A Fox's Hostility

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A Fox's Hostility Page 15

by Brandon Varnell

  Kevin set Lilian on the bed, then climbed on himself. He straddled her thighs while his mouth attacked hers. The passion in his kiss alone made Lilian feel like she had become a live wire. Her body felt more sensitive than usual. The hand slipping under her shirt and cupping her breast caused her body to become unbearably hot.

  A tongue probed her mouth, dancing across her own—an act which sent delicious tingles down her spine all the way to her tailbone. Lilian lost herself in the feel of Kevin, of his hand caressing her breast, of the tenderness he displayed as he worshiped her body. If she were a videogame, then Kevin would have been a professional gamer who was playing to win.

  Lilian gasped for air when Kevin pulled back. She shuddered from the aftermath of his actions. Her breasts now felt extremely sensitive, so much so that she felt quasi-tremors race through her every time her shirt rubbed against her hardened nipples. Her lips, too, felt like even the lightest of touches would leave her a quivering pile of overly sensitive nerves.

  A heat was pooling in her loins, a desire that she only felt when her mate got like this.

  “Lilian.” Her ears twitched. Kevin was giving her such a gentle, loving look that she melted on the spot. “I want to thank you.”

  “Thank me? For what?”

  “For being you. For not giving up on me even when I pushed you away. For making me into the person that I am today. For everything, really. I’m very grateful that you came into my life.”

  Lilian’s whole body flushed with pleasure. Her mate really was the best. He said the sweetest things.

  “If you really want to thank me, there are ways of showing me how grateful you are.” Lilian gave him the most suggestive look she could muster. She didn’t have Iris’s blatant sexuality, but she didn’t really need it with Kevin. He knew what she wanted, and his smile suddenly grew impossibly wide.

  “Hmm, actions do speak louder than words, or so I’ve been told.”

  Kevin slowly, almost teasingly, lifted her shirt over her chest. Lilian didn’t wear bras. They were annoying and, as a kitsune, she didn’t need them. With her breasts now exposed, the air, colder than her burning hot body, caused her already stiff nipples to harden even more. Kevin leaned down, his eyes never leaving hers, and slowly sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.

  Lilian could see no more. She closed her eyes and threw her head back as electricity coursed up and down her body.

  Kevin switched from one breast to the other, his tongue swirling around her nipples, sending pleasurable jolts and shivers through her. She reached out to grasp his head and pull it down further, but Kevin batted her hands away. A whimper of complaint escaped her throat, though that stopped when Kevin reached up and teased the breast that his tongue wasn’t playing with.


  He moved down further, his lips and tongue blazing a trail across her stomach. Lilian cracked an eye open to watch him. His hand eventually left her breasts when he was too far down for it to reach. Even so, the way his fingers lightly glided across her skin felt pleasant in its own way. His tongue dipped into her belly button. Lilian gasped at the strange surge of heat that burst from her body.

  Kevin reached her jean shorts and used his teeth to undo the button and then unzip it. He grabbed her shorts at the same time that she lifted her hips, and slowly slid them off. He tossed them aside and came back in. She thought he was going to take off her panties, too, and kept her hips lifted, but she ended up bucking wildly when he kissed her through the fabric.

  “Oh!” Lilian’s eyes widened in surprise as her back arced. “K-Kevin! That… Ngg! That feels—oh!”

  She calmed down when Kevin stopped, but by that point, she didn’t really want to be calm. Her body craved Kevin’s touch. She wanted his lips back on her. She wanted him to continue pleasing her.

  “Kevin…” she breathed, “don’t stop… please don’t stop…”

  “I had no intention to,” Kevin said, right before he grabbed her panties between his teeth.

  He slowly began to pull them off, sliding them down inch by agonizing inch. He had just moved them low enough that she could see the beginning traces of red hair. Just a little more. Just a little more and then—


  Iris burst through the door, wearing the largest grin known to man. She wasn’t dressed in her usual outfit of skintight shorts and even skimpier tube top, and had instead elected to don a slutty maid costume—the same one she’d worn for Halloween when Lilian had been kidnapped by the Bodhisattva’s youngest son.

  Kevin and Lilian yelped in surprise as they both tumbled off the bed. Iris blinked several times as the young couple fell to the floor and ended up in a very awkward, yet sexy position—Kevin lying on his back with Lilian’s panty-covered crotch shoved into his face while Lilian’s face was mere inches from the bulge in Kevin’s pants.

  “Am I interrupting something?” Iris asked suddenly, and for once, she actually seemed surprised. “Because it looks like I am, though if you guys are trying to do the sixty-nine position, then you’re going about it all wrong. For one thing, the stud’s got way too many clothes on. Way too many clothes. You both need to be naked for that.” Her eyes lit up with a sudden glee. “If you want, I can show you two how it’s done.”

  Lilian stood to her feet, her head tilted toward the ground, red bangs covering her face, casting it in darkness. Kevin thought he saw ominous waves of dark energy pouring from her body, but he knew that was impossible. Lilian was a Celestial Kitsune. She didn’t have dark energy…


  “Iris…” Lilian’s tone sounded dark.

  Iris didn’t bat an eyelash. “Yes, my darling sister?”

  “You’re dead!”

  Lilian surged forward, pouncing on her sister who, rather than run away, opened her arms wide to receive her. She smashed into the raven-haired vixen who’d interrupted her time with Kevin. Iris fell onto her back while Lilian landed on top. Her hands quickly found the succubus flower’s throat.

  “Uhuhuhu.” Even though she was being choked, Iris still managed to laugh. “I didn’t know you liked it rough, Lily-pad.”

  “Shut up! I’m going to make sure you can never interrupt my mate and me again!”

  “If you’d just invite me to join you, we wouldn’t be having this problem.”

  “I still haven’t spoken with Kevin about that yet!”

  “Then maybe you should. It’s been over a month since you told me you would.”

  “I’ll talk to him when I feel he’s ready and not a second sooner!”

  “Well, you’d better talk to him soon, otherwise I’m going to keep interrupting you two.”

  While Lilian wrestled with Iris, Kevin lay on the ground, staring up at the ceiling, suffering the worst case of blue balls he’d had in a while.

  Next time, I’m locking the door, he silently decided.


  School had ended, and Lindsay rode the bus home, gazing out the window to watch the scenery zoom past in a blur of colors.

  After the announcement that revealed the existence of yōkai, there had been a tense mixture of excitement, anxiety, and fear in the air. Some people thought it was cool that these supernatural creatures existed. Others were afraid. For Lindsay, who had known about yōkai for a while now, she understood something that a lot of her peers hadn’t seemed to grasp yet.

  It was the fact that the world was never going to be the same again. Everything had changed. Lindsay wasn’t sure that change was for the better. Indeed, she was almost positive that things were about to become worse. She could feel it in her bones.

  That afternoon at lunch, she had sat with Kevin’s friends, who’d also been shocked by the announcement made on the morning news:

  “I can’t believe they would just come out and say something like that so easily,” Alex said as he sat beside his brother and a strangely silent Eric. Lindsay didn’t know what the perverted boy was doing, but he appeared to be playi
ng with something. A game on his phone, maybe?

  Andrew nodded. “You’d think they’d have more sense than to just come out and say, ‘Oh, by the way, there are supernatural creatures living alongside of you. Just thought we’d let you know.’ It’s enough to make a guy wonder what crazy ass person decided to give them that scoop.”

  Lindsay toyed with her salad, not eating, just pushing the leaves around with her fork. “Do you think Kevin and the others knew what was going to happen? Maybe that’s why they disappeared.”

  “I really doubt that,” Andrew answered. “How could they have possibly known what was going to happen? They don’t have any connections to NBC.”

  “But isn’t Kevin’s boss in the newspaper industry?” asked Lindsay.

  “Yeah, but newspaper and TV news are two completely different things,” Alex said. “That’s like saying someone should know what games Microsoft is coming out with even though the person they’re asking is a Sony fan.”

  Lindsay didn’t really get the reference, though she understood the analogy. She also agreed with them. She didn’t see how they could have known this was going to happen.

  She looked down at her garden salad and struggled to contain her emotions. “I’m worried about them.”

  “You’re not the only one,” Andrew told her. “We’re all worried about them.”

  “Kevin doesn’t really tell us anything, but we know that he’s been getting into a lot of dangerous situations,” Alex added. “A few days ago, after PE, I saw several scars lining his back and chest, and I know he didn’t have those before.”

  “He’s also gotten a lot more ripped,” Andrew muttered in a sudden bout of jealousy. “Seriously, he’s got a fucking six-pack! How unfair is that?!”

  Lindsay flushed just a bit at the mention of Kevin’s body. She was 99% positive that she liked girls, but even she would not deny that Kevin had filled out really nicely—though that did make her wonder if she might be bisexual instead of just a lesbian. She used to have a crush on Kevin back in the day, after all.

  “Tch. I bet you anything he’s undergoing some kind of super anime-style training regimen like Yusuke Urameshi to get really strong,” Alex said.

  His brother laughed. “Ha! Yusuke’s nothing. If anything, Kevin’s training is probably more like Hiei’s.”

  “You clearly lost some brain cells when we were younger. Otherwise you wouldn’t say something so stupid.”

  “Are you calling me stupid?!”

  “Damn right I am!”

  Lindsay almost facepalmed when Alex and Andrew started fighting in the middle of the cafeteria. She instead looked at Eric, who was giggling at whatever he was playing with. It was completely hidden, so she couldn’t actually see what he had in his hands, but she assumed he was playing one of his perverted games.

  “What do you think about all this?” she asked, causing Eric to look up from his game.

  “I don’t think we need to worry,” he spoke so softly that Lindsay needed to lean over to hear him. “I got a text message from my master yesterday during the announcement.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, tapping the touch screen a few times before showing it to her. There was a message on the screen.

  “Gone underground. Okay. Keep head down.”

  It was very brief, but Lindsay understood its meaning well enough.

  Eric put the phone back in his pocket. “My master lives in the same complex as the Harem Lord, the Sex Bomb, and the Tit Maiden.”

  “Do you really have to call them by those nicknames?” asked a deadpanned Lindsay.

  “It’s safe to assume that they’re with my master, so I wouldn’t worry too much.” Eric flashed her a confident grin. “Besides, while I don’t know exactly what the Harem Lord has been doing, I have faith in his ability. He wouldn’t be the Harem Lord if he couldn’t handle stuff like this.”

  Lindsay did her best to ignore the nicknames Eric used. She hoped he was right and that Kevin, Iris, and Lilian had all just gone underground and were now in hiding. She needed to have faith.

  As she thought about all this, another thought occurred to her.



  “If your phone was in your pocket, then what’s that in your hand?”

  A short, yet awkward silence ensued—

  “There he is! That’s the pervert who stole my underwear!”

  —At least, it did until a horde of girls ran up and one of them pointed at Eric before shouting.

  “Uh-oh.” Eric leapt from his seat. “Here, hold these.” He shoved what he’d been holding into Lindsay’s hands and then bolted.


  “YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!” Eric shouted back at the girls. Unfortunately, because he had turned his head to do so, he wasn’t watching where he was going and tripped over a chair. The girls used that opportunity to swarm him like hungry piranhas. Soon, the perverted young man’s screams filled the air.

  Throughout it all, Lindsay sat there, blinking as she looked down at the item in her hands. It was an article of clothing. To be more precise, it was a pair of panties. She stared at the white lace garment in her hands, trying to resist the temptation.

  Don’t do it, Lindsay. You’re better than this. You’re better than Eric. You don’t want to do this.

  But she did. She did want to do this.

  After discreetly looking around to make sure no one was watching her, Lindsay held the panties up to her face and took several deep whiffs.

  “These… these smell really good,” she mumbled before noticing her audience. Alex and Andrew were gawking at her, their jaws wide enough that a fist could have passed through them, and their eyes the size of hockey pucks. Lindsay blushed and went back to her salad.

  The rest of lunch was very awkward.

  She didn’t really know what to think, both about the announcement and Eric’s words. She wanted to believe that Kevin, Lilian, and Iris were safely tucked away somewhere, but she was afraid of allowing herself to believe his words. Heather was alive and well. That much she knew. However, that didn’t mean her friends were, too.

  The bus slowed to a halt and Lindsay stood up. This was her stop. She vacated the bus with several other students, none of whom she knew beyond what little she had garnered from riding the bus with them. As some of them bid each other farewell, she walked home.

  It wasn’t until she got closer to home that she realized something was wrong.

  Her house was surrounded by vehicles. She didn’t recognize any of them, not by name, but they were large and each one had several weapons built onto them. At the very least, she recognized the giant machine guns sitting on top for what they were. Military vehicles. She remembered seeing similar vehicles, back when Kevin had been kidnapped what felt like a lifetime ago.

  Several people were stationed around her house. She counted a dozen in total. All of them wore black bodysuits and Kevlar vests. Weapons hung from their bodies; pistols were strapped to their thighs, machine guns and rifles were gripped in their hands. Bandoliers had been slung across their shoulders. Even she recognized the small, oblong objects attached to them. Helmets like those found in the army did not gleam brightly in the sunlight, for they were painted a dull matte black, much like their vests and bodysuits.

  Lindsay froze, her mind stalling as she tried to figure out what these people were doing at her house. Several heads swiveled in her direction, and the urge to run away nearly overpowered her.

  “You there,” one of the men shouted. “Are you Lindsay Diane?”

  “Uh…” Lindsay fought for a reply. She swallowed. Her tongue felt heavy. “I… y-yes, I am.”

  “Good, we’ve been waiting for you,” the man said before speaking into a communication unit attached to his vest. “She’s here, sir. Yes. Yes. Roger that.” The soldier stopped talking into the unit. “Go inside please, and don’t worry.” He winked at her. “We’re the goo
d guys.”

  Lindsay didn’t know what to make of that statement, but she did as she was told. What else could she do?

  Her feet moved of their own accord, without any command from her. If she had been in control of her own body right now, she was sure she’d be running away from her house instead of walking toward it.

  Upon entering the kitchen, Lindsay received the shock of her life. Her mother and father were both sitting at the table. Judging from the way her mom’s shoulders were moving, she was wringing her hands in her lap. Her dad had placed his hands on the table, but his left knee was thumping up and down at an accelerated pace, like the beating of a hummingbird's wings. Several people stood around them, men wearing the same military style suits and carrying the same weapons as those outside.

  Someone sat at the table with her parents.

  Lindsay knew him.


  “Lindsay.” Justin greeted her as if she was a long-lost friend. Something about his casual manner of speech bothered her, but she couldn’t figure out what. She was pretty sure the reason for that was because she was in shock. “It’s been awhile since we last saw each other. Please sit down.” He gestured to the only remaining chair, a smile on his face. “We have a lot to discuss.”



  Lindsay was frightened out of her mind, even though she couldn’t understand the reason why.

  Sitting before her was Justin, Kevin’s friend who disappeared last year when they all went to California. What was he doing here? Why now? And just why was he wearing a military uniform?

  “I bet you’re wondering what happened to me,” Justin said, speaking without his strange speech impediment. Lindsay said nothing, not because she didn’t want to, but because she was too afraid to speak. “It’s nothing you really need to concern yourself about, so please try not to worry. As you can see, I have been perfectly safe.”


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