Unchained: The Discordant Earth Series Book Two

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Unchained: The Discordant Earth Series Book Two Page 12

by Melony Paradise

  “Once a Karan has escaped or been liberated,” Valel said, “we mark ourselves with the sun, indicating that we walk freely by day and by night. Many of us have joined your coalition. We are as determined as you to free our people and yours from the dictator known as Commander Kayn. I am here today to join you in hopes of ripping away the chains of bondage from humans and Karans alike.”

  “I know you’ve all just suffered an attack,” Sebastian said. “We’ve lost our home, and our advantage being near the Command Compound. Cecily and I have spoken at length with each other and with the council, and we returned to speak with all of you about our intentions to shift our focus away from the commander to the Nursery. We cannot allow our women to continue to suffer.”

  “I thought the women and children were taken care of at the Nursery,” Alyssa said. “Not that they should be held captive, of course, but everything I was told about that place made it seem like a twenty-four-hour daycare where the mothers are provided assistance in raising the children.” Her heart ached for the women she’d befriended while attending prenatal, and how they’d all been looking forward to going to the Nursery, or at least accepting of the fact that they would be going there.

  “On the contrary,” Valel said, “the women are kept isolated, often mistreated and malnourished. Some of them are forced to undergo scientific experimentation, especially if they are unable to carry a fetus to term. Once born, the children are taken to a separate floor and raised in a communal environment with minimal interaction outside of education. You will notice that many Karans act like the Szu’Kara because this is the way the Szu’Kara have raised the offspring at the Nursery.”

  Sebastian turned to the rapt audience, his face set in determination. “This is why we must take out the Nursery. No one, not even the Karans raised there, knows exactly what’s happening to our women there, and the children deserve a chance at a better life. I propose that we vote to raid the Nursery once we’ve settled at a new location and gained enough support to do so. All in favor?”

  Everyone Alyssa could see raised their hands, even Lyssa who copied her parents, turning her head every which way and giggling. A few people hollered their agreement.

  “Anyone not in favor, raise your hands.”

  Not a single hand was raised, although Alyssa glimpsed Zirena’s scowling, red face. Looks like someone’s dream of a lavish life as a Karan mother has just been dashed. Alyssa bit back a grin, almost ashamed of herself for taking pleasure in Zirena’s misery. Almost…


  Sebastian held Alyssa under his arm protectively with her arms wrapped around his waist. Valel stood to the side of the small exam room, his eyes flicking between Alyssa and Lyssa. Kora sat on a rickety chair, Lyssa squirming in her lap as Ela stared down at her. Jordan crouched beside them, watching with a frown.

  “What do you think, Ela?” Sebastian asked. “We know Sen believes she’s a descendant, and the bloodwork says she is, but Valel is sort of confirming it too.”

  “I do feel a different sense about her,” Ela said, rubbing her chin, “but I assumed it was because of her mixed genetics. I have not spent enough time with the hybrids to get a feel for them. The infants were always whisked away before I could examine them beyond the initial APGAR test.”

  “Do you get a sense of Valel?” Alyssa asked, glancing at the Karan, unnerved by his focus on her.

  “I do,” she said, pinching her lips in a scowl as she tilted her head in concentration. “I will need to confer with Nait. Valel, would you be so kind as to join me in a meeting with my colleague, and maybe a couple of other Szu’Kara?”

  “That would be fine.” Valel nodded stiffly. “Might I suggest Alyssa join us as well? And the child, if her parents are inclined. That way you and your colleagues may sense the differences between us. I believe you will notice three distinct levels of Szu’Kara power.”

  “I agree,” Ela said. “We must learn all we can from this. Especially for the sake of the child’s future. Kora, Jordan, do you mind?”

  Kora looked at Jordan. Alyssa noticed she had paled, tightening her arms around Lyssa. “Jordy?” she whispered.

  “We’ll be right there with her. Nothing’s going to happen to her, I promise.” He squeezed her hand, then rubbed Lyssa’s back protectively. “We’ll make it quick, and if Lyssa gets too frightened, we’re out of there.” He peered up at Ela with a stern frown.

  “Of course.” She bowed her head. “Nothing will harm the child. We only want to help by understanding her power and determining how it may affect her as she grows.”

  “Fine.” Jordan huffed. “Can we find a bigger room though? This one is stuffy and crowded.”

  “I believe the doctor’s lounge has been cleaned.”

  “You all go on ahead,” Sebastian said. “I need to meet with Edward and a few others.”

  “You’re leaving?” Alyssa clamped her arms tight as he started to lean away.

  “I don’t want to, darlin’, but I need to get the ball rolling. We can’t stay here; it’s too close to the commander.” He glanced over at a watching Valel, and murmured, “Call me if you need me, and I’ll come running.”

  She ran her fingers over his furrowed brow and down his cheek to his smiling lips. “Make it quick. We need some time to ourselves. Maybe we can find a room somewhere in the place.”

  “You got it. Stay close to Jordy, would you?”

  Alyssa flicked her eyes at Valel before leaning against Sebastian’s chest, holding her face up for a kiss.

  “Will do, boss.” She grinned as he kissed her deeply. The scent of sweat and cinnamon filled her nose, tightening things below. A sigh escaped her mouth, pulling a little growl from Sebastian.

  They waited in each other’s arms as Ela led everyone out, Valel leaving last, lingering at the door until Sebastian looked at him. Alyssa peeked out the door, watching him go.

  “What’s up with him?”

  He pulled her back up to face him, lust burning in his eyes and his sexy crooked smile warming her to her toes. “I’m not sure. He’s usually like all the other Zooks. Quiet and proper, but something changed when he met you, and I don’t particularly like it.”

  “It’s awkward. I feel like some oddity that fascinates him, the way he stares at me. Should I be worried?”

  Sebastian closed his arms around her shoulders, squeezing Alyssa snug against his chest. His heartbeat thudded under her ear as she closed her eyes to savor the moment alone with him.

  “I don’t think so. The council vouched for his loyalty, and he’s been open and honest with me. I don’t know what it is about you that has his interest piqued, but he damn well better set his sights somewhere else.” He dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

  “I better go.” Alyssa leaned her head back to take in his strong features and cobalt eyes. “I’ve missed you so much. I want to get all this stuff done so we can be alone. I need you.”

  “I need you too,” he murmured against her lips, pressing in for another toe-curling kiss.

  A throat clearing pulled their attention away from each other. “Would you join us, please?” Ela looked at them with her dull eyes, her mouth puckered in irritation.

  “Coming.” Alyssa gave Sebastian a peck on the cheek, then spun out of his arms with a giggle, following the stiff-as-a-board alien into the hallway. She glanced back and waved at Sebastian as he strode off toward the cafeteria.

  Alyssa caught up to Ela, walking beside her. She didn’t try to make conversation, since their relationship was a strained one. Alyssa didn’t think Ela blamed her for being exiled from the Command Compound, but it didn’t help matters either way. She just didn’t get along with the humans very much, spending most of her time locked up in the lab or clinic.

  They entered the lounge where Jordan, Kora, and Lyssa waited with Nait, Lorn, Valel, and two other Szu’Kara that Alyssa didn’t know too well. Rin’Kei, a male with yellowish skin, forest-green eyes, and a willowy body towered over everyone, includin
g his partner, Sar’Idu. Everything about her seemed to be the mirror opposite of Rin, with yellow eyes, dark green skin, and a curvy, almost human-height figure. Those two had transferred from Cecily’s California team after her last visit home. Apparently, they weren’t getting enough action in Cali.

  “Pettu, af’eta,” Ela said, biting the syllables out, harsh but quiet.

  Alyssa’s eyes widened as Kora gasped and Jordan muttered something. All the Zooks in the room moved to Ela’s side.

  “Please, gather together.” She waved her hand to usher Alyssa and Valel over to stand by Lyssa.

  “What did you say, Ela? I’ve never heard your language.” Alyssa planted herself next to Jordan, eyeing Valel, who tried to get close to her. Unable to slide around Jordan, he stood on the other side of Kora. She glanced at him nervously. Lyssa seemed to pick up on her mother’s anxiety, also watching the Karan with an intensity unusual for the always giggling child.

  “Like the languages of Earth, our words often have many meanings, but in this situation, they translate to ‘come, sense.’”

  “Why have you not shared your language with humanity before? It’s beautiful.”

  Ela glanced at Nait, then the others, frowning. She pinched her lips in a tight line, averting her eyes from the humans.

  Sar cleared her throat, speaking in a melodic, wispy voice. “Commander Kayn forbade us from using our words with humans. We were only allowed to speak of Asen’Sha and Valene because they were our tools to control you, and eventually eliminate you.”

  Alyssa stared at her, awed and only mildly aware that Ela and the other aliens had closed their eyes, palms held out as if they warmed them by a campfire. She blinked and refocused, studying their faces.

  A little grin played across her lips as she compared a human-esque Lorn to the other Szu’Kara. If she didn’t know any better, she’d almost think him a hybrid as well. Her mind boggled at the idea of him being related to Kayn. The two were just so different, not a mean bone in Lorn’s body.

  Alyssa’s eyes drifted to Valel. He stood with his eyes closed also. Not sure what to expect, she closed her eyes and concentrated on the beings around her. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, clearing her thoughts.

  A faint pulsing fluttered through her mind, fast and strong. Underneath that, another slower pulse played like a radio on the lowest volume setting, and as she opened her awareness up to the rhythm, four more pulses beat under those two, barely there.

  The more Alyssa focused on the pulsations, the clearer they came to her. They felt like painless throbbing in the back of her brain, like the way she’d felt Sen when he’d grabbed her. In the same way a person would pick out voices in a crowd, Alyssa picked out one pulse, the faster one.

  It grew louder, pulling a gasp from her when a child’s giggle echoed through the pulse. Lyssa. Lowering her consciousness to the slower stronger pulse, a sense of possessiveness and intense interest came across. The distinctly male sensation made her breath catch. Lyssa’s pulse flared bright, pushing away the other one that Alyssa thought probably belonged to Valel.

  Those two presences, as she now felt they were, backed off, and the less powerful presences of Ela, Lorn, Rin, and Sar remained. Alyssa felt them probing, inquisitive, and wondered how she felt to them. When the Valel presence and the five alien presences began to overwhelm her, she slammed a thick, brick wall down on her mind and opened her eyes.

  The aliens all winced, frowning. Valel just narrowed his eyes, looking straight ahead at no one. Alyssa didn’t want to process everything she’d felt, especially from him.

  “That was quite interesting,” Nait said, his head tilted in thought. “I do not know why we did not think to perform this test sooner.”

  “I assumed they would not have enough power to project,” Ela said. “They are not Szu’Kara, and we have not come across anything like this with any other species we have bred with.”

  “This makes me wonder if Commander Kayn is aware of this,” Lorn said, frowning and thoughtful.

  “The physicians and scientists at the Nursery are aware,” Valel said. “I assume that means the commander is as well.”

  “I am sure you are correct,” Nait said, nodding solemnly.

  “So you all felt something from us?” Alyssa clenched her hands together, jittery from the odd encounter.

  “Yes,” Ela said. Nait, Lorn, and the other two nodded.

  “What is it… called?”

  “We call it Ru’Sae,” Nait said, “meaning power essence, like aura, but internal.”

  “What does all this mean?” Jordan asked.

  “It means that our Szu’Kara DNA has created a unique bond with your human DNA.” Nait crossed his arms and paced behind the other aliens. “It means our commander has brought us to a planet with the only other species we have encountered in over a millennium that have DNA similar enough to our own to facilitate genetic evolution.”

  Chapter 16

  Sebastian’s ringing cell phone interrupted Alyssa’s racing thoughts as she lay in bed next to him that night. Not even his soft, rhythmic snores could lull her to sleep. She’d spent the last three hours staring at the candle glow flickering across the water-stained ceiling of the doctor’s office Jess had helped her find, clean, and arrange bedding in.

  The phone rang again and Alyssa propped herself up on her elbows, searching for the muffled ringing. Sebastian mumbled, flipped over onto his back, and pulled his phone from his pants pocket. He’d been too tired to do anything more than crawl under the blankets and hold her for about thirty seconds before falling asleep.

  “Hello?” His voice was deep with grogginess. He rubbed an eye with his free hand, blinking at a curious Alyssa.

  She strained, leaning closer, to hear who spoke on the other end, but could only discern a female voice, not the words. Sebastian’s shoulder smacked against her cheek as he bolted up, scrunching his face, and mouthing an apology to Alyssa.

  Rubbing her cheek, Alyssa sat up, hearing a beep then Isa’s voice echoing throughout the room as Sebastian turned on speakerphone.

  “…come get me, please.” Isa’s normally smooth, controlled voice blared from the phone, high-pitched and wavering, setting Alyssa on instant alert. Isa seldom became emotional in any way. “Shar has been imprisoned for treason. Commander Kayn and General Ras have been in the detainment level all day.”

  “Oh my God,” Alyssa muttered. “How do you know he has Shar down there?”

  “He called and told me, then asked me to reschedule his appointments and contact several sub-commanders from other compounds. I believe he plans to execute Shar and broadcast it to all of the compounds as a means to deter further acts of rebellion within our people.”

  “He told you outright that he has Shar?” Sebastian shook his head, eyes wide with disbelief.

  “Yes. He still believes I am loyal to him,” she whispered, “but I cannot keep up this farce any longer. I am terrified the commander will find out that I have been communicating with the rebels and execute me as well.” Her words were strained and watery, and tears dripped from Alyssa’s eyes at the sound of fear in Isa’s voice.

  “Where are you now?” Sebastian stood, pulling Alyssa up with him.

  “I am almost in Hamlin—”

  Alyssa gasped. “How did you get out of the compound?”

  “One of the guards on duty was my son’s friend. I told him I needed to visit a human mate in town.”

  “He believed you?” Alyssa couldn’t keep the shock out of her tone, flushing as she realized how rude she sounded.

  “He has no reason to question me. Others have been leaving the compound secretly during the nights.”

  “So there’s no way he would suspect you of anything other than having a tryst?” Sebastian shoved his feet into his boots.

  “He will not suspect anything until I do not return by sunrise. I assume he will be concerned for his own safety at that point, having to explain to the general why he let me leav

  “Do we need to rescue him, too?” Alyssa pulled on her sneakers and hoodie, following Sebastian as he rushed out.

  “No,” Isa said, talking softly again. “He is loyal to our people, although he does not appreciate the oppressive behavior of our commander, hence allowing a few of us off the compound at night. He is young.”

  “How did you know he does that? Aren’t there usually two guards at the gate?”

  “There are certain nights when he and other young Szu’Kara are known to be lax in their stations. It has long been my job to know of such things. I only relay to Commander Kayn a small portion of my attained knowledge…”

  “We’re on our way, Isa,” Sebastian said. “Park your car somewhere dark, then go to Miss Willow’s house and wait outside by the kitchen. Don’t go inside, though. No need to involve them.”

  “I will,” she said, the waver returning to her voice as she hung up.

  “I don’t suppose I can convince you to stay here?” Sebastian stopped outside Jordan’s and Kora’s room.

  “Not a chance.” Alyssa shook her head and winked. “Did you know she had a son?”


  Jordan had gone with them, leaving Jess and Lorn to look after Kora and Lyssa. Sebastian had tried and failed to convince Alyssa to wait in the SUV while he and Jordan retrieved Isa.

  The scratchy reeds whipped across Alyssa’s hands as she ran in line between Sebastian and Jordan through the wheat field next to Granny’s house. They crouched at the edge of the field, peering through the stalks, looking for any signs of Zooks.

  Sebastian signaled for them to wait there. No lights shined on this side of the house, only a streetlight several hundred feet away. Cloud cover and drizzling rain darkened the area, the night swallowing Sebastian as he dashed across the yard.

  Alyssa sat on her heels, clenching her teeth as her eyes searched for signs of movement. She let out a sighing breath as she caught sight of Sebastian and Isa scurrying toward her and Jordan. Poor Isa looked like a drowned, hairless cat in her silk pantsuit, but she still managed to look beautiful with her skin shimmering even more under a sheen of water.


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