Rogue Vanguard: Book One of the Eterialumen

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Rogue Vanguard: Book One of the Eterialumen Page 12

by Peter Hall

  Bryn saw Cerberus ahead, still fending off the horde with huge swings of his battle-axe. They started slicing and smashing their way towards the giant warrior as the rain kept falling and the draugr kept coming. As Bryn smashed the dead faces of her kinsmen in with her sword she felt tears welling in her eyes. She felt rage. They carved a path over to Cerberus and Durandal turned to guard their back. Bryn shouted over the chaos at the huge mountain of a man before her.

  “Cerberus!” He didn’t respond. “Cerberus! You are hereby ordered by the king to return to the city!”

  Cerberus looked over at her and Bryn held up the pink gem. He swung his battle-axe and took out another wave of draugr and turned around. Glowing blue bolts rained down on the draugr all around them.

  “Come with me!” Bryn shouted and Cerberus nodded.

  Bryn looked up at Starcaller and held up the pink gem as Cerberus and Durandal fought off the incoming monsters. Bryn watched as the cloaked archer jumped from the tower, which was around forty feet high, then a glowing blue wire came shooting from her hand and attached to the wall as she dropped past it. The archer swung along the wall and launched into the air as the glowing wire retracted into her arm. She came crashing down onto the rampart next to Bryn and landed on her feet, sliding across the wet stone.

  The archer pulled a long knife from her waist and sliced a draugr’s head off as she slowed down and turned to Bryn.

  “That’s my gem.” she said. She was wearing a long dark blue cape and black leather armor. She was wearing a hood but Bryn could see her face. She had dark black circles tattooed around her eyes and her lips were tattooed black, the rest of her face was tattooed white. She looked like death.

  “Follow me now!” Bryn shouted over the noise.

  The four made their way through the carnage towards the staircase and down to the courtyard. The ground was covered in dead bodies and crawling draugr. The horde swarmed at the group as they made their way back to the inner wall. Starcaller sat on Cerberus’s shoulders and fired her colorful arrows at the draugr as he swung his battle-axe back and forth. Bryn led the way as she got behind her sword and hacked a path through the horde. Durandal followed close behind Bryn stabbing the draugr as they approached and Cerberus was following him. They made it to the wall and Bryn climbed up the rope, Durandal following close behind. Cerberus was holding the horde at bay as Starcaller shot her wire up at the edge of the wall then flew up and over the edge with a spin as it retracted, landing on her feet. She ran back over to the edge of the wall and looked down at Cerberus.

  “Get up here you big stupid oaf!” she shouted.

  As Cerberus slowly climbed the rope, Starcaller blasted the draugr below with her blue arrows. Bryn picked up Eir and looked over at the strange archer. She noticed Starcaller had no arrows in her quiver and every time she reached over her shoulder, she would seemingly pull one of the glowing arrows out of thin air from the empty quiver. Bryn was stunned, she had never seen this type of magick before. Cerberus finally made his way to the rampart and they headed down the staircase back to the city. When they reached the main road Starcaller pulled back her hood. She had long, unkempt jet black hair and Bryn noticed she looked quite young, probably in her twenties.

  “Who are you and how did you get your hands on my gem?” she said angrily.

  Bryn stopped and the group came to a halt in the middle of the road. “My name is Brynhildr. My companions and I are travelling to Drogan, in the northern mountains of Asgard, to kill a monster.”

  Starcaller raised an eyebrow. “A monster?”

  “Yes. And not just any monster. This foul creature is responsible for the darkness that has risen in these lands. He leads an army of demons. It appears they have already taken Asgard and now the evil is spreading through Siera. The king said you and Cerberus are to accompany us.”

  Starcaller stared at the pink gem in Bryn’s hand. “Do you know how valuable that gem is? Cerberus and I were to serve this kingdom for another thirty years before earning these gems!” She paced back and forth. “So we go on this trip to Asgard with you and then that’s it? We get our gems?”

  “Yes. Help us get to Drogan and they’re yours. Then you are free to go.”

  Starcaller looked at Cerberus and the giant warrior nodded. She put her hand out to Bryn and they shook on it.

  Eir looked up at Starcaller and smiled. “I like your arrows.” she said. Starcaller looked down at Eir and she was shocked.

  “What the hades are you!” she said.

  Eir’s face darkened. “I’m Eir. I am a halfling most people say.”

  “More like a quarterling!” Starcaller replied.

  Eir gripped the hilt of her sword. Bryn put her hand on Eir’s shoulder and looked at her sternly.

  “Come on, let’s go.” Bryn said and walked over to Durandal. She put her hand on his face and smiled. He was bleeding badly from a deep gash on his neck.

  “You alright?” She said

  “I’ll manage.” he said and smiled.

  Eir pulled her flute from her belt and started skipping around and playing a bubbly tune. The group realized their wounds were healing rapidly. Bryn and Durandal glanced at each other, both were dumbstruck.

  “Eir?” Bryn said. The halfling stopped playing and giggled.


  “Thank you.” Bryn said and picked her up, giving her a hug.

  Starcaller looked at Cerberus and she could see him smiling through the slit in his helmet. “What are you smiling at?” she said and he stopped smiling and stared forward.

  “What in the rat-infested filth of Hades was that?” she said, looking at Bryn, puzzled.

  They followed Bryn and Eir along the main road, heading towards the stables, leaving the chaos of the northern wall behind them.

  Wild Berry Juice

  Recipes for the Soul, by E. Honeydew

  Mixed Berries




  Mash the berries in a large pot, add sweetsap and cinnamon, then slowly add water until a nice runny consistency is achieved. Heat and serve piping hot, with love!



  The River

  The five unlikely companions gathered what supplies they needed, mounted their horses and left Iliad through the southern gates as the sun came up. None of them had slept but there was no time. They rode east along the outer wall and around the giant statue of the Goddess Trista. The sky became gloomy over the course of the morning, giant dark grey clouds rolled in from the sea, the wind picked up and light rain began to fall. They continued east along the cliff known as the North Edge until around midday when they stopped to give the horses a rest.

  Below them to the north, at the base of the cliff was the Blue Diamond River that ran between Asgard and Siera, flowing all the way out to the Great Western Ocean. They could see the opposite shore in the distance, it looked like a barren, dead place. The ground was muddy and there was no vegetation apart from a dead tree here or there. Bryn sat on a log next to Eir and looked out over the river. Durandal walked over and sat next to her.

  “You know it’s the strangest thing but my neck, it feels as good as new. In fact all my wounds are healed completely! How is it possible?” Bryn looked at him, raised her eyebrows and looked over at Eir.

  “It’s music magick.” the Halfling said and smiled.

  “Huh… Can you bring back someone who has died?” Durandal asked.

  “No! I only became a novice in light-working before I left the village.” Eir said.

  “What about if your hand was cut off? Could you grow a new one?” Durandal asked, fascinated with the subject.

  “No! Like I said before I am only a novice.”

  Durandal felt his neck and ran his fingers along where the draugr bite had been. He looked back at Eir with a look of slight concern. “Is there a cost for doing this light-working? Is there a limit?”

  Starcaller had been eavesdropping. “There
is always a limit, there is always a cost.”

  Cerberus pulled a piece of chicken out from somewhere and started eating it.

  Durandal looked at Eir. “What is the cost little one?”

  Eir stared out across the river as the rain came down and danced on the surface of the water. “The cost is my life-force.” she said.

  “What do you mean life-force?” Durandal said, looking more concerned now.

  Eir looked at him. “The more I use my magic, the shorter my life will be. We all are born with a certain amount of life-force given to us by Esra, and that energy evaporates as we grow older. Using my magick depletes my life-force. If I were to over-use my magick I would die.”

  “So when you healed me… when you healed us, that cost you some of your life-force?” He said.

  Starcaller chimed in again. “She probably lost years with that little trick.” She said as she tightened the straps on her gloves.

  “Years?” Durandal said and looked at Eir. “Is that true?”

  “I don't know.” Eir said looking to the ground. “Maybe.”

  Durandal grabbed her arm. “Eir, if I get myself injured again, dont heal me.”

  Bryn looked at him confused. “What are you talking about?” she said.

  “Im serious. Unless it's life or death, I don't want your magick Eir. Promise me.” He said with a deadly serious look on his face.

  Eir looked into his eyes and forced a smile. “I promise.”

  “Thank-you” Durandal said and they sat for a while watching the river flow by.

  Eir got up, walked over to Starcaller and sat down beside her. “I like your cape.” she said and smiled at her.

  Starcaller forced a smile. “Er… thanks.” she said and continued tightening her armor.

  “So… how do you shoot those colorful arrows?” Eir asked.

  Starcaller sighed and stopped what she was doing. She looked at the Halfling and tilted her head. “I grew up in the Badlands. Ever heard of it?” she said, annoyed.

  “Um, I think so.” Eir replied.

  “Well it’s a long way from here anyway. I grew up as a nomad, my tribe were mystics that had mastered Star-Magick. I learned to call the light of the stars from heaven and give it form.”

  Eir looked confused.

  “Forget it.” Starcaller said and returned to tightening her armor.

  Eir got up and walked over to Cerberus. She looked up at the huge warrior and smiled. “Hello Cerberus.” she said.

  Cerberus looked down at her and continued eating his chicken. For once he wasn’t wearing his helmet and Eir saw he was bald with a grizzled looking face full of scars.

  “Why are you so big?” she said.

  Cerberus stopped eating and leaned down. “Because I eat Halflings for breakfast!” he said and took a bite of chicken, grinning, the grease running down his chin.

  Eir stepped close to him and gestured for him to come closer. He crouched down and leaned in, then she slapped him across the face. The others looked up and Cerberus stopped chewing and looked stunned. She put her face right up close to his and gritted her teeth. “I will gut you like a fish!” she whispered and his eyes widened.

  “Eir! Come here sweetheart.” Bryn said and gestured to her to come.

  Cerberus was still in shock and he looked over at Starcaller who started laughing hysterically. He growled and continued eating his chicken.

  Bryn stood up and dusted herself off. “Let’s move.” she said and walked over to her horse.

  The group gathered their things, mounted their horses and continued east along the North Edge. They set up camp at nightfall and Eir made a hearty stew for supper. As they settled in for the night, Cerberus looked over at the Halfling, who was sitting next to Bryn as she slept, twirling her dagger and staring back at him.

  “Sweet dreams Cerberus.” she said and giggled.

  Cerberus gulped and laid down, turning his head away from the Halfling but keeping his eyes and ears open.

  The next morning as they were gathering their things and getting ready for the day’s ride, Starcaller walked past Cerberus and noticed he had dark circles under his eyes. She raised her eyebrow. “You look like death warmed over… and that’s saying something coming from me.” she said to him and kept walking.

  Cerberus growled and put his helmet on. They mounted their horses and continued along the North Edge in the crisp morning air. The cliff to their left was starting to get lower as they headed further east and the river below was getting closer to them. They could hear the water flowing now and Bryn was keeping her eyes open for a way to cross over.

  “We won’t make it across with the horses,” Starcaller shouted out, “there’s a bridge about a day’s ride from here.”

  Bryn looked over to her and nodded. They continued on all through the day and made camp by the North Edge again for the night. They reached the bridge around noon the following day.

  “They call it Dead Man’s Bridge.” Starcaller said as they approached the rickety wooden rope bridge spanning the canyon.

  Bryn looked down at the raging waters below. “If it breaks, we may survive the fall but the horses won't.” she said.

  Eir stroked Angel’s mane and furrowed her brow. Starcaller and Cerberus looked at eachother and Cerberus shook his head. Durandal moved over next to Bryn.

  “You think it will hold?” he said and looked at her.

  “We go over one at a time. I’ll go first and if it holds then Eir can follow and then you.” she leaned closer “Make sure you cross before the big guy, I don't like his chances.” she said.

  Durandal nodded “See you on the other side.” he said and Bryn headed slowly across the bridge.

  Odin carefully traversed the bridge and after a short while Bryn made it to the other side. She waved Eir to come and Angel started to make her way slowly across. The bridge was starting to swing a little in the breeze as the wind picked up. Eir looked at the water rushing below and held on to Angel’s reins tight. She made it to the other side and breathed a sigh of relief. Bryn waved and Starcaller moved towards the bridge. She looked at Durandal and smirked.

  “Ladies first.” She said and headed across the bridge. As she crossed, Durandal looked over at Cerberus.

  “I’m going next mega-head, you're likely to collapse the bridge.”

  Cerberus looked over and growled. “Whatever, just hurry up.” he said.

  They watched Starcaller make it across and then Durandal began making his way over. The bridge was creaking under the weight of his steel armor. When he got about half way across the bridge he saw the three on the other side waving their arms frantically and gesturing to go back. He looked back and Cerberus was crossing the bridge.

  “You fool!” Durandal said under his breath as he watched the huge warrior trott towards him.

  He kept moving and now the bridge was straining and groaning loudly. The ropes snapped in the middle of the bridge and it came crashing down into the cliff walls. Durandal and Cerberus fell down into the raging rapids below, along with their horses. Eir screamed, Starcaller shook her head and Bryn cried out “No!” as they sank beneath the surface. The horses floated away down the river but Durandal and Cerberus sank to the bottom due to their heavy steel armor. Bryn, Eir and Starcaller watched from the edge of the canyon, waiting for them to surface. They watched the rushing water below but the pair were nowhere to be seen. Bryn jumped down off her horse and untied her belt, throwing her sword to the ground.

  “I’m going in.” she said and dived off the canyon into the river below.

  She sucked in a deep breath as she plummeted down into the canyon and hit the rapids with a splash, disappearing under the freezing water. She opened her eyes and looked around but couldn't see anything except for the water rushing by. She could feel herself being pulled downstream by the current and she dived down. There were rocks on the bottom of the river and she held on to them as she looked around. Then she saw a glimmer of light shining from downstream. Sh
e floated towards it and it was Cerberus. He was caught on a rock and flailing about trying to get loose.

  Bryn swam up and pulled on the straps along the side of his cuirass and pulled it off. He pulled his arm out of the shoulder plate that was jammed in the rocks, grabbed his battle-axe from the river bed and swam up to the surface. Bryn was running out of air. She looked around but she couldn’t see Durandal. She swam up to the surface and took a huge gulp of air and looked around. She saw Cerberus climbing to shore and Starcaller and Eir riding over to him. She dived back down and looked around but she couldn’t see him. She swam to the bottom and drifted along, scanning the river bed and found his red cape caught on a rock. She swam back to the surface and took another deep breath. Starcaller was helping Cerberus get to his feet and Eir was looking back at her with a worried expression. She went back down again and again, but he was gone.

  She swam back to the shore with Durandal’s cape and climbed out of the river. She knelt in the mud, catching her breath. Eir jumped off her pony, walked over and put her hand on her arm.

  “He’s alive. He will be alright. He must have drifted down the river.” Eir said.

  “Let’s follow the river west and see if he washed up somewhere.” Bryn said and forced a smile.

  Eir smiled and nodded and Bryn got back to her feet. She threw Durandal’s cape over her shoulders and mounted her horse.

  “Eir and I will head up river and see if we can find him, you two stay here.” she said.

  Starcaller nodded as she gazed out towards the river and Cerberus was still laying in the mud catching his breath. A loud splashing sound echoed through the canyon and a tidal wave of water splashed up over the edge of the cliff, drenching them all as the noise moved downstream.


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