Breaking Me Softly (English Edition) (Fighting Hearts Book 1)

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Breaking Me Softly (English Edition) (Fighting Hearts Book 1) Page 3

by Melody Adams

  “I … I have to make a quick run … to the bathroom.”

  I went into the bathroom a little too quick and locked the door behind me. How stupid! Now she thinks I am the kind of guy that goes to the bathroom with a newspaper. Fuck! How embarrassing! Discouraged I looked at the protruding bulge in my jeans. I never had to handle myself as much as I did since Fay had moved in. Sighing, I put the magazine down on the sink and went to work.


  Amazed I looked at the bathroom door. What was that all about? First he stared at me like he had seen an UFO, then he jumps up and heads for the bathroom. I shook my head as I walked over to the couch and sat down. A few minutes later Viper came out of the bathroom. Funny, I did not hear him flush the toilet. He did not look at me, but headed straight for the kitchen for some water and emptied it in one gulp.

  “Okay, let’s go” he finally said, giving me a strange look.

  I had no idea what was going on with him, but did not want to ask a dumb question. So I got up silently and took a jacket that Viper was holding out to me.

  In front of the house was a black pick-up truck. The car was not there when we arrived last night, but since we headed straight for it, it must be Viper’s car.

  “Why were you out on foot yesterday, if you have a car?” I could not resist to ask.

  He opened the passenger door for me and I got in.

  “It was in the shop for an inspection”, he answered. “A friend of mine dropped it off earlier.”

  He closed the door, walked around the car to get in on the driver side. I had no idea where we were headed. Viper had only said that he wanted to show me my new job, where I would start tomorrow. I was a bit uncomfortable with the idea. How could he have gotten me a job, if I had not even interviewed with my future employer? I was hoping very much that I had not run into a pimp. It did look suspicious. He bought me expensive clothing, including lingerie, and now I had a job without even applying or interviewing. I gave Viper a cautious glance. He looked so damn good, but that certainly did not vouch for a good character.

  “Viper?” I asked, my heart pounding.

  “Hmm”, he mumbled without taking his eyes off the road.

  “What … what kind of … job is it?”

  He gave me a quick glance and smile, then looked straight ahead again.

  “You can work behind the counter at my gym.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “You mean the gym you work out at?”

  He nodded and I felt like a stone fell from my heart.

  It was not far to the gym and we parked the pickup behind the large building. Instead of using the main entrance, we headed for the back door. Viper typed a code into the keypad and a low hum sounded. Viper opened the heavy metal door and let me enter. We were in a dimly lit hallway and followed it to a metal staircase. I wondered why Viper had a key code for the back door. It was probably because of his VIP status and this way he could go and work out at any time of the day or night. That made sense. He certainly would not want to work out, when all the other members were here.

  We climbed up the stairs and Viper opened the door once we reached the top. We ended up in a well-lit corridor with several doors. According to the inscriptions on the doors they were changing rooms and storage. On the walls were images of well-trained men and women, usually in some competition poses. Some pictures of Viper hung there as well. He was probably very well known.

  We walked through a large glass door at the end of the corridor and entered the lobby. There was a large, semi-circular front desk. Behind it were two young women and a man that was a little bit older and gave out keys, drinks and snacks. Two women in sports outfits, one blond, the other a brunette, were sitting at the bar having a drink. They turned around, when the man behind the counter greeted Viper. Now all eyes were on us and I could feel the critical looks. The two women sitting at the bar gave me a dismissive look, but they put on a disgustingly fake smile, as they greeted Viper.

  “Viper, darling”, the blonde one said. “Is that the girl you found on the street? That’s just like you.” She laughed affectedly. “You always have to take home some stray cats or dogs.”

  I blushed, ashamed and angry over the blatant insult of that snipe.

  “Gina”, Viper said with an apparent threat in his voice. “Don’t you have a better place to spew your venom? How about the reptile department at the zoo. That’s pretty far away.”

  The facial expression of the blonde dropped and I had to suppress a grin. The two girls behind the counter did not try to hide their amusement. They burst into laughter and I liked them right away.

  The two women put down their drinks and took off. The man behind the counter grinned and winked at me. Viper took my arm and walked me over to the front desk.

  “Fay, this is Mona …” he pointed at a young woman with short red hair and freckles. “… Mellie …”, he continued and pointed to a woman whose black hair was tied up high into a pony tail. She looked at me through thick glasses and checked me out. “… and my trainer Boris. He is the one that picked me off the streets over a decade ago and gave me a future.”

  Oh, that’s why! I thought. No wonder he had helped me right away. He had been in a similar situation before. That explained a lot.

  The three greeted me kindly and Viper explained to me what I had to do the next day. It did not seem to be too difficult. I had to give people keys to their locker after verifying their membership, give out protein and other sports drinks or sell snacks like protein bars, salads or fruit. Naturally I had to keep everything clean and make sure the trash cans were not overflowing. I was really looking forward to starting the next day. I was just wondering, when I would get to meet my boss.

  “Come, I will introduce you to Brian now and show you the rooms”, said Viper.

  “See you tomorrow, Fay”, said Mellie. “We’re on the same shift.”

  “Yes, I am looking forward to it”, I replied.

  I followed Viper through the lobby to a door that said “Office”. Ah! Now I was going to meet the boss. This Brian had to be the boss of all of this.

  Viper opened the door without knocking. A bulky guy, maybe a few years younger than Viper, was sitting in the office. He had long brown hair that was kept in a ponytail and he had friendly brown eyes that gave his rather rugged facial expressions a bit of a soft touch.

  “Hi Brian. Here is Fay, our new girl”, said Viper and closed the door behind us. Brian got out of his chair where he had been sitting reading a magazine. “Fay, this is Brian, my partner.”

  “Hello Fay, nice to meet you.”

  Partner? it shot into my head.

  I took the hand that he was holding out with a bit of a shaky hand.

  “Hello, I … I am pleased as well”, I stammered nervously.

  “I will show Fay everything. She is going to start at ten tomorrow.”

  Brian nodded.

  “Well, welcome to the team then, Fay. We’ll see each other”, he said and I mumbled a quiet “Thanks”. Brian focused his attention on Viper. “A new distributor of protein and build up preps is coming tomorrow around two pm. You going to be here?”

  Viper nodded.

  “Sure, I’ll be here. You leaving tomorrow?”

  Brian nodded.

  “Yes, I have to handle that damn inheritance issue and make sure that somebody will take care of the house. I think I will need three or four days. I will be back for your fight for sure.”

  “Well, I sure hope so” replied Viper and patted Brian on the shoulder. “Good luck with all the shit. I hope that you get that taken care of. I would have probably dropped it if I were in your shoes.”

  Brian shrugged.

  “If it would only be about my old man, I would have. But I am doing it for my mom. If that asshole would not have been there, then … ah shit! It does not matter now.”

  When we left the office I turned to Viper, frowning.

  “Partner?” I asked softly.

  Viper looked at me like he had no idea what I was talking about, so I repeated it a bit more clearly: “Your partner? As in: you are the boss here, together with him?”

  “Yes, I had said: my gym. I thought that was clear.”

  I swallowed. So that is why I did not have to introduce myself. Viper was my boss. Now everything made sense.

  “I thought you meant it as: the gym you work out at. I thought I had asked you to verify that.”

  “I train here as well”, Viper replied casually. “Come on, I show you the gym area first.”

  Chapter 3


  I could not get Fay out of my mind. I left her in front of the TV so I could go to my favorite club. Even though she pretended that she did not mind watching a movie by herself I felt real shitty. So far I had not seen a woman that I was attracted to and my mood sank with each drink I had. I had turned down every woman that approached me. If I would continue like this I would end up in bed alone with a hard on again. Fuck! I was too good for this shitty world. I should not think so much and just give the girl a good fuck, just to get her out of my system. I had a feeling she was inclined to agree if should I make an attempt. However, some goddamn inner voice told me it wouldn’t be right to take advantage of her. Not her! Fucking conscience!

  “Hey, if this is not the biggest heartbreaker of all the underground MMA”, a female voice came from behind me.

  I lifted my head and looked over the well-toned body of the blonde in front of me. She had endless legs that she used in her fights to hold her opponents down.

  “Hello, Lioness”, I said and gave her a smile. She was an MMA fighter like me, just in the women’s division. “What brings you to New York? I thought Las Vegas was your new home.”

  She glanced at the guy next to me and he hastily got up from his barstool and took off into the crowd. Lioness sat down and waved to the bartender.

  “Get me a Bloody Mary” she demanded and turned to face me. “I have a fight this weekend”, she explained.

  “Me too”, I said and I laughed.

  “Sure sweetie. I know that.”

  She put her hand on my thigh and I felt my dick come to life. Maybe she was the right candidate to make me forget about Fay. At least I knew that Lioness was the kind of woman that liked sex without commitment. I put on my lady killer smile and started playing the game.


  The movie was good, but I could not really focus on the story. I could not expect Viper to take me wherever he went, but I was disappointed that he had not even asked me.

  You stupid bitch! I scolded myself. Why would he want me to go with him? He probably wants to pick up a woman and did not need to babysit me while doing that.

  The thought that Viper was going to find a woman to sleep with disturbed me way more than it should have. To be specific, I hated the idea. I could see vividly, how women threw themselves at him. And who could blame them? Viper was a walking sex god. He was exactly the type of man that I should avoid at any cost. To get involved with him would automatically lead to heartache. So, if I did not claim or want him, how could I deny him the satisfaction of his male needs with other willing women?

  I was oblivious to how long the movie was, but I registered at some point that the ending credits were long over. I took out the DVD and put it back into its cover, turned off the DVD player and went into the kitchen. The clock showed it was almost midnight. It was time to go to bed. Tomorrow was my first day of work and I wanted to be well rested. When would Viper come home? And more importantly: Would he be come alone? I hated myself for even thinking about it. I really shouldn’t care at all! Feeling restless, I opened the refrigerator door and took out the milk to pour myself a cup. I had to find an apartment for myself as soon as possible. I did not want to be a burden to Viper and once I was back on my feet I would look for another job as well. It was best if I could get out of Vipers sphere of influence. I could not trust myself, when it came to him. Although it almost sounded unbelievable, I had to face the truth: I was falling in love with Vincent Viper Mahony!

  I woke up to voices that were in a heated argument. I sat up in my bed, heart pounding. For a moment I thought I was back home and I heard mom and Martin fighting again, but I was in a different room. I could see that despite the low light, which lit the room from a street lamp outside. No, I was not in Twin Ville, I was in New York, in Viper’s guest room. It must be my host and one of his bed companions that he was quarreling with. But now I heard a woman laugh. Apparently I was wrong and they were not fighting, just having a discussion.

  I got out of bed and quietly went to the door. I opened it slightly until I got a good look into the kitchen and saw a tall blonde was sitting on the counter, Viper was leaning causally against the refrigerator, beer in hand and had a smile on his sensual lips.

  “You will see that I am right”, he said. “Just wait.”

  “We will see, on Saturday!” the woman said with a voice that was sexy and a bit smoky.

  I felt a piercing sting of jealousy as I watched them together, physically close to each other. They were about three feet apart and both fully dressed, like they had just arrived. Maybe that is what happened and they would now go to bed. I clenched my hands into fists without noticing. When I noticed it, I opened them hastily and forced myself to look away from them.

  It does not concern you, I tried to convince myself. Viper is not for you and you have no right to him, so get over it and go to bed.

  “I think I should go”, said the blonde. I listened intently as my heart fluttered in excitement. Was she leaving? Did that mean Viper and her would not sleep together? Or had they already done it? I looked at my watch. It was almost two am. It was possible that they were … already done? I felt a bit woozy in my stomach when I thought about it.

  “Should I call you a cab?” asked Viper.

  The blonde slid off the counter and shook her head.

  “No need. I need some fresh air. It’s only a half an hour walk. It will be good for me to get the alcohol out of my system. I think I had a few drinks too many.” She giggled.

  “Then I’ll walk with you”, Viper said and finished his bottle before he tossed it in the trash.

  “No”, the blonde objected. “I want to be alone right now. You know that I can take care of myself. I even have a weapon on me.” She fished something out of her purse and gave it to him, but I could not see the weapon from where I was standing.

  “Lioness, I know you are a great fighter, but there are some bad gangs around here. You may be able to take on two or three guys, but four or more? Let me take you to your hotel.”

  The blonde put away her weapon and snuggled up to Viper to give him a kiss. Even though it was a short kiss I felt my hands clench into fists again.

  “I don’t understand why you have such a bad reputation when it comes to women. You are a secret gentleman, Viper. First you pick up a girl in distress off the street and care for her, then you turn down a good fuck because of the little runaway and now you even want to bring me home.”

  My heart was pounding. He had turned down the blonde because … because of me? Was that true?

  “You are turning me into a goddamn hero, Lioness. I am anything but!” Viper declined.

  “Yes, I know. You are the big bad Viper”, said Lioness and laughed softly. “It won’t make you less of a man, if you simply admit that the girl got under your skin. Why else would you rather go to bed with a hard on instead of taking advantage of the situation, hm?”

  “Fuck you, Lioness”, Viper growled and turned away from her.

  “Come on, bad boy Viper. Walk the good old Lioness home.”

  I was still staring ahead, long after they both had left. Could that be true? Was Viper interested in me? And who was Lioness? They seemed to know each to well for her to be just another woman that Viper just met tonight. She seemed to be a colleague of some kind? A female MMA fighter? Even though Viper and this woman did not have sex tonight, they could have ha
d some in the past …? I could literally imagine how the blonde wrapped her long, toned legs around Viper’s hips while he was thrusting himself into her. I had to admit that she was a better fit for him than me. Both were tall and well-toned. I on the other hand was short, too round around the hips and I had a fat ass. Why the hell did I think of Viper that way? I did not want a man. What would I be doing with one if the thought of sex repulsed me?

  Would it really, if Viper would do it? a small voice within me asked. I must be crazy! Me and Viper?

  Not in a lifetime!


  “What the hell is wrong with you today?” Boris shouted at me. “You are not focused at all! Do you need a good fuck or what? Is it that girl? I knew right away, that …”

  “She has nothing to do with this”, I cut him off angrily. “I’m just having a bad day, okay? I slept like shit last night.”

  I gave the punching bag a few angry blows but knew that Boris’ accusations were right. I sucked today and was distracted and yes … it was her fault.

  I could not get her out of my mind and falling asleep with a boner again last night did not help at all. I just couldn’t get myself to sleep with Lioness. Half the night I tried to convince myself that I valued her and our friendship too much to ruin it by having sex, but I knew that was only partly true.

  Whenever I am thinking about sex, Fay came to my mind. I hit the damn bag even harder now. I was angry at myself for acting like such a wuss. I had a lot of sex drive and usually had one or two chicks in my bed the night before a fight. That was what I needed and that’s who I was! I was not some goddamn love sick Romeo that would romance a girl and play a shitty game of seduction just to get laid. I liked it easy!


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