Styx (The Four Book 1)

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Styx (The Four Book 1) Page 15

by Layla Frost

  He began pulling pastries and fruit salad from the bags. “The witch will likely have more knowledge.”

  “Agreed. I’ll message her first. What were you saying about the bookshelf?”

  Pausing his extensive food unbagging, Nate looked guilty as he met my eyes. “I’m sorry I stole from you. I’m not sure how I know, but I’m certain I have money… somewhere. When I locate it, I will pay you back immediately and—”

  I waved off his apology. “No, no. I just literally have no clue what bookshelf money you’re talking about.”

  Without a word, he began walking toward my library.

  I followed, the same feeling of rage and hopelessness hitting me when we reached the room and I saw the empty cases.

  Stopping so suddenly I almost ran into him, Nate whipped around to face me. “What’s wrong?”

  I had to crane my neck to look up at him. “What?”

  “You’re upset. Is it about the money?”

  “You can still feel me?”

  He opened his mouth but closed it and only nodded.

  “It’s not the money. I’m fine.”

  Dark eyes narrowed but he didn’t push. Instead, he walked to the corner of the room where two bookcases met in an L-shape. Reaching up to the highest shelf, he effortlessly removed a section of the back wall.

  “What the hell?” I practically shouted. Pushing the ladder over, I climbed up and snatched the piece from him. I put it in place before leaning back.

  I leaned too far and lost my balance, but Nate caught me easily and held me up so I could see.

  There was no gap where the removable piece fit. No lines, warping, or handle of any sort. It matched with the natural markings of the wood, making it undetectable. The level of craftsmanship it had taken to achieve something like that was remarkable.

  “How did you know where that was?” I asked as he set me down on shaking legs.

  “Your grandmother.” His brows lowered as he tipped his head to the side, his eyes aimed at the shelf. “Did you not know?”

  “No. She never said anything.” I went up on my tiptoes. “What’s in there?”

  “Money. A few other things, I think.” Nate rubbed his bearded chin as he got the faraway look in his eyes again.

  “What is it?”

  “Stuck in this same place, especially to one specific spot, days blended into weeks which blended into years.” He cupped my cheek, his eyes filled with… something.





  “So many fucking years.” He dropped his hand. “Sometimes my memories of those years are clear, as if they’d just happened. Other times, I lose track of when something took place. I apologize. I know you’re anxious to know more about your grandma. It must be frustrating for you.”

  Without thinking, I reached out and touched his chest. The muscles flexed beneath my palm. Although the connection wasn’t as electrically charged as it had been when we’d touched before, it was still more significant than anything I’d felt.

  My voice was soft and raspy as I said, “Don’t apologize. Any frustration on my part can’t compare to what you’re going through.” I removed my hand and fought the overwhelming and illogical urge to press it to my own chest. Clearing my throat, I asked, “Do you remember anything?”

  His eyes darted from his chest to my hand and back again. They stayed there for a few moments before meeting mine. “She hired different contractors and companies for the individual repairs. I remember thinking it was odd that each only did one job, when surely any of them were capable of doing the entire thing for less money and on a quicker timetable. She kept a long list of companies and an even longer list of needed repairs. When she got halfway through the list, her pattern changed.”

  “How so?” I asked, on the edge of my proverbial seat. Even something as ordinary as my grandma’s to-do list was exciting to me.

  “She must have liked the last company because she hired them for the rest of the repairs.” He pointed at the shelf. “And then she paid the man in charge a lot of money to put that in after everyone else left. He swore not to tell a soul, even after she died.”


  “I don’t know.” There was a flash of pain in his eyes, but I only got a glimpse before he turned from me. “Would you like to see what’s in there?”

  Curiosity and excitement and hope and apprehension bubbled inside me.

  If I don’t look then I won’t know if it’s in there.

  But I also won’t know if it’s not in there.

  It’ll be Schrödinger’s cat, jewelry edition.

  Deciding it was better to get it over with, I nodded.

  Nate began removing stacks and stacks of bills. They weren’t large denominations, but there were a lot of them. Setting them on a shelf within my reach, he added a few jewelry boxes to the pile.

  Pushing aside the money, I snatched up the jewelry boxes, frantically opening each. There was a brooch, a pair of earrings, and bracelet that all belonged to a set she’d shown me. Another box held the sizable ring my grandfather had given her for their anniversary.

  I set them down with the rest, my hands shaking when I picked up the last box. Opening it, tears burned in my eyes. I locked my knees to keep my legs from giving out as emotion crashed over me.

  Nate looked over my shoulder, his hands spanning my hips in a way that was intimate but mostly supportive. “What is it?”

  “Her engagement ring. He’d… I thought it was gone.” I closed the box and held it to my chest.

  Compared to the rest of the jewelry, the diamond and white gold ring was small and practically worthless.

  But it was priceless to me.

  Nate’s breath was warm on my neck as he whispered, “I’m glad it’s making you so happy.”

  I turned, my smile so large it felt as though my cheeks would crack. Reluctantly, I handed him the box. “Can you put everything back?”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I want it kept safe.”

  “It will be,” he rumbled. He leaned in close, and I inhaled sharply. His eyes stayed locked with mine as he reached past me to get the rest.

  Kiss me. Please, fucking kiss me.

  What am I saying? I don’t even know him.

  His eyes dropped to my mouth, flaring and darkening.

  Fuck it, I’ll kiss him.

  Going up onto my toes, I clutched at his chest and pulled him down before pressing my lips to his.

  Almost immediately, doubt and regret bounced around my head, echoing enough taunts to make me curse my impulsiveness.

  Now to end this kiss how all good kisses end…

  With a sincere apology and the hope that I didn’t just fuck everything up.

  Quick as it’d began, I ended the kiss. “I’m sorry, that—”

  Before I could finish, his mouth crashed down on mine. He backed me into a bookcase, though his hand at the back of my head took the brunt of the impact.

  There was nothing apologetic about the way he took my mouth, dominating it and me as he used his hold to control my position. Each shift brought him deeper. Each moment brought us closer.

  And yet neither were enough.

  Lifting my leg, I placed my foot on a shelf and used my hold on Nate to step up. I did it once more and was about to climb the third when he took my not-so-subtle hint. Grabbing my thighs, he lifted me, so I could wrap my legs around him.

  One of his large hands cupped my ass cheek and his other went between my shoulder blades. The sturdy wood creaked as he pressed against me, his hands once again protecting me from the edge of the shelves.

  Trusting his hold on me, I relaxed my death grip on his shirt and flattened my palms against his hard chest. I moved them to his muscular shoulders before continuing up to run my fingers through his hair. As he’d done with me, I used my hold to position him how I wanted.

  I was vaguely aware of the wood knocking, but I ignored it as I
arched my hips, wishing it was something other than his hard abs between my legs. The wood banged again, longer and louder this time. Grudgingly, I pulled away so we didn’t destroy my favorite room.

  Nate’s mouth dropped to my neck, his rough beard tickling as his soft lips kissed.

  Distant yelling pulled me from my lust trance.

  “Denny! Answer the door!”

  “I’ve gotta see who’s here.” I pushed half-assedly against Nate’s shoulders.

  “No,” he growled, taking my mouth again.

  “You’ve got five seconds, or I’m breaking down the door!” the unwanted visitor threatened.

  “Let her,” Nate murmured, holding me tight as he kissed the side of my upturned mouth before skimming across my cheek to my ear. His voice was a low rumble, sending goose bumps across my skin. “Let the whole house fall around us. Because nothing, not one single thing in my many years on this planet, has felt as fucking perfect as this moment.”

  “If you think this is good,” I whispered back, my heart pounding, “just wait.”

  He lifted his head to look at me. His mouth began to curve up but fell, turning into a grimace as his brows lowered.

  And then he hit the floor.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Not So Fresh Feeling


  “I’LL SAY IT AGAIN,” JUNO said, holding her hands up in a surrender position. “I’m sorry.”

  I brushed off her apology. “It’s fine, honestly.”

  “It’s not,” Nate muttered under his breath, continuing to glare at her.

  Sitting sideways on my couch, my legs were stretched across Nate’s lap as he held ice packs to my knees. I put my heel on his thigh and pushed it down, a silent message to be nice. Since his thigh was like a tree trunk, I doubt he felt anything.

  When I hadn’t answered the door, Juno had done as she’d threatened.

  She’d broken it down, likely with little effort.

  Since last she’d heard, Nate was gone, she hadn’t expected anyone else to be at my house. She especially hadn’t expected to find me pressed up against the bookshelf.

  She’d reacted quickly. A concentrated burst of her energy had been enough to drop him.

  Since he’d been holding me up, it’d dropped me, too.

  Luckily, he’d released me in time for me to unwrap my legs from around him, but I’d still landed firmly on my knees.

  I hope we never need it, but it’s reassuring to know her powers grow stronger during moments of heightened emotions.

  I wonder if that includes good emotions, like when she…

  Pulling my one-track mind out of Perv Station, I turned my attention to Juno.

  The knowing look on her face reminded me she could read me like a book. “Remember that freak earthquake a couple months ago?”

  Her question, and the satisfied grin that accompanied it, said it all.

  Huh. Good for her.

  I gasped when Nate put the ice back on my knees. I tried shifting away from the intense cold, but he transferred his glare from Juno to me.

  “Hey, don’t look at me like that!” I pointed at Juno. “It’s her fault.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Juno gasped. “I thought I was saving you. I’m a hero.”

  Nate shook his head. “You’re both out of your minds.”

  “Yeah,” I said at the same time Juno threw in an enthusiastic, “Thank you!”

  “A couple more minutes of ice,” Nate whispered, his thumb stroking the side of my leg.

  “So,” Juno started, looking from Nate to his hands to me. Her green eyes twinkled, and she looked ready to skip and dance around. “Things have improved.”

  My happiness matched hers, though I tried in vain to be cool. “Seems so.”

  “Good. I’ll forgive you for not letting me know since you seemed to have your… hands full.”

  Nate chuckled, and I fought the urge to dig my heel into the area between his thighs.

  I hope that’s tree trunk sized, too. Well, not that big. I’m not greedy.

  Remembering too late I was near Juno, my eyes shot to her, but she showed no reaction.

  Phew, maybe she can’t read me as well as we thought.

  “I’m going to take off,” she said, starting for the door. “Text me.”

  “Wait.” Standing quickly, my already bruising and sore knees protested.

  As did Nate, who ordered, “Sit.”

  I ignored him and walked into the kitchen. Grabbing his clothes, I handed them to Juno. “Do these tell you anything?”

  She held them out before giving me a somber nod. “Yes, they tell me I’m glad I was born during the era of soft synthetic fabric, leggings, and bright colors.”

  “And no corsets,” I reminded.

  “Don’t be so sure. I could have a bunch of leather corsets and whips. Maybe it’s Miss Juno if you’re nasty.”

  “Oh gods,” Nate muttered from behind me, sounding skeeved out.

  She flashed me a grin before inspecting his clothes. Closing her eyes, she held the shirt by the neckline, rubbing it between her fingers. “Closest to the face, necklines show what someone’s seen.” She switched to the pants, repeating the action with the hem on the bottom of the leg. “And this is where they’ve been.” Her face scrunched up as she switched between the two.

  I was fascinated as I watched, but could feel the tension radiating off Nate. He stood so silent and quiet, I wasn’t even sure he was breathing.

  On the third repeat, Juno’s face grew tighter. On the fifth, her nostrils flared as she opened her blazing eyes. “I’m blocked. I’m never fucking blocked. But I’ve got nothing. I can’t even offer you a guess on the time period since history was never my thing. But if you’ve got any math problems, I’m your girl.”

  I took the outstretched clothing. “Thanks for trying.”

  “Hey, what kind of quitter do you take me for?” She pulled out her phone, her fingers moving across the screen as she headed for the door. “I don’t have the answers, but I’ve got connections who may. I’ll be in touch.”

  I was about to warn her she was gonna crash into the door, but it swung open before closing behind her.

  “That would’ve been a useful skill to have when I was in tenth grade and got so distracted by Ayden Bash, I walked right into the door to the science lab. I was bleeding so much he barfed then passed out. He never really talked to me again.”

  Except to call me ‘Demon Denny’.

  “That’s his great loss,” Nate bit out.

  “Are you jealous?” I asked.

  “Very.” Lifting me suddenly, he carried me back to the living room and sat, positioning me next to him on the couch. He pulled my legs across his lap.

  I opened my mouth to refuse the ice packs, but my words—along with my heart—stuck in my throat when he gripped my waistband.


  I mean, no!

  “Uh, whatcha doin’ there, big guy?” I asked, my voice high and filled with a small amount of panic.

  Okay, a lot of panic.

  All the panic, and I wasn’t even at the disco.

  Making out against the bookshelf had been impulsive, and common sense had been long gone. I’d been in the moment and nothing else had mattered.

  But space, time, and a hard drop to my knees had done a lot to circulate the blood back up to my head.

  Even if I wanted him in my pants—and I did, badly—there were too many reasons not to go there.

  First and foremost, the enchanted forest I was cultivating. I hadn’t shaved anything in longer than I cared to admit. Unless I had a date, I’d been in winter mode at the first sign of leaves changing.

  I was fairly certain my undies had popsicles on them, but they were so faded, it was hard to know. And there were definitely a few holes around the elastics.

  Working at home had made me lazy. And a bit of a slob.

  I’d need hours to get ready for some nonspontaneous inside the pants action, which was why I
launched myself forward to clutch Nate’s hands, stilling them. “What’re you doing?”

  “I need to see how your knees look, and I can’t push up the legs. You’re very particular with these pants.”

  Since they were my favorite leggings, he had a thoughtful point. Stretching them out would ruin the cupcake design.

  He started to pull them again, but I yanked my legs away, saying, “Hey, not happening, buddy.” I stood and hurried into the kitchen. Moving out of sight, I pushed my leggings down and inspected my knees while looking around like a convict on the run. I tugged them up and returned to the living room. “They’re red, but fine.”

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  “I’ll even take another dose of meds later, just to be safe.”

  “Thank you,” he said, like I was doing him a favor.

  Other than Lula and Chase, when’s the last time someone cared if I was hurt?

  Standing, Nate glanced at my computer. “Are you working today?”

  “I’m on a deadline.”

  “I’ll take a walk and see if anything sticks out to me.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  We stood awkwardly for a few moments. Well, I was awkward. He just looked commanding and gorgeous.

  After so many weeks talking to an empty room, I wasn’t sure how to act around an actual man. Especially one who I’d made out with and tried to climb like a tree.

  It felt as though we were strangers, yet there was a sense of comfort and familiarity that came from essentially living together for six months.

  I wasn’t sure whether I was supposed to treat him like a guest or a friend.

  Choosing the coward option, I plopped down in my desk chair. “I’ll be around for a while, but I have to go shopping this afternoon. Let me know if you need anything.”

  Yup, that doesn’t sound relationship-y at all.

  Nate didn’t seem unsure, nor was he fazed by my weirdness. Instead, his large hand held my chin, tilting my head upward as he dipped down to brush his lips across mine. He released his hold but didn’t back away, his hands going to my armrests. “Would you like to give me the list and the money so I can go?”

  “No,” I whispered, fighting the urge to climb him again, “I don’t mind.”


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