Book Read Free


Page 29

by Steven Tandberg

  I couldn’t go into any of the other labs at Somatotech because of their strict security protocols, but I knew we each were given a laptop to assist with our research. Here’s where you’re going to be especially proud of your mom. I invited my colleague to my lab at the university at a time when I knew he’d be coming from Somatotech. The company had told us from the beginning never to leave the laptop in a car, at home, or anywhere else, in other words, they wanted it on our person at all times. So, I was happy he followed the rules and brought his computer case up with him into the lab. Men are quite predictable, a simple smile and moment of attention from a woman and their minds go to one thing. This impulse made him drop his bag on a bench. Now don’t worry, I have not and never would be unfaithful to your dad. I just recognized the tremendous power we women have over men. Anyway, back to my mission. While he tried to put on the moves, my post-doc extracted his computer and made an image of the hard drive. My post-doc at the time was a computer science Ph.D. working on epidemiological modeling algorithms and did quite a bit of hacking on the side. After I knew we had the information, I slapped the pig and sent him on his way. Pretty slick, right?

  Anyway, what I found on his hard drive sent chills through me. They were experimenting with human cloning and had already established seven clones. Copies of living human beings! All of the originators, as they called them, were patients with cancer.

  I decided I shouldn’t share this information with anyone, including your dad so that they wouldn’t be placed in harm’s way. What a tremendous secret to keep quiet.

  At the time, I didn’t know the lengths to which Somatotech went to keep tabs on their scientists. One evening as I walked to my car in the university, I noticed a black SUV that followed a couple blocks of behind. It followed me all the way to the gate to our community. At that point I figured they knew I’d brought my colleague to my lab. Sure enough, one week ago an Agent Thielemann and Colonel Stevens came to visit me. They wanted to know why I’d brought him there and what did I know. The agent grabbed me and slammed me into the door. He said that if I ever did anything to jeopardize the research they would kill me.

  I wanted to tell your dad and you kids, but I knew it would only put you on their radar. I couldn’t keep it a secret though; my heart said that would be wrong. I leaked the information to a friend of mine at Nature, the scientific journal, five days ago. His name is Arthur Benson. I know I likely sealed my fate, but I’m willing to sacrifice for the greater good. If they snuff out the report, I’m trusting that you will bring it to light. Show this only to those in whom you have the utmost trust. NO ONE ELSE.

  Please know I love you and will always love you,


  I couldn’t help it. Tears streamed down my face. I let out deep sobs as the pain grew in my heart. Why did I feel such love for that woman? Why did her sacrifice hurt so much?

  Jamie heard my crying and knocked on the door.

  “Coyle? Everything OK?” she called through the door.

  “One second,” I said and wiped my face dry. “Come on in.”

  She tried the handle. “Coyle, it’s locked.”

  “Sorry,” I said, sniffled and unlocked the door.

  Jamie didn’t hesitate. She wrapped her arms around me and pushed me back onto the bed. We laid back, and she rested her head on my chest.

  “How ya doing?” she asked while nuzzling further into my chest.

  “The report hit me pretty hard.”

  “Your mom was an amazing person; I’m sure the report shows that as well.”

  “She said I should show it to only those I trust most and no one else.”

  “Who does that include?”

  “You, Dad, maybe Stefan and the Doña.”

  “Aedan?” she asked, looking up at me.

  “I’m not sure. He’s so close to Roxanne now, I think she’s manipulating him.”

  “Coyle, Aedan is your best friend. He’s already earned your trust.”

  I nodded because I knew she was right. It wasn’t even about trust between him and us. My only goal was to keep him safe.

  “Wanna read it?” I asked.

  “Definitely,” said Jamie. I sat up and watched her as she went through the letter. Tears welled in her eyes after only a few seconds.

  When she finished, we both opened the other document and the spreadsheet. Our mouths dropped open as we read the detailed report on how exactly Somatotech clones its victims.

  I called up Angelfire when we finished and asked him to look into the post-doc who had written the encryption software.


  “What do you mean?”

  “I knew I’d seen similar code somewhere before, so I did a metasearch. Sure enough, at a hacker convention a few years ago there was this Indian dude flaunting a new encryption software. At the time, I didn’t really pay much attention to him. His name was Raj Gupta. But, he died a year ago from an anaphylactic reaction to something he ate.”

  “Sounds suspicious,” I said, the hairs on my neck standing on end.

  “Yeah, it’s a darn shame, he had serious talent.”

  The next few days passed quickly as if life itself had sped up. Jamie started an anonymous blog about ST and planned to reveal herself with the release of the video. She also leaked small parts of Coyle’s mom’s report every day on her blog. Angelfire kept the blog up despite Somatotech’s efforts to shut it down. Gary Middleton gave us a couple of updates on his report and info he could dig up. Aedan stuck with the Medital crew most days and would only come into the hacienda after taking a nightly walk with Roxanne. Our exchanges became shorter and more awkward as we both realized how much we’d grown apart.

  Roxanne and her crew stayed on the compound now that they’d decided on our plan. She found me in the kitchen a week after we’d extracted Coyle’s mom’s report.

  “Coyle, I was hoping you’d share that report.”

  “It contains a report on the first seven clones,” I said and Roxanne’s eyes widened. I continued, “She also says that the CIA is involved.”

  “We’ve known that the CIA was involved for a while now. What does it say about the first seven clones?”

  “It doesn’t have names, but it does have numbers, ages, the cancer the originators had, the specific stem cell therapies utilized, and the reactions to therapy. Roxanne, did you meet Coyle’s mom?”

  “No,” she said bluntly.

  “It’s just, in her letter she describes a clone that developed a photosensitivity, and I thought that might be you.”

  “Many of the early clones developed that. I never met her,” her voice turned angry. “Now, can I see the documents?”

  Her intensity set off an internal alarm in my mind. “I just told you what’s in it,” I said slowly.

  “You mean to tell me that I risked my life and the life of two of my crew to get it, and now you’re not letting us see it.”

  “Do you have that video made? We wanna get it uploaded so it’ll be ready to broadcast. We can make a simple trade.”

  “Coyle, don’t play games with us. We’ve started writing a script but have yet to turn on the camera. We’ll get it to you by the end of the week.

  “Great, I look forward to seeing it.” I turned to leave, but she grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

  “Have those files ready.”

  I sought out Aedan that evening. I had to demonstrate that I trusted him. I found him outside on the patio looking out toward the mountains.

  “Hey, dude,” I said as I approached.

  “Sup,” he said back, not turning to see me. I stood next to him and looked out.

  “Hey, I uh, wanted to see if you wanted to read Coyle’s mom’s report.”

  “Your mom’s report.”

  “Yeah, whatever. I got it on my laptop if you’re interested.”

  “Why won’t you show it to Roxanne?”

  “I don’t trust her like I trust you and Jamie.”

  He didn’t respo

  “Well, come by my room sometime and I’ll show you.” I turned to leave.

  “Cool, dude. Thanks,” he said but kept his gaze on the mountains. “I’m gonna go on some missions with Roxanne if that’s OK.”

  “Yeah, dude, I’m sorry I’ve been all overbearing with telling you what to do. I just don’t wanna lose you.”

  “I’m in good company dude; I’ll be fine.”

  Aedan and Roxanne’s crew spent the next few days outside the compound, and when they did return they’d say they were collecting evidence for the video. Jamie and I continued to work on the blog, and we made regular contact with the pastor in preparation for his sermon on Sunday. Angelfire bought the airline tickets for my trip to Norway and Stefan made a fake passport. Stefan began ringing the bells morning and night. The men actually smiled around the compound. Things were coming together, we all felt it. Soon, we’d have Somatotech and their snake of a leader on their knees.

  37 Bye Bye

  On the Friday before the pastor’s sermon I went to get the latest message from him.

  My skater buddy delivered the paper with the message a couple blocks from the church. He flipped up his skateboard, looked around, and tossed me the folded paper.

  “So, I guess the pastor didn’t wanna see me or something. He left it on the steps.”

  The hairs on my neck stood on end, and my heart skipped a beat as I unfolded the paper.

  The paper read, “Exodus 21:24-25 The Rock and The Minister. Alone in your faith.”

  “Can you look up this scripture on your phone?” I asked the boy.

  He pulled one out, tapped the screen a few times and then showed it to me.

  24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

  25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

  “Oh, crap!” I yelled, and the boy took a step back, startled. “Sorry, this isn’t good news.” I pulled out $100 and handed it to him.

  “Whoa dude, thanks! Bonus!” He stuffed the money in his pocket.

  “We won’t be needing you services for a while, but stay alert, we may call on you again.”

  “I’ll be ready!” He dropped his skateboard and pushed off.

  “Hey, and lay low for the next few days. Avoid this area.” I motioned in the air.

  “All right,” he said without looking back. I hoped my little skater wouldn’t be drawn into this mess.

  Eye for an eye. The Rock and the Minister. Alone in your faith. They’ve taken the pastor to the facility in Castle Rock and want me to come alone. Did the pastor send this message or did they? It had to have been Somatotech; the pastor couldn’t have known that’s where they would take him. They’re baiting me in. Tempting me. How could I turn this? I pulled out my phone and called Stefan.

  “What’s the word on the pastor’s house?” I asked.

  “No movement by Somatotech. Pastor’s wife is home, engaged in normal activities.”

  “Put another couple of men on their house. The company picked up the pastor and took him to the Castle Rock facility. I gotta go get him.”

  “Whoa, Coyle, you can’t do that. You’re too important to give yourself up. Do you think they’ll let you walk outta there with him?”

  “I can’t let him die. I can’t let the company take another one from me.” My hand tightened around the phone as memories of Dr. Strayer’s death rushed on me.

  Stefan didn’t respond.

  “Let me tell Jamie when I get back,” I said, knowing the news would crush her.

  “Sure thing. But Coyle, don’t take your eye off the goal.”

  I slammed the phone shut and sprinted to my car on the other side of the golf course. I reached my car and started driving to the compound. Recently I’d noticed that I could turn part of my brain on a sort of autopilot. That part of my brain would control the mundane and routine tasks, leaving the majority of my cerebrum to focus on more important tasks or challenges. I set my “autopilot” to drive the car and thought about what transpired. “The goal,” as Stefan had put it. Take down Somatotech. It would be impossible without Pastor Anderson; he knows the inner workings like no one else and only he could become the face of the resistance. Stefan knew that. We, or rather I, had to get him out. I would need technical support because there’s no doubt their electrical submission system would be active, and likely that turret in the field that nearly killed me. Angelfire would have to be on board. I made a mental note to contact him and see if he could remotely access their system. If the system was deactivated, could I do it alone? I thought. When we extracted Jamie from the depths of Somatotech hell, they called in reinforcements, this time they wouldn’t wait, they would bring an army. An army of Coyle’s clones who are just as powerful as the ones who attacked Talon and me when we got my dad. But, I had my own ragtag group of clones at my disposal. I wondered if Medital would agree to help me extract him.

  I made it back to the compound and found Jamie already waiting for me at the door.

  “What’s the message today?” she asked with the same anxiety as every other day.

  “Let’s go inside. Everyone needs to hear this.” I took a step toward the door, but she placed her hand on my chest.

  “Coyle, tell me now.”

  I looked for somewhere she could sit down, to take the news that would surely flatten her and create another rift in our relationship. There was nothing, so I wrapped my arm around her.

  “Jamie, your dad has been taken by Somatotech.”

  “What?” she screamed and her knees buckled. I held her up with my arm around her back. “Damn it, Coyle, I thought you were protecting him! How did this happen?” she screamed.

  “I’m gonna get to the bottom of that. And, we’re going to save him just like we did you. I promise.”

  “I told you and I told him!” She slammed her fists into my chest. “It was only a matter of time and you two kept tempting them. Tempting them to retaliate.”

  “Jamie, we all have been working on this, you can’t blame just your dad and I. The risk was always there, I know. But your dad knew that and believed in our mission.”

  “Ha, your mission, are you still hopped up on that? We can’t win, Coyle. They’re too strong, too big, and too rich. I thought that putting together this blog would do something, but as long as they can kill, it won’t do anything. They have the army behind them, Coyle. Are we going to bring them down, too? Our grandiose view of you has blinded all of us to the facts. And now we may have killed my dad in the process.” She swung her hand at my face, but I dodged reflexively. I should’ve let her get that aggression out, but my instincts were too ingrained now.

  I grabbed her hands and squeezed them lightly. “Your dad is going to be OK. He believes in our mission because it’s at the root of why he became a pastor. Good versus evil. Somatotech is evil, plain and simple. We’re taking down the company that feeds off the vulnerable. They create and take life for their own purposes, acting as god. A god opposite to the God your dad knows and loves. He can’t help but do all he can to bring them down. We can’t help but do all we can. We don’t have to kill like them; our voices can have power.”

  She shook her head. “And die doing it.”

  “He won’t die. I’ll get him out.”

  “Ha! You can’t say that, Coyle. You can’t be sure. You don’t even have faith like my dad. How can you be so confident?”

  “No, I don’t. But I have my own reasons to be confident.” I’m smarter than them; I’m nearly immortal. I’m the only one who can save him.

  “Coyle, you have to rescue my dad.”

  “I’ll rescue your dad and you can call me Coyle if you want. But I know who I am, and that’s the very reason I’ll be able to save him.”

  “You’d better. Coyle.” She entered the hacienda before me. I followed behind her, into the kitchen. Stefan had congregated Aedan, the Doña, and a few of the men. I took my place at the kitchen island.

  “Again, we have to
decide how invested our operation becomes in my mission against Somatotech. They’ve taken the good pastor and have cryptically requested that I come to their facility in Castle Rock. I vote for a solo mission. There’s no need to risk your lives unnecessarily.”

  “You’re not going in without me, buddy,” Aedan spoke up.

  “I’m going in too. And you can’t stop me, Coyle,” said Jamie.

  “Are you two nuts? Jamie and Aedan, no. You’re not coming.”

  “I have every right to do everything I can to save my dad. You can’t deny me that.”

  I would be pissed off, too if someone held me back from saving my loved one. “OK, but you’ll let me go in first. They want me, so I’ll deliver myself and take them out. Then when the time is right you with some men can come in and help clean up the rest.”

  “I’m in on this as well, Coyle. You’ll need me,” said Aedan as he glared at me.

  “Aedan, they’re not gonna hold back. I’m going to have to clean up.”

  “Clean up? What are you talking about doing?” asked Aedan, glancing over to Jamie.

  “I’m not going to go into this being ignorant like before. They want to kill me. They will kill Jamie’s dad. While all avenues to save him should be investigated, I’ll take them out to save him, especially if they’re clones.”

  “What would the good pastor want you to do?” asked Aedan.

  “If there’s a non-violent option, I’ll take it, but I’m prepared to end whoever’s threatening him.”

  “End them, Coyle. End them and get my dad back,” said Jamie. All our eyes instantly focused on her. “There will be more and more of them.”


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