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Igniting Page 4

by Leigh Allen

  Making sure no one saw me, I slipped into the room and closed and locked the door. The room was wide and had extremely high ceilings. There was no furniture or anything else, which I was grateful for. I stood in the center of the room and looked up. At the top of the ceiling was a large window that was open. I knew instantly it was so if we did fly, we could soar as high as we could.

  I closed my eyes, drew in a deep breath, and called to the powers inside of me to help me fly. Instantly, just like last time, I felt a slight movement in my back and my wings sprung to life. A wide grin spread across my face as I realized I had done. Only this time, I had done it alone.

  I could hear my mom’s encouraging words whispering to me as I continued to call my magic to me. I felt my body being lifted off the ground. It was as though she were here with me, helping lift me up. If only it were true.

  I began to fly and as I went higher and higher, a tingling sensation coursed through my limbs. Sparks of light-- like a sparkler lit on the fourth of july-- flew from my fingertips. They crackled and popped as the sparks ignited in front of me. Without anyone else, I had ignited the true fairy within me and I was now flying.

  I felt incredible as I reached the window at the top of the ceiling. Feeling fearless, I opened the window and continued to soar up toward the baby blue sky and soft, cotton like clouds. I felt weightless as my body was carried along with the birds who owned the sky. As I looked around, I saw the roof of the Woodsong Academy below me. The emerald green arches looked tiny from this distance and I laughed happily to myself. The forest that lined the Academy looked so small and harmless from way up here in the clouds, but I wasn’t fooled. I knew that somewhere deep in that forest lurked the Trackers and other creatures that threatened to harm those of us supernaturals at the Academy.

  I couldn’t think about that darkness now. No, this was my time to enjoy being the Fairy I was destined to become all along.


  Once I returned back to the room, I rushed to the dining hall, hoping to spot Ace. I was excited to share with him what I had done. Sadly, he was nowhere in sight. I wondered if he had left the Academy again, in search of a killer Trackers. I just hoped he was careful, if anything happened to him…

  “Hey, Brie. Come sit with us,” I heard my name being called, and when I turned, I spotted Lisa waving me over to her table. Her wide, doe eyes were kind as she smiled.

  I walked over and sat down next to her, offering a smile. “Hey,” I offered.

  “Guess what? I just discovered that I am in the Earth Coven,” Lisa said with a wide grin.

  “Wow, that’s great!” I agreed. Earth really seemed to fit her personality. She is so nice and I guess the sage green eyes should have been a hint too.

  “Thanks,” she said. I listened to her tell me all about the Earth Coven dorms and how everything was so peaceful and calm. I wished more than anything I could share with her what I had just done, but knew I needed to ask Ace first. Would she even believe me?

  “So, what did you do today?” she asked. “I mean, after the memorial. It was so sad watching people cry. I felt bad because I hadn’t met the professor before.”

  I nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I just practiced my magic,” I said. I wasn’t giving her too much information, but I wasn’t lying either.

  “Have you heard anything else about the Trackers?” she asked.

  “No, why?” I asked, my tone a little too sharp.

  “I just figured since you are always with Ace, you might know something. He works closely with the professors, so I thought he might know something,” she suggested.

  That made sense. I wasn’t sure why I was so quick to respond when she brought up Ace. But, she was right. He probably knew more than all of us. I guess I just needed to find out more from him.

  I went back to my room to relax. I was exhausted from flying and using my powers. Plus, I felt being alone with my thoughts. But of course, someone else had other plans for me. Waiting on my bed, was a note.


  Meet me by our balcony tonight. Midnight.


  Smiling, I tucked the note away in one of my drawers and lay on my bed. Midnight couldn’t come soon enough.


  After dinner, Electra instructed all covens to retreat back to their dorms for the night. Security had increased and everyone was on high alert, especially at night. I wasn’t sure why I hadn’t thought about it sooner, but everyone seemed more relaxed during the day. Then, it dawned on me. Trackers have spies and sources to watch us. They are too smart to attack when everyone is awake and on high alert.

  Once everyone was nestled in their rooms for the night, and all the sounds of voices had faded away, I slowly opened my bedroom door and peeked out into the common area. It was empty.

  Tiptoeing, I slowly made my way to the french doors leading out to the balcony. I had dressed in a large, gray sweater and tight jeans. It had been cool the previous night, and I could only assume it would be the same tonight.

  As I opened the doors, I did a double check behind to make sure no one else saw me. When I realized the coast was clear, I stepped out onto the balcony. I couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit of excitement. Meeting Ace out here was wrong, but, oh, so right.

  As I looked around, I caught a glimpse of Ace leaning against the balcony, arms crossed, and a smug grin across his face. “So, you finally came,” he said.

  I gently closed the door behind me and stepped closer to where he stood. “I had to wait until everyone was sleeping,” I said.

  “I wasn’t sure you would come,” he admitted.

  “Why not?” I asked, pushing him to give me more information

  Ace looked conflicted as he watched me. “Brie, you know this is wrong, right? Us meeting like this. I could get into serious trouble if Electra or the other professors learned that I was meeting a young Witch at night.”

  “Then why did you ask me to meet you?” I asked, my voice tainted with frustration. He was so hot and cold and I just couldn’t read him. Had I been wrong yesterday when I thought that maybe he had feelings for me, too?

  Ace reached for my hands, then hesitated. He let out a deep breath as he reached for me again. This time, lacing our fingers together as he pulled me closer to him. “I asked you to meet me here because I can’t seem to stay away from you. Right or wrong, you have this magnetic pull that I can’t seem to fight. Brie, you make me want to tell you everything I know. You make me want to forget the rules and security we have spent our entire lives creating, just to keep you safe. You make me want to be near you,” he said, his words reaching deep down into my soul. “We have this devastating loss that joins us. I know that sounds terrible, but no other two people here can say they have lost their parents to Trackers. And, with our magic and help, no two people here will be able to say they helped destroy the Trackers.”

  For the first time in my life, I found myself speechless. I didn’t have some witty comeback or sarcastic remark prepared. My heart fluttered and danced around in my chest, and my head swam with possibilities of what could be.

  “Ace,” I finally managed to breathe.

  “If I am being inappropriate, just tell me to stop and I will do my best,” he stated; however, his eyes pleaded with me to listen to him.

  Shaking my head, I offered a slight smile. “You are not being inappropriate. It’s just… you can be very confusing at times. One moment I think you hate me and then the next, you profess feelings for me. What do you want?” I ask.

  “I want you. I always have,” Ace sighs. Words evaded me as I stood. Ace’s hands held onto me like a life raft, and my heart pounding wildly inside of me.

  “Say something,” Ace urged, breaking me from my internal turmoil and thoughts.

  “Is it possible?” I ask, shaking my head to clear my thoughts.

  “Is what possible?” he asks.

  “Me and you destroying the Trackers and…” I let the words trail off as I find them too diffi
cult to say aloud.

  Maybe I am embarrassed by the thought and realization that I find it difficult for people to care for me. Maybe I am angered at never knowing the truth behind who and what I really am. It all seems so monumental now and with the knowledge being placed right before me.

  “Nothing will be hidden from us again,” Ace states firmly. “I have spoken with the professors and leaders of the Woodsong Academy and told them that we are no longer going to sit and wait for the Trackers to attack. It’s time the students take charge.”

  I feel my bottom lip tremble as emotions rush over me. I want to cry and hug him all at the same time. There is an overpowering and overwhelming sense of need for Ace that I can’t comprehend. He has also given me answers to my past and holds the knowledge of my future and what is to come. He also has a smile that captivates me and a swagger that pulls me to him like a tidal wave.

  Before I know what is happening, Ace pulls my body close to his and my trembling lips are now mere inches from his. I can feel his warm breath tickling my cheek as he continues to stare at me like I am some glorious anonymity. “Let me protect you. Let me have you,” Ace says, before he leans down and crushes his lips against mine.

  The world around me stops spinning as his hands find my hips and he pulls me closer to him. I reach for his arms and feel his strong muscles under my touch. My legs shake and I fear for a moment they may give out on me. Sparks are ignited inside of me and I feel myself floating with Ace in my arms. My wings have sprouted and I am holding us in the air. He lets out a howl and I can sense his inner wolf about to take charge.

  After a few minutes, I pull away, breaking the kiss and trying desperately to breathe again.

  We stare deeply into one another's eyes. Just as Ace opens his mouth to speak, another loud wailing siren rings through the school. Just like the last time.

  When someone was killed.


  Taking my hand, Ace begins rushing toward the doors. He throws them open in a flash, and we make our way through the common room as others begin waking and opening their doors, searching for a source of the commotion.

  All around us are people yelling and asking questions-- but no one has any answers. We take the large stairs two at a time as we follow the crowd down to the main entryway of the Academy. Professors have been woken, too, and are now trying to calm the frenzy ensuing.

  “Everyone, please calm down,” Electra demands, as she stands at the top of the stairs. Her long, green hair drapes over her shoulders, and her gold robe is tied tightly at her thin waist. Everyone below her stops and waits, anxious for news.

  Just as Electra goes to talk again, the front door bursts open and two men carrying large guns rush inside. We all gasp and a string of cries ring out as we are all startled by the intrusion.

  “What is so important that you barge through the doors in such a manner?” Electra questions, an authoritative tone causing us all to stand still.

  “Our apologies Professor,” one of the men begins.

  His gun is staring at me and I gulp down my fear as Ace squeezes my hand.

  “There was an intruder outside of the gates. Our alarms went off; and as we reached the source of the break in security, there was no one there,” the guard states flatly.

  “Everyone, please calm down. You all need to return to your covens and remain there until further notice,” Electra begins, but her voice fades as Ace pulls me into a dark corner underneath the stairs.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “I have something to tell you,” I say.

  “Yeah,” he prompts.

  “Earlier today, I flew. But not inside. I flew around the Academy, in the air. It was so freeing, but now… could I have caused the alarm?”I ask.

  Shaking his head no, Ace holds my hand firmly in his. “No, it wasn’t you. But that was fantastic that you flew. Your powers are growing daily and soon enough, you will be very powerful enough to help me take on the Trackers.”

  “Ok, good,” I sigh in relief.

  “I have to go do a few things, but I will be back soon,” Ace says quickly, dropping my hands. “You will be fine here, just stay safe.”

  I go to agree, but then something else dawns on me. Ace isn’t one to just sit back and allow others to search for an intruder. I can see the plans already in his eyes.

  “You aren’t going anywhere without me,” I say, folding my arms across my chest.

  “What are you talking about?” Ace tries to say, but I cut him off.

  “Don’t lie to me. If what you said earlier is true and if your feelings for me are real, then you need to be honest with me,” I state firmly.

  Sighing, he shakes his head and runs his hands through his dark hair. “Fine,” he mumbled. “Yes, I am going to go in search of what you saw. It has to be the same Trackers that struck here the other night. He is clearly not finished,” he says, anger flashing in his eyes.

  “I understand and I agree that it must be the Trackers. But, I am coming with you,” I argue.

  “No,” Ace sneers.

  “Yes,” I banter back.

  We hold a staring match for what feels like forever, before he gives in. “Fine, but you stay with me and you do exactly as I tell you,” he states.

  I simply nod and smile as I realize I won my first argument with him. Only, I have a sinking feeling my happiness is going to be short-lived. Placing a kiss to my lips, Ace erases all ideas of worry as his soft lips crash against mine. My breath falters as I take in the moment, his arms wrapped around me possessively and mine raking down his strong arms. At this moment, everything seems ok with the world. If only it would last.


  When the world is filled with chaos, it is easy to become invisible. Well, at least right now it is. As Electra orders everyone to their covens, Ace and I snuck out through the back doors. All of the guards were busy getting new orders and didn’t notice our escape.

  It was freeing for a moment, running out into the open night, Ace holding my hand, and the wind running through my hair as we ran across the large yard.

  The ground was damp with dew from the night air, and there was a chill in the air that felt cold and menacing. I heard howling somewhere off in the distance, but I didn’t allow the unknown sounds to deter me. I was with Ace and we were on a mission. Let’s just hope we survive.

  As we are running, I hear a crack and I stumble, almost falling to the ground below. Ace caught me, holding me tight.

  “Are you alright?” he asked, his words coming out in sharp, ragged gulps.

  “Yes, I just tripped,” I stuttered. “Why can’t I just fly us there?” I ask, annoyed.

  “Flying will tip-off someone. At least if we are running, we can easily hide and crouch down,” Ace argues back.

  I guess that makes sense. Part of me wants to fly because it is fun.

  We both glanced up and realized we were at the entrance to the woods. The large moss trees looked like foreboding giants as they draped across the landscape. Living in Louisiana all my life, I had become accustomed to their thick tree trunks and heavy moss that covered their limbs. As we drew nearer the entrance to the woods, more noises sang out in the night. A splash was heard in the distance as a frog or maybe even a fish jumped in one of the many swamps that were sure nestled inside the wooded area. While I was still uncertain of the exact coordinates of the Woodsong Academy, I knew we were still in my southern home state.

  We stood, so small against the large trees, catching our breath. I wasn’t sure what to do next. Did we just stand here, waiting for a sign? Did we dare to enter the forbidden woods? It was all-consuming my mind, when Ace turned violently and pulled me behind him. He was acting like a shield as he held onto my hand and kept me from moving out of his reach. Had he seen the Trackers?

  “Who’s there? Show yourself,” he commanded, his voice echoing like an eerie song.

  Fear trapped me and I closed my eyes, not wanting to see who or what could be out h
ere among us. If a Trackers was capable of killing and draining the blood from a skilled Witch, what could it do to me?

  I heard feet shuffling and a few whispers and realized we weren’t just dealing with one monster-- there were several here now.

  I swear my heart stopped beating in that instant as the realization that we were outnumbered took over.

  “If I tell you to run, just do it and don’t look back,” Ace ordered through clenched teeth.

  There was no way I would leave him alone, especially when a Trackers could surely outrun me.

  Another footstep sounded from my left and I whipped my head around.

  Ace let out a growl and then I watched in amazement as he shifted before my eyes into a wild and raging wolf. His fur was thick and his body was muscular. Turning his head toward me, I saw his eyes were still the Ace that I know. That gave me a sense of security.

  “Fly now,” Ace yelled.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because there are Trackers rushing toward us from the woods. I can see them clearly now,” Ace stated. He began to sprint toward me and I quickly jumped into the air, allowing my wings to sprout and fly myself toward the Academy. Ace ran at lightning speeds and I made sure to keep flying high enough that I could dodge anything thrown at me. Not daring to look back, I kept my focus on the Academy ahead.

  And, to my surprise, Electra was standing at the Academy gates, waving for us to hurry. She looked angry, but was still helping us to safety.

  We ran as fast as we could and we just slipped through the gates when I heard Ace howl out in pain.

  I stopped flying and turned just in time to see a Tracker, in full military-style black combat uniform, grabbing Ace’s back paw. Instincts took over and as I flew down toward him, I called on my magic and watched as tiny sparks flew from my hands. My wings fluttered angrily and as I reached the Tracker, I flew the sparks of fire toward him. He screamed out in pain as he reached for his arms, which were burning from the sparks. He released his hold on Ace and Ace managed to slip through the gates as they closed with a loud clink.


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