These Few Brave Souls

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These Few Brave Souls Page 15

by Rodney Manchester

  As the aircraft traveled west, she thought of the missed opportunities with her son. And his father. Her son was now with his own family and Charlie was gone. She knew she should be paying attention to the briefing she was getting just now, but her attention was on the cotton-ball fluffiness of the clouds, as seen from above. Her son had said that once. Just those words. Cotton-ball fluffiness. How she missed those days. A tear began to form in the corner of her eye and she blinked it away.

  "And finally, there are two Detectives from the San Diego Police Department waiting at the Alameda Naval Air Station. They claim to have identified the guy you’re going to meet." Hiram Snyder finished his brief with the feeling the Secretary was a million miles away.

  "How's that again," the Secretary queried? With great reluctance she tore her mind from the past and brought it back to today. The most important meeting any Secretary of State had ever had was about to take place and she needed her wits about her. No time for past reflections, no matter how much she personally wished for it. Now she was a National resource, not a private citizen.

  "There are two cops from San Diego who say that this guy from the UFO killed his wife by beating her face in with the cast on his arm." Snyder's gold flecked eyes found the Secretary's and saw her attention return.

  "And they're meeting us in Alameda?"

  "That's right. They'll brief you on the helicopter trip across the bay."

  As her aircraft circled to the west and entered the landing pattern, she looked out the window of the luxury jet and saw a traffic jam of monumental proportion. Unknown to her, the California Highway Patrol had closed the Bay Bridge hour’s earlier causing gridlock that was incredible to behold. The San Francisco Bay Bridge routinely carried over one half million cars per day. But not today.

  Her plane landed at the Alameda Naval Air Station and the engines spooled down. As she de-planed, she saw two men approach who must be the Detectives. A medium sized Hispanic man led the other by half a step.

  "Madam Secretary, I am Detective Jesus Escobar and this is my partner Detective John Johnson. We have some information that you may need."

  Twenty minutes later she sat in the Navy helicopter that had landed on the periphery of what must be the Civic Center. As the rotor slowed, she sat looking at the sight before her. Her mental process prepared her for the appearance of the UFO's, but her emotions held her mind just now. Actually seeing devices fashioned on another world was a sobering display. Knowing that these vessels made a journey of incalculable length was a humbling thought.

  There were seven silvery disks parked about the open area of a plaza, surrounded by armored personnel carriers and armed troops. Handheld Stinger missile launchers were in dozens of hands, all pointed at the strange craft. The tension was palatable as she exited the helicopter and strode toward City Hall trailed by her aides and the Detectives. Inside, out of the view of television cameras, she would meet the murderer/alien.

  Her entry into the conference room was evidently expected because all those present were standing, including the Hispanic man from the UFO. She marched right to him, showing no fear of the robots on either side, and held out her hand. She said "I'm Secretary Wilson, how do you do?" while the remainder of her entourage stood behind waiting chairs.

  Ramon's natural tendencies reacted and he took her hand before Wemar could direct a response. They shook hands and she turned cold as her fingers encountered the remainder of a fiberglass cast. She physically felt the blood drain from her face at the knowledge of what that cast had done. With difficulty, she turned and walked to a seat across from the person she now knew to be Ramon Juarez. They all sat down together.

  "I am called Wemar, the Kajan," said Wemar/Ramon.

  "In the name of the People of the United States of America, I welcome you," the Secretary began formally. "We have anticipated this meeting for generations, although I wish it were under different circumstances." Secretary Wilson spoke the words she had rehearsed on the plane. They sounded ridiculous to her now, knowing whom she was speaking with.

  Wemar was able to understand the language with ever increasing skill. He directed a response.

  Ramon said "What circumstances do you mean?"

  Secretary Wilson was momentarily taken aback. Could it be that they don't know what they had done? "You sprayed a chemical over a portion of the Continent south of here. This chemical killed many millions of us."

  Wemar considered the remarks. Did we do this? A quick review of the memory module from the preparations showed that the area did seem to be occupied by a few natives.

  Sharon took the pause as an opportunity to study the man across from her. The smell of old sweat and body odor was the first thing she noticed upon entering the room. Sitting this close to him, it was worse, almost nauseating. Then she studied the cast on his right arm and hand. It was stained a crusty brown, as if the stain had been splashed on it. How he had ended up on a UFO was still a matter of speculation, but Weston seemed to feel he was abducted. His blank stare seemed to indicate that Ramon was under control from another source, as she had been told was likely. When he spoke again, she gained insight into the controlling creature.

  "We note the loss your race has suffered, however, it was necessary. I point out that the preparation process was automatic and we were not yet awakened."

  The callous reply changed her tack. "We have serious grievances against you, including the person before me. I assume that this person is being controlled by another and it is that being I wish to see. The person in front of me, named Ramon Juarez, is guilty of killing his mate and will be held accountable, as will you for killing so many of us."

  Ramon's body answered, the time lag decreasing as Wemar became more proficient at its use. "The body through which I speak was found and modified for this use. You may have it at the conclusion of our meeting. As for the natives, they were occupying the space chosen for my home. The preparation for my arrival included sterilization of the surrounding area. This process is necessary and will be again when my brethren arrive."

  Sharon was stunned. "Again?"

  Wemar/Ramon answered. "There are many others of my race waiting to join me. They too have chosen home areas that will be sterilized before their arrival."

  Sharon was aghast at the idea. She exchanged a long telling look with her deputy, Hiram, seated on her left. She turned to face Wemar, a look of cold steel passing into her facial expression. "Mr. Wemar, or whatever title you may possess, you have attacked and killed a great many members of my race. You have taken the body of a fellow human being and converted it to your use. You then sit before me, a representative of the most powerful nation on Earth, and tell me that you will destroy more lives and more property? Mr. Wemar, the people of Earth will stand united against you and your race if any attempt is made to do as you say. You have no right to treat the lives of intelligent beings with such casual disregard."

  Wemar/Ramon said "The members of my tribe have registered this system and it is ours to do with as we will. You are now citizens of our Sovereign. If we choose to sterilize the entire planet, then we will do so. I have currently chosen to maintain your race as potentially worthwhile. This, however, could change given sufficient reason. We will give you warning, when possible, concerning future sterilization areas so that you may move your people away.

  “Our discussion is at an end. You may take possession of the speaker now."

  Secretary Wilson felt a chill pass through her body. Of all the nightmare scenarios they had studied, this was among the worst.

  Wemar/Ramon stood, pushing his chair back with his knees. The guard robots moved toward the door and began to leave. As Ramon began to rise from his chair, he suddenly slumped back into his seat as the robots left the room, almost as if their presence was required to animate him. He slowly began lilting to the side with ever increasing speed.

  Detectives Escobar and Johnson were among the first to rush to Ramon as he fell to the floor. A powerful odor emanated from
the man as he lost control of his bodily functions. Jesus felt his neck for a pulse. Finding none, he declared "I think he's dead!"


  The White House

  Washington, DC

  The President was stunned. His Chief of Staff, the National Security Advisor, Secretary of Defense, and General Easterly, sat with him in the Oval Office as Secretary Wilson's voice came over the speaker phone.

  "Mr. President, his threat was clear and unmistakable. We cooperate and live or the planet gets sterilized."

  Sharon's words hung in the air for several moments as those present absorbed the news.

  "The UFO’S have gone, have they?" the President asked.

  "Yes," Sharon replied. "They left shortly after the robots boarded. Ramon Juarez passed out when they left and we have him in Letterman Army Medical Center at the Presidio. He is very near death. The doctors believe he will not live much longer. We can’t even begin to understand what they did to him."

  "Okay, you fly back immediately. We're going to be in the Situation Room."

  The White House Situation Room was crowded with cabinet members and their deputies. The room had been in continuous use since the start of the incident and the President had become a familiar presence to those deputies assigned to the working group that met here. The table in the center of the room was crowded with chairs and people when the President entered. The Town Crier is absent thought Howard Cartier irreverently as the Boss came into the room without fanfare.

  President Bermin caught nearly everyone by surprise by entering quietly. He walked over to his chair at the head of the table and sat down. Admiral Henry Lawson loudly cleared his throat, although only those adjacent to him heard. As others either noticed the presence of the President, or heard the diminishing noise, they became quiet.

  Admiral Lawson began by recapping the Secretary of State's meeting in San Francisco. "She is returning as we speak and will provide any additional details that are necessary."

  "Just a minute Henry," interrupted President Bermin. "I'll chair the meeting from here."

  The National Security Advisor was very surprised. Over the term of his Presidency, they had worked out a successful means of handling meetings with the President sitting back, listening, while Henry kept things moving. This, however, was probably the most important meeting of his Presidency. "Certainly sir," was his reply.

  The President began "It is obvious to me that we face a crisis of historic proportion. What we need at this time are answers and options. The time of decision is almost upon us and we don't have nearly enough information upon which to base those decisions. I'm afraid that after Secretary Wilson's meeting this morning, our hopes of a diplomatic solution are slim. The attitude of the alien is that we are his property and he can do with us as he pleases. General Easterly, does the military have any ideas?"

  "Mr. President, I brought along Majors Jervin and Capelli to brief you on two interesting points of view that I think you should hear," General Easterly said.

  Major Jervin was slight of stature and appeared uncomfortable before a Presidential audience. He walked to the podium and spoke. "Contrary to most Science Fiction," he began, "the landing on another planet is extremely difficult biologically. Currently, we have vaccinations available for people when they travel to different parts of the world. However, travel to another planet involves entering an entirely different ecosystem that evolved separate from our own. The difficulties involved in adapting to such an ecosystem are many and complex. Imagine, if you will, an entirely new set of viruses and bacteria, with all the associated illnesses and diseases they provide. These must be countered with the body’s immune system before you could safely live in that environment. We are speculating that this is the purpose behind the sterilization of Peru.

  "By chemically destroying all life within a certain boundary, one could isolate each virus and bacteria as they returned, individually crafting an antibody suitable for the body’s defense. Once this was done, a vaccine could be developed to immunize the body against them. Of course," he concluded, "this presumes that you are sufficiently advanced in the biological sciences."

  Major Jervis stepped to the side and sat in a straight backed chair against the wall. Major Michael Capelli was an even six feet tall and weighed about two hundred pounds. Barrel chested and stocky, he was not overweight. He tried to project a calm, self-assured aura in this, his first meeting with the President in attendance. He stepped to the podium, successfully projecting a competent presence.

  "Mr. President" he began, "Ladies and Gentlemen. I was tasked to look at this situation as it developed from a slightly different view-point. That of an unassociated observer, while keeping in mind the types and history of conflict, that is, the types and history of one group forcing their will upon another.

  "The immediate simile that came to mind was The Cod War. In 1976, the nations of Iceland and the United Kingdom disputed fishing rights in certain waters. It is important to note in that no shots were fired, yet the technique of ramming was employed to force vessels out of the disputed area. The British vessel HMS Diomede suffered a nasty gash along her side caused by the Icelandic Gunboat Baldur in the most serious incident.

  "Also, please note the numerous incidents between our Navy and the former Soviet Navy. They claimed the White Sea as historic territorial waters and, with the three mile limit, we viewed it as international waters. We would enter this area occasionally to assert our right to Freedom of the Seas and they would respond by bumping our ships. These incidents were always accompanied by diplomatic protests that came to naught.

  "Now to the events of the last few days. In the first encounter, disregarding for the moment the gassing, the Navy sent two jet aircraft to escort our destroyers. The alien responded with a plane of its own. One jet was bumped and disabled. In the next incident, and the most important one to this view point, a confrontation was imminent between six Navy fighters and two more alien craft. The aliens flew to the edge of what we now call their patrol area and circled. Our Destroyers were just out of the way by then and our fighters circled them. Bumping was avoided as the aliens were content to keep us out of their space.

  "The next confrontation involved Air Force planes from Peru. We managed to catch this on the Navy's radar as two flights of four SU-22 fighters went after the UFO’S. This was the only deliberate confrontation. The Peruvian fighters attempted to engage the aliens in combat and were each bumped from the sky.

  "The next series of confrontations are perhaps the most ominous. A photo reconnaissance satellite was over Peru when it was bumped. This satellite was in a low polar orbit and we are speculating that the aliens are extending their patrol area up to their big satellite in geosynchronous orbit. This supposition is substantiated by the bumping of all the geosynchronous satellites within 20 degrees of their main satellite in orbit. This means that we couldn't visit that satellite if we wanted to.

  "Lastly, we sent a very high speed photo reconnaissance plane over the Lima area. The aliens responded by escorting the plane away. We believe this plane wasn't bumped because its speed didn't allow enough time for them to intercept. By the time an alien craft caught them, they were leaving their patrol area and the alien was content to let them do so. In contrast, even though the bumped satellite was travelling much faster, it was in a ballistic orbit where the recon plane was not in a predictable flight path.

  "We also have some interesting intercepts from the British. They observed the Moroccan Air Force tangle with similar objects over the southeastern corner of Morocco, near Algeria. The same bumping tactic was used their as well.”

  “The conclusion being drawn here is significant. The aliens have not fired a single shot! If one accepts that they gassed Peru automatically, before they were awakened, then I believe this point to be very important."

  Major Capelli finished by saying "That concludes my briefing." As he gathered his papers he looked to the Chairman of the JCS and received a nod. He placed
his documents in his briefcase and left the Situation Room, followed closely by Major Jervis.

  The President looked at General Easterly and asked "Are you saying that they didn't mean to hurt us?"

  "That is one conclusion that could be drawn, or that they don't waste life out of hand. What concerns me with this data is that we have virtually no information regarding their weapons. In each confrontation, they physically struck our aircraft with theirs. One would assume that with the level of technology they possess, their weapons systems would be quite advanced compared to ours.

  "This lack of information severely constrains our planning staff. So, I instructed our people to construct a plan that avoids direct conflict. In other words, I told them to be sneaky."

  Paul Leya, Secretary of Health and Human Service spoke up. He was both shocked and outraged at what he had just heard. Here, before him, was the proof of his conjecture regarding the weak character of the military. "General, do you want to be remembered for planning another Pearl Harbor? I believe that I just heard one of your own men describe how the aliens deliberately avoided conflict, yet now you plan a sneak attack?"

  "What would you suggest?" the President quickly interjected before Easterly could reply.

  "Mr. President, we must attempt to accommodate these people. We must determine their needs and do all that we can to fill them. We must be sensitive to their situation. They obviously have an advanced technology and culture, so we should learn to live with them and learn from them. Not try and destroy them."

  General Easterly tried, with tremendous willpower, to contain his frustration. He had never before in his life heard such unmitigated bullshit. It was with visible restraint that he replied. "Mr. Secretary. What would you have us do?" Sarcasm was dripping from each syllable.

  Secretary Leya was aware of the General's attitude, but pleased that he was channeling the correct political view. "Why General," he began, condescension to his inferior evident in his every tone, "your plan would lead to the destruction of either us or the alien. Surely, even you can see that this is unacceptable. If we are to grow as a race, if our culture is to progressively advance, we must learn to get along with those who are different."


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