Paris, City of Dreams

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Paris, City of Dreams Page 40

by Mary McAuliffe

  Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. Translated by Eleanor Marx Aveling. New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2005. First published 1856.

  Fleury, Maurice de. La société du second empire: D’après les mémoires contemporains et des documents nouveaux. 4 vols. Paris: A. Michel, 1917.

  Gagneux, Renaud, Jean Anckaert, and Gérard Conte. Sur les traces de la Bièvre parisienne: promenades au fil d’une rivière disparue. Paris: Parisgramme, 2002.

  Gold, Arthur, and Robert Fizdale. The Divine Sarah: A Life of Sarah Bernhardt. New York: Vintage, 1991.

  Goncourt, Edmond de, and Jules de Goncourt. Pages from the Goncourt Journals. Edited and translated by Robert Baldick. New York: New York Review of Books, 2007.

  Gray, Walter D. Interpreting American Democracy in France: The Career of Edouard Laboulaye, 1811–1883. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1994.

  Guedalla, Philip. The Second Empire: Bonapartism, the Prince, the President, the Emperor. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1922.

  Hannoosh, Michele. Painting and the Journal of Eugène Delacroix. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1995.

  Harvie, David I. Eiffel: The Genius Who Reinvented Himself. Gloucestershire, U.K.: Sutton, 2004.

  Haussmann, Georges. Mémoires: édition intégrale. Vols. 1–3. Paris: Seuil, 2000. First published 1893.

  Higonnet, Anne. Berthe Morisot. New York: Harper & Row, 1990.

  Hugo, Victor. Les Misérables. Translated by Norman Denny. New York: Penguin, 1985. First published 1862.

  ———. Napoleon the Little. Translated by George Burnham Ives. New York: Athenaeum Society, 1909. First published 1852.

  Hyslop, Lois Boe. Baudelaire: Man of His Time. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1980.

  Josephson, Matthew. Zola and His Time. Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City Publishing, 1928.

  Kennel, Sarah. Charles Marville: Photographer of Paris. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 2013.

  Kracauer, Siegfried. Jacques Offenbach and the Paris of His Time. Translated by Gwenda David and Eric Mosbacher. New York: Zone Books, 2002. First published 1937.

  Lesseps, Ferdinand de. Recollections of Forty Years. Translated by B. Pitman. New York: D. Appleton, 1888.

  Macdonald, Hugh. Bizet. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

  Manet, Edouard. Manet by Himself: Correspondence & Conversation, Paintings, Pastels, Prints & Drawings. Edited by Juliet Wilson-Bareau. Translated. London: Macdonald, 1991.

  Maurois, André. The Titans: A Three-Generation Biography of the Dumas. Translated by Gerard Hopkins. New York: Harper, 1957.

  McAuliffe, Mary. Dawn of the Belle Epoque: The Paris of Monet, Zola, Bernhardt, Eiffel, Debussy, Clemenceau, and Their Friends. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2011.

  ———. Paris Discovered: Explorations in the City of Light. Hightstown, N.J.: Princeton Book Company, 2006.

  ———. Twilight of the Belle Epoque: The Paris of Picasso, Stravinsky, Proust, Renault, Marie Curie, Gertrude Stein, and Their Friends, through the Great War. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.

  Mead, Christopher Curtis. Charles Garnier’s Paris Opéra: Architectural Empathy and the Renaissance of French Classicism. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991.

  Merruau, Charles. Souvenirs de l’Hôtel de Ville de Paris, 1848–1852. Paris: Plon, 1875.

  Michel, Louise. Louise Michel. Edited by Nic Maclellan. Melbourne, N.Y.: Ocean Press, 2004.

  ———. The Red Virgin: The Memoirs of Louise Michel. Edited and translated by Bullitt Lowry and Elizabeth Ellington Gunter. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1981.

  Miller, Michael Barry. The Bon Marché: Bourgeois Culture and the Department Store, 1869–1920. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981.

  Monet, Claude. Monet by Himself: Paintings, Drawings, Pastels, Letters. Edited by Richard Kendall. Translations by Bridget Strevens Romer. London: Macdonald Orbis, 1989.

  Morisot, Berthe. The Correspondence of Berthe Morisot, with Her Family and Her Friends Manet, Puvis de Chavannes, Degas, Monet, Renoir and Mallarmé. Edited by Denis Rouart. Translated by Betty W. Hubbard. London: Camden Press, 1986.

  Murger, Henri. The Bohemians of the Latin Quarter. Translated by Ellen Marriage and John Selwyn. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004.

  Nadar, Félix. When I Was a Photographer. Translated by Edouardo Cadava and Liana Theodoratou. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2015.

  Paléologue, Maurice. The Tragic Empress: A Record of Intimate Talks with the Empress Eugénie, 1901–1919. Translated by Hamish Miles. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1928.

  Pinkney, David H. Napoleon III and the Rebuilding of Paris. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1958.

  Pinon, Pierre. Atlas du Paris Haussmannien: La Ville en heritage du Second Empire à nos jours. Paris: Parigramme, 2016.

  Pissarro, Camille. Letters to His Son Lucien. Edited by John Rewald, with assistance of Lucien Pissarro. Translated by Lionel Abel. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Peregrine Smith, 1981. First published 1944.

  Plessis, Alain. The Rise and Fall of the Second Empire, 1852–1871. Translated by Jonathan Mandelbaum. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

  Poisson, Georges, and Olivier Poisson. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc. Paris: Picard, 2014.

  Rewald, John. The History of Impressionism. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1987. First published 1946.

  Rigouard, Jean-Pierre. La Petite Ceinture: Memoire en Images. Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, France: Editions Alan Sutton, 2012.

  Robb, Graham. Victor Hugo: A Biography. New York: Norton, 1997.

  Rudé, George. The Crowd in History: A Study of Popular Disturbances in France and England, 1730–1848. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1981.

  Schopp, Claude. Alexandre Dumas: Genius of Life. Translated by A. J. Koch. New York: Franklin Watts, 1988.

  Schopp, Marianne, and Claude Schopp. Dumas fils, ou L’anti-Oedipe: biographie. Paris: Phébus, 2017.

  St. John, Bayle. The Purple Tints of Paris: Character and Manners in the New Empire. 2 vols. London: Chapman & Hall, 1854.

  Sue, Eugène. The Mysteries of Paris. 6 vols. New York: Century, 1903.

  Sutherland, Cara. The Statue of Liberty. New York: The Museum of the City of New York and Barnes & Noble Books, 2003.

  Tuilier, André. Histoire de l’Université de Paris et de la Sorbonne. 2 vols. Paris: Nouvelle Librarie de France, 1994.

  Watson, David Robin. Georges Clemenceau: A Political Biography. New York: David McKay, 1974.

  Weintraub, Stanley. Whistler: A Biography. Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo Press, 2001. First published 1974.

  Wildenstein, Daniel. Claude Monet: Biographie et catalogue raisonné. 5 vols. Paris: Bibliothèque des Arts, 1974–1991.

  ———. Monet, or the Triumph of Impressionism. Vol. 1. Translated by Chris Miller and Peter Snowdon. Cologne, Germany: Taschen/Wildenstein Institute, 1999.

  Zola, Emile. Au Bonheur des dames (The Ladies’ Paradise). Translated by Kristin Ross. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.

  ———. Correspondance. Vols. 1 & 2. Edited by B. H. Bakker. Montréal, Canada: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 1978.

  ———. La Curée (The Kill). Translated by Alexander Teixeira De Mattos. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1924.

  ———. Nana. Translated by George Holden. Hammondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, 1972.

  ———. Thérèse Raquin. Translated by Robin Buss. New York: Penguin, 2004.

  About the Author

  Mary McAuliffe holds a PhD in history from the University of Maryland, has taught at several universities, and has lectured at the Smithsonian Institution, the Barnes Foundation, and the Frick Pittsburgh. She has traveled extensively in France, and for many years, she was a regular contributor to Paris Notes. Her books include Paris Discovered, Dawn of the Belle Epoque, Twilight of the Belle Epoque, When Paris Sizzled, Paris on the Brink, and Clash of Crowns. She lives in New York City with her husband and shares her insights about and photos of Pa
ris with her readers on her Paris Facebook photo blog (




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