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Damned Page 16

by K R Leikvoll


  The Tale of Baelarius

  The first Void Lord to exist was once known only to the cosmos as “Bael”. You see, Bael liked to tell lies. It started young, sprinkling them among his truths where they would not be noticed. He began as dirt, rising steadily toward nobility, manipulating all those that would stand in his way. He was not hated nor unlikable; rather, he was seen as highly intelligent and charismatic with naught a flaw.

  Such a perfect specimen would not dwell in the slums without being noticed. Bael persuaded his way into having the best education, thereafter gaining a foothold among his own species. They celebrated him as a diplomat, and later pushed him to a sort of chancellor. Even the ruler of their race could no longer ignore Bael’s presence. His lies brought the monarch closer than any other. This was something their citizens celebrated. They had the warnings, but none saw through his ruse.

  Azotl knew Bael was far more useful on a cosmic scale than merely dwelling on a remote, hardly civilized planet. The Dark One placed a test of will before him. The Dark Essentia, one of the weapons of Azotl itself, was placed on his planet for him to seize. Bael’s planet had heard the whispers of the Dark One the moment they were subjected to the weapon’s existence. Once the monarch heard word, none other than Bael was sent to investigate the source.

  When Bael made contact with the weapon, he was given a glimpse into the Vast Dark. He learned the divine truth of the Void and was bestowed with a choice – to form an alliance on the primordial platform, or to settle with the life he had. This elevated existence was not without sacrifice. The amount of energy required to form a demonic entity such as that required a sacrifice greater than any other – the planet would have to pay the price for his power.

  The first soul to be consumed by the Dark Essentia was that of the monarch; killed by his most trusted advisor. When Bael did as he habitually did and lied about their leader’s death, his species dictated that he would be the only one fit to lead. With more cleverly placed treachery, he used his new weapon to extinguish his own kind.

  Azotl followed through with the pact and Bael became known as the Void Lord Baelarius. Together they formed Voids in various universes to seep the Vast Dark into mortal planes.

  The Tale of Nakarius

  Naraeth and his lover had only known infinite peril in their lifetime. They dwelled on a planet forced into war when they were invaded by another. Both were champions, fighting for peace and prosperity. Many attributed their ability to withstand their enemy’s forces to the pair, as they were seemingly gifted with divine purpose.

  So much so that beings on the primordial plane took note; the war Titans, and the secret, hidden Baelarius. Curious as to how far they could ascend, Baelarius allowed darkness from the Void to infect their home. Onslaught after onslaught, Naraeth and Lex defended against demonic armies. Lord Baelarius knew that they would die or evolve, and to have them outside the sway of shadows was a risk to Azotl and the Vast Dark.

  The demons and plague that infected their planet were unending; it seemed as though all hope would be lost. Naraeth and Lex used everything at their disposal – advanced weapons and armor and began to plan a way off world to save their species. Little did they know that Baelarius had no intention of allowing them to leave. Increasing the influx of darkness infecting their world, he forced them to their final stand.

  And, the cunning Lord Baelarius knew precisely when to strike. He summoned the Dark Essentia nearby to tempt them with a new power source. Naraeth and Lex found it as intended. They knew immediately that the Dark Essentia had enough energy to extinguish the demonic armies, but they were unable to take the orb in their grasp.

  Lord Baelarius appeared to the pair and told them the price for such a power. If Naraeth and Lex truly wished to stop the demonic armies and wield the Dark Essentia, they must sacrifice. The price?


  Naraeth and his lover concluded that the only way to save their home was to do as Lord Baelarius instructed. Naraeth murdered Lex, bound her soul to the demonic city Dys, and found that the Dark Essentia was quite eager to enter his grasp afterward.

  Naturally, once Naraeth was bound to the Azotl, saving his planet was not his intention. The darkness captivated him. He learned the truth of the unstoppable Void. Lord Baelarius offered the esteemed warrior a place at his side. And with the hatred for the unnecessary murder of his lover, he thus became known as Lord Nakarius of Wrath and Violence.

  The Tale of Valorius

  Vrayor was far from the alignment of both Bael and Naraeth in life. Perhaps that is why his fall was so grieved by the cosmos. Unlike the others, he was not bound to any planet. Rather he traveled from place to place as a bastion of light, spreading Vynir’s filth among his galaxy.

  A seeker of knowledge, he learned all he could from the races he came upon. How fateful that he would encounter the remains of Lord Nakarius’ wrath. When he discovered the sacred temple of Lex’s demise, the Void took interest. Lord Baelarius and Lord Nakarius offered Vrayor a new power source.

  You see, precious pupil, it was not known at the beginning of existence that darkness was the opposite of light. Such a thing is taught and learned over an immense amount of time. It was simply another element to be harnessed by the great Vrayor. An obvious experiment by the Void Lords, outside Azotl’s jurisdiction. Vrayor took the Dark Essentia without a single sacrifice offered.

  Only his own soul, unknowingly.

  It came as a shock to the acolyte of light when his god Vynir would no longer answer his call. That could not stop his noble efforts in the universe – he would simply have to use his new weapon to continue his work. The further he pushed our hallowed artifact, the further he drifted into darkness.

  When it came time to repay his debt for the power he stole, he befell to madness. The sacrifice required turned him into the being he is now – the Consumer, the Epicure, the Devourer of Planets – the Void Lord Valorius. He joined his kin in the Void, forming Gluttony and Greed, adding to their ranks of demons.

  The Tale of Azmordius

  Azmordia was unlike the first three Void Lords before her. She was not bound with divine purpose, nor was she of a higher power. She was of a simple race, not progressed remotely. One that only knew the constant chaos of war and starvation. Azmordia lived a poor life, experiencing only suffering. She had no kin. She had no purpose. She was invisible.

  When some way or another she was captured and held prisoner, none were there to hear her pleas for help. Azmordia was no more than a slave of all things; hard labor, copulation, and a utensil for her captors to take their aggression out on. Many years passed without change. Perhaps her rage of her situation was enough to force the darkness to comply with her only desire; perhaps her agony was loud enough that even Azotl could not ignore it.

  One evening, her torture had reached its climax. Azmordia refused to die at the hands of those that had made her horrid life worse. She called upon any power that would aid her, and it was the darkness that answered. The Lords of the Void were completely unaware of the new, budding power in the cosmos.

  Azmordia was given the normal restrictions of demons; she would repay her use of power through sacrifice. The darkness invigorated her and she used it to exact her revenge. She executed each being that tormented her, becoming more and more addicted to the sensation of her new abilities.

  Her slaughter did not end with merely her enemies. She continued onward to kill any that crossed her path. It was not until the final drop of blood was spilled that she realized what she had done – what she was capable of. Azotl revealed itself to her, showing her the prize for her well-deserved victory.

  Thus, Azmordia became known as the Void Lord Azmordius, appointed by the darkness itself to oversee the layers of Lust and Heresy. Her Void Lord coven grew to respect her presence, despite being uninvolved in her evolution. She is forever the enticing voice of the Void, trying to pull you into its grasp.

  I recall the day I finished
the lengthy tome dictating the details of the Void Lords. In truth, my fear and apprehension were flooding back once more. I had been under the impression that my Master was doing what he could to save our world. In some ways, one could say he was… in the eye of Azotl, or at least I thought at that time. The idea of Vince, or the Void Lords, destroying Praetis was far worse than simply taking over another country, naturally. It is not as if the book contained the truth of the Vast Dark. I was left petrified of what I had stumbled into.

  I must have physically shown my horror on my face, for Raven, who had been mentoring me for weeks on end, noticed immediately. I was truly blessed to have him as a teacher; the only one that would have surpassed his knowledge was my Master himself. I closed the tome with shaking hands, feeling the very warmth drain from my being.

  “Why are you so anxious, Lazarus?” Raven asked me while I stared past him. His expression was of concern. We had become friendly over the course of time I spent with him in the library; something I thought was because we got along well. It was, but I did not yet know of the dark abyss of emotions that were blood bonds. At least not one outside of my Master.

  “Have we been put here to drive Praetis into chaos?” I asked him in a whisper, too afraid to dare let my voice be heard by another.

  “Does chaos frighten you?” he questioned, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. It took effort to not show how distraught my soul felt.

  “I never thought that I would be a part of this.”

  “A part of something greater than yourself?”

  “How can death be the answer?”

  Raven rolled up his parchment and stowed his quill and ink. It was late, far past when I would have normally retired, but I wished to finish my book. He had stayed with me, as he hardly slept himself, in case I had any questions. I watched numbly as he returned my things to the shelf. After he was satisfied with tidying up our area, he kneeled in front of me.

  “You have only been taught life. Death is more expansive; it is forever and immortal. You have nothing to fear from death, nor do you have anything to fear in life. Both are merely an illusion – existence never ends.”

  A tear fell from my eyes. I could not help my insecurities. The thought of dying myself was not as bad as the thought of ending all that I had ever known. Raven’s thumb caught my sadness and wiped it away. His touch remained.

  “You are greater than you will ever comprehend. Your purpose is far more superior to any of us that have been placed here.”

  “I don’t understand,” I replied, holding his hand to my face. His other hand grasped mine tightly. The fiery orchid shade of his eyes pierced my soul with emotion I had never witnessed in him.

  “You mustn’t repeat that I told you this –” he began. I took a deep breath, preparing for the worst. “You are the prophet, Lazarus. You have been chosen by the Void to spread the Vast Dark throughout this universe. It is a title none of us could hold, not our Master, not James or myself. That is why you were brought here. You were born to lead us.”


  I refused to believe him at first. What he was telling me was surely the words of a heretic. How could I possibly be what he said? After a few moments of staring at each other in absolute silence, I could see that he was speaking the truth. My body began to tremble. Raven pulled me from my chair and held me in his arms, swaying to rock us while he shushed me.

  “I know it seems frightening, but I vow to be your humble servant on your mission for our dark lords. I will watch you bring this world to its knees.”

  His statement was one that could lead to harsh consequences had anyone beyond me heard. His purple eyes flickered around the library to ensure that we were completely alone. For him to swear any sort of fealty to me, especially before I became a demon, was treachery toward Vince. Though I did not know at the time, Raven had grown to despise our Master for reasons I would soon learn. He had been waiting for my arrival far longer than I would have ever guessed.

  “My humble… servant?”

  “Lazarus, I have served the Void my entire dreadful existence. All that I have learned has led me to you. The Void does not give false prophecies.”

  I stared up at him with a mixture of apprehension and utter captivation. There was something about the look in his eyes that calmed me, though I was still unsure. It could have been our weak blood bond, or it could have been the fact that he treated me as if I were treasured. It was not manipulative in nature, nor was it for self-oriented desires. Raven was speaking the absolute truth he believed in his brilliant mind – I may have been skeptical at first, but he would prove himself to me every time.

  I cannot recall whether I was the one to kiss him, or if it was the other way around. One moment we were staring at each other, the next we were locked together, consumed by longing. While in Vince’s embrace, I felt as though I was a speck before a deity, meant to serve. Raven was different, and he always has been. I was safe. I was precious and adored. I was something of value.

  His cold lips ran against my neck as he backed me into the table. I believe we were both clouded with desire and tension all of those days spent together. I was so awestruck by his presence and gratified by his teachings that not a single thought of Vince crossed my mind. For at that moment, I was unbound. I felt I was giving into what I desired. I was doing what I wanted.

  Raven, at the notion that I was consenting to his advances, turned and swiped his hand through the air. A strange, gray root grew from the stone floor and enveloped the first level’s door handles – an attempt to keep everyone out. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him on top of me. I wanted him, I truly did. I respected him as a scholar, associate and fighter. If he desired me, which his nips and touches implied, I was more than happy to oblige.

  Our kissing only lasted as long as we could handle it before it was not enough. We removed our robes and proceeded to give in to each other on the table. It was not the most intelligent decision to pick such a public place, but I don’t think either of us really cared about the consequences.

  Raven’s particular undeath left him as icy as a corpse; I had not expected how different he would feel in comparison to my past partners. I did not mind the chill remotely – it was rather exotic. Our situation gave me a rush of adrenaline, knowing that I was doing something I was not supposed to.

  “Oh, Lazarus,” he muttered in my ear. “I want nothing more than to consume you.” His mouth watered at the thought of my blood; his longing was written all over his face. The pressure of his teeth on his next bite against my neck was harder, though not enough to puncture my skin. The sacrifice I had taken from him made me smitten and licentious. I wanted to give him my blood, but we both knew better than to complete the dark ritual before I underwent the Dark Sacrament.

  Raven was a generous lover, more concerned with me than himself. I had never experienced anything of the sort. He went slow, kissing and tasting my flesh while he did, but abstaining from taking a bite. His respect was enough to make me moan and pull him closer. When I scratched into his back with longing, he continued faster, holding my face in his hands and staring into my eyes.

  He inherited quite a bit of Femoran beauty; only his height gave away that he was part Zaarian as he did not have horns. His body was rather toned despite how skinny undeath turned him. The dark onyx sigil of the Void marked the side of his neck, an unusually unhidden spot. He had a very angular face that appeared starved: high cheekbones, thin lips, a smaller chin, and wise Femoran eyes.

  I am not sure how long we spent consumed in each other. Demons did not tire easily, and Raven was just as demonic as the rest of our coven. Unsurprisingly, I could not keep up, but it did not matter. He pleased me until my voice was hoarse and my knees were weak. It was not until the light of dawn cast a crimson glow throughout the library that we noticed that hours had passed. Raven finished and assisted me with getting dressed. His hands smoothed my hair and he pulled me into his arms.

  “This is our secret
,” Raven whispered, giving clear indication that neither of us were to speak of that moment. Our lips met again.

  Raven broke away and turned his head sharply toward the upper balcony that led to the throne room. We were both rather shocked to see Ophelia’s eyes, piercing us near the doorway. She left as quickly as she had arrived, but she had seen enough contact to become a pest.

  We parted. I am unsure of where Raven went, but I went immediately to bed. Ophelia’s intrusion, nor Varnoc’s presence in my bedroom could keep me from feeling invigorated and infatuated.


  Throughout my time researching and learning of the Void Lords, I hardly saw my Master, even in passing. He was kept busy planning the impending conflict and locking down our borders. Varnoc spent his days with him, to my displeasure. His trial was ending – all he was instructed to do was to give detailed insight to the country we were about to attack. It left me rather bitter, as I was envious of the time they spent together. It hardly mattered, for the night my Master entered my chambers, I knew the era of my damnation had arrived.

  “My sweet beloved,” Vince’s soft voice said from my doorway.

  I was halfway out of my window, gazing at the black ocean beyond the walls. The darkness of the sea dancing against the orange light of Asinea helped ease my mind when I felt anxious about my destiny.

  “Master,” I whispered, partially startled as I had not heard him. He shut my door behind him almost as silently as he entered.

  His shadowy form dispersed into nothingness and reappeared at my side. His hand held me against him in a partial embrace while he studied the view. We sat that way in quiet for some time.

  “I am beginning preparations for the Dark Sacrament. It will happen soon.”

  I only nodded against his chest rather than speaking, lest I give away how nervous I was of the entire ordeal. Beyond that, I had not foreseen how emotional keeping secrets from him would make me. I had missed his presence more than I wanted to admit. It felt as though he was constantly giving me a little taste to string me along. It was working and would continue to work. Our union would only make my emotions harder to discern.


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