The Lake

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The Lake Page 28

by Grant, AnnaLisa

  “I’m sure whatever you say will be said with eloquence, as usual,” I tell him.

  We brush our teeth and meet Luke and Claire in the kitchen for lunch. Something is off between the three of them and I assume it has to do with whatever they’ve been plotting. They’re too quiet and all alternate between looking at each other and looking at me. I’ve learned my lesson and don’t bother asking. It’s all legal stuff that Luke’s been compiling, so I wouldn’t understand any of it anyway. We finish lunch and Will kisses me sweetly and says good-bye.


  Claire is kind enough to put together an outfit special enough for graduation today. She knows I won’t have a clue, or care. She chooses a black pencil skirt and royal blue top to coordinate with the royal purple cap and gown. The graduating class is small at just a hundred and eighty four. We walk alphabetically so that means I don’t get to walk near any of my friends. In fact, I am second to last, followed only by Sharon Wyck, who happens to be one of the small groups of individuals who thinks Will and I make a perfect couple. Michael Walsh, who is walking in front of me, doesn’t give me a solitary glance the entire time, which would be consistent with the preceding nine months we were in the same civics class.

  Will’s speech is strong and to the point. He talks about seizing the moments of our lives, regardless of what the consequences may be. “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity,” he says. The depth of its meaning is lost on everyone in the room but me and my family. I watch his father watching him looking proud, not of Will but of what he takes credit for in him.

  “Our time here at Heyward has been interesting to say the least, but this last year has meant more to me, personally, than any other. It was the culmination of all I have worked for. As I prepare to take the first step on a path I never imagined would be before me, I am grateful for those who have touched my life. If our paths never cross again, know that you have impacted my life in incomprehensible ways.

  “So as you move forward and prepare to take over the world, or your father’s company, whichever is more lucrative,” only this crowd would find the ironic humor in that, “remember that our lives are short. Seize every chance you have to live your life. Good luck to you…we’re all going to need it.”

  The crowd applauds loudly and Will resumes his seat with the rest of the class. We file row by row up to the stage and cross as each of our names are read. While each person has his or her own cheering section, it isn’t like graduation ceremonies I’ve been to back home – not nearly as rowdy. Tyler and Will lead the cheers as my name is called. I hear Chris, Caroline and Gwen, too, but it’s hard to hear anything over Tyler’s howls. I look out briefly and see Luke and Claire standing and applauding me and I wonder if they’re thinking about Penny, thinking that they will never see their daughter cross this stage, that Luke will never walk her down an aisle...hoping that I can one day truly fill that hole in their hearts.

  For one solid moment everything is right in the world, and I’m happy, but that feeling is crushed as I exit the stage and pass directly in front of Gregory Meyer. I give him the strongest look I can, knowing that he’s close to being taken down.

  The group resumes its dignity and the final proclamation of our graduation is spoken. We move our tassels from one side to the other and it is official. We’ve all finished a crucial chapter in our lives and are being set free like wild animals into the chaos of the real world. We stand to our feet and begin looking for our loved ones. Luke and Claire find me first and hug me so tight I almost can’t breathe.

  “Congratulations! We’re so proud of you!” Claire says as she squeezes me.

  “There you are!” Caroline shouts above the crowd.

  “Hey!” I say wrapping my arms around her tiny frame. “Where are the guys, and Gwen?”

  “They’re coming. I gotta find my parents. We’ll see you soon!” Caroline hugs me again and then darts in and out of the crowd in search of her parents. Everyone is coming to our house for a graduation dinner party that Claire insisted upon. It didn’t take much twisting of my arm. I really want to see my friends before we have to leave for Florida. It isn’t that critical that I see them before I leave since they are allowed to visit me any time they want. It’s having all of us together, Will included, for the last time that is going to be difficult.

  “Layla!” I hear Will’s strong voice over the crowd and turn to find him. It takes just seconds before his arms are around me and we’re locked together. Will gives me a hard, excited kiss. He’s so happy and I love it. He’s been in deep thought lately and it’s so wonderful to see him this way. “Congratulations, baby!” he shouts.

  “You, too! Your speech was great! I loved it.” I yell above noise.

  “It was lame, but thanks! I’ve gotta go to this thing my dad is doing to show me off,” he says rolling his eyes. “But I’ll be at your place as soon as I can, ok?”

  I tell him its fine as he kisses me and leaves. The rest of the afternoon is like a blur before everyone gets there. Caroline’s were the only parents to accept our invitation. Claire and I make all the food and I wrap the little token gifts I bought my friends before everyone arrives. It might be a long time before I see them again and I want them to have something that will remind them of me. I got Gwen and Caroline each a silver bracelet with a starfish charm. I was stumped on what to get Chris and Tyler so I went for the obvious: money clips with their initials engraved on them.

  “Very cool! Thanks, Layla!” Chris hugs me, tossing the wrapping onto the kitchen counter.

  “Thanks, Lay! Now I won’t have to walk around with wads of cash rolled into my sock!” Tyler’s humor is one of the things I appreciate about him and our relationship. I’m going to miss him terribly.

  Gwen and Caroline open their gifts and squeal.

  “Oh! I love it!” Gwen screams. I’m especially glad she likes it since Gwen is very particular about her clothes and accessories.

  “It’s perfect, Layla. Thank you so much for thinking of us.” Caroline hugs and holds me tight. “So…what did you get Will?” she asks with an inquisitive smile.

  “Well, let’s just say it’s something very personal.” It is very personal. I don’t want to ruin it by telling anyone ahead of time. I got the ok from Luke and Claire and that’s all I need.

  Will doesn’t arrive until about six o’clock. Everyone shows him their gifts from me, but he doesn’t once ask where his is, knowing I’ll give it to him when we’re alone. Chris, Tyler, and Gwen leave around seven because they have family in town and their parents have festivities of their own planned. Caroline and her parents stay just a little longer and then leave for the night. Before everyone leaves they promise to see me as much as possible before we go to Florida. It means a lot to me. I don’t like not telling them about what is really happening. I could really use the girls’ support especially.

  Will and I help Luke and Claire clean up and I do my best to not bring up the tragedy that awaits us at the end of the month. It’s June twelfth and we have exactly 18 days until we evacuate the place I have come to know as my home. That’s just eighteen days left with the person I want to be with for the rest of my life.

  Living on the lake has its benefits. One of them is that even though it’s the middle of June, the air is comfortable by the water. Will and I say goodnight to Luke and Claire and go to the dock. We sit facing each other and Will takes my hands in his. It’s a perfect moonlit night and I can’t help but stare into Will’s breathtaking eyes. There is safety there, knowing that through those eyes I’m seen as complete, and not some damaged little girl, and that I don’t have to pay for my imperfections.

  “I’ve got some things going on over the next few days, so I won’t be around much,” he says calmly.

  “Oh, um, that’s ok. There’s still so much packing to do,” I say, doing my best to hide my disappointment. I have so little time left with him. I really can’t bear to be away from Will.

p; “I don’t want you to think that I don’t want to be here with you. God knows I do. I…I just have to do something with my mom. My dad will be in Raleigh the day after tomorrow and my mom’s family would really like to see me before I ship off to college, so that’s our only chance. It won’t shock you to know my dad doesn’t like us to see them.” Will is uncharacteristically fidgety – his breathing is short and his heart is about to beat out of his chest.

  “Are you ok? What’s wrong?” I’m scared. I’m afraid he’s found out something that is going to put a kink in their plan.

  “I’m sorry, yes, I’m fine. I…have something for you. I wanted to have it in time for your birthday,” he says reaching into his pocket. “But it wasn’t ready until yesterday.”

  “That’s good, because I have something for you, too,” I smile in anticipation of giving Will his gift. I’m nervously excited and can’t wait.

  “I’d really like to do this first, if that’s ok with you.” I smile and nod. Will takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a moment before he speaks. “Layla, there has never been anyone who has touched my life more deeply than you have. You have taught me how to love so completely, and what it means to be willing to sacrifice your life to preserve that love. There will never be another moment like this, and I’m going to seize as much of this opportunity as I can, because you are the opportunity of my lifetime. I can’t promise that I know when we’ll see each other again, but I can promise that when we do I won’t be letting go of you ever again. Until that time, I want you to have this. It was my grandmother’s.” Will pulls out a ring box and opens it. Inside is the most beautiful white gold ring with a small square diamond set in the center. The diamonds on either side are set in a leaf shape and it is the most stunning ring I’ve ever seen. It isn’t huge or gaudy like something someone would buy now. Its antique design is simple and understated. “I’d be honored if you would wear it as a symbol of my promise to you. I love you, Layla. Nothing, absolutely nothing, will ever change that.”

  “I love you, too.” I’m crying and that’s all I can get out as Will takes the ring from the box and places it on the ring finger of my left hand. I can’t imagine how the actual proposal could be any more beautiful than this but I will spend every moment until then in glorious anticipation.

  Will holds my face in his hands and kisses me. “I swear to you, Layla, I will keep my promise. Just promise me that no matter what happens you’ll never give up.”

  “I promise. I’ll never give up on us.” I kiss him back and hold him close. I take a deep breath and say, “Now it’s my turn. I’m not sure I can follow that, but I’ll try.” I pull a small velvet bag from my pocket and hold it out in front of me. I’m not as good with words as Will is, but I do my best to speak from my heart. “Because you mean more to me than anyone else in the world, I want to give you something that means the same.” I hand Will the pouch. He opens it carefully and pulls out a white gold band. “It was my father’s wedding ring. I want you to have it…my promise ring to you. You don’t have to, you know, wear it, if you don’t want to…or if you think it’ll cause problems with you father. I just want you to have it. It’s engraved.” He turns the ring and catches the engraving in the light. It reads forever.

  “Oh, Layla. Baby, this is amazing. That you would entrust me with something so precious means more to me than you’ll ever know. Yes, of course I’m going to wear it.” I help him put the ring on, as he did with me. I force myself to be aware of everything. The way we hold our hands together, how it feels to slide the ring on his finger, the look in his eyes as the ring reaches its resting place. This may be the only time that we exchange rings like this and I don’t want to forget a millisecond of it.

  We sit for a while longer resting in each other’s arms and watch the lake glow from the light of the moon. It’s an exceptionally beautiful night and I don’t want it to end. I can’t take my eyes off my ring. It is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and it will never leave my hand.

  As I walk Will to his car he seems to have a slower gait. He’s never been one for rushing, but it’s obvious that he is intentionally walking more slowly. We stand next to his car and he holds me for a long time. When we can’t stand there any longer, Will kisses me deliberately. It’s so beautiful that I start to cry. I’m overwhelmed with the love I feel in this one kiss. Will finally breaks away and I can see that it was emotional for him, too.

  “We’ve still got a few weeks left,” I say brushing his cheek with my hand. It’s unusual for me to be the one consoling him. He’s so good at that with me. I want to do the same for him.

  “I know…It’s just…I want you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I love you. I need you to know that, Layla. Promise me you know that, please,” Will demands. I’ve never seen him this emotional before.

  “I know that, Will. I promise,” I say in my best effort to comfort him. I don’t like seeing him upset like this. My anger for his father begins to surface, but I push it down to keep my focus on Will. I’m not going to let Gregory Meyer interrupt this moment.

  “Ok…good. I guess…I need to go now. Tell Luke and Claire I said thank you for everything.” Will gets in his car and rolls his window down. I lean my head inside and kiss him again.

  “I’ll see you soon, right? When you’re back from your grandparents’?” I ask.

  “I love you, Layla,” he says, still holding back tears.

  “I love you, too, Will.”

  Will pulls onto the street and I watch him drive away, looking forward to seeing him back on my doorstep in a few days.

  Chapter 28

  The time until Will comes back is occupied with packing, packing, and more packing. It’s only going to be a couple of days, but any time away from him feels like an eternity. Caroline and Gwen are here to help keep me company and make sure they see me before I leave. They’re glad Will’s gone for a few days so they don’t have to fight for time with me. I have to admit that I’ve neglected them a bit lately. I became the girl who is so in love with her boyfriend that the rest of the world no longer seems to exist. In all honesty, I wouldn’t change a thing. They haven’t seemed to mind, but if they knew everything that was going on, they’d be even more understanding.

  Everything, except my clothes, has already been boxed up and stored in the garage. Claire has errands to run so Caroline’s mother is there to help. She’s a psychiatrist at the hospital in Charlotte and said she welcomed the day off. I think about picking her brain since I’m considering psychology as a major, but I don’t really want to think about school. I want to stay right here with Gwen and Caroline and enjoy the last few weeks I have with them.

  “All of this stuff is going with you?” Gwen asks in amazement. “The last time we moved, my mom dumped a truck load at Goodwill and bought new stuff to outfit the new house.” This isn’t surprising. Gwen’s mom is everything Mr. Meyer wishes I would be. She’s superficial and gorgeous and knows her place on the arm of Gwen’s father. I’m surprised Gwen turned out as wonderful as she did.

  “Claire said we don’t have enough time to sort through everything before we leave. Luke’s position at the firm in Tallahassee starts July fifth. I’m sure she’ll do a purge as we sort through everything at the new place.” The story we all agreed was most plausible is that Luke accepted a position at a law firm in Tallahassee both because it was a move to advance his career and so that they could be close to me while I’m at college. The reality is that Luke and Claire have squirreled away enough money for us to live on for more years than I thought possible. Luke and Claire will take the bar exam in Florida and join a law firm down there in time because early retirement would drive both of the crazy.

  “When’s Will getting back? Shouldn’t he be helping with some heavy lifting or something?” Caroline asks.

  “They should be back sometime tonight. It’ll be late so I’ll just see him tomorrow. You know, I never asked where his mom’s family lived,” I say. “Do you know?”<
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  “They’re up in Hickory. Will’s dad is weird about him seeing that side of the family,” Gwen answers.

  “Yeah, that’s what he said.” I reply.

  “They’re worker bees, you know. They make furniture. That’s where Will gets it. Mr. Meyer doesn’t like to socialize with people like that. He just wants to hire them,” Gwen continues with her typical side commentary on the subject.

  “I want to ask you two for a favor. It’s going to sound silly but…can you keep an eye on Will? I’ll be gone and I just want to know that you guys are looking after him. Not to sound weird or anything, but he might take it kind of hard.” I hope I haven’t said too much, but I really need them to pay special attention to him after I’m gone. I hate leaving him here with his father to gloat his victory over him.

  “Gosh, Layla! It’s not like Will isn’t going to take every chance he can to sneak down and see you! But, I suppose being in love will make you a little over protective.” I’m going to miss Caroline’s sweet southern accent. I’m going to miss everything about Caroline. I want to take her with me. Maybe I’ll be able to tell her what really happened when she visits. I don’t think any of our friends will be surprised to hear that Gregory Meyer ran us out of town.

  I’ll miss all my friends here. I feel a bit guilty for having not missed anyone when I moved from Florida. I never made enough of an effort to stay in touch with anyone like I should have, so I take responsibility for the distance. I will not let that happen between me and Gwen and Caroline. They embraced me and introduced me to a love I could have only received from them. Knowing I have just a few weeks left here makes me want to pack in as much time with friends as I can.

  I didn’t spend nearly enough time with Chris or Gwen. Will they come to see me in Florida or will the absence of their visits be a casualty of not investing enough in them while I was here? I need them all to come to visit as much as possible; they’re my only link to Will.


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