Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss

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Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss Page 44

by Philip Nel

  San Diego State College, 247

  San Francisco, 37, 80, 106

  San Francisco Chronicle, 94, 115, 130

  Sandburg, Carl, 79, 139

  Santorini (Greek island), 220

  Saratoga Springs, 259

  Sattler, Warren, 196

  Saturday Review, 194, 242

  Savo, Jimmy, 62, 80

  Savo, Mario, 217

  Sayers, Frances Clarke, 127

  Scarborough, 246

  Scarry, Richard, 4

  Schindel, Morton, 266, 270

  Schnabel, Marion, 85, 255

  Schnabel, Stefan, 85, 132, 255

  Schneider, Daniel E., 160

  Schneider, Elizabeth Susan, 204, 206

  Schneider, Herman, 100, 181–82, 204, 219, 255

  Schneider, Lucy, 116

  Schneider, Nina, 100, 116, 181–82, 204, 219, 255

  Scholastic, 165, 181, 215, 228, 252, 266

  School Library Journal, 228, 260, 264

  Schulz, Charles, 7, 274

  Schurr, Cathleen. See Skelly, Cathleen “Cay”

  Schuyler, James, 239

  Schwed, Fred, Jr., 86–87, 97, 135, 176, 229, 285n

  Schwed, Harriet, 86, 135

  Scientific American, 238

  Scientific and Cultural Conference for World Peace, 113–14

  Scotland, 16, 234, 239

  Scott, Hazel, 87

  Scott, Jerry, 275

  Scott, William R., 126. See also William R. Scott (publisher)

  “Scottsboro Boys,” 47, 79

  Scribner’s, 201

  Sealy (mattress company), 158

  Searchinger, Gene, 135, 187, 238, 255, 257

  Searle, Ronald, 193

  “Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The,” 94

  Seldes, George, 44

  Selsam, Howard, 145

  Selsam, Millicent, 145

  Sendak, Maurice, 3, 4, 6, 86, 98, 122–27, 130–31, 135, 137–39, 142, 153–54, 158–59, 162–63, 166, 176, 178–79, 181, 184, 189, 192, 194, 202, 204, 209–10, 213–14, 233–34, 260, 263, 266, 270–72, 274

  Seuss, Dr., 4, 61, 94, 98, 178, 184, 283n

  Shakespeare, William, 23, 166, 199–201, 248

  Shapiro, David, 183, 205

  Sharnick, John, 176

  Shaw, Dale, 258–59, 264, 267

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 150

  Shepard, Jane, 267–68

  Shepard, Sam, 248

  Sherman, Harriet S., 122

  Shetland Islands, 16–17, 234

  Shostakovich, Dmitri, 113

  Shy Little Kitten, The, 170

  Sicily, 251–52

  Sign on Rosie’s Door, The, 192

  Silence, 247

  “Silence,” 247

  Silverstein, David, 247

  Silverstein, Shel, 264, 270

  Similar Triangles (Thales), 227

  Simon & Schuster, 96, 125, 163

  Simon, Norma, 126, 133, 215

  Simont, Marc, 112, 115, 121–22, 195, 197

  Simpsons, The, 5

  “Sister, You Need the Union! … And the Union Needs You!,” 77

  Skelly, Cathleen “Cay,” 170

  Skelly, Joseph, 73

  Skelton, Red, 100

  Skrifola (Danish publisher), 156

  Sloane, William, 96

  Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 255

  Slobodkin, Louis, 79, 104

  Small Black Lambs Wandering in the Red Poppies, 265

  Smith Act, 108, 113

  Smith, Gladys, 254

  Smith, Lane, 6

  Smith, Michael, 223

  Smith, Michael Steven, 108

  Smith, Stanley, 254

  Smithsonian Institution, 257, 261, 272

  Snodgrass, W. D., 170

  Soby, James Thrall, 181

  socialism, 119, 197, 246

  socialists, 43, 119

  Society of Illustrators, 165

  Soglow, Otto, 56

  “Solidarity Forever,” 133

  Solomon, Deborah, 5

  Somebody Else’s Nut Tree, 68, 163, 228

  Somebody Spilled the Sky, 262–63

  Something Else Press, 237, 241

  “Song,” 217

  “Song of the Melancholy Dress,” 230, 272

  Song of the South, The, 110

  Sontag, Susan, 220

  Sophocles, 166

  Soviet Union. See USSR

  Spain, 45, 119

  Spanish Civil War, 119–20

  Sparber, Howard, 72–73

  Spencer Memorial Church, 221

  Spiegelman, Art, 7, 274

  Splash, 26

  Spotty, 67

  Squared Circle, 236, 238

  St. Louis, 10

  Stagakis, Nina. See Wallace, Nina Rowand

  Stalin, Joseph, 106, 113

  Stanton, Jessie, 110

  Steed, Robert, 51, 100

  Steig, William, 79, 178

  Stein, Gertrude, 221, 223

  Steinberg, Saul, 5, 58, 81, 149

  Stevens, Wallace, 221

  Stevenson, Adlai, 152, 161

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, 23

  Stewart, Donald Ogden, 46, 106

  Stockbridge, 242, 247

  Stockholm, 246

  Stoddard, Sandol, 165

  Stone, I. F., 113. See also I.F. Stone’s Weekly

  “Strange Fruit,” 80

  Stravinsky, Igor, 215

  strikes, 18–19, 36–37

  Strong, Edward, 217

  Stroud, J. B., 73, 227, 235, 252

  surrealism, 195, 201, 209, 211, 223, 237

  Sweden, 238

  Swenson, May, 237

  Switzerland, 239

  Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, 178

  Syracuse, 251

  Szilagyi, Mary, 266–67

  Szyk, Arthur, 58

  “Tabu,” 239

  Tangier, 251

  TASS, 36

  Taxi That Hurried, The, 110

  Taylor, Alex, 36

  Taylor, Brett, 223

  Taylor, Judy, 234

  Taylor, Recy, 79

  “Teachers Appeal for Peace in Vietnam,” 228

  Tempo Productions, 193

  Tennis Court Oath, The, 239

  Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 23

  Terre Haute Children’s Theatre, 104

  Terre Haute Tribune, 104

  Terrible Terrifying Toby, 156–57, 166, 170, 192

  Terry and the Pirates, 64

  Thales, 227

  “Thank You,” 208

  “That dirty Russian deserted us!” (cartoon), 53

  Theatre Experiment, 221

  Theatreworks USA, 267

  There’s a Little Ambiguity Over There Among the Bluebells, 183, 219, 237, 241, 295n

  There’s a Little Ambiguity Over There Among the Bluebells (play), 248

  “There’s a Little Ambiguity Over There Among the Bluebells,” 234

  Thinker, 114

  38 Haikus, 215

  “This Breast,” 208, 247, 249, 295n

  This Breast Gothic, 247–50, 265, 295n

  This Rich World: The Story of Money, 65–66

  This Thumbprint, 229–30, 233

  Thomas Y. Crowell (publisher), 175

  Thompson, Kay, 4

  Three Caballeros, The, 110

  Thurber, James, 94

  Thurmond, Strom, 109

  Tide, 165

  Time, 61, 71, 92

  Time for Spring, 156–57, 160

  Time of Wonder, 178

  “To His Coy Mistress,” 190

  Tobey, Barney, 58

  Tobias, Ann Jorgensen, 200, 203–4, 293n

  Tojo, Hideki, 58

  Tolkin, Michael, 5

  Tolstoy, Leo, 179

  Tom Sawyer, 145

  Tracy, Spencer, 80

  Transcendental Curve (Wallis), 228

  Tropic of Cancer, The, 155

  Trotsky, Leon, 49

  Troy Record, 129

  Trubowitz, Jackie, 231

  Trubowitz, Shelle
y, 120, 135, 197, 231, 255, 259

  Truman, Harry, 107–9

  Trumbo, Dalton, 106

  Truth About Father Coughlin, The, 47

  Turkey, 194, 220

  Turner, Charles Y., 14

  Twain, Mark, 6, 103, 145

  Two Is a Team, 66

  Two Medicine River, 51

  2001: A Space Odyssey, 234

  Under Thirteen, 252

  Under Twenty, 239

  Ungerer, Tomi, 193

  unions, 34–36, 77, 133

  United Auto Workers-CIO, 77

  United Kingdom. See England

  United Nations, 80

  United Productions of America (UPA), 93, 111, 193

  United States v. William Z. Foster et al., 119

  University of California at Berkeley, 217

  University of Southern Mississippi, 228

  Untermeyer, Louis, 219

  UPA. See United Productions of America (UPA)

  “Uri Gagarin & William Shakespeare,” 199

  Ussachevsky, Vladimir, 182

  USSR, 37, 45, 49, 53, 91–92, 106–7, 109, 113, 119, 133, 194, 199, 246

  U-2 plane, 194

  Vallorbe, 220

  Van Allsburg, Chris, 5, 152, 275

  Van Riper, Kay, 96

  “Variations on a Lorca Form,” 197–98, 201

  Variety, 191

  Vaughn, Eleanor K., 158

  Velvet Underground, 237

  Venice, 220, 251

  Venice Film Festival, 251

  Very Special House, A, 126–27, 132–33, 137–38, 153, 209

  Vic Jordan, 61

  Vietnam War, 182, 219, 228, 241

  Village Creek, 132–33

  Village Voice, 195, 215, 221, 223

  Wagner College, 201, 204

  Wagner Literary Magazine, 204–5, 208

  Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill, 87

  Wakoski, Diane, 217

  Waldman, Anne, 221, 239

  Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 113

  Wallace, Gene, 85, 135, 143, 157, 266

  Wallace, Henry, 61, 95, 103–4, 106–9, 113, 132

  Wallace, Nina Rowand, 85, 98, 116, 140, 142–43, 157–58, 162–64, 210, 223, 266, 269

  Wallis, John, 228

  Walter, Sydney Schubert, 215

  Ward, Lynd, 77, 104

  Ware, Chris, 7

  Warhol, Andy, 208, 217, 237

  “Was it Marx, Lenin, or Gen. Johnson who said:‘ The general strike is quite another matter’?” (cartoon), 37

  Watterson, Bill, 171, 274

  Waugh, Coulton, 7, 96–97

  We Are All in the Dumps with Jack and Guy, 272

  We Wonder What Will Walter Be? When He Grows Up, 218

  “Weather,” 190

  Weegee. See Fellig, Arthur

  Weiss, Harvey, 231, 265

  Welles, Orson, 44, 87

  Weltfish, Gene, 63–64, 111, 113

  West Village, 38, 58

  Western Female High School, 14, 26

  Weston Woods, 246, 251

  Weston-Westport Arts Council, 239

  Westport, 8, 95, 140, 202, 239, 241, 247, 249, 251, 255, 258, 263, 267

  Westport Arts Center, 259

  Westport News, 260

  Westport Poetry Workshop, 258–59, 265

  What a Fine Day For …, 233, 235

  What Can You Do with a Shoe?, 181

  Where Are the Customers’ Yachts?; or, A Good Hard Look at Wall Street, 86

  Where the Wild Things Are, 5, 178, 209–10, 213–14, 274

  Whistler, James Abbott, 114

  White, Betty (Lionel’s sister), 38

  White, E. B., 4

  White, Harold (Lionel’s brother), 38

  White, Julie (Lionel’s first wife), 38

  White, Lionel (RK’s first husband), 31, 38–40, 51, 263–64, 280n

  Whitman, Walt, 209

  Whittlesey House, 193

  Who’s Afraid of Virgina Woolf?, 201

  Who’s Upside Down?, 119, 129–30, 135, 157

  Why Johnny Can’t Read, 184

  Whyte, William H., Jr., 158

  Wild Dog, 217

  Willcox, Roger, 132

  William Morrow (publisher), 264

  William R. Scott (publisher), 129, 140, 157, 181

  William Sloane Associates, 96

  Williams, Gurney, 54

  Williamson, Judson H., 59

  Willie’s Adventures, 139

  Will Spring Be Early? Or Will Spring Be Late?, 175–76

  Wilmington, 93, 95, 226

  Wilson, Lanford, 215, 248

  Win the Peace Conference, 92

  Winn, Marcia, 115–16

  Winnie-the-Pooh, 201

  Winston-Salem Journal and Sentinel, 153

  Wizard of Oz, 81

  Wolfe, Tom, 160

  Wolff, Miles H., 74

  Woman of the Year, 80

  Woman’s Day, 85

  “Wonderfullums Inc.” (cartoon), 54

  Woods, George, 164, 194, 203

  Woodward, Helen, 32

  Wordsworth, William, 23

  World Affairs Center, 241

  World Anthology: Poems from the St. Mark’s Poetry Project, The, 239

  World of Mathematics, The, 227–28

  World War I, 14, 20–21, 23, 41

  World War II, 52–53, 56, 58, 63, 66, 77, 87, 100

  XbyX, 204

  Yaddo, 259

  Yorklyn Elementary School, 226

  You Can’t Take It with You, 93

  Young, Art, 44–45, 58

  Young, Chic, 65

  Young, Loretta, 135

  Yucatán, 95

  “Yuri Gagarin & William Shakespeare,” 199, 201

  Zablodowsky, David, 35

  Zeebrugge, 246

  Zerner, Charles, 61

  Zion, Gene, 184

  Zits, 275

  Zolotow, Charlotte, 66, 214

  PHILIP NEL teaches courses in children’s and young adult literature and serves as the director of Kansas State University’s Program in Children’s Literature. His books include Keywords for Children’s Literature (coedited with Lissa Paul); Tales for Little Rebels: A Collection of Radical Children’s Literature (coedited with Julia Mickenberg); The Annotated Cat: Under the Hats of Seuss and His Cats; Dr. Seuss: American Icon; and J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Novels: A Reader’s Guide.




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