A Great Kisser
Page 16
“So, in addition to a dog, and my own bike, I need a good dry-cleaner.” She might be the only freshly pressed and creased person in Cedar Springs, but some things she simply wasn’t going to compromise on, no matter what she decided to do with the rest of her life.
When she rolled onto the dirt walkway next to the little gravel lot, she could see Jake’s plane—at least the one he’d been using earlier for lessons, parked in the distance beside the smaller hangar that she knew housed Betty Sue. So, unless he was up in a different plane, he should be in the front office, or maybe he was working on the Mustang. She’d check the office first, use the copier, then track him down if he wasn’t there.
It was crazy to have the kind of butterflies she was having at the moment. They’d kissed. And boy, had they. But it wasn’t like she hadn’t done that before. And he seemed very straightforward about his attraction to her. Also good to know. And much easier to handle than the typical mating dance guessing games that were the result of most initial attractions. He really was a refreshing change, and despite there being some complications—okay, possibly a lot of complications—maybe this could be the one thing she got to take pleasure in. A little oasis. A little balance. Something to simply enjoy. It could just be that.
She walked into the office front and saw him bent over the desk, his shaggy, sun-streaked hair curling against his neck. She noticed the way his old sweatshirt stretched across broad shoulders, the way his worn, grease-stained jeans showed off a decently muscled backside and thigh…and sighed. This was so going to be a whole lot more than simple.
He glanced up and smiled immediately. And the butterflies swarmed. In a good way. A really, really good way.
“I was just about to come find you,” he said.
“I thought I’d save you the effort.” She slipped the tote over her head. “And, maybe, beg the use of your copier.”
“Sure. There’s probably one in the motel office, too. Not that I mind if you use mine, but in case you needed one again later.”
“Unfortunately the motel copier comes with motel employees watching. I’d rather not share all my business. As it is, there’s probably speculation on why I checked out the stack of newspapers. Though why anyone would care is beyond me.”
“Something to speculate on, because it’s out of the norm. Most visitors come to town, do some shopping, see the local sights, take a tour, ski if there’s snow, and eat some of the best cuisine this side of Denver. The library isn’t usually on the list of Things To Do in Cedar Springs. And you’re not just any visitor.”
“Okay, so you make many good points. All underscoring the need to use a more discreetly located machine.” She smiled and moved over to the copier. “Any special operational details I should know?”
“Face down, top left corner. Push the green button.”
She sat her tote on the floor next to the machine, which was catty-corner from his desk just behind him. She noticed he was watching her rather than returning to whatever he’d been doing before she’d come in. “I’m sorry if I’m interrupting. I can do this later.”
“No, no problem. I was almost done anyway.”
“So…don’t let me keep you. I’m sure I can figure this out.”
She looked over her shoulder to see he’d sat down and swiveled his chair fully around to face her. He’d crossed his leg over one knee and folded his arms. “I like watching you. Nicest view I’ve had all day.”
“Considering I know you’ve been up in the sky, going over those mountains, that’s really saying something.”
“Yes,” he said without hesitation. “It is.”
Boy, he could say the damndest things. She hadn’t blushed this much since, well, ever. “Jake—”
“Lauren.” He reached out and snagged her wrist and tugged her closer until she more or less tumbled into his lap.
“My.” He settled her so she was half facing him. “Is it possible to miss someone you’ve just met?”
She shifted a little but didn’t try and get up. His arms had settled around her and, well…she rather liked where she was at the moment. “I think it’s possible.”
“You want to tell me about those?” He nodded to the stack of papers she’d left on top of the copier.
“Actually, I do. I want to feel you out a little.”
He wiggled his eyebrows. “Best offer I’ve had all day.”
She pushed at his shoulder, but laughed. “I’m serious, though. You don’t have to let me bend your ear, but I’d really appreciate your viewpoint.”
“You know, normally I’d tolerate the ear bending, because it would serve the greater good. Which would be to eventually get you into bed.”
The very idea made her shiver in anticipation, but her tone was dry. “At least you’re honest.”
“I’m a guy. It’s what we do. But, I’ll be honest with you, I’ve been curious about what’s going on with you and your family and I’m generally not one to give a flipping damn about other people’s business.”
She smiled wryly. “You sound so perplexed.”
“You have no idea.”
“Well, since we’re being frank here, I will tell you that even if you don’t listen to my tales of woe, it’s highly possible that with a little more behavior of the sort we practiced earlier in this very office that the bed scenario is probably not out of the question. And that’s not normal behavior for me, either. So you’re not the only one stepping out of the comfort zone.”
“So why tell me?”
“Why did you tell me? I just thought maybe you’d like to save yourself the time and possible return of your Guy Club decoder ring when they find out you care about more than just getting laid.”
“Oh, I care about that. I’ve thought about it. A lot. In fact, it’s clouding my ability to get work done. You’re proving to be a really big distraction.”
“Am I?” It should have made her feel at least a tiny bit guilty, but…no, not so much. “Well, so are you.”
He grinned. “Good to know I’m not alone.”
“Nope. Definitely not alone.”
He pulled her a little closer. “But I have the strangest feeling that I could take you to bed right this very second, and when it’s all said and done, I’m still going to want to know what the deal is with you, and your mom, and Arlen.”
“Hunh. Go figure.”
“I know. What’s up with that?”
They held each other’s gaze with pretend stumped expressions for a beat too long. Jake cracked a smile first. Then she smiled. Then they both laughed.
“So…maybe you should tell me all about it first.”
“And risk you changing your mind and running for the hills? Of which you have many. I’d never find you.”
“Unless I wanted to be found. Would you search?”
“Depends on what part made you run. So, why risk it?”
“Because if we get all the talking out of the way first, it leaves us far less distracted to do other things. At length. Without concerns of conversations yet to happen.” He started to toy with the collar of her shirt, then ran his fingertip along the vee neckline of her tank top, stopping where it dipped the farthest.
She sucked in a shuddery breath. “You continue to make some very good points.”
He lifted her camp shirt away from her body and peeked inside. “So do you.”
Her nipples tightened even further, and it took considerable will not to drag his hand to where it might actually do some good. And she’d bet he’d do a lot of good. Really, really good, in fact.
“We have a barbecue to attend,” she said, hearing the slightly breathless quality in her own voice.
“Another excellent reason for you to tell me what’s going on before our command performance, given it concerns them. The more I know, the better I’ll be able to support you.”
“Why? I mean, why do you want to support me? We only just
“I know. And I want to because I’m on your side.”
“You don’t even know the sides yet. Either of them.”
“I know you’re on one side, and your mom and Arlen are on the other. If, after you explain things, I think you’re misguided or could use a little perspective, I’ll tell you. Which still makes me on your side.”
She smiled. “Because I’m the one you want to get into bed.”
“Well, there is that. But you strike me as an intelligent, rational woman. So, in addition to wanting you, I want to help. I’m guessing you’re not facing whatever it is you’re facing without there being some merit to the problem.”
“And being sympathetic will probably get me into bed.”
He grinned. “Win win, really.”
She laughed. “I appreciate the support, the willingness, whatever the motive, I do—”
“Kidding, and sex, aside, I’m here and I’m willing to listen. Just be prepared to hear whatever my reaction is. I won’t pull punches.”
“Good. Because I need your insight. Into the town and the people involved. Although, if there are any personal reasons why you might not be comfortable talking, then just tell me. I’ll respect that.” She grinned. “And possibly still go to bed with you. Just be honest. That’s all I ask.”
“That you can have. And so much more.” He slid his hand down her side and slid it back up again, under her camp shirt, nudging up the hem of her tank top until he could brush his fingers against the bare skin just above the waistband of her khakis.
She was like this puddle of pheromone induced goo with him. Just his touch was driving her incredibly crazy. And he wasn’t even touching anything important. Yet.
Maybe because she knew—could feel in fact—exactly how badly he wanted her. And because her own needs and desires easily matched his.
“There’s not much time,” she said. “We…really should go.”
“We should,” he said without the slightest bit of urgency in his tone. He slid his other hand up her back, then brought her head down closer to his, leaning the chair back until it hit the desk as he pulled her more fully against him. “In just a minute.”
He tilted her head so he could take her mouth, pausing just before contact so that she opened her eyes. His were steady on hers. Then he grinned. It made his eyes twinkle. “I’m glad you’re here.” He said it with a little bit of wonder in his voice.
“I am, too,” she said, wondering a little herself.
Then he kissed her. And it was a slow seduction, when no seducing was necessary. She could feel him grow even harder beneath her thighs, and they tightened against the sudden and very real ache between them. She’d expected something hard, fast, demanding. So this slow, languorous, “all the time in the world” kiss totally undid her before she had a chance to regroup. She was responding without thinking, because he made it so damn easy to do just that. Just…feel, taste, take, accept. Explore, want, desire…anything. As simple and natural and uncomplicated as she thought it would be, wanted it to be.
He was lifting his head just as she was about to sigh and really relax into it. “I want full, complete, uninterrupted time with you. No demands, nowhere to be. Days of it. Maybe weeks.” His voice was a little rougher and, if possible, a bit deeper.
“Right at this moment, you have no idea how good that sounds.”
“Oh, I think I do. I know we’re on different paths, in different places, different demands, but I’m betting we would both love the escape.”
“Is that what this is? What I am? An escape? I’m not blaming, mind you, because vacation flings can be just as good for the local as they can for the out-of-towner. Fulfill a few needs, no complications. Over at some point, the “going our separate ways” part already predetermined…”
“Except your way isn’t determined at all, at the moment.”
“No, but—”
He hushed her by brushing his lips across hers. “I have no idea what this is. Or what it can be. I do know I don’t play local-and-tourist. Gets really old, really fast. This doesn’t feel like that. At least to me. Maybe I’m just kidding myself.”
“I don’t play vacation fling, either, so I don’t know what it feels like. But there are no premeditated parameters on my part.”
“Good to know. Unfortunately, I also know that I have no time to truly escape, not at the moment. My schedule is insane for the next month or so, up to and including the race. I can’t do anything about that. But you’re here now, not a month from now. And I don’t want to pass up the possibilities, even though I know I can’t devote the time I want to figuring it out. You’re important.”
“How could I be important?”
“You matter.”
“We haven’t known each other forty-eight hours.”
“A day, a week, a minute, a passing glance. That’s not relevant. What’s relevant is how being around you makes me feel. And I feel…different. Energized, happy, excited. And not just in the hormone-rush way it usually goes. Although, there is that.” He shifted her on his lap and she laughed.
“Yes, there is definitely that.”
“And…I don’t know why it feels so different, but it doesn’t change the fact that it does. Sometimes you just know. Have you ever just known?”
She didn’t answer right away. Because maybe she knew exactly what he meant, but it was really too insane to even contemplate that it might be more than that rush of hormones she’d been trying to convince herself it was. Because, seriously, what else could it be? And she was nothing if not serious about things.
“I’ve never once met anyone so in tune with himself,” she said.
“I’m just being honest. And maybe a bit more—okay, a hell of a lot more—vocal than I’d ever normally be. But I kind of feel pressured here.”
“By me? I’m not—”
“By circumstance. You’re here, but for how long? If I don’t act, don’t say what I’m thinking, how would you know? I don’t have the luxury of taking my time.”
“Are you always this impulsive?”
“Never,” he said without hesitation.
She had no response to that.
“Don’t mistake this for me pressuring you,” he said. “I’m just putting it out there. You’re free to do whatever you want with that. Of course, the fact that you’re in my lap and not struggling to get out, even with me acting like a completely deranged fool, is definitely encouraging.”
“I’m—I have no idea what I’m feeling. I’m not as organized about it as you are, not just yet. I guess I’m basically sort of winging it.”
He chuckled. “You don’t strike me as the winging it type.”
“I’m so not. Never used to be, anyway. Until recently. I’d say I’m pretty much winging everything right now.”
“Not really. I’m a planner. I love to plan. It makes life so much more pleasant when things are structured. So much of life you can’t structure, so managing and organizing what you can, builds at least a foundation to work from.”
“Until now.” She nodded. “So…how is the whole winging it thing going so far?”
She smiled at him, still settled in his lap. “At the moment, I really can’t complain.”
He grinned. “Have you ever been married? Ever been close?”
The question was just so unexpected, even in the context of the very unexpected conversation they were having, that she just gaped at him.
“Don’t worry, I haven’t gone completely insane. I’m just going back to a previous point. Have you ever just known? That a particular person is the one?”
“I—I’ve been close. Yes.”
“What happened?”
His frank openness was so new and different, she really didn’t know how to handle it, other than to be as frank and open in return. “I—I guess I thought I knew, but then I realized it wasn’t right. For any number of reasons. But knowing…works both ways, I guess. I blame me. N
othing was wrong. It was just…”
“Not right.”
“Did it take a long time to figure out? The knowing, then the knowing it wasn’t right?”
“No. I just knew. And probably did all along. You can talk yourself into believing a lot of things when you want what you want. But eventually, I had to admit that just because I wanted it—him—didn’t make it right. It would never have worked, and I always knew that, but chose to ignore it. Until I couldn’t. So, you’re right. You do just know. I guess I’ve never known the other way. When it really is right. Have you?”
“Up until now, no. I’ve been more like you. Liked it, thought I wanted it, but knew somewhere deep down that it really wasn’t it. That it couldn’t be. That the real thing would be different, would be…more.”
She was too afraid to ask him why he thought this time could be different. She wasn’t sure she wanted to think about it herself yet. This was supposed to be simple fun. It was definitely fun…but nothing about Jake McKenna was turning out to be simple. “Maybe this isn’t it, either,” she said, putting it into words, thoughts, she could handle.
“Maybe. But it is…more. And that’s a damn good place to start.”
She thought about that, thought about the hormone rush she’d gotten in the past when meeting someone who attracted her. And not always simply physically. She’d had all her senses engaged before, thought there was a pretty strong chance it might be “it.” But she’d definitely never met anyone who so fully engaged her, who was so open about the process while it was happening. She’d never met anyone so unafraid of challenging her, of being so completely himself, and so completely open about whatever was going through his mind. He said he was never impulsive, and neither was she. So…it only stood to reason that if she could act so completely out of character, so could he. And…if they were both compelled to do so with each other, then maybe it did demand a little bit of thought. Maybe a little bit of hope.