Moondust And Madness

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Moondust And Madness Page 24

by Taylor, Janelle

  As one hand toyed with his hair and the other teased over his lips, she asserted candidly, “I have no regrets. It was the most exciting and pleasing experience I’ve ever known. I suppose crying at a time like this is normal; it’s a special moment for me, an emotional moment. You know, conquering the unknown? Becoming a full-fledged woman? Your prowess isn’t overrated. No wonder Maffeian women cast aside all shame and pride to chase you.” After Jana’s teeth playfully tugged on his upper lip and then the lower one, she hinted seductively, “Something lost for something gained?”

  “Was it worth the swap?” he probed inquisitively, loving her mood.

  Without shame, she looked him in the eye and declared, “Most definitely. I couldn’t have chosen a better prize than you as my tutor, Rogue Saar. If you have any champagne, we should toast this rare moment.” Jana flipped to her back and didn’t bother to cover her naked body. “Isn’t it wonderful? No quarrels. No temptations. No hostility. At long last, Jana Greyson and Varian Saar can have fun and be friends.”

  Varian shifted to his side and teased the tips of her breasts with a lock of her hair. “And lovers,” he cheerfully added.

  “And lovers,” she happily echoed. “I must be a brazen huzzy at heart, for this is the best adventure a woman could have. Thank you, Rogue Saar.”

  Varian also ignored nudity to get one large glass of champagne. Leaning against fluffy pillows at his side, Jana toasted, “To Varian Saar, my handsome and enchanting space pirate, and to many nights of passion.”

  After she had sipped the pale pink liquid, he took the glass and then a deep swallow. His eyes danced wickedly as he toasted, “To Jana Greyson, who has proven her value is higher than I realized, if possible. May you always remember this night without sadness or regret or resentment.” Varian took another long drink from the sparkling liquid, then passed it to Jana.

  She accepted the toast. She teased, “Since I’m new at this game of love, it will be your responsibility as my instructor to make certain I leave with no regrets. Fill these next two weeks with blissful passion and countless stimulating lessons.” She drained the glass, then smiled over its rim.

  “Don’t tell me I’ve created an insatiable creature who plans to feed on me day and night?” he teased.

  Jana laughed. “Do you doubt Rogue Saar can tame what he rashly created? Tell me, Sir Pirate, am I too much of a challenge for the legendary playboy of the Universe?”

  He chuckled and warmed beneath her glowing gaze. “I promise to do my best to appease that fiery temper of yours.”

  “I must need lessons in alien anatomy; I didn’t think my temper was what needed appeasement.”

  Varian couldn’t conceal his pleasure. “Shall we learn together then?”

  Varian took Jana with a renewed hunger and eagerness which surprised him when he realized her ardor matched his own. He instructed and guided her along the path to discovering how to give and receive the most pleasure possible. Later, he would teach her the many facets to lovemaking. For tonight, she needed only to experience a gentle awakening to passion and knowledge.

  Afterward, she found that sleep came quickly. Varian gazed down into her serene face and passion-swollen lips. His possessive embrace nestled her closer to him. His lips moved over the sheen of perspiration on her forehead. He brushed aside damp hair from her face while his fingertips drifted down her arm and over her back. With the fresh scent of lovemaking still hanging in the air and clinging to their bodies, he wanted her again!

  How would he ever be able to stand beside an auction platform while men bid on her like an inanimate treasure, even if it were a farce? How could he let her walk away believing she was the possession of another man? Yet he must. How could he force himself to risk destroying her feelings for him? Kahala help him! Could he? Must he?

  Varian didn’t care what the Assembly and Supreme Council had to say about his taking Jana as his mistress. What could they do after the fact? Get rid of their best Star Fleet commander and matchless Elite Squad agent? Still, no matter how vital and valuable he was to the Alliance Force and Supreme Council, they would not permit any officer to keep a mistress on his ship. This love and desire for Jana Greyson could be costly. He was too young and restless to resign his command. Even if he quit the Force, he couldn’t keep Jana glued to him every moment. The instant he left her side…If only there was a safe place where he could leave her while he carried out his mission. It was too perilous to expose his love. One of his enemies would find a way to get to her, either to slay her for revenge or to use her against him. Even the most heavily guarded or allegedly impenetrable locations could be breached by a clever man; he had proven that many times!

  Jana was in his blood now and he wanted her desperately. He raged against the forces which could destroy his dreams and his love. Varian clutched her to his tormented body. Against her hair, he murmured hoarsely, “Forgive me, my love, for the anguish and shame you will endure because of me. And from me…” As he inhaled the fragrance of her silky hair, he whispered, “I need you, moonbeam, tonight and forever. Forgive me for risking our lives to capture this time of magical madness.”

  His caresses and movements aroused Jana. She snuggled against him as his name dreamily escaped her lips. His smoldering blood flamed to life instantly. He began to tease her lips with stirring kisses and her body with enticing caresses. When she moaned softly, he pressed his advantage by sensuously assailing her breasts. Even before she was fully awakened, she was responding to him and he was moving blissfully within her body.

  As their passions peaked and ebbed, she relaxed in his strong arms. She teased, “You failed to inform me of your voracious appetite. Will I be denied sufficient sleep every night?”

  “Sleep while I’m on duty. All of my free time is assigned to your education.”

  “Perhaps the muse took pity on us. She knows I need every lesson you can teach. Shall I return to my quarters to allow you to get some sleep?”

  “If you dare to leave my arms, I’ll be forced to tie you to my bed and wreak havoc on your lovely body.”

  Jana giggled. “I must confess, Rogue Saar, I love your method of wreaking havoc. I only wish I had challenged you to a game of Laius sooner.”

  “Careful, moonbeam,” he huskily warned. “You wouldn’t want to fall for a heartless rogue like me.”

  “Why not?” she retorted insouciantly. “Don’t all women fall in love with you?” Jana pouted prettily and drew swirly designs on his chest with her nails. “I might devour you if my appetite runs wild.”

  “Like this?” he hinted, then feasted on her breasts. After they tussled for a time, she cuddled against his side and both slept peacefully.

  The fourth auction on the planet Lhasa went smoothly. As Varian had promised, Heather Langdon was sold to the younger brother of Tesla Rilke. After a brief display, Jana was allowed to skip the auction to stroll around with Nigel and Kara before they enjoyed a fabulous lunch. Soon, it was time to return to the ship. Jana dared not question Varian’s whereabouts.

  Nigel accompanied Jana to the gold room. He halted at the door and spoke into the audiocontrolled door panel, “Computer, code 231. Make next voice print of Jana Greyson as a controller for this suite.”

  He instructed Jana to speak certain words into the panel. Afterward, the door responded to her voice. “We believe you’ve earned our trust.”

  Jana beamed with pleasure. She decided to visit Tristan. She was sitting on a laboratory stool listening to the doctor explain his current experiment when she was grabbed from behind, pulled backward, and kissed soundly! When she was placed upright again, she stared at Varian.

  Varian grinned. “Did you miss me today?” he asked. He wiggled between her thighs. He slipped his arms around her waist and interlocked his fingers. A compelling smile teased at his full lips and sapphire eyes.

  Jana merely gaped at him. He was wearing what the U.S. Army would call a camouflage suit, and looked stunning.

  “Don’t let me hin
der you two,” Tristan stated, then chuckled.

  Varian allowed his glowing eyes to linger warmly over Jana’s pink face and wide eyes. “I don’t intend to, Tris,” he quipped just before his mouth claimed Jana’s in a long and fiery kiss which stole her breath and sapped her strength. When he released her shaky body, he grinned raffishly and told her, “I’ll see you in my quarters later. Don’t let Tris keep you too long.” He walked out, leaving Jana stunned and staring after him.

  When she regained her wits and tongue, she murmured mostly to herself, “Whatever was that all about?”

  Tristan laughed. “I wouldn’t have the vaguest idea. But it appears that our commander is bewitched by a certain girl.”

  Jana glanced at his twinkling eyes. “Don’t be silly, Tris,” she chided, then laughed nervously. To change the topic, Jana questioned his research.

  Hours passed as they chatted about a mutually loved topic. Jana observed Tristan as he set up his next experiment. No one would have guessed Jana was a prisoner. When Tristan glanced over her shoulder and asked, “What brings you here again, Varian?” Jana turned and met her love’s gaze.

  “A tardy woman and a severe case of loneliness. Come along, Jana.”

  Tristan apologized for keeping her so late. “We got engrossed in our talk. Can Jana join me for dinner?” Tristan inquired craftily.

  “Jana has previous plans with me, Tris.” Jana blushed at his insinuation. “Sorry, but time is too short as it is,” he hinted.

  “Varian!” Jana shrieked in modesty and dismay. “Please—”

  “No need to beg. I’m your adoring slave for two weeks. What is your command, Princess Moonbeam?” he inquired playfully.

  “Let’s get out of here before you embarrass me further,” she replied. In the passageway, she said, “If you carry on like a moonstruck romantic, people will think you’ve gone mad,” she continued.

  “Why are you so concerned? Wouldn’t you enjoy being the first to bewitch Varian Saar? People will think you possess awesome powers.”

  “Please don’t behave so foolishly.”

  “You think it would embarrass me to show affection for you?” he questioned oddly. “On the contrary, moonbeam, it would look crazy if I appeared unaffected by you. Besides, I do have an ulterior motive,” he hinted. “It’s in your best interest to be a victim to my lusty appetite. It will only heighten your appeal. When we’re in public, you must look and act as if I’ve wronged you, as though I forced you into my bed and arms.”

  Jana halted in midstep and stared at him. “What are you saying?”

  Varian grasped her hand and led her into his lounging area where a table and dinner were awaiting them. He seated her. “Listen to me, Jana Greyson! Your reputation and safety must be guarded! Your future happiness depends on us convincing everyone of this. You can win the hearts of most men and women if you play the delicate creature who was forced to endure the depravities of Varian Saar! Dammit, woman! You will obey me in this vital matter!”

  “Do you honestly think any man would want to follow you in a woman’s life?”

  “The kind of man who feels that way isn’t worth walking in your shadow, much less worthy of buying you! Men such as Moloch will feel that way. He went after you on Thule because he knew you were still an innocent, despite my pretense. With your glow of purity, I was a fool to think anyone would believe there was something between us. I should have slain Moloch for even touching you!”

  “Careful, Commander; such concern and kindness might serve to polish your tarnished image,” she jested. She was warmed and touched by his motives. “Do you mind if we don’t use my study time to discuss imminent men in my life?”

  Varian checked his playful retort when he saw her expression. “You’re right, moonbeam. Business shouldn’t infringe on our private time.” When Jana said she was finished with her meal and rose to leave, he asked, “Where are you going? You hardly touched your food.”

  “We ate a late lunch on Lhasa, a big one. I’m going to my quarters to bathe and change,” she explained truthfully.

  “No need, moonbeam. You share my quarters now. I’ve had all of your things moved in here,” he casually announced, then continued eating.

  “Are you sure about sharing quarters? Don’t you need some privacy?”

  “I’ll have plenty in two weeks. For now, I want to enjoy your company.

  Jana entered his bathroom and bathed. When she went to join him attired in an azure satin gown and robe, he was sitting on the sofa in his study area, deep in thought. “Varian?” she called to him.

  “Go on to bed, Jana, I have some work to do.” He didn’t look up at her.

  Jana questioned this sudden change in mood. Why was he so mercurial? She jested, “Not on my wager time, Rogue Saar. My clock’s running out.”

  Varian was only too aware of that fact. “So is mine,” he snapped.

  Jana headed for the corridor door after snapping, “I’ll see you tomorrow! I can tell you’re in no mood for me tonight. I’ll sleep elsewhere.” Varian bolted to his feet, letting papers flutter to the floor. He seized her wrists while she struggled against him. “Let go of me, you beast!” They tumbled to the floor. He pinned her beneath his powerful frame. He tried to calm her anger and subdue her. “Get off me! I’m not sleeping here tonight.”

  “We’ll just see about that.” He jumped up and seized her. He tossed her over his shoulder and headed for his bedroom. He imprisoned her kicking legs. He chuckled when she pounded him on the back with her fists and cursed him.

  Varian’s chest rumbled with laughter. “Such filthy language from such a pretty mouth. You might as well cease your fighting and cursing, woman. This is my ship and you’re my captive. You promised me two wild and wonderful weeks, and I’ll have them one way or another.” He threw her on his bed and fell atop her, pinning her beneath him again.

  “You devil. Hell will freeze over before I surrender to you again.”

  “Will it now?” he taunted. His mouth closed over hers, silencing her next remark. He seared kisses over her face and throat. His hands smoothly and deftly undressed her. His lips traveled down her breasts and teased their taut nipples without mercy. One hand moved lower to titillate her past anger and resistance. “It was only a practice session for tomorrow. You know, my order to fake the helpless and angry victim? I’m sorry.”

  Jana swatted at him, then scolded his deceit. She moaned and submitted to him completely. She loosened his shirt closure and pulled it off his shoulders. She showered kisses on his face as he removed his pants and boots.

  They came together with a fierce intensity which staggered the senses. Each took and gave freely and eagerly. They made love slowly, then once again swiftly and with new urgency. Passions soared wildly and freely.

  Varian encouraged her to touch and take him as she desired and dared. Never had a woman given him such incomparable pleasures. It was the loving way in which she came to him and gave to him which made the difference. It was her mood during this sharing experience. It was the tone of her voice, the look in her eyes, the way she touched him, the depth of her kisses, and the total bliss afterward which set their lovemaking apart from all other unions he had known. In the height of passion, he vowed, “You are mine, Jana; never forget that, no matter what happens.”

  They scaled the loftiest pinnacle of passion and shared a bliss which few lovers found during a lifetime together, then shared serene slumber.

  The next day, Jana spent her free time with Tristan or with Nigel and language studies. She knew time was running out in that area too. Jana thought it was best not to crowd Varian, for he was used to freedom. Another night of passionate lovemaking was shared before they reached the fifth planet, Zandia, a world covered by jungles and rain forests where every thousand miles a large area had been cleared for a city. Except for the honor of meeting Avatar Kael, nothing unusual or exciting took place.

  On the planet Balfae, Jana met Salazar, ruler of a world which was a startling cont
rast of deserts and lush islands, whose cities reminded her of ancient ones in the Far East. On their seventh stop, at Kudora, Jana learned that most of the planet surface was covered with snow or ice! Frigid waters existed where the ivory blanket didn’t lie and a lack of brisk winds and a curious atmosphere pleasingly masked the glacial weather. Sylva Omanli appeared and was sold. When Jana stared inquisitively at him, Varian shrugged and grinned. Jana smiled to conceal her prior knowledge about Sylva’s survival. In eight days, Jana had attended seven auctions on seven different worlds. She had shared six nights in Varian’s quarters. On the morning of the eighth auction, on the planet Therraccus, a stunning world of metal and glass, Varian informed her she would not be attending this particular sale. He advised her to rest until his return tonight. Wanting to spend every available minute with him, Jana tried to alter his decision. Varian wouldn’t discuss it; he seemed preoccupied. It didn’t take a genius to realize there was a special reason why Varian didn’t want her along today. Jana wisely acquiesced, and Varian departed without her.

  To avoid suspicion, Varian chatted with two friends while Nigel secretly passed the info tape to Avatar Chukar Dimi. During the latter half of the auction, Varian was leaning against a steel post when suddenly a mocking voice sliced off the remainder of his daydreams about Jana.

  “Were’s your alien today? I was hoping to examine her. I find myself intrigued by any woman who can catch a Saar’s eye. Is it true you can’t resist her? Or do you merely seek to enjoy her for a spell?”

  The reason Varian had prevented Jana from visiting Therraccus stood before him. Sighing a prayer of thanks for Avatar Dimi’s timely warning about Ryker Triloni’s presence, Varian looked him in the eye. The handsome man before him was only one inch shorter than he was, and four months younger, which made Varian their father’s heir instead of his half brother. Varian noticed the lingering scar from his knife wound across Ryker’s right jawline.

  Chilling laughter came forth as the Androas prince observed Varian’s line of vision. “I left it as a reminder of our unfinished war, brother dear. Either I’ll take it to my grave, or I’ll have it removed the day you enter yours.” Emerald eyes were alert and piercing. “It’s been a long time, Varian. Rumors tell that you’ve been enjoying yourself.”


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