Breaking Me Softly (English Edition) (Fighting Hearts Book 1)

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Breaking Me Softly (English Edition) (Fighting Hearts Book 1) Page 6

by Melody Adams

  He rolled to my side, tossed the condom into a trashcan next to the bed and pulled me closer to him so I was with my back against his chest. It was wonderful to feel him but I felt a touch of melancholy at the thought that it would eventually be morning and our cozy togetherness would end. Would it be awkward between us going forward? He was not only my roommate … he was also my boss.

  “Fay?” his voice interrupted my dreary thoughts. “Are you okay?”

  “Hmmm”, I replied.

  “It was incredible”, he said softly.

  “Yes,” I said barely audible. “It was.”

  “Would you … I mean, I can’t promise you anything, but …”

  “It’s okay”, I interrupted him. “I know that one night is your limit.” I hated myself for saying it with a trembling voice. I did not want him to know how much it hurt me to know that we would never experience this again with each other.

  “Usually yes, Fay”, he said and pulled me closer to him. “But I was just about to ask you … if you could see yourself giving it a try with me. I … I am new at long term relationships, but I would really like to try it. I never had a problem parting ways with a woman after I had sex with her, but somehow it feels different with you. I … I don’t want it to end just yet, Fay,”

  My heart was beating wildly during his confession. Did he mean he wanted a committed relationship? Could that really work?

  “You mean we would be exclusive? No other partners?” I asked cautiously.

  “Definitely, no other partners, Fay. I will kill any man that touches you!”

  “And I every woman that touches you”, I said firmly, and he laughed into my neck.

  “Possessive, aren’t you?” he teased me. His tongue ran over my neck and I froze. “Don’t worry, sweetheart”, he said. “Since the moment I first laid eyes on you all other women became secondary.”

  “You mean, you did not have sex since …?”

  “Why do you think I exploded like this? I have been sleeping with a hard on for two weeks.”

  I giggled.

  “You poor man”, I teased him and rubbed my butt against his loins. I could feel him grow, pressing hard against my back. “It seems you are still pretty tense.” I had no idea where the Fay that said and did these things came from, but I liked the new me, and the power it gave me. I had power over this incredible man that reacted to my playing games by nibbling on my shoulder.

  “Naughty little girl”, he grunted. “I give you what you need.”

  He let his fingers run down to my clitoris, put one finger on top while he entered me again. I moaned softly as he filled me up again and I pressed my butt against him. He fucked me slowly while his finger tantalizing me and I dug my hands into his arm, which he held around me.

  “Please”, I gasped and pushed myself longingly against him.

  “What, Fay? What do you want me to do?” he groaned into my ear. He let his tongue glide into my ear and a shudder ran through my body.

  “Say it,” he demanded hoarsely. “What should I do?”

  “Harder,” I gasped. “Fuck me … harder.”

  He slid halfway out of me, paused briefly and rammed his cock deep into me with a hard thrust. I cried out softly.

  “Like this?” he whispered and began to thrust into me hard and deep. “Is that what you want? That I take you real hard?”

  “Yes! Yes,” I cried.

  To my disappointment he pulled out and I whimpered in frustration.

  “Get on your knees,” he demanded with a hoarse voice.

  I got up and did as he said. His hands grabbed by butt and he rammed his cock deep into me again. I cried out. It felt so good. He reached over and grabbed my hair, pulling back my head, while using his other hand to hold on to the bed. The hold in my hair was almost painful, but it fueled my desire even more. He pushed into me so hard that the bed was shaking. He let go of my hair and his fingers went down to my pearl and he rubbed it in wild circles until I came. I screamed out and my vagina contracted rhythmically around Viper’s hard shaft. He pushed into me hard a few more times, then he screamed out my name and I felt him flowing into me.

  Shit, I thought. No condom!

  At least I could not get pregnant, as I had gotten a shot that should last a while longer.

  Viper fell to the side, pulling me with him. We were both breathing hard and my heart was racing like I just ran a marathon.

  “Condom”, I gasped. “We forgot the condom.”

  “Shit”, he muttered. “Aren’t you on the pill?”

  “I got a shot. I can’t get pregnant.”

  “Good,” he said. “I always use a condom and am getting checked out regularly. I am clean.”

  I knew, that Martin did not have any other women, so I assumed I was healthy as well. “

  “I, I think I should be okay as well. I only had one and …” Dammit! I did not know what to tell him. I hated that the thought of Martin could taint the beautiful act I had just experienced.

  “It’s okay. I also think that you are clean. It’s different with the other women. They all sleep around. You are different. I know that it is okay. It’s the first time that I did it without a condom and it was unbelievable.”

  “Yes, it was” I agreed softly.

  “Sleep, sweetheart.”

  Chapter 5


  My eyes wandered over the table to Fay. She looked up from her cereal and gave me a shy smile. I smiled back and reached for my protein shake.

  “Did you sleep well?” I asked as I took a sip from my shake.

  She nodded.

  “Yes, wonderfully,” she replied and nervously kept busy with her cereal. I found it cute that she was still so shy, after all that had happened between us in the past three weeks. She was so very different from all the women I had experienced before. Women that got involved with me were generally anything but shy. Some pretended to be, but it was real with Fay.

  “I have to go to get my blood test at ten. You want to come with?”

  She shook her head.

  “No, I am allergic to doctors of any kind”, she said and shook her head so cute, that I had to laugh.

  “When does your shift start today?” I asked.

  “At two thirty.”

  “I will long be back by then.” I looked at her. “I want you to get your driver’s license and then we go and buy you a car. You have to be mobile in case I can’t drive you, and I don’t want you to walk. It’s too dangerous.”

  “I have not saved up enough to afford a car yet”, she objected.

  I let out a sigh and reached over the table to hold her hand.

  “Fay, I did not say that you should go and buy yourself car. I will get you a car. We can visit some dealerships over the weekend. The sooner you have a car, the better. I can teach you. First on the premises here, then on the streets.”

  “Are … are you sure that you …”, she started.

  “Absolutely!” I interrupted her and pulled her hand up to my lips to kiss each of her knuckles. I looked into her brown eyes and felt a tightness in my chess and pants. The air between us was crackling. My mind started doing the math. It was about half past eight. Enough time to put my girl on the counter, pull down her pants, pamper her pussy, take her to the couch, give her a good fuck and then take a shower with her. A lascivious grin appeared on my lips when my fucking phone rang.

  “Fuck!” I cussed and stared angrily at the display. Unknown caller. Who the hell could that be?

  “Don’t you want to answer that?”, asked Fay.

  I reached for my phone and pressed the button.

  “Yes?” I said deliberately rude.

  “Mister Mahony?” came the voice of man I did not know.

  “Yes,” I confirmed harshly.

  “This is officer Nathaniel Brown. I am calling, because a certain Stewart Mahony is in our custody. He said you were his brother and would post bail for him.”

  “How much is it this time?” I ask
ed harshly.

  “Bail was set at ten thousand dollar. Would you like to talk to your brother?”

  “That won’t be necessary. Where is he at?”

  “Midtown South”, explained officer Brown.

  “I am on my way”, I replied and hung up the phone.

  “Who was that?” Fay wanted to know. “Something bad?”

  “I have to go to the police department. My brother is in jail again and I am to pay his bail.”

  “Your … brother?” I had not told her about my family so far so she had no idea what was going on with my brother.

  “I tell you about it tonight.” I said and got up from my chair. I kissed her on the forehead and put my phone back into my pocket.

  “See you later, sweetheart,” I said and walked away with a heavy heart. I cursed my brother for dragging me into his shit again.

  “Yes, see you later”, Fay replied and I could hear the same disappointment in her voice that I was feeling. Like many times before, I swore to myself that this was the last time I would help my brother get out of trouble.


  I stared at him as he left and closed the door behind him. I realized how little I really knew about Vincent Viper Mahony. I did not know anything about his family. He had a brother that apparently had trouble with the law and I did not know if Viper was involved in any illegal activities. I had to be fair and admit that he knew nothing about me either. He did not know that I was tainted and dirty. He had no idea why I ran away from home. I was an adult, of course, but Martin had a way of controlling me and I did not have any money to make it on my own. Desperation had led me to take the little money I had saved and make it to New York.

  I sighed and looked out the window. It was gray and nasty outside. It fit my mood. The past few weeks were like living in a bubble. Everything was so beautiful, so new and exciting. Now my past had found its way back into my consciousness and I did not know what to expect for the future. Would I want Viper if he was involved in illegal activities? I was pretty sure I did, as long it did not involve murder or such. But would he want me if he knew what Martin did to me?

  My phone rang and I thought for certain that it was Viper who forgot to tell me something. I took the call without looking at the display.


  “Is your pimp out of the house, princess?” My heart started to skip a beat and a cold sweat appeared on my forehead.

  “What … what do you want?”, I asked, my voice shaking.

  “What do you think I want, princess, hmm? I was worried about you and thought you had been ravaged and killed in some alley. But then I saw in a video on the internet that you are alive and well, looking like the fucking whore that you are.”

  “I want you do leave me alone” I said with all the courage I could muster. “I am eighteen and have my own life now.”

  “With the biggest whoremonger of underground MMA?”… he sneered and laughed. “You will come home or I will make that son of a bitch go to jail. You know it is no problem for me to frame him for something, right? I mean … these athletes take all kind of stuff. Everyone will believe it whether or not he ends up in jail, and his career will be ruined. Even the underground league has rules, princess.”

  I felt my heart drop. Yes … I knew that Martin could accomplish a lot. He used to be with the FBI until he got shot and the wound left him with a limp. Even though he had entered early retirement, he still had a great connection to his old colleagues, who were not better than him. Disgusting pigs that belonged in jail but instead collected fat government checks.

  “I … I can’t leave. I don’t have a car and … “

  “Get a cab and have it take you to Becky’s Diner which is not far from you. I will wait there for you.”

  “Please Martin”, I pleaded, fighting back tears. “Leave me alone. Forget me. You always said that you wouldn’t want me anymore if any other ...”

  “Shut up!” he yelled. “I have also told you what I would do, right, princess? That I would kill the guy! Now, I am willing to take you back and I am even willing to let the fucker go, if you do as I say! I expect you to be here in twenty minutes!”

  He hung up before I could answer.

  I looked at my watch in a panic. Twenty minutes. I only had twenty minutes and no plan of what to do. The thought of leaving Viper was more terrifying than the thought of seeing Martin again. But if I did not do what Martin wanted, he would ruin Viper’s career and maybe send him to jail. Even if I could reach Viper and tell him everything, what would that help? Would he hate me for being confronted with such chaos? And I would have to tell him about Martin and me. No! I could not let this happen under any circumstances. I had to leave Viper and make sure he would not come looking for me and forget all about me. I had to hurt him. The thought hurt me so bad, but it was the best I could do. I reached for a note pad with tears in my eyes. I tore off a page and reached for a pen next to it. I began writing with trembling hands.

  I called a cab, quickly washed my face and then left the apartment. I ran into Buck at the dog kennel downstairs.

  “Morning, Fay”, he greeted. “Where are you headed?”

  “To work. I called myself a cab”. I lied hoping he would not notice anything.

  “I thought you were working in the afternoon. Viper asked me to keep an eye on you.”

  My heart skipped a beat and I was trying frantically to come up with an excuse.

  “XXL called and asked if I could fill in”, I said. “I am taking a cab, so nothing can happen.”

  “Okay girl, if that is what it is”, he said, and adjusted his cap.

  The cab pulled into the yard and I waited for it to come to a stop, my heart pounding. I got in quickly and told the driver where to go.


  I left the department and looked at my watch. I had just enough time to make it to my doctor’s appointment so I hurried over to my car. I thought I would check in with Fay for a bit and make sure she was okay. I reached for my phone and noticed I didn’t have it. It was not in my other pocket either. Did somebody steal it? I had not noticed anything. I opened my car door angrily and saw I had left it inside. My eyes fell on the charger and I groaned. I was such an idiot. I had forgotten to take it with me after talking to Brian. I took the phone off the charger and saw that I had missed several calls. They were all from Buck. An uneasy feeling crept over me. Why would he call me, unless … – my heart beat in a panic – unless something was the matter with Fay. I hastily chose Buck’s number from my speed dial. He answered immediately.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  “It’s about Fay”, said Buck and I felt like my heart stopped beating.

  “What about her?” I wanted to know.

  “She called a cab and said the XXL had asked her to come in earlier today. I did not think anything of it, but after she left I noticed that she did not have a bag on her and that seemed awkward to me. So I called the XXL and they said that nobody had called Fay and that she did not show up there.”

  “I am on my way” I said and ended the conversation. My heart was beating against my chest and an icy hand seemed to have wrapped itself around my neck, robbing me of the air I was breathing. I feverishly searched for a rational explanation while I selected Fay’s number on my speed dial. It went straight to voicemail and I was hitting my steering wheel in frustration.

  “Fuck!” I yelled. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

  I started the engine and took off. I violated every speed limit as I raced back home, praying the whole time that Fay would be there, or at least had left me a message telling me where she was. But why had she lied to Buck?

  Buck verified that Fay had not returned. I opened my front door with trembling hands and stormed inside. My searching gaze saw a white piece of paper on the kitchen counter. I immediately rushed over and grabbed it to see what Fay had written.


  I thought about things. We barely know each other. You never told me you had a brother who
is a criminal and I don’t know if I can trust you at all. Besides, you are a lot older than me and I feel like a child next to you.

  Then there is your sport. I don’t know if I can live with the brutality of it. I don’t think so.

  I am begging you not to be mad at me. I am grateful for all you have done but it is better that I go back to my parents. My father is going to pick me up. I have called him. He is a respectable man, one that fights for law and order.

  I thought his behavior was too conservative and wanted to go out and explore, but I was wrong. This life is not for me.

  Forget about me.


  I let out a scream, filled with a mix of anger and desperation. My thoughts were racing. She had left me. She had fooled me. She obviously was just a spoiled kid, looking for adventure and now she was headed back to her daddy. I felt so incredibly stupid. For the first time in my shitty life I had wanted to trust somebody. I had let a woman into my heart and she used and betrayed me. I could feel my head snap and the rage coming over me. I crumbled the letter in my hand and started hitting the refrigerator door with my fist over and over again until my knuckles and the fridge were red with blood. I ran through the apartment in a wild rage and started tearing everything up. I lost sight of how long I was in this rage. At some point I heard voices and felt hands reaching out for me. I was taken down and a needle pricked my neck, then everything went black around me.


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