Moondust And Madness

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Moondust And Madness Page 4

by Taylor, Janelle

  “An hour or so,” Tristan informed him. When he saw Varian’s gaze lingering on Jana, he concluded his friend wanted a closer look at the stunning creature now that she was within reach. He suggested, “Why not push that second stretcher into the lab for me? Then you can lock up here.” He took one stretcher and ambled out of the room with Varian close behind pushing the other.

  Varian returned to seal off the laboratory to unauthorized or accidental exits and entrances. He wanted one last peek at Jana, a private study, with no one observing him, for this woman had plagued his thoughts and dreams for weeks since her discovery by his friends in May. Perhaps her intimidating magnetism was the reason he had taken Tristan’s advice to capture her last.

  Varian Saar entered the room, pressing the lock switch behind him. He crossed to the alcove, pausing in the archway. Varian glanced at the examining table with an anticipatory gleam in his blue gaze which encompassed the magnificent creature who was sleeping so peacefully within his reach. Jana was almost like an enchanting illusion, a ravishing woman who was beyond the average man’s ability to create in dreams. Yet, here she was in reality. At last he crossed the distance which separated him from the stunning goddess. His tension mounted as he reached her side and his eyes explored her seeming perfection.

  His gaze hungrily absorbed every detail of her features. How had she been born so beautiful and perfect? Varian caressed the satiny texture of her face, its skin firm and smooth. He absently ran his fingertips over her high cheekbones and inviting lips. Her complexion was unmarred, as slick as a crystal goblet. Her flesh was of a shade which remained honey-colored all year long, perhaps deepening in the summer. He lightly fingered her dainty chin and pleasingly shaped nose.

  Varian lifted an eyelid to study those unusually colored orbs. He had never seen anyone’s eyes with this fusion of colors. Jana’s eyes were a heavy dash of forest green, a sprinkle of deep blue, and a trace of rich violet, encased in a band of dark jade. Her lashes were thick; the edges were slightly curled upward like fluffy feathers. What beauty and bewitchment was displayed there, he mused to himself.

  Varian’s liquid blue gaze washed over her entire face. She was wearing little makeup; and he realized that none was necessary. Jana possessed natural beauty; an enormous amount of it. Her mouth was a natural pink where she had licked off her lipstick. How fortunate to have beauty which didn’t require cosmetics to provide looks or to hide nature’s cruel flaws. “Oh, the envy you must have inspired in females and the lust in men,” he murmured.

  His hand reached out to stroke her tousled champagne tresses. It looked as if a magician had stolen color from the two moons of Zamarra and had painted her hair with the silver and gold mixture. He chuckled and warmed at the way the soft curls encircled his fingers. He was reminded of Mailiorcan silk, a sensuous and costly gold material shot with threads of expensive silver and which had the trait of clinging provocatively to the figure. Her hair was very long and wavy on the sides and back, but shorter on the crown. From the tapes he’d seen of her, he knew it could hang luxuriously in controlled curls, or it could fly wildly in the breeze. It was thick and lush, and enticed a hand to wander into it or a nose to bury itself in those fragrant tresses. Presently, Jana’s hair was spread around her head like a radiant halo. Varian couldn’t resist lifting a curl and teasing it beneath his nose. His pulse quickened.

  Varian’s hand traced Jana’s throat to a softly inviting shoulder. Where did her magic cease? he wondered. Unable to stop himself, he lifted the sheet and tossed it aside. He inhaled at the sight of her stunning figure. Her bosom was ample and firm. Her slim waist drifted into a flat stomach between seductively rounded hips. Her shapely legs were little and smooth. Her ankles appeared both dainty and strong. Her body was taut and supple. How many men had she tempted beyond willpower and logic? Varian realized Jana put every lover he had known to shame. He chuckled wickedly as he imagined what Canissia Garthon’s reaction might be to such incomparable beauty. No doubt Canissia would demand that her father, supreme Council member Segall Garthon, banish Jana to the edge of space! He could imagine the reactions of hopeful buyers from across the Maffei Galaxy when they gazed upon this perfection of intoxicating loveliness and purity. He wondered who would bid the most and carry this treasure home.

  Clearly Jana Greyson evinced superb breeding and refinement. Her observation tapes showed her to be fresh, warm, unspoiled, and arresting. Despite her great wealth, matchless beauty, and elite social status, Jana had the courage and selfconfidence to be herself and to pursue her dreams. Jana lived her life with a flair all her own, one which seemed to come as easily and naturally as breathing. “What an asset for your owner, a priceless treasure for some lucky male.”

  The rise and fall of her bare bosom caught his attention. His gaze drifted slowly over her frame, as if he were possessively branding each inch with his mark of ownership. Even her toenails were neatly trimmed and painted a soft rose color. His study of her ignited his senses and enflamed his body with intense desire. His manhood began to stir to life. Never had it flamed to life so hotly and urgently, simply from gazing upon a female! No female had denied him or resisted him. Yet his charms and skills could have no effect on this drugged angel.

  He could not prevent himself from making contact with that enticing flesh. Varian negligently trailed his fingertips back and forth across her collarbone as his cobalt eyes feasted on her face. Craving to know how her supple skin would feel against his lips, he bent forward and brushed them over one shoulder, up her throat, and to her ear. He smiled and nibbled at it when she moaned softly and shifted her body. Her instinctive responses to his actions encouraged him. His respiration quickened even more as she seemed to nuzzle her face against his.

  Varian straightened, but he continued to study her. His entranced mind now began to explore her body. He imagined the daring trek his fingers would take if he allowed himself more than a fantasy, something he could not and would not do to Jana or to any drugged or helpless female. As a daring explorer with a mind of its own, his left forefinger could begin such a trek over her appealing territory by slipping down the canyon between two fleshy mounds with twin brown peaks, then playfully circling her navel, which was positioned like a tiny dry pond on a flat track of arid land. He noticed how her ribs were displayed like soft ripples across desert sands. The adventurous appendage could then tease over hip-bones which jutted upward like smooth ridges on a grass-free prairie. Reaching a flat plain, the traveler could rest boldly on her taut stomach, without daring to venture into that compelling forest nearby.

  In reality, the enchanted male lifted one of her hands and pressed it against his jawline, eager to feel her touch. He closed his eyes and shifted her palm over his lips. His tongue sampled its flavor, then traveled down her arm to steal a kiss in the hollow of her throat. His lips trailed feathery kisses over her face, then lightly brushed over her velvety lips. But his hands dared not encroach upon her satiny frame.

  Intoxicated by this magnetic creature, Varian’s mind returned to its fantasy. He saw his lips following the same path which his forefinger had fancifully traveled earlier. When another drowsy moan of undeniable passion passed between her lips, Varian was pressed beyond thinking clearly or wisely. His mouth captured Jana’s and parted her lips. His persistent tongue invaded her warm and tasty recess, sending thrilling shocks of joy and bliss through him and her. His hands grasped her shoulders and pulled her pliant and susceptible body into his trembling arms.

  The sedative was weakening just enough to slightly arouse Jana. Her lids fluttered, then opened. Jana had never experienced such wild and wonderful sensations as he was creating within her body. She moaned in rapturous delight and total contentment, and unknowingly returned his kiss.

  Careful not to tangle her hair, Varian placed a palm on either side of Jana’s head and awaited her reaction to him. Spellbound, he didn’t realize Jana was too dazed to comprehend the reality of this situation. Varian leaned forward, bringing hi
s face within range of Jana’s partially cloudy vision. He watched an appreciative gaze slip over her face.

  Jana tried to study the strikingly handsome face with molten blue eyes which hovered over her. She instinctively responded to this pinnacle of manhood with bronze skin, sable hair, rich sapphire eyes, a perfect smile, strong and compelling features, and a virile physique which was so boldly exposed in a snug and semibare outfit. He had a roguish gleam in his eyes and an enticing smile on his lips. His shoulders were broad, exuding an undeniable aura of strength. Crisp black hair peeked out around the edges of his tank top, hinting at a provocative chest. Muscles bulged in his taut arms. Her gaze helplessly and eagerly roved up and down his body as it worked its spell.

  The smile which engulfed Jana enraptured her senses and claimed her heart. As if mesmerized, she dreamily watched his strong hand stroke her hair, then move over her parted lips. In her half-wakeful state, Jana made no attempt to stop Varian’s \ attentions. Her breath was stolen as he bent forward and covered her mouth with his. A fiery explosion took place within her body, kindling and engulfing her with passion’s flames.

  Jana was adrift upon a sea of stormy waves which tugged at her body, threatening to drown her beneath its obscure surface. Her head spun in the whirlpool of feverish desire and staggering pleasure. There seemed no inch of her face which didn’t glow from a kiss. When his powerful blue gaze fused with hers, she was drawn deeper and deeper into its pool of magic and mystery. Down she went into the all-consuming well of delight.

  Jana’s senses reeled, but not from the sedative. This perfect male was assailing her senses, enslaving her to his will. A warming glow pulsed through her womanhood. Her arms weakly but uncontrollably encircled his neck. She clung to him and returned his kisses.

  Varian was tempted to undress, climb on the stretcher with her, and boldly take possession of this creature who was driving him mad with hunger. He groaned as flames licked unmercifully at his manhood. At the last moment for retreat before yielding to his cravings, a flash of reality jolted his senses. He couldn’t believe he was trying to seduce a defenseless victim of fate, a partially drugged charl! Varian unconsciously mopped beads of perspiration from his brow and upper lip. His respiration was rapid and shallow. He could not permit his fantasy to become a reality! He covered Jana, lifted the side rails, and retreated. He dared not touch her again; her stimulating beauty was affecting his wits, will, and carnal desires! He was acting like a mindless fool, a rutting beast! Tremors of warning touched his mind and lodged there. Her feminine allure was powerful, mysterious, and magical. Beware the helpless male who fell prey to these abundant charms!

  Varian observed the bewitching girl as she slowly relented to the call of narcotic slumber. He realized Jana’s senses were still too imprisoned by the sedative to be responsible for her behavior, even if she was responding to him and enjoying their actions. He admonished his loss of control. What a distraction she could become if he did not watch himself carefully during her training period. Despite Jana’s many physical qualities, Varian Saar could not envisage himself buying a mate, as he had never experienced a shortage of female companionship. More important, there was Ryker to remember.

  Varian was distressed by his strong attraction to Jana, for no woman could enter his life and heart until his war with Ryker and his threat to the Universe were settled. Jana was like a deadly decoy beacon set out by the forces of evil fate to lure him into danger. If he was not careful, he could be destroyed. An obsession for this lovely alien could drive him to madness, as Shara had gone mad with her obsession for his father! Varian stepped to the stretcher and tightly grasped the protective rails. He stared down at Jana.

  Varian accepted his duty to make Jana the pawn in his battle for victory over a powerful enemy, but his heartfelt emotions were already resisting that decision. But he promised himself that he would resist her. Not wishing to be discovered by anyone, Varian left. He went to the gym and exercised his body until he was positive it was too weary to be affected by Jana again tonight. To prove his self-control, he returned to the medical laboratory.

  Varian arrived at a good and bad moment: Jana’s examination was over and Tristan was replacing her gown. “Be with you in a moment.”

  Varian was forced to turn his back for fear his interest would become apparent. He picked up her chart to read it. “Jana Greyson; twenty-three; hair—pale and dark blond; eyes—caritrary. ” Varian frowned. Tristan hadn’t said bluish-green. The softhearted doctor had used the color of one of their galaxy’s most precious gems.

  Varian read on: “Five feet eight inches; one hundred and twenty pounds; skin—golden glow; medical condition—excellent; scars—two; virgin.”

  Varian was amused and slightly annoyed by the descriptions of her physical appearance, but he understood Tristan’s dilemma. Jana’s coloring lacked the correct Maffeian word to identify it. With his ebony hair and dark blue eyes, his and Jana’s only similarity was a golden tan, though his was darkest. He found himself wondering how their contrasting colorings would blend in a child. That thought troubled him, and he dismissed it.

  “Kyle told me what happened during her capture. Those men’s deaths will be hard for her to accept, even if they were trying to attack her.”

  Varian nodded agreement. “But he couldn’t just stun them, Tris. You know the amount of investigating and publicity her kidnapping will receive. Imagine the police finding those two thugs in the garden and questioning them. Panic would begin if sightings are made of men in shiny spacesuits and helmets at these women’s abductions. It was unfortunate, but necessary.”

  Tristan gazed at Jana, then at Varian. He remarked, “She’s quite a find. You’ll have no trouble getting a buyer. A shame, she’s too special for this fate. If her life hadn’t been in peril, I wouldn’t have persuaded you to capture Jana. Such a transition and existence will be hard for her.”

  Varian consoled his friend. “Don’t worry about Jana Greyson, Tris. She’s proud and intelligent and courageous. Give her time and good training. She’ll make the adjustment to being an envied charl to some lucky citizen.”

  “But she’s a medical scientist, a doctor,” Tristan said. “She should be placed in one of our research centers. We could use talents like hers. Later, if necessary, she could be matched to a perfect male.”

  “You’re dreaming, Tris. The Supreme Council wouldn’t allow an alien slave to run free. I doubt many Maffeians have forgotten it was an alien scientist who created that virus which nearly destroyed our female population. I can only promise to let the staff do all they can to aid her adjustment. As agreed, Jana will occupy the gold room on deck one.” Varian reminded Tristan of placing her in quarters normally reserved for an elite guest and of supplying her with a special wardrobe which had been sized for her.

  Tristan said the other two women were ready for their quarters, which were shared by many captives. What Tristan didn’t tell Varian was that when he had begun Jana’s examination he had noticed her rosy cheeks and passion-swollen lips, which were not the result of her struggles with the Earthling males. “These are charts on the last five captives.” Tristan lifted them to read Varian the information. When he finished, he asked, “Any chance we’ll have to use this despicable ruse again?”

  “I certainly hope not,” Varian replied instantly, scowling in disgust.

  “Me, too,” Tristan declared, sneaking a revealing look at Jana. “We capture and enslave women, then expect them to calmly accept their new fates. I wonder what we would do if the tables were turned…”

  “Certainly not adapt as well as most charls do. Have you implanted the microtranslators in their ear canals? I want to be certain these women understand us the moment they wake up. We don’t want them any more frightened and confused than normal.” His eyes lingered on Jana as he spoke.

  “They’ll hear us loud and clear. Once they learn the truth, I’m sure most of them would rather not understand our language,” he responded.

At what would have been dawn had she not been in space, Jana began to stir in the guest quarters. Intense splotches of bronze, sapphire blue, cloud white, and rich ebony swirled and mingled and separated to paint an intoxicating image of a spellbinding creature upon the canvas in Jana’s dreamy mind. The magnificent man was perfect in form. His smile and gaze tantalized and hypnotized her. His kisses sent her senses racing wildly like a runaway stallion. His caresses ignited flames in her mind and body, smoldering and burning until they fused into one roaring blaze of uncontrollable wildfire. His body was as sleek and smooth as the legs of a racehorse. His arms and shoulders evinced great power and prowess. Passion’s hungers struck her like bolts of lightning, causing her to squirm and moan upon her bed. The fantasy became so vivid and unsettling that she was aroused from her sedated slumber.

  Jana forced open her heavy lids and blinked as she yawned and stretched. Lying motionless to bring herself to full awareness, she inhaled and exhaled. Since she could never meet this provocative man whom she had conjured up in her dreams, Jana defensively pushed aside such disturbing feelings and desires. From past experiences, she doubted such a perfect and beguiling creature existed anywhere! Ready to begin a new day, she sat up.

  Jana’s roving gaze took in her unfamiliar surroundings. She was in an oblong room, about thirteen by sixteen feet. Her gaze scanned the luxurious decor in harmonizing shades of gold and ivory. She could not recall where she was or how she had gotten here. Jana’s brain frantically sought its last remembrances. Who were those strange men? What did they want from her?

  Should she assume from the lavish appearance of this setting that money had nothing to do with her kidnapping? She and her lawyers and guardian had always feared that something like this might happen, especially after the news coverage of her large grant to the foundation for terminally ill children. The furniture, fabrics, and accessories looked very expensive. Caution, patience, and observation were essential to survival, she cautioned herself.


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