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Igniting Page 2

by Leigh Allen

I nodded. I hated to reflect on that bad memory, but it was ok. “They were in what appeared to be a car accident, but their bodies were burned so bad, it was hard to identify at first. I knew when I was told that they were dead that it was murder. I felt it in my soul. My parents had always warned me about Trackers. I think that they might have been after them. I want to gain my wings and powers so I can end the Trackers.”

  “That’s intense,” she sighed.

  “Yeah, it is,” I agreed.

  “I hope you can.”

  “Me too

  As we ate, Lisa and I made small talk about the Academy and talked about what life was like from where we had come from.

  After dinner, we were all escorted to our rooms, only I was the only new one allowed to sleep in the elements rooms. The other girls stared at me like I had two heads, but none of them talked to me other than a simple hello. I was sure they would warm up eventually, or at least I hoped they did.

  Once inside my room, I locked the door and fell into the large bed, praying that sleep would take over before my fears and anxiety consumed me.


  I was awakened the next morning by a loud buzzing sound. It seemed to be coming from overhead, like the fire alarms in school. I sat up, holding my hands to my ears as I quickly remembered where I was.

  The Woodsong Academy.

  Quickly, I threw the covers off of my body and jumped out of bed. I tore open my bedroom door and noticed I was the only girl freaking out. All the other girls were casually walking around as they began their day. Was I the only one hearing this noise?

  As I stood in complete shock, a sudden hand on my shoulder knocked me out of my daze. For a moment, I thought I might be in another nightmare, but this was too real and there was no fire or smoke-- the two things that always accompanied my dreams.

  “Hey, new girl. The bell is our morning alarm,” a girl with long, brown hair stated. I had to look up to meet her eyes, as she stood much taller than me.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled.

  “Follow me,” she said, leading the way.

  Finally, the bell stopped its incessant noise and my heart seemed to calm down a bit. “We all eat a light breakfast in our kitchen area,” the girl spoke, pointing to the small kitchen area I had seen on my tour earlier with Ace. “We only eat dinner in the main dining halls. You have thirty minutes to get dressed in your school uniform, before we are all scheduled to be in class. I will show you where yours is,” she said, before extending her silver and emerald wings and flying into the other room.

  I marveled at the sight. I I couldn’t wait until I could do that too.

  I followed her into the other room.

  Somehow, I managed to eat a bowl of bran cereal and drink one cup of coffee before I went back to my room and opened the closet. Inside, were several silver and black shirts with matching emerald green and black skirts. I knew instantly this was my uniform. I guess when Ace said everything was taken care of, he wasn’t kidding. It seems like they knew my size already—which made sense since they had been preparing for my coming here all of my life.


  I stepped out of my room sometime later. I swear, I had spent nearly thirty-minutes just staring at myself in the mirror: The clothes, the room, and the mood created by the entire atmosphere, almost had me mesmerized.

  I walked out of our common area and back into the main hall that separated the upstairs covens. To my surprise, Ace was standing along the balcony railing, looking out over the massive foyer and grand entrance to the Academy. His hair was in disarray; and as he ran a hand through his locks, I let out a slight sigh.

  Turning, Ace seemed almost startled to see me standing there. Embarrassment flooded through me, and I felt like I might burst into flames and turn into a pile of ashes at his feet.

  “Good morning,” Ace grumbled.

  There he was, the grumpy protector.

  “Morning,” I said, trying to will my face and nerves to settle down.

  My southern drawl seemed to be intensified whenever I was nervous, and, right now, it was stronger than ever.

  “I see you found your uniform ok,” he said, his eyes raking over my entire body. I watched as a blaze lit up his dark eyes and he bit his lip in angst.

  Oh wow. That one single action just caused my knees to buckle and my body to heat up to the point I swear I was sweating. Ace can’t look at me like that. I can’t have whatever these feelings are growing for him. Not now. Not ever.

  “Yeah, you weren’t kidding when you said not to worry about anything when I asked about my personal items,” I said, mustering a small laugh.

  Ace’s eyes were still locked on me and slowly, they trailed up to meet my eyes. “Yeah well, I guess we knew more about you than you thought,” he smirked.

  “Seems like it,” I whispered, more to myself than to anyone. We stood like that for a few moments, and even when other students moved around us on their way to dinner, neither of us budged.

  Breaking the awkward tension growing between us, I took another step forward. “Um, I think we should head down for breakfast. I’m starving,” I said, trying to muster a smile.

  “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” he said, a little breathlessly.

  He waved for me to go first, a true act of a southern gentleman. I walked past him; and as I began to descend down the grand staircase, I could feel Ace’s eyes on me like a laser. I had to carefully focus on each step I took, for fear that my legs might betray me. I mean, I didn’t really want to trip and tumble down the stairs in front of Ace right now.

  When we reached the bottom, I continued walking toward the large dining area I had been introduced to yesterday. Voices filled the room and the smells of crisp bacon and biscuits filled the air. Other spices and sweet scents made my mouth water, and I couldn’t wait to see what was prepared for us.

  I spotted an open seat and, to my disbelief, Ace sat directly across from me at the same table. I expected him to sit with the other protectors or even the professors; but instead, he chose to sit with me. I tried to brush off the idea as him just doing his job, but I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe it meant something more.

  No, it can’t.

  Sitting, I glanced in front of me at the expansive display of amazing foods. Large biscuits with every flavor of jelly and jam were lined on the table. Fried grits, scrambled eggs with spices, and crispy bacon sat on a large platter. Grease dripping and pooling around the goodness made me lick my lips. Finally, I spotted large waffles with fresh blueberries, strawberries, and syrup were offered. It was a feast to be had and a staple of a true Louisiana breakfast. Sadly, my aunt hardly cooked like this and if I wanted to eat a hearty, home cooked meal, I had to head out to a local diner. It seems this is a pleasant change to my once boring and unsavory routine.

  We began piling our plates high and digging into the delicious treats. Taking my first bite, I closed my eyes and moaned. The food was so good, I almost wanted to cry. When I opened my eyes, I spotted Ace watching me carefully.

  Suddenly, our eyes connected and just as I thought a smile was beginning to form over his lips, a loud alarm began to wail throughout the room. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks and my heart about jumped out of my chest at the high-pitched sound. I instantly knew something was wrong.

  Oh no, what happened?

  Chapter 5

  I was frozen with fear as people around me began to yell to one another, asking what was going on. My eyes scanned the room and I saw a few professors and guards rushing toward one another. After a few exchanges, several raced out toward the courtyard.

  The room was full of chaos as people were running and yelling all around me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I gasped from the pure adrenaline coursing through me. I could feel my body heating and I wondered if that was the fire deep within my soul.

  “Stay with me,” Ace spoke, as he grabbed my hand. “An intruder has made their way inside the Woodsong Academy,” he spoke seriously.

  I gulped down my words.

  I simply nodded, unsure of what to say. Fear gripped me and refused to let me go.

  He pushed and shoved his way through the sea of people as he forcibly made his way outside. I spotted Electra standing in the courtyard, her mouth gaping open as tears sprang to her eyes.

  I heard the gasps and cries as I followed Ace, shouldering our way through the crowd. From their petrified and hollow expressions, I knew this was bad. Real bad. Ace's grip grew stronger and I could feel his body shaking. When I dared a glance up at him, I saw a look that will be forever etched into my memory. A deep scowl was straining his face, but his eyes-- his eyes were filled with remorse and sadness. I followed his gaze and I didn’t even realize I had let out a scream until Ace jerked his head my way.

  What I found was far from what I ever expected to see. Just the sight of the gruesomeness brought tears to my eyes because I was instantly reminded of my own parents. I had searched up the news articles and had seen pictures of their charred car and their bodies from the medical examiners reports. The person who now lay dead and burned under a large oak tree, looked much the same as my parents had. The similarity in the death wasn’t a coincidence. Shaking my head, I almost screamed. If I ever doubted that the Trackers were behind my parents murders, it was all brought to life now.

  This was all too much for me to handle, I had to get out of here. This had to be a dream, some freakish nightmare that I would soon wake from.

  I let go of Ace’s hand and sped out of the crowd as bile moved up my throat. I was going to be sick and I needed to get fresh air.

  I ran until I reached cool, damp grass and fell onto my knees. My body began to tremble and sweat as I vomited all over the ground. Tears stung my eyes as I willed myself to wake up. Bile again rose in my throat and before I knew it, my stomach churned and I vomited all over the damp grass.

  “Are you ok?” a soft voice asked, causing me to quickly spin around on my knees.

  Ace stood behind me, concern and a look of something else crossing his face. I hadn’t even heard him follow me.

  “How am I supposed to be ok? Someone is dead and was killed the same way my parents had been.”

  Sighing, Ace knelt down beside me. He ran his hands through his hair; and I watched him look around, like he was contemplating long and hard about his next words. Finally, he spoke. “I know this is hard for you to understand, but I need you to try and remain calm. Remember, the Trackers have spies everywhere,” he stated, looking around. He paused and watched me for a minute, making sure I was really listening. I wiped my hand across my mouth, making sure I had no more traces of vomit left on me. I leaned back and sat cross-cross on the ground. I nodded to let him know I was ready for him to continue.

  “For centuries, the supernaturals and Trackers fought for this territory. It is dangerous for us all to control the same land. So, Fairies won this land There was even a truce, but over the last few years, word got around that the Trackers were wanting to take the land again. They had made threats before, but had never acted on them like this. They had never broken the barrier onto the Woodson Academy property before. That in itself is going too far,” Ace finished, hanging his head low in defeat.

  “How do you know it was a Trackers?” I asked, shuddering as the word slipped past my lips. “I mean, I know it was the Trackers too, but how do we confirm it? We have to destroy them. They have gone too far. First my parents and now…” I couldn’t finish my sentence. I knew this was far too personal for me, but I didn’t care. I had wanted revenge for years and now I had my chance to get it.

  Ace looked at me and I could tell this was difficult for him to share. “I have seen others who were killed by the Trackers,” Ace stated. “They are not very different in their attacks. They have weapons, filled with bombs and fire that they use against supernaturals who are not able to deflect the fire. I have studied their methods for years. We have to be calculated on how we approach this,” Ace stated. I could see he was nervous and that didn’t sit well with me.

  “What happens now?” I asked. “Will they let me leave? Will they close the Academy?” My words tumbled out as a sense of despair grew inside of me. I had wanted to come to the Woodsong Academy since my mom first told me about it.

  Ace sighed again, this time standing as he reached down and offered me a hand. I took his hand and allowed him to help me up. Standing, we stared at one another for a few minutes before Ace spoke again. “No, once you are brought here, you can only leave once you have reached full status in your Fairy Coven. You are still new and young; you have to remain here.”

  “Ok,” I sighed. Even though this was a terrible travesty, I was still relieved to know I didn’t have to leave. “So, what happens now?” I asked.

  “The Academy will go on lockdown. We will have protection and barriers will be set. I will protect you, I will volunteer to join the guards and professors as they seek to strategize for war,” Ace states firmly.

  Is he serious? “War? Do you really think we are going to go to war with the Trackers after only one murder?” I asked.

  “Of course. The Trackers broke a code-- they came onto our grounds. When we are all in the human world, it’s fair game. But when you are in your protected grounds, it is unethical to attack. They pushed us too far. I know the professors and others will be ready to fight. I will destroy them or die trying,” he said, rage spilling from his mouth.

  “Why would you do that?” I ask, my lips trembling as I will myself not to cry again. I hate letting people see my emotions.

  Taking his hand and placing it under my chin, Ace forces me to look at him. A moment passes between us. I have no idea what it means, but I know it is powerful and magnetic.

  “I will do everything I can to protect you, just put your trust in me. I owe it to my family and yours,” he stated, looking down.

  Folding my arms across my chest, I pout. “Aren’t you supposed to protect me anyway?” I ask, snapping at him even though I know this isn’t his fault.

  Shaking his head, Ace looks torn. His deep eyes cloud over, and I can tell there is an internal battle taking place inside that complicated head of his. “No, I wasn’t supposed to protect you. I was assigned to this position. Now, just trust me,” he finished sharply.

  With that, Ace began to walk, leading the way back to the courtyard, but instead of going to the one place I dreaded the most, he turns and walks inside a large set of glass doors. He continues to walk to the large stairs and doesn’t stop until we reach the first year Fairy Covens area of the house. “Go to bed. In the morning, there will be a mandatory meeting,” Ace said, letting go of my hand.

  The sudden release left me feeling lost and I strangely missed his touch.

  “How do you know that?” I asked.

  “I just do,” Ace stated, and then he was gone.

  I stood speechless as I watched him disappear before me. Not knowing what else to do, I retreated to my room and prayed that when I woke up, I would be anywhere but here.


  The next morning, I found myself sitting in a large auditorium on what should have been my first day of classes. Instead, I was waiting anxiously as people filled the room and a group of nervous-looking professors stand on a large stage before me. Their hands are clasped together as they whisper in low tones.

  I spot Ace two rows ahead of me, and as though he can feel me watching him, he turns and offers a slight smile. Our eyes locked for a brief moment, before he gets awkward again and turns back around facing the stage.

  I still can’t believe this is my life. It all feels so surreal, like I should pinch myself and wake up at any moment. Only, I’m not sleeping. This is my life.

  After the last Fairy Coven group enters the room, the doors lock behind us with a strange finality.

  I sit and listen as we are all told that the Academy is on immediate lockdown. We are forbidden from leaving the premises and will report to our classes as usual. The shock of the moment isn’t
lost on me; and when we are finally excused to head to our first class of the day, I feel lost.

  How am I supposed to sit through a class after what just happened?

  I am so lost in my own thoughts that I don’t hear Ace walk up next to me.

  “Are you ok?” he asks.

  I jump and nearly scream aloud as I hold my hand. “Geesh, you scared me.” I rubbed my forehead as a slight headache was forming. All of this stress was starting to get to me.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” Ace says. “I was wanting to check on you this morning. I know you were upset and curious last night.”

  I allow myself to relax for a moment. There is something about Ace that makes me feel safe and warm, but I can’t focus on that now.

  “It’s ok. I guess right now anything would startle me,” I admit.

  Ace nods as he looks away briefly. “Look, I will be gone for a few days, so I need you to promise me that you will remain here at the Woodsong Academy, and will listen to the rules set in place,” he stated firmly.

  “Where are you going?” I asked, not liking being ordered around or the idea of Ace being gone. I’m not sure why I should care really,

  “It’s not important, I just need you to promise me that you won’t get into any trouble,” he said again, this time with a hint of anger and annoyance rising in his voice.

  I wanted to argue with him. To demand that he tell me where he was going, but I knew it was no use. I would just have to figure it out on my own. Thankfully, the warning bell rang, alerting students to get to class soon.

  Ace walked me down the long corridor and into my first class of the day. I spotted a tall man in his fifties standing at the front of the room. He wore all black and had slicked back black hair. He smiled when all of the students walked in, giving me a feeling like I was at a normal school and not this place of fantasy and magic.

  “Ace,” the man called, and beckoned for him to come to him.

  They resembled one another slightly, and I wondered if they may be related in some way. I watched as the man began to whisper something to Ace, but Ace soon became enraged. Throwing his hands up in the air and scowling, he argued back, still whispering. Their words might have been muted to the rest of us, but anyone could clearly see they were arguing about something. Finally, Ace nodded his head and bit his lip as he turned and began to stomp his way back down the aisle. When he reached me, he mustered a tight smile?


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