”

  “What hobbies do you enjoy?”

  Should he give her the gentlemanly answer or the one that would make her blush? He remembered she was Harrington’s sister and modified his answer. “Well, I do enjoy sketching…”

  “Why did you do a sketch of Lady Mary?”

  “It was a sketch of the two of you, not just Lady Mary. And whatever the two of you were discussing made for interesting conversation, for everyone else in the room could see there was a true connection of like minds. I was trying to capture the moment. If I am to be completely honest, I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that type of camaraderie with anyone.”

  The smile Lucy gave him told him he had revealed a lot more than he intended. It was getting late; they needed to return to the house and change for dinner.

  “Will you be joining in the festivities this evening?” Lucy asked.

  Had she noticed he often disappeared after dinner? He had thought she would assume he and her brother had retired to the card room or to play billiards. Perhaps they had not been as clever at hiding their activities as they believed.

  “My skills at charades are awful. I prefer to avoid the game and hide in the billiards room. Let’s meet out here again tomorrow, and you can finish your inquisition.”

  Lucy gave a slight nod of agreement. Would she look forward to spending time alone together as much as he did?

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lucy smiled as she turned to Lady Mary, who was staring up at the night sky. “I’ve enjoyed our time here. House parties are not as torturous as I had imagined.”

  “That is because you have landed yourself the best partner for these silly activities, while I’ve been subject to Lord Waterford’s grumpy disposition.”

  Blake was a fantastic partner. He often provided witty commentary and on occasion invented challenges for them both. Lucy’s favorite was reciting cities that began with each letter of a peer’s name. She had named Lady Roxbury and was in complete awe as Blake rattled off, “Rome in Italy, Oberhausen in Germany, Xifias in Greece, Bilbao in Spain, Utrecht in the Netherlands, Rheims in France, and Yekaterinburg, Russia.”

  Lucy had to admit Blake’s company guaranteed an evening full of interesting lessons. Unwilling to admit that Lady Mary was correct, she said, “Waterford isn’t all bad.”

  “Gilbert is the most arrogant, high-handed, opinionated man I’ve ever known.”

  Had Lady Mary just referred to Waterford using his Christian name? Accustomed to addressing and calling him Waterford, it took Lucy a moment to recognize the name Gilbert. What could have occurred between Lady Mary and Waterford for her to make such a statement?

  Lady Mary turned and pointedly stared down at her. “Devonton is always extremely attentive.”

  “You can make me blush, but no one will witness it in the dark.”

  Lady Mary’s laughter, was no genteel giggle, it had her bending at the waist. Tears streamed from her eyes. Why did she find Lucy’s statement hilarious?

  Taking a deep calming breath, Lady Mary regained some of her composure. “Who would have guessed that the ever-rational, level-headed Lady Lucy would fall victim to my teasing? I am curious to know. What interesting facts have you learned about our dear Devonton during your stolen moments alone?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Lady Lucy, you are not five, and you do not need daily naps.”


  “Yes. It is the excuse Lady Redburn has used for the past three days for your absence in the afternoons.” Lady Mary was relentless. “What does Devonton enjoy? Kisses, perhaps?”

  Lucy was sure she was blushing as she answered, “Devonton enjoys the outdoors. He is a marvelous storyteller, and when he speaks of his travels, it feels as if you are right there. He is well educated…”

  “In kissing?” Lady Mary teased.

  “Yes, he is an excellent kisser, and when…”

  “Lady Lucy, may I have a moment of your time?” Blake croaked.

  How did he appear without detection? She had perfect hearing and usually could sense someone approaching well before they came face-to-face.

  “Lady Mary, please excuse us for a moment. Perhaps we can partner for the Jonesy contest.”

  Lady Mary eyed them both with interest. “I’d be delighted to partner with you if you are still available.”

  Ignoring Lady Mary’s comment, Lucy turned and let Blake pull her farther into the gardens. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders and bumbled, “Lucy, I’m not sure how to ask this of you.”

  “Ask me what?” Lucy craned her neck so she could see into his eyes. He appeared nervous. She told herself to be patient with the man.

  “I’d like to court you if you would be amenable to the notion.”

  “Blake, I thought you already were. Why have we been sneaking to the lake every day if not to learn more about each other to see if we would suit? It wasn’t just because you wanted to kiss me, was it?” Lucy wasn’t sure, but had she managed to make Blake blush?

  The rustling of branches had Lucy peering into the dark. Who had joined them? Matthew materialized from behind a topiary that resembled a snake balancing a ball on its head.

  “Why are you two sneaking about in the gardens?”

  Blake’s hands dropped to his sides. His abrupt release left her wobbling. Lucy easily regained her balance, but she caught the conflicted emotions that flew across Blake’s features. What was he worried about? It wasn’t as if Matthew would call his best friend out for having his hands upon her. Matthew’s narrowed gaze fell upon Blake, and he raised an eyebrow.

  Blake regained his voice first. “Well, Harrington, I…”

  “Oh goodness, Matthew. Blake and I have been doing whatever one does at house parties,” Lucy announced, not really knowing what she was implying.

  “What?” Matthew shouted loud enough that those on the terrace turned to look. He poked Blake in the chest and asked directly, “Did you take advantage of Lucy? Have you…”

  Before Matthew could go on, Blake was shaking his head adamantly, “Harrington, no. I would never dishonor Lucy, and I would never risk our friendship like that.”

  Lucy stepped between them and pushed Matthew back. “Matthew, how could you accuse Blake of such behavior? You of all people should know he would do the honorable thing should something like… like that occurred between us.” She was blushing and honestly a little lost as to how to explain what was happening between herself and Blake.

  Blake calmly wrapped an arm around her waist and gently pulled her back to put some distance between her and Matthew.

  Oddly, instead of seeming further enraged, Matthew eyed Blake’s protective motions and ordered them, “I expect you both to behave while we remain at Redburn Manor.”

  His directive was in stark contrast with the bounce in his step as he returned to the drawing room through the terrace doors.

  Lucy felt Blake’s chest rattle and turned to see him chuckling. She slapped him on the chest and said, “I think that went well.”

  Blake interweaved their fingers and led her to the lake.

  Cheeks rosy and lips swollen, Lucy returned to the house to participate in the Jonesy contest.

  “Lucy. Lady Lucy.” Lady Mary poked her elbow into Lucy’s ribs. “If you could stop daydreaming, we might have a chance at winning.”

  Lucy apologized. “Sorry, I’ll focus.”
  “What rhymes with enough?”


  “Lucy, if you don’t stop thinking of Devonton, I will…”

  “Devonton? What has Devonton and love got to do with enough?”

  Lady Mary blinked as if Lucy were talking in riddles. “Lucy, you are in love with the man!”

  Shocked, Lucy replied, “In love? I can’t be. We’ve only recently begun to get to know each other.”

  “Devonton can appear to be rather standoffish and boring, but if you watch him and listen closely, he always has a purpose.”

  Lucy narrowed her eyes at Lady Mary. Had Lady Mary taken a particular interest in Blake? He was a master of hiding out in the open.

  Lady Mary echoed her thoughts, saying, “He is an expert at blending in and influencing discussions without bringing attention to himself. Exceptionally sneaky is what I call him, and when you look beyond his mask, he is rather handsome.”

  Handsome? Striking was a better description of Blake. But it wasn’t his features that impressed Lucy the most. It was his keen mind and ability to blend into any environment, like a chameleon. Having to master the skill herself, Lucy was fully aware of the vast control and patience required to perform such a task. Lucy had benefited on more than one occasion from remaining hidden in plain sight. The insight into which investments were likely to bear modest returns had allowed her to accumulate a small fortune, enough for her to set up her own household. Independence. Freedom from marriage. After meeting Blake, were those still her wishes?

  Lady Mary continued, “Lady Lucy, the man has eyes only for you. Women have been casting their lures at Devonton the entire house party, but he pretends to misunderstand their invitations or politely declines the more overt offers.”

  “He has?”

  “Why do you think all the others titter behind their fans when you enter a room? They are jealous. You have captured the interest of a young earl who has recently returned from his tour. If rumors are to be believed, gentlemen who have traveled to foreign lands are much better lovers than those who have never left our shores. He is a mystery, and they want what you have: his attention.”


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