Unchained: The Discordant Earth Series Book Two

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Unchained: The Discordant Earth Series Book Two Page 4

by Melony Paradise

  “How can we tell which aliens we can trust?” a woman asked from the back of the crowd. Alyssa couldn’t tell which side she stood with. “Maybe they should wear something to set them apart.”

  “How can you tell which humans to trust?” Alyssa thrust her hands toward the two crowds. “They’re no different than us in that way. You have to pay attention, watch how they act and who they stand with.” She jerked her arm back at the guards behind her. “These aliens stand with us. They are here protecting our people. If you look at them, instead of screaming at each other, you can see they are wearing something.”

  She waved Jae’Val up to join her. The car hood sunk with his added weight, nearly knocking Alyssa off before he caught her arm. She steadied herself and pointed at his shirt, then lifted the front of her black hoodie to show her blue coalition t-shirt underneath.

  “This symbol here is our mark. This is the symbol of the Coalition for the Freedom of Humanity. We’re all starting to wear it.” Alyssa smoothed her hoodie back in place and tucked a stray lock of purple hair behind her ear.

  “It will take time to get all our members something with our emblem on it, and not everyone will feel safe enough to wear it all the time, but we’re trying. Look for our symbol, but be aware of who’s wearing it. There could be imposters. Be safe. Don’t trust willy-nilly, but look for us. We are here to help you. Our Szu’Kara members actually do care about you. The commander does not!”

  Many of the faces in both the crowds studied Jae’Val’s shirt. Some people looked relieved, while others appeared skeptical still. Gradually, though, the protesting crowd began to disperse, with only a few curious onlookers milling about.

  Jae’Val helped Alyssa down from the car. She headed back inside the gate, glancing over her shoulder at the retreating crowd and the guards following her in. Those who had been holding the line filed in with them, weary and disheveled.

  “Wow, Aly, that was awesome!” Jess bounced, clapping her hands, while the rest of her friends gazed at her with grins and raised eyebrows.

  Cecily clapped her on the back, knocking the wind from her lungs, as Sebastian wound his arm around her waist. He looked down at her, his eyes shining with admiration, while she coughed and tried to recover from the towering woman’s gesture of pride.

  Chapter 5

  When they finally arrived back at their own headquarters, Alyssa felt worn down, her mind heavy with stress and exhaustion. Sebastian tried to steer her to their room, but she insisted on checking in with Kora and Jordan.

  Sebastian knocked lightly on the hospital room, but no one answered. With a shrug, he pushed it open and sidled in, Alyssa right behind him. Her eyes skimmed the room as he gently closed the door.

  Two beds occupied the room, but Kora lay curled up at Jordan’s side with Lyssa snuggled between them. Kora’s arm stretched over to Jordan, resting on Lyssa’s belly where her pink shirt had ridden up. Precious baby snores came from her, but Jordan and Kora made no noise.

  Scooting closer to the bed, Alyssa grabbed Sebastian’s hand, giving him a look of concern before turning back to stare at the sleeping couple. They appeared to be asleep, but their mouths had dropped open enough for them both to drool a little. Alyssa checked their eyes, but neither had the rapid eye movements that usually came with deep sleep.

  A small lamp on a side table gave off dim light, but a brighter glow seemed to emanate where Kora’s arm touched Lyssa.

  “Sebastian, does that glow look like the Yken’Sa glow?”

  “Sort of, yeah. What do you think it is?”

  “Is it possible they’re in Asen’Sha?” Alyssa put a hand over her mouth, shivering with the implications. “Has Lyssa sent their minds to Zion? Is she capable of that?”

  The Szu’Kara used Valene to drug humans in a type of ritual called Asen’Sha, causing hallucinations of a heavenly realm that had become known as Zion. Humanity had believed it to be Heaven, literally, adopting the regular practice of Asen’Sha with the help of alien guides.

  The coalition had revealed the truth a couple of months ago, exposing the alien plot to destroy humanity, and take Earth as their own. Not everyone accepted the truth, clinging to their beliefs that the aliens were “saviors,” while everyone else turned to the coalition or separated themselves from either side. Society had split three ways: pro-alien, anti-alien, and those in between.

  “Lyssa is half Zook,” Sebastian said, his voice taking a somber tone. “We know nothing of alien offspring, since they hide them away from public eyes. It’s possible she is drugging them without knowing it. She is a baby after all.”

  “We have to wake them up.” Alyssa searched the room, grabbing a blanket from the unused bed. “You lift Kora’s arm, and I’ll pick up Lyssa.” Even in this stressful moment, her heart warmed remembering that Kora had named her baby after her when she’d rescued Kora from the Command Compound and her abusive alien mate, Sen’Tasi.

  Sebastian lifted Kora’s arm and moved it to her side. Alyssa draped the blanket over Lyssa, tucking it around the baby’s body, and lifting her while wrapping it all the way around like a cocoon. Lyssa made little grunting noises, rubbing her nose with the back of her hand.

  Bouncing gently and making rhythmic shushing sounds, Alyssa managed to not wake Lyssa, stepping away from the unconscious couple. Sebastian shook Kora’s shoulder, jostling the bed.

  “I’ve seen Kora like this before, but I thought she was just exhausted.”

  “Kora, Jordan, wake up.” Sebastian slapped Jordan’s face softly when they still didn’t budge.

  “I had to shake Kora three times before she woke up last time. I’ll go out in the hall with Lyssa, so the ruckus doesn’t wake her. Get me when they’re conscious.”

  “Okay, darlin’.” Sebastian hovered over his brother, winking at her before she edged out of the room.

  With the door closed, Alyssa could still hear Sebastian, so she scooted down the hallway a bit farther. Gently rocking the angelic child, she paced the six-foot-wide corridor. After a couple of minutes, she heard Kora exclaim, her voice muffled by the distance, and not long after Jordan hollered.

  “Mommy and Daddy are awake now, baby girl,” Alyssa cooed quietly to the sleeping baby. “You’ve got some explaining to do, missy.”

  The door opened and the love of her life poked his head out, giving her a crooked grin. Once inside, she sat in an armchair in the corner of the room while Kora straightened herself up, her and Jordan both blinking and rubbing their eyes, confused. Lyssa seemed to be sleeping like a rock, so Alyssa shook her head when Kora offered to take her.

  “What the hell happened?” Jordan frowned.

  “I don’t think I’ve slept that hard ever.” Kora hugged herself as she shivered, shaking her head.

  “I don’t think you two were sleeping.” Sebastian patted Kora’s shoulder gently. “We think Lyssa might have been using Valene on you.”

  “What?” Kora yelped, swiping a hand across her forehead. “How?”

  “She’s too young,” Jordan said, “isn’t she?”

  “No idea,” Alyssa said. “We need to ask Ela, but I don’t think it’s the first time. I found Kora in a similar state when we came back from the last raid, but I didn’t realize what it was at the time.”

  “What do you remember?” Sebastian asked.

  Kora looked over at Jordan, who nodded at her.

  “Uh, it was like a dream,” she said, “but I didn’t see anything. Nothing was happening, except feeling like I was warm and floating. It felt safe, like home, although I never felt safe at home…”

  “It was the same for me. Floating and warm and safe.” Jordan sat forward, wincing with pain. Kora rushed to help him find a comfortable position.

  “Do you think Lyssa was dreaming about being in the womb, and you two shared her dream?” Alyssa looked down at the innocent face, amazed again by this child. “She grows fast like a Szu’Kara, and her skin is just like theirs, so why not this too?”

’ll speak to Ela about it,” Sebastian said. “In the meantime, you need to limit your contact with her skin. If you start to feel drowsy, stop touching her, okay?”

  “Okay, Bas, but not touching my baby? That’s going to be difficult.” Kora’s voice fell to a whisper and she seemed to close in on herself, looking awfully close to the old nervous Kora.

  “It’s going to be okay, honey,” Jordan said in a hushed, careful tone. “We’ll figure this out, don’t worry.”


  “You say they were dosed with Valene?” Ela shone a light in Kora’s eyes, her stern face scowling at the young mother.

  “Yes,” Alyssa said, “and who knows how long this has been happening? Kora could be addicted to Valene and we wouldn’t even know it.” She flung her hand out, unable to stand still in her agitation.

  “I am not finding any signs of addiction, but you must take care now to avoid skin-to-skin contact.” Ela held a finger up, stopping Kora’s protest before it could start. “It is unavoidable while you are breastfeeding, but I insist you cover as much of your body as possible when doing so. Once you are inevitably exposed, you will lose consciousness, so limiting contact will give you more time before that happens. Fortunately, you will be able to wean the child soon. She is eating solid foods now, correct?”

  “She is,” Kora said, her eyes wandering nervously around the small exam room. “Maira has been kind enough to provide pureed food for Lyssa at meal times. She sits in my lap and makes the biggest messes—” she grinned at the doctor “—but really loves to try new foods. Although, she isn’t a fan of carrots.”

  “Very good,” Ela said, pursing her mouth in a small frown. “The sooner you wean her from breastfeeding, the better.”

  Is there nothing that can make this alien smile?

  “Don’t worry too much, Kora,” Alyssa said. “You’ve got lots of support here. We’ll help you get Lyssa eating solid food, and in the meantime, I’m sure we can find you some long-sleeved shirts and extra baby blankets. Does she need to wear gloves, Ela?”

  “When you are bathing the child, latex gloves will prevent accidental exposure. Do you have an allergy to latex?”

  Kora shook her head, glancing at Alyssa. “Not that I know of.”

  “I will retrieve a box of gloves for you,” Ela said with a sharp nod and strode out the door.

  Grabbing Alyssa’s hand, Kora wilted, tears welling in her eyes. “This is horrible, Aly! How can I be a good mother if I can’t touch my own baby?”

  Wrapping an arm around Kora, Alyssa gave her an encouraging smile. “You are a good mother. Lyssa adores you. Besides, eventually she will learn how to control the Valene, and you will be able to hold your baby girl without protection.”

  “I hope you’re right.”


  “Well, what did she say?” Jordan looked up from the book he was reading as Kora and Alyssa entered his hospital room.

  “Oh, Jordan!” Kora dashed over to bury her face in his shoulder, climbing onto the bed beside him. He turned worried eyes to Alyssa.

  “We all have to be careful about touching Lyssa’s skin from now on.” Alyssa patted Kora’s back before plopping down in the nearby armchair. “Kora and you will have to wear gloves when you give Lyssa a bath, although in your condition I doubt you’ll be doing that much.”

  “We have to cover as much of our skin as possible when we hold our daughter,” the weeping mother said, her words muffled by Jordan’s shirt. “I have to stop breastfeeding her sooner than I thought I’d have to.” Kora’s head shot up, giving Jordan sad, puppy-dog eyes. “And I have to wear long-sleeved shirts or keep her wrapped in a blanket. It’s July!”

  “Yeah, I don’t see keeping that baby wrapped up much.” Alyssa brushed loose strands of purple hair from her face. “She barely stays still to eat.” She chuckled, remembering the last time they’d all eaten in the cafeteria together. Poor Kora had ended up splattered with multicolored food.

  “That’s a bummer,” Jordan muttered, wincing when he tried to wrap both arms around his girlfriend. “I’ll wear long-sleeved shirts too, and maybe we can find some baby formula next time we go on a supply run.”

  “You’re not going anywhere, mister,” Alyssa said, giving Jordan a stern look. “I’ll talk to Edward about the formula.”

  “Thanks,” he said with a small grin.

  “Where’s the pint-sized culprit now?” Alyssa looked around the room, spotting the empty crib the coalition had scavenged from an abandoned daycare recently.

  “Jess and Lorn took her to play in the courtyard when she started fussing.”

  Alyssa stood when she noticed Kora smothering a yawn. “Why don’t you two take a nap? I’ll go help keep Lyssa occupied and let them know about this new development.”

  Kora attempted to twist out of Jordan’s embrace. “You don’t have to—”

  “That would be great.” He tightened his grip on her, smirking when she scowled at him. “Lyssa didn’t sleep much last night, and is not interested in naps now.”

  With a chuckle and a wave, Alyssa slipped out of the room and jogged through the corridors of the coalition headquarters. Pushing her way through the doors to the courtyard, tiny giggles greeted her as she stepped outside. Jess smiled brightly as her best friend joined them on the grass. Lorn gave Alyssa a big grin and a wave.

  “Hey, girl,” ever-cheerful Jess said as she poked Alyssa in the arm. “How’d it go with gloomy Ela?” With lightning reflexes, she snatched a clump of grass from Lyssa’s hand before she could stuff it into her mouth.

  Lyssa stared at Jess with clear, sky-blue irises set in silver-marbled, brilliant white orbs. The adults held their breath as the child wavered on the verge of pitching a fit. Alyssa reached out and poked Lyssa in the belly, giving her a big, goofy grin. A slow smile spread across Lyssa’s pale, shimmery face which she followed with a high-pitched squeal. She flailed her tiny hands before tipping from her seated position to hands and knees, in search of something else to stuff in her mouth.

  “Not great. We have to be careful not to touch Lyssa’s skin too much, or you risk being thrown into Asen’Sha.”

  “Oh dear,” Lorn said, peering at Alyssa from where he sat on the other side of Jess. “I knew she was a special child, but I never imagined she would acquire the use of Valene so young.”

  “When do Szu’Kara children normally gain the use of Valene?” Since almost having her own hybrid child, Alyssa harbored a keen interest with all things alien-baby.

  “I believe they begin to excrete Valene around six months, gaining control no later than one year.”

  “Lyssa is like a six-month-old now,” Jess said while making silly faces at the giggling baby. A pretty, lace bonnet covered the child’s still bald head.

  “She is equivalent to a six-month-old human child.” He picked Lyssa up and set her in his lap. She clapped, awarding him with a toothy smile and grabbing the stuffed bear he offered her. “A Szu’Kara child at six months would be equivalent to a human child between one to one and a half years of age. At one Earth year, a Szu’Kara child can walk and talk with ease, and often begins early education soon after.”

  “Holy cow!” Jess stared at Lorn slack-jawed.

  “Is Lyssa going to be the same way?” Alyssa asked, fascinated, “Would my child have been…?”

  “That is something I do not know.” Lorn shook his bald head. “As you are aware, the commander requires all hybrid and Szu’Kara children to be sequestered in the Nursery.”

  “Right.” Alyssa frowned as awful memories flickered through her mind. “I can’t believe he was going to force me to go there instead of staying with him on the compound where he could help to raise his child.”

  “Oh, don’t think about that now, Aly.” Jess grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently. “I know you’re still recovering from your loss, but now you’re free from Kayn. Maybe someday you and Bas will have children. At least he won’t try to control you or send you away.”

bsp; Alyssa rubbed her shoulder, feeling the tiny tubes of contraceptive medication implanted under the skin. “You’re right, Jess. There’s little chance of accidentally becoming pregnant with the Szu’Kara birth control Ela put in me. I only wish I had gotten it sooner and avoided all the trouble with Kayn.”

  “Well…” Jess rolled her eyes upward, a small grin playing on her lips. “If you hadn’t gone through all that, you never would’ve met Bas, and we would all still be living on the Command Compound, under Kayn’s thumb.”

  Alyssa bit back a smile, bumping shoulders with her best friend. “That’s true, but maybe my parents would still be alive.”

  Jess snatched Lyssa from Lorn and shoved her into Alyssa’s hands. “Here! Let the little angel take away your sadness.”

  “Come here, precious.” Alyssa cooed at the child, adjusting her frilly shirt to cover her shimmery skin. “We’ll take care of the mean Valene so you can’t accidentally hurt anyone.”

  Chapter 6

  “Zirena!” Cecily bellowed loud enough to be heard over the gunfire.

  Alyssa spun around at her station to find Zirena at the back wall casually pointing a handgun at her, a startled, blushing face turned to Cecily. The angry woman stalked over to Zirena from where she’d been assisting Kora, and held her hand out as she glared in a way that scared even Alyssa. Zirena’s thin arms drooped before placing the weapon in Cecily’s wide hand.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? I taught you better than this. You don’t point your gun at someone unless you intend to shoot them. Did you intend to shoot Alyssa?” She gave a cringing Zirena a hard stare.

  “N-no, Cecily,” she said, running her pale hand over her frizzy auburn hair. “I was, uh, just checking the sights. I didn’t mean to—”


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