Dani (Women of Strength Series)

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Dani (Women of Strength Series) Page 3

by Adelle Laudan

  A sudden blast of a car radio stole his attention. He looked back in time to catch an old Buick convertible with the top down. The driver bobbed to the music, while the passenger flicked a butt out to the curb.


  In between the two guys sat Emily with her arms stretched up into the air as one did on a rollercoaster. Ryan put his bike in motion and gave it a little gas. He followed them, keeping a good block behind until they pulled into the lot of the town’s only grocery-slash-beer store.

  I don’t think so fellas, not on my watch. He twisted the throttle and pulled up beside the car before the driver even put it in park.

  Emily slowly looked back over her shoulder. Her eyes grew big with recognition as her gaze settled on him.

  Ryan curled his finger for her to get out of the car. She lifted herself up and hiked a leg over the seat, jumping over the side from behind the driver.

  The defiant teenager put a hand on her hip and tapped her toe.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?” Ryan got off his bike and walked past her to the driver’s side of the car. “Hello, boys.”

  The two young men exchanged a look, not unlike being caught with their hand in the cookie jar, before mumbling a hello.

  “Don’t you think Emily is a little young to be hanging out with you two? I mean, she’s only sixteen. Did you know that?” He used his most menacing tone.

  “Ryan, cut it out. We weren’t doing anything wrong.” She tugged on his jacket sleeve.

  “I strongly suggest you get your butt over to my bike and put the extra helmet on.” He grit his teeth and squatted until at eye level with the driver. “If I catch either one of you near her again, you’ll wish you’d never laid eyes on me. Do I make myself clear?”

  “I, ah...yes, Sir.” The driver put the car in reverse and squealed away, laying a strip of rubber as he turned and raced out of the parking lot.

  “That’s just great,” Emily snapped.

  Ryan gave her a stern look that snapped her mouth shut. “You might want to keep your yap shut until we get back to your house.”

  Emily rolled her eyes and got on the back, avoiding eye contact. She assumed the all too repetitive pose of arms folded across her chest.

  Ryan took a deep breath and let it out slowly before getting on his bike. He shuddered to think what he’d stopped from happening. He’d bet his last dime Emily wasn’t thinking of him as a hot guy now.

  Not that he cared if she liked him very much or not right now. One thing he knew for certain, her joy ride was over for good, even if it meant standing guard over the rebellious teenager every minute of the day.

  Dani hardly recognized her reflection in the polished, floor to ceiling windows of New Age Designs. It wasn’t easy resigning to society’s definition of what was an acceptable appearance. She’d always taken great pride in the way she looked and considered her tattoos a vital form of self-expression she loved to show off.

  In the elite fashion industry, however, it seemed one had to look and act a certain way. If she had a hope in hell of finding her place in the industry, she needed to conform.

  She straightened her glasses and gave her reflection a definitive nod. “For Emily.”

  Dani stepped onto a polished floor, similar to the one at Haute Couture and prayed the similarities ended there. She was happy to see a young woman at the front desk, nothing like the snobbish greeter from her first interview.

  “Hi, can I help you?” Her pink glossed lips turned up in a pretty smile.

  “Hi, I’m Dani Savery here to see Mr. Deets.” Her voice cracked and she put a hand to her mouth to clear her throat.

  “Go up to the third floor, hun.” She pointed across the lobby to the elevators. “Don’t be so nervous, Mr. Deets is a good guy.”

  Dani smiled. “Thank you.”

  On the third floor, an arrow pointed right. She walked down the short hallway until she came upon, who she assumed to be, Mr. Deets’s secretary. Before she could introduce herself, one of two doors opened and out strut a very effeminate man with short, bleached hair and a bright pink shirt.

  “Well hello, ladies.” He held out his hand to her. “I’m JD, Mr. Deets’ designer extraordinaire. I take it you’re Dani?”

  She shook his delicate hand. “Yes I am. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Yes it is, hunny.” He tittered. “Come and show me what you got, and we’ll take it from there.”

  The knot in her stomach loosened as she followed the exaggerated swing of his hips. Her wavering confidence strengthened as he led her into a world she understood. A room filled with fabric, long tables and pattern pieces strewn about.

  JD took the portfolio from her hands and opened it on the cutting table. The only sound to be heard was the ticking of a wall clock beside her. The apprentice slowly turned.

  “These are a-ma-zing!” He picked up the photos. “You wait right here. Don’t go anywhere!”

  Dani snapped her mouth shut long after he closed the door behind him. What’s going on? She ran her fingers along the cutting table as she walked the length of it, taking in the vast array of colors. A place she’d never been before, yet seemed so familiar.

  The door opened and in came JD followed by an older gentleman dressed in a beautifully tailored suit.

  “Dani, this is Mr. Deets.”

  “So, you’re the one who has my designer all fired up.” He shook her hand. “I had a look at your designs. Did you create them from the pattern up?”

  “Yes, Sir. I sewed them myself as well, and that is my daughter modeling my samples.”

  “Well, Ms Savery, if you’re still interested, how’d you like to work here at New Age Designs? It means having to work side by side with JD here.”

  Is this really happening? A man of his stature is actually inviting me to work in his design house.

  JD squealed in delight and clapped his hands. “Yes! You have to say yes.”

  Dani laughed. “How can I say no?”

  “Welcome aboard.” Her new boss covered her hand with his. “I’ll let JD and you figure out the details. I got a feeling you are going to be a great addition to our family.”

  Twenty minutes later, she walked to her car having nailed the job she’d never dared to dream possible. JD was quite a character. She chuckled, having never met anyone so openly gay. Her new co-worker did the LGBT community proud. Working with him on a daily basis would definitely be a pleasant learning experience.

  The drive home took forever. She could hardly wait to share her good news with Emily.

  As she rounded the corner onto her street, she noticed Ryan’s bike in the driveway. Good, I can share my news with both of them at the same time.

  Dani parked and went inside. The house was eerily quiet. She immediately sensed something was off. “Hello? Is anybody ho…” Her words cut short as she stepped into the kitchen.

  Ryan sat at the breakfast bar and Emily, head bowed, arms crossed over her chest, crouched further down in a kitchen chair. The tension in the room was almost palpable.

  “Okay? What did I just walk into?” She looked from her to him. “Ryan? What’s going on?” A sense of dread rose up in her. This can’t be good.

  “Well, I found Ms. Emily driving around town in a convertible with two guys much older than her. In fact, when I caught up with them, they were parked outside the beer store.”

  Her heart sank. No, that isn’t possible…not my little girl. “Is this true, Emily? Were you planning on having a couple of beers with your new friends?”

  Emily shrugged and had yet to look at her.

  Her daughter’s indifference sparked anger within. “If you know what’s good for you, young lady...you’ll sit up and look at me.”

  She slowly raised herself until she sat up straight, anger and defiance challenged her mother.

  Dani plopped into the seat beside her. “Who are you?”

  Emily smirked. “Ha, ha, very funny.”

  “This is no
laughing matter. I had the best day today. I got the job at New Age Designs, and then I come home to some stranger with a bad attitude in my daughter’s body.”

  Emily shuffled her feet under the table and cast her mother a sideways glance. “Did you really get the job?”

  Dani’s control of her emotions started to waver, and she quickly stood. “Yes, really. I need to get ready for my shift at Teasers. We’ll finish this conversation later.”

  “Hey, Dani, for what it’s worth, congratulations!”

  “It’s worth more than words can express.” She swallowed the lump rising up in her throat, and welcomed the refuge his warm embrace offered. “Once again you’ve gone above and beyond. Thank you for looking out for my girl.”

  “What do you mean your shift at Teasers?” Emily got up from the table, poised for a fight. “Didn’t you just say you got the job at New Age Designs?”

  “Yes, but payday won’t be for a couple of weeks. I’ll have to keep working weekends at the bar.” She narrowed her gaze. “It would be nice if I didn’t have to worry about you doing God knows what with boys far too old for you.”

  “Don’t worry about me. It’s pretty clear you’d rather be anywhere than here with me.”

  “That is so unfair.” Dani threw up her hands in defeat. “I found a new job, and I’m going to work a couple more weekends at Teasers.” Dani put a hand on her daughter’s shoulders. “And you, my dear, are going to stop making things so difficult. You will stay away from those guys and try to remember I am doing all of this for you, for our family.” Emily opened her mouth to speak, but Dani put a finger on her lips. “If I were you, I’d choose my words very carefully.”

  Her daughter glared back. “Are we done? I have homework to do.”

  Dani shook her head and stepped back. “By all means go.” She sat at the table and massaged her temples. Ryan’s familiar hands came to knead her shoulders from behind. She briefly closed her eyes, thankful he was once again there for her.

  “Listen, Dani. Go on to work. I’ll keep an eye on things. Those guys aren’t getting anywhere near her on my watch.”

  She tilted her head back and looked up at him. “You always know how to make me feel better. Okay, I best get changed.”

  We sure lucked out to have such a caring and loving man in our lives. Dani got up from the table and paused in the doorway. “I hope you know how much I appreciate you?”

  He offered a lopsided grin. “One day soon, we’ll sit down and discuss that. For now, you need to get that gorgeous ass of yours in gear.”

  Heat rushed to her face as she mounted the stairs. Dani wasn’t sure what he meant by having a discussion, but she did know he’d failed to hide the tell-tale crease of his brow he always got when something weighed heavily on his mind.

  She called back over her shoulder. “I owe you one.”

  Chapter Six

  Dani rarely paid much attention to the entertainment at Teasers. She’d trained her brain to block out being in the room with naked women. Tonight, a haze of smoke encased the stage through purple and blue stage-lights. A voluptuous blonde moved in slow, sensual rhythm to the sultry sax serenade piped into the room. The dancer reminded her of Christina Aguilera in the movie, Burlesque.

  Despite the top notch act, it was her daughter who played heavily on her mind. She prayed Ryan was right and things would work out once Teasers became nothing more than a stepping stone used to get from here to there and she’d settled into her new job.

  The door opened to a group of men dressed in suits, a far cry from the regulars’ attire. She smiled to see them take a table in her section, hoping their air of successful businessmen translated to some serious coin.

  Dani waited until they were seated before weaving her way through the myriad of tables. All of the suits seemed to be completely enthralled by the entertainment. All of them except for one who boldly looked her up and down.

  Dani grit her teeth, uncomfortable with his brazen ogling. “What would you boys like from the bar?”

  “Well hello, Red. How much?” He leaned back in his chair and winked.

  “Excuse me, how much for what?” Her internal pervert alert sounded off.

  “For you. How much to have you climb up on this here table and give us a little show?” His hand moved toward her backside.

  Dani pushed his hand away and moved to the other side of the table, repulsed by the sleazebag. The very thought of his hand on her made her gag. “Sorry, but that’s not in my job description. What will it be then?”

  Sleazebag licked his lips and grinned devilishly as she took the table’s order. As the night progressed, the table of suits got louder and more obnoxious. After a couple of hours, her patience grew thin.

  “Hey, Red! Another round for my boys, and get yourself one while you’re at it,” the jerk shouted over the music.

  Dani tipped two fingers to her forehead to acknowledge his request. She made her way to the bar where Bud had joined the regular bartender.

  “Looks like you got a live one tonight?” The big man tilted his head in the direction of the table. “You got everything under control?”

  Dani blew out a rush of pent up frustration. “So far, but I swear if he tries to grab my ass one more time...”

  Bud chuckled, setting the last of her order on the tray. “Don’t you worry, I got your back.”

  The hockey game let out at the arena, and the bar got pretty busy. The business men were feeling no pain by then and became very generous. She’d managed to avoid the sleazebag, but his revolting leers in her direction didn’t go unnoticed.

  Last call was insane as table after table loaded up with two of everything. Suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind and tried to pull her back.

  Dani looked back over her shoulder and shot daggers at the pain-in-the-ass patron. “Take your hands off of me right now,” she snarled through clenched teeth.

  “C’mon, Red, stop playing hard to get. Let’s have a look at those luscious tits of yours.”

  Rage gurgled in the pit of her stomach. She grabbed a jug of draft from the table in front of her and dumped it over him. Everyone around them erupted in laughter. The two doormen were on either side of the drowned rat before he could respond.

  He pushed the wet hair from his face and wiped his eyes. He glared at the muscular bouncers and narrowed his gaze on her.

  “Yah, yah, laugh it up. I won’t forget this, Red. We will meet again, I promise.”

  Dani kept smiling sweetly and blew him a kiss. His face turned beet red while being escorted out. She gave him a quick wave before getting back to her last rounds.

  She set the last drink of the night down in front of a customer when she heard him. What is he doing here? I thought we agreed he’d stay away and let me do my job?

  “Dani, you need to come with me.” Ryan grabbed her hand. “Come on let’s go.”

  The sense of urgency in his demeanor startled her. “Hang on I need to cash out. Would you mind telling me what’s going on?”

  He pulled her to the bar and passed her tray to the owner. “Take care of this will ya?”

  “Ryan, you’re scaring me. Is it Emily?”

  “Yes, she’s been arrested,” he said breathlessly.

  Chapter Seven

  Dani was beyond livid on the way to the precinct. Her grip on his hand continued to tighten as the officer told them about a call from a disgruntled resident, reporting a car radio blaring and teenagers drinking in an apartment building parking lot.

  The police arrived, and two guys in a convertible tore off, leaving Emily alone, drunk and disorientated. Both men faced multiple charges including giving alcohol to a minor and DUI.

  When she finally let go of his hand he had to flex his fingers over and over until the circulation returned.

  Luckily, the arresting officer happened to be one of Dani’s friends from high school. Since it was her daughter’s first offence of any kind, he let her off with only a warning.

y could barely walk, never mind hold a conversation. Ryan drove them home and helped Dani navigate the stairs, practically carrying her daughter to the bathroom, where the very drunk teenager fell to her knees and wretched into the toilet while her mother held her hair back.

  Ryan poured two glasses of wine and headed outside to the porch swing. It wasn’t long before the front door opened and Dani joined him. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “Here, I thought you might want this.” Ryan handed her a glass.

  “Thank you.” Dani sat next to him. “I never thought I’d see this day. What happened to my sweet Emily?”

  “She might be going about it the wrong way, but I think she’s trying to get your attention.”

  Dani chuckled sarcastically and shook her head. “Well, she certainly has it now.”

  Ryan pulled her to his side and rested her head against his chest. “I don’t think either one of us realized the impact you working at Teasers had on her. Justified or not, the girl’s displeasure ran much deeper than a teenager with a bad attitude.”

  Dani’s shaky sigh tugged at his heartstrings.

  “Well, that settles it. Tonight was my last night working there.”

  “I know I’ve said this before Dani, but you really don’t have to go through all of this alone.”

  She pulled away from him and sat in the opposite corner of the swing. “No, I am not taking your money.”

  “I’m not talking about money.” Ryan positioned himself to look directly into her eyes. “I’m talking about giving your daughter the stability of having a mother and a father figure...a family, Dani.”

  He watched as fear and confusion clouded her beautiful eyes. She’d become obsessed to provide for her daughter on her own since Emily’s father left them. He feared she had closed herself off from the possibility of falling in love.

  “It’s no secret how I feel about you, Dani.” He looked into her eyes. “I want to help take care of Emily. I want to try my best to keep you happy. You’ll never feel alone again, if you’d only let me in.”


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