The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology

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The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology Page 56

by Ray Kurzweil

  Although it’s always possible to find poor-quality design, response delays, when they occur, are generally the result of new features and functions. If users were willing to freeze the functionality of their software, the ongoing exponential growth of computing speed and memory would quickly eliminate software-response delays. But the market demands ever-expanded capability. Twenty years ago there were no search engines or any other integration with the World Wide Web (indeed, there was no Web), only primitive language, formatting, and multimedia tools, and so on. So functionality always stays on the edge of what’s feasible.

  This romancing of software from years or decades ago is comparable to people’s idyllic view of life hundreds of years ago, when people were “unencumbered” by the frustrations of working with machines. Life was unfettered, perhaps, but it was also short, labor-intensive, poverty filled, and disease and disaster prone.

  Software Price-Performance. With regard to the price-performance of software, the comparisons in every area are dramatic. Consider the table on p. 103 on speech-recognition software. In 1985 five thousand dollars bought you a software package that provided a thousand-word vocabulary, did not offer continuous-speech capability, required three hours of training on your voice, and had relatively poor accuracy. In 2000 for only fifty dollars, you could purchase a software package with a hundred-thousand-word vocabulary that provided continuous-speech capability, required only five minutes of training on your voice, had dramatically improved accuracy, offered natural-language understanding (for editing commands and other purposes), and included many other features.6

  Software Development Productivity. How about software development itself? I’ve been developing software myself for forty years, so I have some perspective on the topic. I estimate the doubling time of software development productivity to be approximately six years, which is slower than the doubling time for processor price-performance, which is approximately one year today. However, software productivity is nonetheless growing exponentially. The development tools, class libraries, and support systems available today are dramatically more effective than those of decades ago. In my current projects teams of just three or four people achieve in a few months objectives that are comparable to what twenty-five years ago required a team of a dozen or more people working for a year or more.

  Software Complexity. Twenty years ago software programs typically consisted of thousands to tens of thousands of lines. Today, mainstream programs (for example, supply-channel control, factory automation, reservation systems, biochemical simulation) are measured in millions of lines or more. Software for major defense systems such as the Joint Strike Fighter contains tens of millions of lines.

  Software to control software is itself rapidly increasing in complexity. IBM is pioneering the concept of autonomic computing, in which routine information-technology support functions will be automated.7 These systems will be programmed with models of their own behavior and will be capable, according to IBM, of being “self-configuring, self-healing, self-optimizing, and self-protecting.” The software to support autonomic computing will be measured in tens of millions of lines of code (with each line containing tens of bytes of information). So in terms of information complexity, software already exceeds the tens of millions of bytes of usable information in the human genome and its supporting molecules.

  The amount of information contained in a program, however, is not the best measure of complexity. A software program may be long but may be bloated with useless information. Of course, the same can be said for the genome, which appears to be very inefficiently coded. Attempts have been made to formulate measures of software complexity—for example, the Cyclomatic Complexity Metric, developed by computer scientists Arthur Watson and Thomas McCabe at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.8 This metric measures the complexity of program logic and takes into account the structure of branching and decision points. The anecdotal evidence strongly suggests rapidly increasing complexity if measured by these indexes, although there is insufficient data to track doubling times. However, the key point is that the most complex software systems in use in industry today have higher levels of complexity than software programs that are performing neuromorphic-based simulations of brain regions, as well as biochemical simulations of individual neurons. We can already handle levels of software complexity that exceed what is needed to model and simulate the parallel, self-organizing, fractal algorithms that we are discovering in the human brain.

  Accelerating Algorithms. Dramatic improvements have taken place in the speed and efficiency of software algorithms (on constant hardware). Thus the price-performance of implementing a broad variety of methods to solve the basic mathematical functions that underlie programs like those used in signal processing, pattern recognition, and artificial intelligence has benefited from the acceleration of both hardware and software. These improvements vary depending on the problem, but are nonetheless pervasive.

  For example, consider the processing of signals, which is a widespread and computationally intensive task for computers as well as for the human brain. Georgia Institute of Technology’s Mark A. Richards and MIT’s Gary A. Shaw have documented a broad trend toward greater signal-processing algorithm efficiency.9 For example, to find patterns in signals it is often necessary to solve what are called partial differential equations. Algorithms expert Jon Bentley has shown a continual reduction in the number of computing operations required to solve this class of problem.10 For example, from 1945 to 1985, for a representative application (finding an elliptic partial differential solution for a three-dimensional grid with sixty-four elements on each side), the number of operation counts has been reduced by a factor of three hundred thousand. This is a 38 percent increase in efficiency each year (not including hardware improvements).

  Another example is the ability to send information on unconditioned phone lines, which has improved from 300 bits per second to 56,000 bps in twelve years, a 55 percent annual increase.11 Some of this improvement was the result of improvements in hardware design, but most of it is a function of algorithmic innovation.

  One of the key processing problems is converting a signal into its frequency components using Fourier transforms, which express signals as sums of sine waves. This method is used in the front end of computerized speech recognition and in many other applications. Human auditory perception also starts by breaking the speech signal into frequency components in the cochlea. The 1965 “radix-2 Cooley-Tukey algorithm” for a “fast Fourier transform” reduced the number of operations required for a 1,024-point Fourier transform by about two hundred.12 An improved “radix-4” method further boosted the improvement to eight hundred. Recently “wavelet” transforms have been introduced, which are able to express arbitrary signals as sums of waveforms more complex than sine waves. These methods provide further dramatic increases in the efficiency of breaking down a signal into its key components.

  The examples above are not anomalies; most computationally intensive “core” algorithms have undergone significant reductions in the number of operations required. Other examples include sorting, searching, autocorrelation (and other statistical methods), and information compression and decompression. Progress has also been made in parallelizing algorithms—that is, breaking a single method into multiple methods that can be performed simultaneously. As I discussed earlier, parallel processing inherently runs at a lower temperature. The brain uses massive parallel processing as one strategy to achieve more complex functions and faster reaction times, and we will need to utilize this approach in our machines to achieve optimal computational densities.

  There is an inherent difference between the improvements in hardware price-performance and improvements in software efficiencies. Hardware improvements have been remarkably consistent and predictable. As we master each new level of speed and efficiency in hardware we gain powerful tools to continue to the next level of exponential improvement. Software improvements, on the other hand, are less pred
ictable. Richards and Shaw call them “worm-holes in development time,” because we can often achieve the equivalent of years of hardware improvement through a single algorithmic improvement. Note that we do not rely on ongoing progress in software efficiency, since we can count on the ongoing acceleration of hardware. Nonetheless, the benefits from algorithmic breakthroughs contribute significantly to achieving the overall computational power to emulate human intelligence, and they are likely to continue to accrue.

  The Ultimate Source of Intelligent Algorithms. The most important point here is that there is a specific game plan for achieving human-level intelligence in a machine: reverse engineer the parallel, chaotic, self-organizing, and fractal methods used in the human brain and apply these methods to modern computational hardware. Having tracked the exponentially increasing knowledge about the human brain and its methods (see chapter 4), we can expect that within twenty years we will have detailed models and simulations of the several hundred information-processing organs we collectively call the human brain.

  Understanding the principles of operation of human intelligence will add to our toolkit of AI algorithms. Many of these methods used extensively in our machine pattern-recognition systems exhibit subtle and complex behaviors that are not predictable by the designer. Self-organizing methods are not an easy shortcut to the creation of complex and intelligent behavior, but they are one important way the complexity of a system can be increased without incurring the brittleness of explicitly programmed logical systems.

  As I discussed earlier, the human brain itself is created from a genome with only thirty to one hundred million bytes of useful, compressed information. How is it, then, that an organ with one hundred trillion connections can result from a genome that is so small? (I estimate that just the interconnection data alone needed to characterize the human brain is one million times greater than the information in the genome.)13 The answer is that the genome specifies a set of processes, each of which utilizes chaotic methods (that is, initial randomness, then self-organization) to increase the amount of information represented. It is known, for example, that the wiring of the interconnections follows a plan that includes a great deal of randomness. As an individual encounters his environment the connections and the neurotransmitter-level patterns self-organize to better represent the world, but the initial design is specified by a program that is not extreme in its complexity.

  It is not my position that we will program human intelligence link by link in a massive rule-based expert system. Nor do we expect the broad set of skills represented by human intelligence to emerge from a massive genetic algorithm. Lanier worries correctly that any such approach would inevitably get stuck in some local minima (a design that is better than designs that are very similar to it but that is not actually optimal). Lanier also interestingly points out, as does Richard Dawkins, that biological evolution “missed the wheel” (in that no organism evolved to have one). Actually, that’s not entirely accurate—there are small wheel-like structures at the protein level, for example the ionic motor in the bacterial flagellum, which is used for transportation in a three-dimensional environment.14 With larger organisms, wheels are not very useful, of course, without roads, which is why there are no biologically evolved wheels for two-dimensional surface transportation.15 However, evolution did generate a species that created both wheels and roads, so it did succeed in creating a lot of wheels, albeit indirectly. There is nothing wrong with indirect methods; we use them in engineering all the time. Indeed, indirection is how evolution works (that is, the products of each stage create the next stage).

  Brain reverse engineering is not limited to replicating each neuron. In chapter 5 we saw how substantial brain regions containing millions or billions of neurons could be modeled by implementing parallel algorithms that are functionally equivalent. The feasibility of such neuromorphic approaches has been demonstrated with models and simulations of a couple dozen regions. As I discussed, this often results in substantially reduced computational requirements, as shown by Lloyd Watts, Carver Mead, and others.

  Lanier writes that “if there ever was a complex, chaotic phenomenon, we are it.” I agree with that but don’t see this as an obstacle. My own area of interest is chaotic computing, which is how we do pattern recognition, which in turn is the heart of human intelligence. Chaos is part of the process of pattern recognition—it drives the process—and there is no reason that we cannot harness these methods in our machines just as they are utilized in our brains.

  Lanier writes that “evolution has evolved, introducing sex, for instance, but evolution has never found a way to be any speed but very slow.” But Lanier’s comment is only applicable to biological evolution, not technological evolution. That’s precisely why we’ve moved beyond biological evolution. Lanier is ignoring the essential nature of an evolutionary process: it accelerates because each stage introduces more powerful methods for creating the next stage. We’ve gone from billions of years for the first steps of biological evolution (RNA) to the fast pace of technological evolution today. The World Wide Web emerged in only a few years, distinctly faster than, say, the Cambrian explosion. These phenomena are all part of the same evolutionary process, which started out slow, is now going relatively quickly, and within a few decades will go astonishingly fast.

  Lanier writes that “the whole enterprise of Artificial Intelligence is based on an intellectual mistake.” Until such time that computers at least match human intelligence in every dimension, it will always remain possible for skeptics to say the glass is half empty. Every new achievement of AI can be dismissed by pointing out other goals that have not yet been accomplished. Indeed, this is the frustration of the AI practitioner: once an AI goal is achieved, it is no longer considered as falling within the realm of AI and becomes instead just a useful general technique. AI is thus often regarded as the set of problems that have not yet been solved.

  But machines are indeed growing in intelligence, and the range of tasks that they can accomplish—tasks that previously required intelligent human attention—is rapidly increasing. As we discussed in chapters 5 and 6 there are hundreds of examples of operational narrow AI today.

  As one example of many, I pointed out in the sidebar “Deep Fritz Draws” on pp. 274–78 that computer chess software no longer relies just on computational brute force. In 2002 Deep Fritz, running on just eight personal computers, performed as well as IBM’s Deep Blue in 1997 based on improvements in its pattern-recognition algorithms. We see many examples of this kind of qualitative improvement in software intelligence. However, until such time as the entire range of human intellectual capability is emulated, it will always be possible to minimize what machines are capable of doing.

  Once we have achieved complete models of human intelligence, machines will be capable of combining the flexible, subtle human levels of pattern recognition with the natural advantages of machine intelligence, in speed, memory capacity, and, most important, the ability to quickly share knowledge and skills.

  The Criticism from Analog Processing

  Many critics, such as the zoologist and evolutionary-algorithm scientist Thomas Ray, charge theorists like me who postulate intelligent computers with an alleged “failure to consider the unique nature of the digital medium.”16

  First of all, my thesis includes the idea of combining analog and digital methods in the same way that the human brain does. For example, more advanced neural nets are already using highly detailed models of human neurons, including detailed nonlinear, analog activation functions. There’s a significant efficiency advantage to emulating the brain’s analog methods. Analog methods are also not the exclusive province of biological systems. We used to refer to “digital computers” to distinguish them from the more ubiquitous analog computers widely used during World War II. The work of Carver Mead has shown the ability of silicon circuits to implement digital-controlled analog circuits entirely analogous to, and indeed derived from, mammalian neuronal circuits. Analog method
s are readily re-created by conventional transistors, which are essentially analog devices. It is only by adding the mechanism of comparing the transistor’s output to a threshold that it is made into a digital device.

  More important, there is nothing that analog methods can accomplish that digital methods are unable to accomplish just as well. Analog processes can be emulated with digital methods (by using floating point representations), whereas the reverse is not necessarily the case.

  The Criticism from the Complexity of Neural Processing

  Another common criticism is that the fine detail of the brain’s biological design is simply too complex to be modeled and simulated using nonbiological technology. For example, Thomas Ray writes:

  The structure and function of the brain or its components cannot be separated. The circulatory system provides life support for the brain, but it also delivers hormones that are an integral part of the chemical information processing function of the brain. The membrane of a neuron is a structural feature defining the limits and integrity of a neuron, but it is also the surface along which depolarization propagates signals. The structural and life-support functions cannot be separated from the handling of information.17

  Ray goes on to describe several of the “broad spectrum of chemical communication mechanisms” that the brain exhibits.

  In fact, all of these features can readily be modeled, and a great deal of progress has already been made in this endeavor. The intermediate language is mathematics, and translating the mathematical models into equivalent non-biological mechanisms (examples include computer simulations and circuits using transistors in their native analog mode) is a relatively straightforward process. The delivery of hormones by the circulatory system, for example, is an extremely low-bandwidth phenomenon, which is not difficult to model and replicate. The blood levels of specific hormones and other chemicals influence parameter levels that affect a great many synapses simultaneously.


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