More Than A Handful (Alpha and Omega series Book 12)

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More Than A Handful (Alpha and Omega series Book 12) Page 10

by Lisa Oliver

  “There.” Tanner’s voice came out breathless and he coughed and tried again. “There, November 1st. Click on that payment scheduled for the pack and see if it’s a one-time thing, or an automatic payment.”

  “Am I affecting you, Tanner?” Karl’s voice deepened, his fingers still clicking on the keys. “Does being near me affect you as much as it does me?”

  “Probably more.” Tanner gave into his instincts, cradling his hand around Karl’s head and rubbing his palm lightly against his hair.

  “Damn autopayment.” Karl clicked a few keys and the payment disappeared. “How the hell he thought I wouldn’t notice…”

  “You probably don’t look at every transaction. You work off balance sheets that he makes up for you each month. One transaction among hundreds…”

  Tanner broke off as Karl swiveled his chair, rubbing his face against Tanner’s shirt. “You smell soooo good. It makes me ache.”

  Hands came up, cupping his ass, and Tanner decided it was time for an executive decision. “Phone Sean, let him know we haven’t found anything, that you’ll get the computer boffins to run a complete security check over the weekend, or Monday if that’s easier.”

  “And then, my bossy omega?”

  “Then you take me home and make an honest man out of me.” Tanner tilted Karl’s face out of his shirt, staring into eyes so like his own. “I won’t settle for less than teeth and scars, understood?”

  “Absolutely.” Karl reached for his phone, his eyes still flashing wolf as he made the call.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Karl wasn’t known for his patience as a rule. Business colleagues knew him as decisive and ruthless; lovers used to laughingly suggest he made them feel like a prey animal the way he pursued them, full of relentless charm until they gave in.

  With Tanner the situation had been different from the start – something in him calling to Karl’s protective instincts as much as his carnal nature. But as he teased the speed limit, pushing his car towards Tanner’s house, the urge to stop and maul his omega was riding him hard. The confines of the car didn’t help. Tanner was hopeless at hiding his arousal, and Karl didn’t even try to hide his. Both men sat rigidly silent in their respective seats as the car purred towards its destination.

  “Why did you bring me here?” Tanner asked in his low voice as the car headlights picked out the front of Tanner’s house. “I got the impression you lived much closer to the office than I do.”

  Turning off the engine, and engaging the break, Karl turned in his seat, glad his enhanced eyes allowed him to pick up every nuance of Tanner’s face. “This is your first time, our first time together.” He inhaled slowly as the impact of his words hit his own gut. Gods, my balls are going to burst, and that’s just through smelling him. “I want you to feel comfortable and relaxed and I figured you’d prefer being surrounded by your own things this time.”

  Tanner gave him a sideways glance although his body was still facing front. “You do know this isn’t going to be that great, don’t you? You’ve never been with a man before, and I’m totally clueless with things like this.”

  Karl gave into his instincts, reaching out and cupping his hand around Tanner’s thick neck. “I’ve never wanted anyone as badly as I want you. That’s the honest truth. But this is more than just a fuck between friends. This is the rest of our lives we’re talking about. There’s no way I could be near your naked neck and not bite it. If you’d rather wait, until you’re more sure of me…”

  “You’re shitting me, right?” The look Tanner gave him was more direct this time. “You’ve been throwing your pheromones around since lunch. It’s now gone midnight.”

  Karl grinned. “Your point is?”

  “You’re an idiot who should trust what his nose is telling him. Get in the bloody house and get your clothes off.” Tanner opened the passenger door. “You can show me what this fuss about sex is all about.”

  “Pushy.” Karl let his fingers linger on Tanner’s skin a moment longer then opened his car door. I love it.

  Tanner was already halfway up the path, keys in hand as he approached his front door. Karl took a moment to appreciate the thick thighs, fluid movements, and the way Tanner’s ass flexed beneath his jacket. First time anal sex. I can’t fucking wait.

  But Karl did hang back, just for a second, timing his advance for when Tanner got the door open. A quick sprint and he was up the stairs, through the door, with Tanner pinned against the wall in seconds. The quick kick to the door to close it meant they wouldn’t be disturbed.

  “So much body for me to explore,” Karl growled, sliding his hands under Tanner’s open jacket, attacking the buttons of his mate’s shirt. “Don’t have to watch my strength with you, can growl and nip,” he nipped at Tanner’s exposed pec. “Fuck, feel your skin, all that heat.”

  “I thought,” Tanner panted, his head thrown back against the wall, “I thought when you meant flat surface, we’d be horizontal.”

  “Horizontal, vertical, I’m past caring. I’ve been smelling you for hours.” Karl ripped open the final button on Tanner’s shirt collar, burying his nose in the dip in his omega’s throat. He could just reach. “Damn it, you’re so tall. Find us a bed… and lube. Lots of lube.”

  “I don’t think we need it.”

  That made Karl pause just for a second. “The bed or the lube?”

  “The lube.” Tanner hadn’t moved from where Karl had pushed him, his chest heaving, his mouth half open.

  “Babe.” Oops. Karl remembered Tanner didn’t like being called that. “Tanner. Men need lube to have the type of sex I’m going to have with you. It’s simple biology.”

  Tanner’s hair rubbed against the paintwork as he shook his head. Karl was distracted by the damp spot over the bulge in his pants. Has he come already? Quickly followed by, Has no one ever had the birds and the bees chat with this guy in fifty years?

  “Tanner, sweetness…” I have to be the responsible one here, but gods it wasn’t easy when Karl desperately wanted to feel his mate’s body around his cock. “Men don’t have natural lubricating abilities like women have when they’re aroused. We don’t need to use condoms because we’re shifters. But no matter how big or strong you are, if I try getting my cock in your ass, I could do you some serious damage without making sure you’re fully prepped first. Prep requires lube.” Or oil, butter. Shit, I’d go for copious amounts of spit if he hasn’t got anything slippery.

  “Put your hand down my pants.”

  “Huh?” Karl looked down at Tanner’s massive bulge. His mate was clearly proportional. “I can see you’re leaking there. That’s normal. But my cock is going around the other side.”

  “I’m an omega.” Karl found himself pushed away from Tanner’s body as the man kicked off his shoes and reached for his pant’s zipper. He must have had his wallet in his pocket as the pants fell with a thud.

  Those briefs don’t cover much, Karl thought as his eyes widened. Tanner’s thighs in the flesh were a work of art. Turning, Tanner flipped up his shirt, so the back of his briefs was showing and braced his hands on the wall like a criminal waiting to be frisked.

  “Put your hand down my briefs,” Tanner said over his shoulder before facing the wall again.

  I should’ve stopped at the pharmacy before coming here. Karl stepped forward, his cock pulled as though with magnets to the roundness of Tanner’s wide ass. Settling his hands on Tanner’s hips, he rocked into the softness. Oh, my gods that feels good.

  With his hands flexed wide against the wall, Tanner’s shoulders were massive, the strength in his back obvious despite the shirt. Karl had never been with anyone bigger than him before – hell, in most cases the women he dated were half his size. But there was something about the quiet power of Tanner’s body, the calm of his soul that called to Karl in the most erotic way. He jostled his heavy cock, still encased in pants, trying to align it with the deep crack of Tanner’s ass.

  “That doesn’t feel like your hand.�
�� Tanner bowed his head, his ass pushing back. “Haven’t you worked it out yet? You’re my fated mate. We’ve been together for hours. My body has already prepared itself for you!”

  Karl growled, “What the fuck?” Claws out, he sliced through Tanner’s briefs, tearing them away. Tanner tightened his butt; Karl eased the crack apart, his only care to use the side of his thumbs, not his claws.

  It was the scent that hit him first. Sweet, musky, it was like a siren’s call to an alpha wolf’s senses. If Karl hadn’t been almost ready to blow before, he was hanging onto his control by the tip of his claws now. And that’s when he saw – really saw where his cock was meant to go. Fuck. Dad never told me anything about this.

  Pulling Tanner away from the wall, Karl pushed him towards the stairs. “Bedroom. Now. And lose the rest of your clothes.” As soon as Tanner moved, Karl felt his hunting instinct kick in. His unclaimed mate was moving away from him. When Tanner sprinted up the stairs, Karl broke into a run, the urge to claim riding him like nothing had before. By the time Tanner hit his bedroom door, Karl was crowding him from behind, growling, nipping at Tanner’s shoulder blades as the man chucked his shirt and jacket on a chair.

  There was no time for a décor appraisal. The whole room was saturated in Tanner’s scent – the predator in Karl sniffing to make sure that was the only person he could smell. Tanner hadn’t bothered with the lights – they didn’t need them. Despite the streetlight offering a dim glow, Karl could find his mate blindfolded. The moment Tanner leaned over the bed, his tantalizing ass on display, Karl struck.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tanner had always known about mates. He’d just never thought he had one. So, it’s not as though he’d dreamed about what it would be like to have an alpha clawing at his back, trying to shove something the width of a beer can into his tightest hole.

  His height was the major problem. Tanner’s legs were a lot longer than Karl’s. Relaxing his back, to show his submission, he carried Karl with him onto the bed, spreading his knees as far apart as they could go. If Karl kneeled up… Yep, he’s got the message… Tanner blew out long and slow through his mouth, trying to stop from tensing up.

  The sound of ripping cloth joined Karl’s snarls and grunting. Tanner had to assume that was Karl’s pants because he didn’t have any clothes left to lose. Leaning forward on his elbows, Tanner clasped his hands together, and sank his shoulders and head towards the covers.

  Karl’s scent was overwhelming – Tanner’s mate was a lot stronger wolf than the man gave himself credit for. Rather than be afraid, the omega wolf gloried in the way Tanner was manhandled, as eager for the claim as the alpha wolf was.

  Please Fates, let this work out between us. Tanner bit down on his lower lip as Karl breached his body for the first time. Surprisingly, there was no pain, although Tanner could definitely feel the stretch as Karl pushed home. Karl’s heartfelt groan almost made up for the fact he felt like his ass was a hole in the wall. There were no strokes or caresses. Keeping his eyes closed, Tanner tried to justify the lack.

  He’s an instinct driven alpha.

  His wolf is pushing him to claim me.

  He’s been aroused for hours.

  His line of thinking didn’t help much. Tanner was just as aroused. He knew, from all the reading he’d done to learn about his kind, that when Karl bit him, he’d climax, even if the man never touched his cock. But as far as sex went, Tanner wished he’d put the tv on.

  You’re over thinking this.

  And Tanner knew he probably was – that was his way. Reaching out with his senses, he concentrated on Karl’s smell, his grunts, the sound of their skin slapping together with ever increasing frequency, the softness of the covers under his knees, and the feeling of having a man pounding his ass, gripping his hips hard enough to leave bruises. His cock was heavy, bouncing with every one of Karl’s thrusts. His balls felt full. I should’ve got a towel, he thought as Karl howled, froze, and then yelled, “fuck!”

  Karl’s pulling out hurt. Being pushed over on his side didn’t do Tanner any favors either. But Karl’s face, flushed red with dark eyes flashing and fangs hanging over his lips would be a sight Tanner would remember forever. Tanner tilted his neck, closing his eyes as Karl’s teeth came closer, finally finding his release as the alpha claimed him. His cock untouched.

  At least my wolf’s happy, Tanner thought with a sigh. Feeling Karl disengage his teeth, Tanner half-opened his eyes just in time to see Karl flop and sprawl across the middle of the bed.

  “Damn, we’re going to be doing that a lot. With my eyes closed, it was no different to being in a woman, except your butt is better, babe.” Karl yawned and his eyes fluttered shut. Seconds later he was snoring.

  Watching his mate silently for a few moments, Tanner digested what he’d heard. There was no point in trying to justify anything at this point – the deed was done. He just let the words seep into his brain and linger for a while. His wolf was happy, and Tanner was glad his animal spirit was no longer alone. But if you think we’re doing that anytime soon, he directed at his snoring mate, you’d better up your game.

  Crawling slowly off the bed, Tanner made his way to the shower. He definitely had aches where he hadn’t had them before and not all of them were physical.


  Karl woke and stretched, knowing immediately he wasn’t at home. As that wasn’t unusual for him, he relaxed into the surprisingly soft mattress, letting his mind run over the evening before. It didn’t take his brain long to hit the highlights.

  I claimed my mate.

  I had sex with a man.

  Both firsts for him. With Tanner’s scent infusing every inhale, Karl had nothing to be upset about. That had to be the best night of sex I’ve ever had.

  Rolling towards the wall, Karl snagged one of Tanner’s pillows, his mind still replaying the amazing sex. He hadn’t realized just how freeing it could be, not having to worry about his wolf or his natural strength when he was being intimate with a partner. And ooh, that ass. That feeling of having someone so big, so strong, taking his thrusts like a champ. Karl’s cock hardened just thinking about it.

  And no need for all that mushy foreplay. No teasing me or making me work for what I wanted. Even as a virgin, he just bent over and took it. Karl didn’t know why his father hadn’t mentioned the whole self-lubricating aspect clearly common to male omegas. But then his father had never mentioned male omegas at all. Karl was pleased Tanner brought up his little quirk when he did, otherwise I could’ve made a right fool of myself. Karl smirked. My omega’s taking care of me already.

  Speaking of which… Karl reached over, feeling the mattress behind him. It was cool to touch. Glancing over at the window, Karl was surprised to see the sun was high in the sky. I must’ve needed that sleep. Keeping control of his wolf, so he hadn’t leapt on Tanner at the cemetery, at the lunch table, watching movies together and even on their dinner date, had been taxing and that was without all the things that went into running a company. Things will be a lot easier now I’ve claimed him, Karl reasoned.

  But that still didn’t explain where his mate was now. It was Saturday and besides, Tanner had already explained he was on leave. Which means he must be here… But Tanner’s scent around the bed was old, as if he’d been gone a few hours or more, and as Karl strained his ears, he couldn’t hear any sign of anyone moving about the house.

  He’s probably gone out to get us breakfast… Karl glanced at the window. Brunch, he amended. His mate had mentioned he didn’t cook. Deciding there was no point in laying around in bed if his omega wasn’t in it, Karl got up and went to find the bathroom. He’d have a leisurely shower, primp himself up a bit, and by then Tanner should be home. I wonder how quick that self-prep mechanism can kick in, he wondered as he sauntered out of the bedroom.

  Making his way down the kitchen half an hour later, Karl was surprised to see Tanner still wasn’t home. However, his mate had left him a note, by a freshly filled coffee machine that
Karl flicked on.

  Good morning,

  I hope you slept well. Mrs. Appleby called earlier. I have to go over to my aunt’s place and pick up a few things. You were sleeping soundly, and I didn’t want to wake you.

  Not sure how long I will be, but text me when you wake up and we can meet up for a meal or something.


  Hmm. Karl’s eyes narrowed. That is not the sort of behavior I expect from a well-fucked mate. There were no endearments, no comments about how great the night was. Then Karl chuckled. I’ve probably overwhelmed him, the poor sod. But he has told me where he will be. Looking down at his towel, which was the only thing he was wearing, Karl flicked off the coffee machine, and retraced his steps to the bedroom. If Tanner was keen on his alpha chasing him a little, Karl would play. The man was worth chasing. He just had to get some clothes on first.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Are you sure you’re doing okay dear,” Mabel asked for the sixth time since Tanner turned up at her apartment. She’d immediately plied him with bacon and egg muffins, just like his aunt used to, and along with the food came the questions. It was almost like old times. “You’re definitely looking like you’ve been ridden hard and put away wet.”

  Tanner chuckled at her expression. She was closer to the truth than she thought. “I’m fine, I promise. I’ve met someone new – things are still in the working out stages, and I’m still not sure what I’m going to do with myself now Aunty’s gone. But I’ll work it out. Now, enough about me. How are you doing?”

  “It’s not been easy,” Mabel admitted, sinking into a kitchen chair and pulling a tissue out of her pocket. “I mean, I have other friends of course, and we get together and chat every day, but Julie was special. She met her Alfie about the same time I met my Bob, and we’ve been through so much together. I miss her so much, but I just wish I didn’t feel so guilty.”


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