Weredragons Of Tivuso: The Complete Series

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Weredragons Of Tivuso: The Complete Series Page 19

by Maia Starr

  “I understand. That does make sense. I have lost loved ones in the past too; that happens when you live as long as we do,” I said.

  He stopped working and looked at me. “How old are you?”

  “One hundred,” I said.


  “Yes, our lifespan is different than human lifespans. One hundred years old is probably equivalent to twenty-eight or thirty years for humans,” I said.

  “Yes, you look around that age, if you were human,” he said.

  “I myself am sixty-five,” he said.

  “Well, you look extraordinary as well, Richard. You seem to contribute to your village,” I said.

  “Yes, it keeps my mind off of things. As far as Sheila, don't worry about her. She has her own demons to deal with; it is nothing to do with you. Just continue to be her friend, and eventually, she will be friendlier to you. You have come to help us fight the Clenok cyborgs; how can she not be friendly?” he said.

  “My thoughts exactly. Will you allow my engineers to come and work with you? Perhaps you can help each other. I have been wondering what resources are available in the village to help make the fence stronger. Perhaps electrify it like the one that we saw in Haven Brook. You seem to be the man that knows what mechanical items are available in the village. They can show you what technologies we have with us on our ships; it will be a good exchange,” I said.

  “That would be extraordinary. Send them over whenever I am almost always here except for at nightfall when the village shuts down,” he said.

  “Excellent; I will have them come see you straight away. Keep up the good work here, Richard,” I said.

  I walked back toward the camp. Now it all made sense; Sheila was hot and cold to me because she still had love for her fiancé. I could understand that. Anyone that had lost a loved one needed time to heal; she needed that time. I wouldn't try to rush her. I wanted her badly, but it was wrong to push myself on her when she was going through so much pain. I wanted her to be happy. I would have to pull back on my behavior toward her. I felt like a fool now that I knew her past and what she was going through in the present.

  Chapter 6

  Sergeant Sheila Adams

  “No fucking way,” I said to myself as I walked on the other side of Main Street and saw Chrissy Jones talking to Azlo. She was obviously flirting. I could feel the chemistry and heat between them from where I stood. Did this weredragon have no shame? He kissed me a few days ago, and after I rejected him, he goes after the town slut. Of course he would do that, and of course she would. Shit, they could already be fucking as far as I knew. I had been avoiding him ever since he kissed me. I didn't want to be around him. I couldn't. Every time I saw him, I got aroused. It was frustrating. I had to stick to my work and not be distracted by him. It was just one kiss. It wasn't that good of a kisser anyway, was it?

  I walked into the alley between two buildings and watched them from across the road. I was getting jealous. I had not felt this way in a very, very long time. I never expected to feel jealousy over an alien, that was for sure. But here I was having these feelings and not knowing what to do with them. I had closed to my heart off to everything for so long, ever since my fiancé passed, that this was new.

  Then I watched as he left Chrissy's side. It surprised me. I thought he would join her for sure, the way she was looking at him and flirting. Maybe they were making plans to meet later? I turned and walked down the alley in the other direction. I didn't want him to know that I had watched him talk and flirt with her. It was best to keep avoiding him.

  I had work to do anyway. I had a full day of checking on the infrastructure and making sure that everyone in the village was doing their part. If I didn't do daily checks, they wouldn't do the work, and the entire system would fail. It was like babysitting. I went to the fence to check on the guards and to see if there were any new reports. Then I went to the greenhouses to check on food production. It was very important that the greenhouses stayed in good shape considering there was too much snow on the ground to have our normal summer fields of crops. We had to rely on the production of the greenhouses during the snow season.

  When I was done with the checks, I went to the bank to do my own work. I locked the front door and opened the bank vault. Inside was something that the previous population of Providence had left behind before they evacuated; it was something that would cause panic if the villagers knew that it was there. So when I found it when I was looking for a secure place to keep ammunition and weapons, I decided to keep it a secret as well.

  It was a very large panel of computer components. It wasn't made by the hands of humans.; it was obvious to me that it was made by the machines. I thought that it was the section of a keddle, but I had never seen the inside of a keddle to know for sure. But this weredragon had seen it. I had been studying and since I first saw it. When he gave me the drive with the virus, I knew exactly where it would go on the panel. So I tested it. I slid the drive in, but nothing happened. It made sense; there was no power to the keddle. But the drive fit, and that was good enough evidence to me that maybe this was something.

  So I tried everything I could to give power to the keddle. I hooked up extension cords and cut copper wire, twisting it to make power running into a generator. Nothing seemed to work, but this was not my expertise. I was better at taking charge and taking the lead. I wasn't someone that was good with mechanics. I wanted to get Richard in there, but I didn't want to put this on him. It was too much responsibility, and it might freak him out. It was a machine, after all, and they were trying to kill us. Even I had a hard time not taking a sledgehammer to the panel after the pain and had caused me, after all that had happened to humans by the machines. But there was someone that I knew could probably bring power to this panel. The Veruka were much more advanced than we were. I had to go find him and ask him.

  I locked up the bank and went to the Veruka base camp.

  “Lieutenant, have you seen General Bron?” I asked.

  “I saw him about ten minutes ago walking into the village. I'm sure that you can catch up with him if you had in that direction,” the lieutenant said.

  “Thank you,” I said. I turned and walked toward the village down Main Street. It shouldn't be too hard to find him. He was about nine feet tall and glistened when the sun hit him. He would be easy to spot.

  Then I saw him. He was talking to Chrissy again. Dammit. I quickened my step and walked directly to them.

  “You still have not come to visit me?” she said.

  “I am sorry. I have been very busy securing the village. There is much to do,” he said.

  “General,” I said.

  He turned and looked at me. I heard a little huff from Chrissy in frustration.

  “Sergeant, good to see you,” he said as he grinned a dazzling bright grin at me. My knees felt weak, and I had to hide the fact that I felt anything.

  “May I have a word with you? It has to do with the security of the village,” I said.

  “Of course, I am all yours,” he said as he came to my side. I heard Crissy give a sound of frustration as she turned on her heels and stomped away.

  "Come with me; there is something I want to show you,” I said. “But you must promise that you will not tell anyone in the village.”

  “A secret? I am intrigued, Sergeant,” he said.

  It didn't escape my notice that he was calling me Sergeant instead of Sheila, just as I had requested. I sort of missed hearing him call me Sheila, for whatever reason.

  I lead him to the bank. “In here.”

  “Your secret vault,” he said.

  “Yes, something like that. But I wasn't the first one to use it as a secret vault. You see, I have been messing around with the virus that you gave me. Testing it, or at least trying to,” I said.

  “Testing it? How is that possible? You need a machine to test it on,” he said.

  I arched an eyebrow at him.

  “Wait, you have a machine in here? Ar
e you crazy?” he said as his face turned serious. He was no longer smiling. He even looked angry.

  “I have part of a machine in here. Come see,” I said as I opened the door to the giant vault. He followed me inside.

  “I don't know exactly what it is, but I assumed that it was part of a keddle at one time. It was already here when I came here. I guess before the machines took over and everything was outlawed, someone in Providence decided to keep one in the vault. Probably to study it to figure out a way to bring them down. But I don't know for sure what it is. That is why I need you,” I said.

  He turned and looked at me quickly. I knew it was my choice of words.

  “I mean, I need you, I need your help,” I said making my statement clearer.

  “It is a keddle, or a part of it. I have seen this before. This here was where Dr. Lopez put in the virus.”

  “I thought so. I did connect to the virus,” I said as I took the virus jump drive out of my pocket and put it into the panel. “See, nothing happens. It needs power,” I said.

  “Yes, I think you are right. I will see what I can do,” he said as he began to take a walk around the panel and the instruments that I had set up. Before I knew it, he was deeply involved in working on creating a power source for the panel. I watched him work. He was smart. I was very impressed as I watched him. I had never met anyone like him. He intrigued me. He aroused me. How was he able to do this to me?

  “There,” he said, making one last connection. Suddenly the panel lit up. I stepped back. It's startled me. Seeing any machine come to life was always terrifying, even if it was a small portion of one.

  “That is amazing,” I said.

  “Thank you,” he said arrogantly.

  “You did it; you really did it,” I said as I walked around the panel, studying it. I was completely fascinated that he was able to do this in only an hour’s time. It was true he was more advanced, and very smart.

  “Go ahead and try it,” he said looking at the drive in my hand.

  I smiled. “With pleasure,” I said excitedly. I put the drive in the slot on the panel. Nothing happened; I looked at him.

  "Be patient,” he said.

  About a minute went by, and then suddenly the lights begin to blink off and on. It was glitching.

  "It's working,” he said.

  Then the entire thing went dark.

  "Is it the power?” I asked.

  “No, it is still connected. It is the virus. It has killed it,” he said.

  “That is amazing. This is such great news. Thank you, Azlo. Thank you for bringing this to us,” I said.

  “I am glad that I am able to do something for you personally, not just protecting the village,” he said behind me. I didn't even hear him move close behind me. I thought he was on the other side of the vault. I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

  His lips pressed against my neck and felt hot. My entire neck felt a rush of heat going through it. How was he able to do that? My eyes closed, and my mouth let out a sigh. I felt turned on over every inch of my body. It was like his hands were rubbing me up and down, but they were not. Somehow his kiss on one part of my body made me feel like my entire body was being fondled. I felt lost in this kiss.

  He grabbed me by the waist and turned me around to face him. I gasped at his dominant move. Then his mouth covered mine in a hungry kiss. I moaned loudly. My breasts pressed against his chest. I didn’t know what I was doing, but my hands moved on their own. I had no control over it anymore. They were wrapped in his long silver hair and moving up and down his strong masculine shoulders.

  I could feel his hard cock throbbing against my belly. He was so tall, and his cock was rigid against me. I ached to reach my hand down and clasp it around his staff. But I fought the urge to do it. But his hands were not so conservative. They moved on my waist and up the sides of my body. The palms of his hands grazed the sides of my breasts. I moaned again. Adrenaline was rushing through me. I felt a slight pulsing between my thighs as blood rushed to my clit and made me completely aroused, primed, and ready to be fucked by this alien weredragon. I wanted him. I desired him badly. I wanted him to pick me up and take me, ravage me. His large, hot hands moved down the sides of my body and grabbed onto my ass. He squeezed and massaged, and as he did so, he pulled my body closer to his. I was on fire.

  But then as I kissed him back, suddenly a flash of Devon’s face came into my mind. I felt extreme guilt as I thought about my lost fiancé.

  “No, I'm sorry. I must go,” I said as I pushed Azlo away from me.

  “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you? My strength, sometimes I don’t know—”

  “No, it is not that. I just have to go. Tell no one of this, I beg you.”

  Then I left his side. Damnit, I wanted him, but I wasn't ready. I couldn't, could I? Being with another male made me feel like I was betraying my true love. I felt like I was cheating. Even though Devon had been gone for a long time, I still felt like he was with me. I could not do this to him. I walked faster until I was running. I wanted to get somewhere to be alone as fast as I could. I needed time to think. My heart was fighting with my body over what each wanted. My heart wanted to be faithful to my dead fiancé, but my body wanted to revel in desire, lust, and passion with an alien weredragon lover. I didn’t know which one would win, but both scared me.

  Chapter 7

  General Azlo Bron

  Why won't she let me in? She is so close to opening herself to me. But then she stops every time. I pulled the drive out of the panel and disconnected the power to the keddle piece. My actions had forced her to walk out of the bank. So I needed to secure it for her. I closed the bank vault and spun the metal bars just as she did. I pulled on it. It locked. But as I was walking toward the front door, I had another episode. Everything went dark, and I fell to the ground. I don't know how much time had passed when I finally woke up. I was alone. The symptoms were getting worse, and that meant that I was getting worse. Time was getting shorter and shorter for me. This was not good.

  I walked back to the base camp and to the fourth floor that I had been using as my own personal meeting space.

  “General, I have news,” Lieutenant Reqan said as he opened the door.

  “Tell me,” I said. He walked in and looked at me. Then he stopped. Shock came across his face.

  “General, you do not look well at all. You have had another episode, have you not?” he said.

  “That is no concern of yours, Reqan,” I said.

  He closed the door and then came back to my desk. “General, I beg you. The army needs to see you. You are letting us all down by letting yourself die. You know the cure. All you have to do is lie with a human female. I have seen many here that are ready and willing. Some of the human females have been laying with the officers already, by their choice. Choose one, choose anyone that is willing. I beg you to do this today. The blackness will not give you time.”

  “Tell me the news, Reqan,” I said getting frustrated with his reminder that he was right.

  “The engineers have met with me human Richard as you asked. They have come up with a plan to make the fence electrified. They were seeking your permission to begin,” he said.

  “Permission granted. I don't need to see the plans. I trust my engineers, and I trust Richard. Have them proceed immediately,” I said.

  “Right away, General. I hope that you will take my words seriously. We cannot lose you,” he said. Then he saluted me and walked out. I was feeling a bit tired. His words did not help. But I knew that he was right.

  The following day, I headed to see Richard and the engineers. They were already in full force on their plan. But as I walked through the village, I heard a familiar voice.


  I turned to see the human female Chrissy. She had a big smile on her face.

  “Good day to you Chrissy,” I said.

  “I am very disappointed in you, General. You have yet to come to the kitchens as promised,” she said.
/>   “Yes, apologies.”

  “You can make it up to me by coming to my home tonight. I am making dinner, and of course we will have dessert,” she said.

  The sparkle in her eyes let me know what she meant by it. She wanted me. She was giving herself to me willingly. I thought about what Reqan said. The army needed me alive. The mission needed me alive. I was being selfish. I was only thinking about myself and my own desires. I was willing to risk everything simply to satisfy my lust for Sheila. It was wrong. It was very wrong.

  “I accept your invitation, Chrissy Jones. Thank you. I shall come to you at dinner,” I said.


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