by Ray Kurzweil
“playing,” 299
Goda, Yukiko, 176
Goddard, William A., III, 563n
Gödel, Kurt, 453–454, 601n
Godling’s Glossary (Transend), 198
God parameters, 92
Goertzel, Ben, 279, 580n, 599n
Golden Rice, 414–415
Goldman-Rakic, P. S., 543n
Goldstein, C. D., 535n
Golgi cells, 182, 545n
Golub, T. R., 552n
Gompers, Paul, 524n
Good, Irving John, 22, 23
Goodall, Randall, 512n
Google, 286
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 406
Gordon, Theodore J., 565n
gorillas, 192
Gosney, John, 58n
Gould, Stephen Jay, 487, 510n–511n, 602n
Graham, S., 555n
grandfather paradox, 140–141
grandmother hypothesis, 218–219, 302
granule cell, 180, 181, 182, 544n
graphics programs, 46
gravitational constant, 499n
gravity, 356, 362, 486
body’s sensations of, 165
event horizon and, 23, 363, 486, 503n
general relativity theory and, 520n
overcoming of, 364
quantum, 14
gray dust scenario, 400
gray goo, 399–400, 416
gray lichens scenario, 400
gray plankton scenario, 400
Grayson, A., 584n
Grayson, Richards, 564n
Great Depression, 99, 102
“Great Principles of Computing” (Denning), 167
Greeks, ancient, 458
Greenpeace, 391, 414–415
Greten, T.F., 554n
Grey, Aubrey D.N.J. de, 551n, 555n
Grossberg, S., 545n
gross domestic product (GDP), 65, 98, 98, 99, 99
Grossman, Terry, 210–212, 217, 323, 550n–551n, 593n
growth hormone, see human-growth hormone
Grutzendler, J., 542n
Gulde, Stephan, 121, 531n
Gulf War, 331
Gurdon, J.B., 556n
Gustafsson, Marie, 538n
Gutenberg, Johannes, 54
Hackett, John, 581n
hacking, 406, 426, 594n
Hahnlose, R. H., 540n
hair cells, 165
Håkelien, Anne-Mari, 557n
Haldane, J. B. S., 342
Hall, J. Storrs, 310, 506n, 516n
halting (decision) problem, 453, 601n
Hameroff, Stuart, 450–452, 600n
Hammarström, Per, 550n
hands, see fingers; thumbs
handwriting, 181, 269
haptic (tactile) interfaces, 105
Harcourt, Brace, and World, 497n
hard drive, 115, 119
hardware, 259
for artificial neural networks, 574n–575n
deflation and, 102
to emulate human intelligence, 25, 126, 127, 145
files installed on, 324–325
self-organization in, 151
software vs., 102, 428, 435, 438, 439, 445
specialized, 275–276
for strong AI, 261
Harper, Jack, 515n
harpsichords, 53
Harrison, J.A., 563n
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Rowling), 4–5
Hart, S., 586n
Harvard University, 116, 162–163, 308, 471
Hauser, Marc D., 190, 548n
Havenstein, Heather, 569n
Hawking, Stephen, 309, 363–364, 487, 503n, 586n, 592n
Hawking radiation, 363–364, 487, 503n
HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, 211, 217, 554n
heart, replacement of, 223, 302, 306, 373
heart cells, 214, 220
heart disease, 212, 303
death from, 211, 217, 373, 413, 418
reversal of, 210, 217
see also atherosclerosis
heat generation:
computational limits and, 129–132, 350, 351, 428, 434
energy and, 245, 249, 566n
Hebb, Donald O., 156–157, 170–171, 176, 542n
Hebbian reverberatory memory, 156–157, 170–171
Heidmann, J., 502n
Heisele, Bernd, 547n
Heisenberg, Werner, 138
Heller, A., 565n
hemoglobin, 209
Henry, Thomas, 400
Hersam, C., 563n
Hess, K., 562n
heuristic methods, 454, 455
Hidden Order (Holland), 509n
hippocampus, 171, 175, 176, 177, 188
Dembski’s view of, 476–477
human, rupture of, 9, 23
“singularity” in, 486
HiTech, 275
Hitler, Adolf, 327
HIV virus, 74, 398, 402, 514n
Ho, Wilson, 561n, 562n, 564n
Hobbes, Thomas, 338, 590n
Hochberg, David, 356, 592n
Hodgkin, A. L., 154–155, 539n
Hodgkin’s disease, 552n
Hofstadter, Douglas R., 4, 169, 198, 497n, 498n, 568n, 582n, 600n
Hogan, Jenny, 560n
holism, criticism from, 431, 479–483
Holland, John, 509n
Holmes, Bob, 552n
Holocaust, 1, 2
holographic processes, 163, 325
of brain, 148, 152
memory retention and, 172
of universe, 365–366, 486
hominids, 193
evolution of, 17, 18, 20, 39, 509n
see also chimpanzees; humans
homocysteine, 211
Homo Faber (Frisch), 341
Homo genus, 17, 18, 509n
Homo sapiens, 17, 18, 20, 42, 47, 195
Honda Odyssey, 287
hormones, see endocrine (hormonal) system
Hornbeck, Larry J., 516n
Horowitz, B., 143, 537n
hospitals, intensive-care units in, 255, 413, 435, 456
House of Representatives, U.S., Science Committee of, 599n
“How Long Before Superintelligence?” (Bostrom), 259
H. pylori, 282
H-scan test, 550n
Hubble distance, 354
Hubble Space Telescope, 590n
Hubel, D. H., 173, 542n
Huehn, Rebecca, 567n
Huffet, H., 512n
Hughes, James, 396
Human Genome Project, 510n
human-growth hormone, 212, 215
human intelligence, 264, 342, 407, 440
Church-Turing thesis and, 429, 454–456
complexity of, 482
as emergent property, 151
nonbiological portion of, 9, 28, 201–202, 296, 300, 310, 316, 317, 356
personal computers’ emulating of, 25, 70, 125–126, 441–442, 533n
plasticity of, 27, 203
self-understanding and, 4, 198
software of, see brain reverse engineering
as suboptimal, 151–152
supercomputers’ emulating of, 25, 70, 70, 71, 71, 125, 150, 196, 530n–533n
technology merged with, 15, 20–21
see also biological intelligence
humanism, fundamentalist, 415, 471
humanity, 136, 476
ascent vs. descent of, 387
fear of loss of, 9, 310–311
goal of, 373
human rights, 471
brain of, see brain, human; cortex, cerebral
chess playing of, 274–275, 277
chimpanzees compared with, 5, 39, 192, 505n, 509n
Church-Turing thesis and, 429, 454–456
cloning of, 221–225, 556n
complexity of rock compared with, 37, 508n
divergence from great apes by, 509n
duration of observation by, 48
dysfunction of, 202
enhanced, 200
s of, 506n
migration and colonization patterns of, 352
mirrors used by, 190
order and, 90–91
robotic searches for, 286
as “second-class robots,” 205–206
teams of, 261
technology’s merger with, 374, 377
uniqueness of, 4, 226, 311, 433
human somatic-cell engineering, see transdifferentiation
Humayun, M. S., 546n
hunger, overcoming, 224, 371, 406
Hunt, J. M., 595n
Huxley, A. F., 154–155, 539n
hydrocarbons, 252
hydroelectricity, 243
hydrogen, 119, 131, 210, 244–247, 251, 349, 365, 592n
in fuel cells, 133, 230, 244, 246, 247, 306
nuclear fusion of, 250, 567n
storage capacity of, 134
hydrogen abstraction, 239–240, 563n
hydrogen bomb, 391, 401, 404, 408
Hypersonic Sound technology, 313
hypertension, pulmonary, 216
hypsithermal limit, 249, 566n
IBM, 114, 287
autonomic computing and, 284, 437
Blue Gene/L supercomputer of, 71, 125, 482, 533n
Blue Gene/P supercomputer of, 71, 71
computer chess and, 275, 276, 441, 459
nanotube fabrication at, 114, 527n
self-assembling nanoscale circuits and, 116, 529n
IBM 360 Model 91, 2–3
IBM 1620 (“minicomputer”), 2
IBM 7000 series, 2
IBM 7094, 64–65
ICBM arsenals, 401
ideas, power of, 1–5, 497n–498n
identity, 142, 201, 315
boundaries and, 387
cloning and, 224–225
copies and, 383–384, 389
human longevity and, 325–326, 329
“me” vs. “not me” and, 386
Singularity and, 369, 382–387
If Aristotle Ran General Motors (Morris), 485
iHex, 284
Illinois, University of, 115, 255, 335
image processing, 123, 187–188, 279, 445
imagination, 299, 318
imaging reporter genes, 216
imaging technology, 138, 163, 164
imitation, 190
immortality, 320, 324–325, 330, 370, 474
immune system, human, 217–220, 223, 255, 418, 425
immune system, technological, 241, 413
nanotechnology-based, 400, 411–412, 417, 425–426
Immune Tolerance Network, 557n
impacts, GNR, 299–368, 583n–593n
on body, 299–311, 583n–586n
on brain, 307–309, 312–320, 586n–587n
on human longevity, 320–330
on intelligent destiny of the cosmos, 342–368, 590n
on learning, 335–337, 589n
panoply of, 299–300
on play, 341–342
on warfare, 330–335
on work, 337–341
neural, see neural implants
pancreas, 124, 307, 530n
to regulate insulin, 124, 243, 307, 530n
retina, 185, 308, 585n
incompleteness theorem, 453–454, 601n
individuality, 375
industrialization, 28, 95, 122
industrial products, 215, 231, 245, 339
industrial revolution, 17, 18, 20, 340, 409, 410
infant mortality, 321
infection, infectious disease, 165, 306, 335, 581n
MYCIN system and, 266–267
RNA interference and, 422, 552n
inferotemporal cortex, 186
Infineon chip, 195
accessibility of, 327–329, 338, 469
alternation between analog and digital representations of, 519n
in atomic structures, 14, 15, 119, 131, 134, 536n
biology’s intersection with, see biotechnology
black holes and, 503n
in brain and nervous systems, 15, 16, 127, 148, 152, 179, 325, 440, 449
caring for, 329–330
cellular automata and, 85–91
complexity and, 15, 36–40, 437
in DNA, 15, 16, 38, 40, 117, 207, 232, 518n
epigenetic data as, 147
evolution and, 14–16, 15
fractal designs and, 46–47
in genome, 46, 47, 206–207, 516n–517n, 522n
GNR age and, 84, 206–207, 210, 231, 245–246, 261
in hardware and software, 15, 16, 38
in holograms, 148, 152, 172
importance of, 85
improvements in recording of, 40
knowledge vs., 372, 375, 386
limits on transfer of, 21
longevity of, 325–330
matter and energy’s relationship to, 86, 87, 522n
in “mesh” computing, 125
military communications and, 332–333
order as, 38–42
patterns of, 5, 258, 460, 522n
physical world’s intersection with, see nanotechnology
value determined by, 231, 245, 339
Information Mechanics (Kantor), 518n
information technologies (IT), 8, 41
acceleration of, see accelerating returns, law of
boom-and-bust cycles in, 13, 97, 103
decline in cost of, 338, 469, 472
demand for, 65, 65
economic share of, 65, 107, 107, 525n
energy as, 243, 457
exponential growth of, 3, 9, 25, 35, 72, 84, 85, 109, 245–246, 265, 377, 383, 429, 433–435, 457, 469, 470, 491–496, 504n
paradigm shifts in, 429–430
power (price-performance, speed, capacity, and bandwidth) of, 25, 27, 41, 84, 101, 102, 224, 377, 429, 432, 469, 470, 504n
prediction and, 432
principles of Singularity and, 25–29
reduction in adoption lag time for, 469, 472
see also computers, computation; Internet
Ingber, Donald, 163
initiator (single design element), 46
innovation, see paradigm shifts; technology evolution
Innsbruck, University of, 121
insects, 415
swarms of, 333
insider trading, 284
instinct, 293–294, 378
Institute for Advanced Study, 498n–499n
Institute for Creative Technologies, 312
Institute for Molecular Manufacturing (IMM), 598n
Institute Workshop on Molecular Nanotechnology Research Policy Guidelines, 598n
insula, right and left, 166, 193, 314
insulin, 168, 221, 255
fat receptor gene and, 12, 303
implantable devices for regulating of, 124, 243, 307, 530n
insulinlike growth factors (IGFs), 215
integrated circuits, 56, 67, 71
application-specific (ASICs), 125, 135, 276, 445
nanotube-based, see nanotubes and nanotube circuitry
as paradigm, 67, 67, 75, 75, 127–128, 434
transistors on, 42–43, 56, 71, 76, 111–112, 114, 157, 351, 434
Integrated Fuel Cell Technologies, 247
integrator neurons, 166
Intel, 434
intellectual property (IP), 96, 105, 107, 339–340
patents, 84, 84, 106, 146, 525n, 533n, 537n
intelligence, 4, 370, 372
artificial, see artificial intelligence; narrow AI; strong AI
biological, see biological intelligence
emotional, see emotional intelligence
extraterrestrial, see SETI
human, see human intelligence
military, 280, 281
moral, 8, 192
nonbiological, see nonbiological
intelligence intelligence quotient (IQ), 505n
intelligent design, 360, 480–481
Intel processors:
; chip problems for, 456
single-chip vs. dual-core, 129–130, 533n–534n
transistors in, 63, 63, 66
intensive-care units, 255, 413, 435, 456
Interaction Gate, 534n
interaural level difference (ILD), 184
interaural time difference (ITD), 123, 184
interferometry, 344
international cooperation, 423
International Society for BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology, 584n
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 57, 112, 126, 292
International Xenotransplantation Authority (IXA), 598n
Internet, 261, 279
access to knowledge via, 26, 32, 261, 286
adoption of, 13, 95, 97, 264
bandwidth of, 81, 81, 263, 312, 472, 516n
bank transactions on, 102
brain compared with, 152
complexity and, 38
dangerous information on, 392–393, 395, 594n
data traffic on, 80, 80, 516n
decentralization and, 396, 406, 420
education and, 336
hosts, 78–79, 78, 79
lock-in and, 430, 457
nodes (servers) of, 13, 152, 263, 499n
skepticism about, 13, 263
software viruses and, 255–256
surveillance and, 413
unused computational power of devices on, 125–126, 135, 278
wireless communications and, 312, 346
see also World Wide Web
Internet bubble, 13, 97, 263
Internet Software Consortium, 499n
interneuronal connections, 163, 184, 430
brain models and, 147–148, 174, 178, 428, 446
complexity of, 428
defined, 145
growth in, 174
information and, 47
limits of, 26, 27, 129, 265, 270, 337, 445
memory and, 126–127, 137, 329, 523n
nanobots and, 313, 316
in newborns, 152
number of, 8, 27, 129, 150, 440, 600n
patterns of, 260, 317, 337, 445, 463
plasticity of, 175, 176
reset time for, 124, 503n, 504n
simulations of, 122, 428, 530n
see also axons; dendrites
intracellular aggregates, 220
intracellular surgery, 162–163
of author, 1, 2–3, 370, 497n
of biological evolution, 5
mass use of, 50, 512n
textile automation, 507n
see also specific inventions
invention stage, 51–52
inverse internal models, 179
investment, investing:
automated, 265, 435
capital for, 96, 106, 339, 395, 524n
in defensive technologies, 408, 417, 418, 422
lock-in and, 429–430, 457–458
in vitro fertilization, 340
Iraq, Desert Storm campaign in (1991), 284
Iraq war, 280, 331, 332
I-Robot, 333
irreversible computing, 130, 132, 245
Ishiyama, Kazushi, 304, 584n
islet cells, pancreatic, 124, 168, 213, 223, 255, 557n
isogenic replacement cells, 556n