Moondust And Madness

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Moondust And Madness Page 42

by Taylor, Janelle

  Jana lay on the bed in a golden cell once more. But this prison was small and almost bare. Three days ago, under “Varian’s orders,” she had been whisked from Rigel to be presented to Ryker Triloni as a “peace token,” a replacement for Shara. She recalled Tirol’s words on Eire and Rigel. If this deal was true, Tirol had been a party to it. Jana didn’t want to believe the evidence against Varian and his grandfather, but there was so much of it.

  Jana painfully reflected on the past few days of captivity. When she had awakened, she had found herself in this narrow room with only a bunk. Fears had flooded her mind as details of the kidnapping came back to her. Why had Varian ordered Nigel to steal her away? She had learned why quickly.

  When the door had opened and her abductor had posed in the opening, it was Canissia Garthon. A triumphant sneer distorted the woman’s beauty. “I see you’re finally awake, my dear alien puss. I suppose you want to know why you’re traveling on my ship.” She seemed bored with the whole matter.

  “Hasn’t anyone told you kidnapping is a crime?” Jana scoffed.

  Canissia roared with wild laughter. “You are naive and stupid. Varian is giving you to Ryker Triloni. I volunteered to transport you there myself.”

  “You’re lying!” Jana shouted.

  Canissia had laughed coldly and confidently. “Not this time. You see this?” she waved a forged paper before Jana’s nose. “It’s your ownership document.” She held it before Jana’s wide gaze to prove her claim. “As you can see, it’s signed and sealed by Commander Varian Saar himself. In case you don’t recognize the other seal and name, they’re Kadim Tirol’s. I’m simply delivering a piece of cargo, Jana. Needless to say, I’m to make it worth Varian’s while when he returns for allowing me this exquisite pleasure.”

  If Jana’s hands hadn’t been bound at that moment, she would have seized the document and shredded it, then slapped Canissia’s smirking face. She had seen other charl documents, and this one looked like the real thing. “I want to see Varian, and talk to him,” Jana demanded.

  “He’s on his way to Earth to put your people to sleep before your world goes boom, poof, and blam,” Canissia purred. “You see, puss, our hands are tied. If we send enough starships to confront the meteor threatening your world, our enemies will attack us while we’re defenseless. So, we’re euthanatizing your people so they won’t suffer during their destruction. It’s called Stardusting; irreversible coma.”

  “You are in deep trouble, Canissia,” Jana warned. “Varian isn’t doing this to me, and we both know it. Just wait till he catches you, and he will.”

  “My heavens, you’re dumber than I thought. Listen to these tapes, Jana puss, and you’ll end your doubts.” Canissia played the doctored tapes of Varian’s voice made up of many prior conversations, but Jana continued to send her a look of contempt and disbelief. “Varian doesn’t know I made these little gems during our talks. I wanted to give you an extra dose of reality. I took plenty of teasing over his brief affair with you. Now, I get the last laughs. Frankly, I don’t give a damn whether you believe me or not. I’m sure Ryker will be only too glad to force the truth into that pretty head.”

  “I thought Ryker was Varian’s enemy,” Jana ventured, innocently revealing the narrow scope of her knowledge. “You are only a scorned ex-mistress!” Jana said insultingly.

  Canissia drew back her hand to slap Jana, but didn’t. Instead, she smiled wickedly. “I think I’ll leave that pleasure to Ryker. Do you know what kind of man he is?” At Jana’s baffled look, Canissia sent forth peals.of satanic laughter. “He’s a beast, little puss. He’s a cold-blooded, savage misogynist. You know? A man who loathes and abuses women? He tortures them for the fun of it.”

  When Jana uncontrollably went white, Canissia grinned salaciously. “One good thing about this deal, there’s no way Varian can change his mind. After Ryker has you for a while, no man will want you. If there’s anything left after he has his fun with you. Oh, little puss, am I going to enjoy your destruction.”

  “You can’t be so barbaric, Canissia. If Ryker is like that, Varian would never send me to him.” Jana tried to control herself. She would not allow this dangerously evil woman to torment her.

  “I don’t have to use my time and energy to convince you of a situation which will be only too real in two days. Delude yourself, puss. I don’t care.”

  “Please, Cannissa, don’t play these games,” Jana coaxed gingerly.

  “Don’t beg. I can’t change your fate, even if I did feel sorry for you, which I don’t. I detest you, and I want you out of my hair quickly. Ryker is the perfect fate for you.”

  “Forget it, Canissia. I’m sure Tirol and the Alliance Force are searching for me right now. As soon as they discover who grabbed me, you’re done for.”

  “Dense, dense, dense,” Canissia clucked mockingly. “Perhaps you should hear the tapes again. If you know Varian Saar at all, you’ll recognize his voice.” She played them once more, grinnning vindictively.

  As Jana was compelled to listen, she wished she could deny that was his voice. She wished he hadn’t exposed so many intimate facts about them. She could discount the first tape made during their brief affair, but not the one made a few nights ago. The tape proved Varian had been seeking Ryker. There had been such an intimate tone to his naughty words with Canissia. He had made their beautiful arrangement sound lewd and cheap, a game. Had her traitorous love made Ryker an offer he couldn’t refuse? Had he spent the night with Canissia?

  “Now tell me, woman to woman, what tricks did you use to keep Varian coming back for more and more? I thought I knew them all, but you Earthlings must have a secret or two. Tell me, and I’ll beg Ryker to go easy with you.”

  Before thinking, Jana said, “You’re vulgar, Canissia Garthon. You’re nothing but a filthy-minded whore. If you couldn’t hold Varian, don’t expect help from me.”

  Canissia stiffened and glared at Jana. “Careful, little puss. We haven’t reached Darkar yet. I just might check out your sexual talents.”

  “If you dare let any of your men come near me, I’ll—”

  Canissia cut sharply into her warning. “I do as I please. A videotape of you and Zan would offer many hours of amusement on boring nights. And don’t say you wouldn’t perform for us. I have drugs which can urge you to take on several men at once to appease your fierce cravings. Be nice, puss, or I’ll have to break my promise to Varian. Then again, how would he find out? I’m sure Ryker won’t mind if I take a tiny payment from you for my services. I’ll have to think about this.”

  Canissia had left Jana petrified by her threats. Yet, two days had passed, and the witch hadn’t even returned to taunt her. A man called Zan had appeared every so often to bring Jana food and drink, and to allow her privacy in the small bathroom nearby. On the last visit this morning, she had been left unbound. Jana’s nerves were stressed and her emotions in turmoil. She was tired of denying this reality. So much evidence to condemn her love, but could she accept it at face value? No, Varian couldn’t have duped her so. There had to be a reasonable explanation.

  The door opened; Canissia and Zan entered. “Time to get ready for delivery, puss. You have twenty minutes to get bathed, powdered, perfumed, and dressed. In this,” she informed Jana, handing her a costume which caused Jana to quiver. “Obey me, or you’ll arrive stark naked,” she threatened.

  Jana realized the woman was serious about her donning that skimpy gold lamé bikini. “Dress quickly, or else Zan and my crew will prepare you. If they do, it’ll take more than twenty minutes…” The threat hung in the air.

  When Jana was finished, Zan held her securely while Canissia placed a cloth over her mouth and nose. Jana realized it was something like chloroform and knew it was futile to struggle. She gradually went limp in Zan’s grasp. Canissia had her locked in a gilded bird cage which was placed inside a crate. After turning on a tape of bird whistles and calls, she had two other men help Zan load the box on her shuttle. On arrival, she had the
three men wait.

  Ryker answered the summons at the entrance to his private laboratory. He stared at the redhead as if looking through her. “What do you want, Cass?” he inquired blandly. “I’m very busy today. I told you, five minutes.”

  She pouted sexily and chided, “Now, now, Ryker, don’t be so cold and mean. Could we talk in private?” she entreated. “You won’t be sorry.”

  Ryker led Canissia into the sitting room of his private complex. He was repulsed by her seductive manner, but he wanted to hear what she had to say. As much as he detested this female, she did have a knack for delivering intriguing and usually valuable information. “Well?” he hinted.

  “I’ve brought you a gift, one which I’m sure will please you immensely.” She cockily related her startling actions.

  Even the malevolent Ryker was shocked by her reckless behavior. “You’re the one who kidnapped Jana Greyson from under Tirol’s nose? You brought her here? You fool, I don’t need more trouble with Tirol,” he berated her. “Two Alliance Force members came here after her abduction, and Brec Sard just left. You’d better be glad he called off that sentry ship as I demanded he do. They would have searched your ship, then I would have been implicated. Why did you drag me into this crazy scheme?”

  “Don’t worry, love, I took extra precautions to safeguard both of us. If they even suspected me, would I still be free as a bird? Would they be rushing around interrogating people and searching frantically for clues? No one followed me. The idiots already searched my ship while it was still in orbit. I have a secret compartment in my suite which only Zan knows about.” She boasted casually of her evil crime. “I have an unbreakable alibi for the time of Jana’s misfortune. I was having fun with Zartiff Dukamcea. While I kept Jana drugged and concealed, I cruised around for days without a care in the universe, just like I always do. No one on my ship has seen little Jana, except Zan. And I can trust that doting stud completely.”

  Ryker glanced at his timepiece and smiled, for his archrival should be dead now at the hands of Prince Taemin’s men. He knew Prince Taemin would be perturbed by Jana’s disappearance. After all, he had promised that insidious prince Jana in return for his help in destroying Varian. But Ryker had expected to inherit Jana when Varian’s estate was settled, as he was by law the sole blood heir to all Saar holdings. With the Alliance Force seeking her, it would be too hazardous for Jana to appear in his grasp, or to ship Jana to Taemin in a Trilabs ship. If Jana was found in his possession being passed to the prince, the Alliance might get suspicious about Varian’s death. He must look for another way to repay Taemin, or hold Jana until all doubts faded.

  “Ryker, Ryker,” she teased the sullen man. “Relax and relish your gift. I told my crew I was bringing you an exotic golden bird. No one will be suspicious. You see, love, I covered every angle,” she bragged.

  “I wouldn’t be so smug; you’re dealing with Brec Sard. He didn’t become supreme commander without good reason. Why did you bring her to me?”

  “You’ve become such an ass these days! I thought you’d be thrilled. Don’t you need exotic specimens for your wicked experiments? She’s a doctor and scientist. She could tell you exactly how your work is going, on her, of course. Just think, you’ll have Varian Saar’s priceless treasure at your mercy.” Canissia licked her lips. She couldn’t understand Ryker’s lack of enthusiasm and pleasure. How odd.

  Canissia coaxed, “Don’t you want to discover why Varian found this fluff so irresistible? I wonder why another lusty Saar would be enchanted by a green-eyed, sunny-haired alien. Do you know he actually freed her and planned to marry her? Over my dead body! Father found out by accident, then I stole the information from him. Father heard Tirol telling Draco. Can you believe your brother would be so reckless? What happened to his Saar pride? How could he free and marry a common breeder? You know what’s funny? Jana doesn’t know she’s free, nor does she know about Varian’s wedding plans.” Canissia savored her knowledge and the telling of it to Ryker. She went on to relate how mistaken Jana was about the two men’s pasts.

  “She honestly thinks she’s a truce token from him to you. She’ll be so hurt by his betrayal that she might cooperate with your little vengeful projects. If not, use some magical potions on her. By the way, I need more aphrodisiac myself. I’ve almost run out. And I’ll need something to destroy Zan, the only remaining link to this secret. Only you and I will know the fate of little Jana of Earth.”

  Ryker thought quickly. To avoid problems, he would take Jana off Canissia’s hands. Since he couldn’t pass Jana to the prince, he would find some use for the alien creature. As for Canissia, her vices would be the end of her! Poor Cass, she wouldn’t get any man, and certainly not his old antagonist. Indead, Canissia’s gift of Jana had supplied him with the perfect way to solemnize his victory night, by destroying the one thing which Varian loved more than his heritage!

  Suddenly Ryker grinned. “I’ve been working too hard lately. A man shouldn’t be too tired to reward generosity and courage. Let’s complete our exchange, then you can have my gift brought inside.” He guided Canissia into a laboratory where he searched for two particular bottles. Handing her one at a time, he instructed, “You know the aphrodisiac Jacanate is in the blue bottle; it only takes a drop or two, Cass. You don’t have to drive your victim wild. Too much, and he’s raw and bleeding before he can sate his cravings. Course you probably like others to suffer at your hands. Maybe you ought to try a drop or two yourself to keep up with your partner,” he teased.

  He held up the yellow bottle and explained, “This is Myozenic concentrate. It has to be mixed with pure Zenufian spring water: one third of this bottle to a half tub of spring water. I haven’t enough to spare, so you’ll have to fetch the water yourself. Listen to me carefully, woman, substitute no other water. This liquid won’t be worth anything to you if you don’t follow my orders; in fact, it could be hazardous to mix it with some fluids. Only Zenufian spring water,” he stressed firmly “I suggest you head there immediately. I want Zan dealt with before he has a chance to ruin both of us. He could crack under pressure from Sard. Besides, if Varian returns soon, he wouldn’t be reluctant to use truth serum on either of you. I don’t have to worry; I made myself immune to such drugs long ago.”

  Canissia tightly clutched the two bottles. “Anything else, love?” she interrupted impatiently.

  “I want all of your evidence on this affair. I’ll destroy it personally, after you’ve taken care of Zan. You must eliminate him immediately. That way, I can prove my innocence if you get caught. Deal?” Ryker pressed.

  “Why not,” she replied nonchalantly. “It is your birthday, love, so I’m sure you’ll find some stimulating way to celebrate tonight. Why don’t I return after I handle Zan?”

  “To see if I’ve handled the evidence properly? Or to see if Varian’s love is still alive? You needn’t fret, Cass. I’ll see that Jana never again competes with you. How did it feel to watch Jana get something you never could?”

  Canissia scowled. “As soon as I take care of Zan, that won’t be true,” she asserted smugly, shaking the blue bottle containing the aphrodisiac and laughing huskily. Right after I work you over good, my virile chemist. I wonder how a womanhater makes love…“Rest assured, I’ll take care of Varian while you take care of his lovelight. I’ll have everything I want very soon.”

  “With Varian out of the way, so will I,” Ryker concurred, misleading her. “I wonder how a captor will behave as a captive, a master of many fates as the slave of another’s fate. I would love to see Varian as the cowering conquest.” Ryker watched the way Canissia rotated her hips suggestively. He wanted to laugh in her face.

  “Do you mind if I stop by on my return trip?” she inquired sweetly.

  Ryker sighed. “If you’d like, but only for my private birthday party. Ths is my busy season for collecting plants and such. I’ll expect you back in six hours, without Zan. By then, I should have prepared more aphrodisiac. You might need two bottles. V
arian has an iron will and ravenous appetite.”

  Canissia’s eyes glowed. “You are a wicked man, Ryker. Maybe that’s why I like you so much, despite how you treat me sometimes.”

  The crate was moved inside the laboratory and Canissia dismissed her men, telling Zan to get the shuttle ready for departure. She pried the boards free, and placing an aroma stick beneath Jana’s nose, she aroused her. As Jana coughed and moved inside the gilded cage, Canissia stepped back and said, “A gift of golden intrigue and bliss, an exquisite bird to sing you to sleep at night.”

  Ryker’s gaze traced Jana’s practically nude figure. “Her pictures didn’t do her justice. No wonder Varian was so reluctant to part with her. Well, well,” he murmured. “It looks as if he made me a wise offer after all.”

  As Ryker arrogantly stalked around the cage twice, Canissia harshly commanded, “Stand up, Jana! Let Ryker examine his treasure closely.”

  Jana glared at the offensive woman. “Go to hell. My display days are over. I don’t follow your orders.”

  “How about following mine, Dr. Greyson?” Ryker asked calmly. “Stand up and look at me,” he stated firmly.

  Jana turned to confront a savage beast, but found an exceptionally handsome man standing before her. Her wide eyes, parted lips, and intake of air expressed her surprise. Clearly he wasn’t what she had expected. Jana’s startled gaze roamed his face and physique. “You’re…Ryker Tri…loni?”

  The matchless scientist chuckled. “Is that good or bad, Jana of Earth? What did you expect, a grotesque mutant? Evil gargoyle? Fiery demon?”

  There was a defiant tilt to her chin, her carriage bespeaking pride and courage. She interested him. She was a very beautiful woman. Her flesh looked as velvety as a flower petal. Her figure was arresting. But it was her blush of anger intermingled with modesty which captured his attention. At his bold scrutiny, she lowered her lashes to conceal the rage in those unusual eyes. He watched her clench and unclench slender fingers on the cage bars as he intentionally prolonged his intimate study of her. When he teased the back of one hand over her bare stomach and upper chest, she flinched and stepped backward.


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