Horse in Danger

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Horse in Danger Page 9

by Michelle Bates

  “It’s O’Grady,” he hissed.

  The figure walked on a bit further and the yard was thrown into darkness again. Rosie couldn’t move. She stood, rooted to the spot. She felt as though her throat was seizing up. Then, there was the sound of footsteps and the flashlight came back again.

  “Didn’t you say that Silver Dancer’s stable was the third one along?” Jess whispered to Jake.

  Jake nodded grimly, his eyes keenly fixed on the scene in front of them. All that could be heard was the crunching of shoes on gravel as the light flickered around the yard. Rosie looked up. Her heart was in her mouth. O’Grady was disappearing into Silver Dancer’s stable.

  A sweat broke out on her brow. They hadn’t really planned what they were going to do. She looked at Jake, wondering what he was thinking when, to her surprise, she saw another figure in the yard. Was it an accomplice? And then her heart lifted as she recognized the side profile of the man. It was Josh. Josh Wiley was moving stealthily towards the same stable. Silently, Rosie watched him move closer, and then he seemed to hang back to listen at the side of the box. Rosie took a deep breath and craned her neck to see further. Before she knew it, Josh was speaking out.

  “What are you doing?” His voice boomed around the yard, making Rosie jump.

  “I-I.” It was O’Grady’s voice. He’d clearly been taken by surprise. Rosie would have liked to be able to see his face. She strained her ears to hear what they were saying.

  “What are you doing in Silver Dancer’s stable at this time of night? What’s in your hand? I suppose that’s going in her food?”

  And then there were the sounds of a scuffle and a crunching of feet, then all went quiet.

  “There...that’s the end of that.” It was Josh’s voice that came loud and clear. “I trusted you, O’Grady.” He had sounded angry at first but now, as his words referred to trust, there was a sad tone to his voice.

  “It was only going to be the once, Josh, honest.” O’Grady was crumbling now. “I needed the money. I’m up to my eyeballs in debt.”

  “Who’s paying you?” Josh’s voice came again.

  And suddenly Rosie didn’t want to be listening in. She looked at Jake, trying to gauge his reaction, but Jake’s face was solemn.

  “Come on,” Jess broke the silence, nudging Jake’s shoulder. “Go out there and confront him.”

  “I don’t think you should do that, Jake,” Rosie said warily, embarrassed to be disagreeing with her friend. “It’s not the time.”

  “No,” Jake agreed. “It isn’t the time. O’Grady’s had his comeuppance and Silver Dancer will be safe now.

  Rosie felt relieved that Jake was thinking the same way as her.

  “It’s up to them to sort this out,” he went on.

  “But–” Jess started.

  “No buts–” Jake said firmly.

  “Well if that’s your decision.” Jess shrugged her shoulders, but she didn’t look cross that no one had agreed with her, and for that Rosie was grateful. She didn’t want there to be any bad feeling between the two of them now.

  As Rosie looked back out into the yard she realized that while they had been discussing things, the two figures had disappeared and the yard was empty.

  “Probably gone inside to talk.” Jake followed Rosie’s gaze and nodded his head. “I think we ought to move off. I’d like to check on Silver Dancer, but if we’re caught we’ll be in big trouble.” Jake got up. “I’m sure it won’t be long before we hear something about all this,” he went on. “Come on, let’s go.”



  Rosie and Jess got to Sandy Lane early the next morning. They’d both got back safely the night before, and without anyone noticing they’d been missing. They’d decided it best not to tell Nick about their nighttime activities. Best to just let things take their natural course.

  So, as Rosie and Jess walked into the drive, Rosie was surprised to see Nick and Jake together in the tack room. She hoped that Jake wasn’t confiding in him. Quickly Rosie left Jess with Skylark and, rushing over, stuck her head around the door.

  “Oh hello,” Nick smiled at her. “I was just showing Jake the feed rotas.”

  “Oh right,” Rosie felt relieved. So their secret was safe. “Well, shall we get on with the mucking out?”

  “That would be great,” Nick said.

  As Rosie turned out of the tack room, she hurried across the yard to Jess.

  “I feel funny not telling Nick,” she whispered as they stood by Skylark’s stable.

  “I know,” Jess answered. “But it looks like he’s about to find out anyway.” She pointed as a Land Rover drove up into the drive and Josh jumped out.

  Nick poked his head out of the tack room door. His face registered surprise, and then embarrassment as he saw who had turned up.

  “Er, hi Josh. I hope you don’t mind, but I said Jake could stay here for a few days,” he mumbled.

  “I thought you might help him out,” Josh said. “And actually you’ve done me a favour.”

  Nick looked relieved as Josh started to speak. Josh went on to tell them what had happened the night before, and Rosie, Jess and Jake tried to look surprised in the right places.

  “I wanted to believe you, Jake,” Josh explained. “But I had to give O’Grady the benefit of the doubt. Then when I got back to the yard, things just didn’t quite add up. He’d gone on and on about all the trouble you’d caused, but when I checked with the other lads at the stables, no one could back up anything he’d said. So I decided to watch him, and it seems that you were right after all. O’Grady was up to something and I’m afraid that it goes a lot further than that. He was working for someone else. O’Grady’s not the true villain in all this.”

  Jake shrugged his shoulders.

  “It was all so pointless too,” Josh said gloomily. “If only he’d come to me and told me he was having financial troubles, but the lure of easy money was too much for him. Anyway, I know who the man is behind it, and that’s the most important thing. He’s called Brad Thompson – a trainer on the other side of Walbrook. He had two horses in Silver Dancer’s race. In fact, he’s already being investigated by the Jockey Club for corruption. With O’Grady’s testimony, it should lose him his licence. He could even go to prison, but we’ll have to see.”

  “And O’Grady’s agreed to give a testimony, has he?” Jake asked.

  “He couldn’t exactly refuse,” Josh answered. “I told him I wouldn’t press charges if he did, so he shouldn’t come out of this too heavily. O’Grady’s lost a lot through this. I’ve told him I can’t have him back and that’ll mean he’ll lose his home as well. Fifteen years he’s been with me – it’s a long time.”

  “Well, it’s good of you to come and sort things out so quickly,” Nick joined in.

  “I can’t tell you how sorry I am about this,” Josh went on. “And I do want to clear it all up.” He turned back to Jake, looking serious again. “Your job stands open for you if you want it back,” he said.

  “Want it?’ Jake cried, surprised. “Of course I do!”

  Josh smiled at his enthusiasm. “And secondly, I need to ask you a favour. It’s about Silver Dancer and her race tomorrow,” he started. “You see, O’Grady hasn’t booked a jockey.”

  Rosie saw Jake’s face light up.

  “I know it’s short notice, but I was wondering if you would ride her.”

  “Ride her? In her big the Latchfield?” Jake’s eyes widened.

  “Well, I don’t think she’s down to race in any other,” Josh laughed. “I’ve seen you go together on the gallops, so I know you’re capable of it. Look, you don’t have to give me an answer right now, but I’ll need to know by this evening.”

  “I don’t need to wait till this evening,” Jake gasped. “Of course I’d love to ride her...if you’re sure.”

  Jake looked at Rosie and Jess and they grinned. Even Nick’s face was covered with a smile. But the biggest smile of all was Jake

  “So you agree? You’ll ride then?” Josh asked.

  “You bet,” Jake said.

  “Well, if it’s OK with you, I wouldn’t mind getting you back to Elmwood,” Josh said, looking around him. “There’s a lot to be done for you to be ready to ride her tomorrow.”

  Jake nodded and grinned. “OK, I’ll just get my things.”

  “So I guess this means I’ll be losing my new stable hand then,” Nick broke in, smiling.

  “Oh, I-I-” Jake was speechless. Rosie and Jess laughed when they saw Nick’s face – they knew he was only teasing.

  “Go on,” Nick laughed. “I’m only joking. Of course you must go.”

  Jake didn’t need a second invitation. He started to make his way to the room above the barn, but then he stopped and turned back to Rosie.

  “I don’t know what to say,” he said.

  “Don’t say anything,” Rosie answered him. “Just get to Elmwood and practise,” she grinned. “You’ve got a race to win.” As they waved and the car drove out of the drive, Rosie turned back to Nick.

  “Well,” she sighed. “That’s all very exciting, but it’s back to school tomorrow, so we won’t even be able to watch the race.”

  “Don’t worry,” Nick grinned. “I’ll tape it for you, then you can watch it as many times as you like.”

  “Great!” Rosie and Jess said in unison.

  “And now that that’s all taken care off, haven’t you got some practising to do? We’re supposed to be going out over the cross-country in ten minutes. Come on, Rosie,” Nick said, looking at the suddenly glum face of the girl in front of him. “I know you’re disappointed you aren’t in the Roxburgh team, and I can’t change that, but Izzy’s told me she’s not going to be able to come to many of the competitions after that. So if you’ve got time for the practices, you might find you’ll get your old place back after all.”

  “Of course I’ve got time for the practices,” Rosie said, her confidence returning with Nick’s words. She turned to Jess and grinned.

  “And I’ll make sure she’s there, Nick,” Jess laughed.

  More Sandy Lane Stables books

  There are nine Sandy Lane Stables stories, you can collect them all! Click on the titles to read a short extract from each story.

  1. A Horse for the Summer

  2. Runaway Pony

  3. Strangers at the Stables

  4. The Midnight Horse

  5. Dream Pony

  6. Ride by Moonlight

  7. Horse in Danger

  8. The Perfect Pony

  9. Riding Holiday

  1. A Horse for the Summer

  by Michelle Bates

  There was a frantic whinny and the sound of drumming hooves reverberated around the yard as Chancey pranced down the ramp. He was certainly on his toes, but he didn’t look like the sleek, well turned-out horse that Tom remembered seeing last season. He was still unclipped and his shabby winter coat was flecked with foam as feverishly he pawed the ground. No one knew what to say...

  Tom’s cousin has agreed to lend him Chancey, her stunning chestnut gelding, for the summer. But Tom’s elation turns to dismay when he sees the state Chancey is in. It will take a lot of hard work to get the horse ready for the summer shows, but Tom is determined...until Nick decides Chancey is too dangerous to ride. What is Tom going to do?

  2. Runaway Pony

  by Susannah Leigh

  Angry shouting and the crunch of hooves on gravel made Jess spin around sharply. Careering towards her, wild-eyed with fear and long tail flying behind, was a palomino pony. It was completely out of control. Jess’s heart began to pound and her breath came in sharp gasps, but almost without thinking she held out her arms...

  When a runaway pony gallops into Sandy Lane, Jess doesn’t flinch. Thanks to her quick reactions, the beautiful palomino pony is caught. But the man chasing her isn’t all he seems. Soon, Jess is bitterly regretting her moment of heroism...

  3. Strangers at the Stables

  by Michelle Bates

  Thoughts jostled around in Rosie’s mind as she crossed the yard. She couldn’t believe how many things had gone wrong in the couple of weeks Nick and Sarah had been gone. She needed time to think. There was something worrying her, right at the back of her mind... something that held the key to it all. But what was it?

  When the owners of Sandy Lane are called away everyone still expects the stables to run smoothly in their absence. No one is quite prepared for all the things that happen over the next few weeks. There isn’t time to get help, the regulars of Sandy Lane have to act fast, if they want to save their stables...

  4. The Midnight Horse

  by Michelle Bates

  The horse cantered gracefully around the paddock in long easy strides, his tail held high, the crest of his neck arched. His jet-black coat contrasted sharply with the white frost, his hooves hardly seemed to touch the ground as he danced forward...

  Riding at the Hawthorn Horse Trials is all that Kate has dreamed of and this year she’s in with a real chance of winning. As she works hard to prepare for the day, it seems nothing will distract her from her goal. But then the mysterious midnight horse rides into Kate’s life, and suddenly everything changes...

  5. Dream Pony

  by Susannah Leigh

  The palomino was now just about on their tails. Jess could see that the ponies were lathered with sweat. As they passed, a blonde-haired girl shot Jess and Rosie a look which clearly indicated she considered them to be inferior. Then she dug her heels into her horse’s side and galloped away...

  Jess can hardly believe it, but she really is the proud owner of Skylark. There’s only one problem. Skylark must be kept at Rychester, a rival stables. Rychester couldn’t be more different from Sandy Lane, and neither could its riders. Jess’s dream is about to turn into a nightmare...

  6. Ride by Moonlight

  by Michelle Bates

  The ground started spinning. Charlie’s head was reeling. He felt as though he was seeing everything double. He couldn’t think. He couldn’t stop thinking. His mind was in a whirl as everything came flooding back – the high pitched whinny, the thundering hooves, the crashing fall – all echoed around his head...

  When Charlie loses his nerve in a riding accident, no one thinks for a moment it’ll be long before he’s back in the saddle. But as the weeks go by, his friends begin to realize it’s going to take something quite exceptional to get him riding again...

  7. Horse in Danger

  by Michelle Bates

  Rosie couldn’t see anything, yet she could definitely hear something. The stable in the far corner of the yard was shut, both sections of the door bolted tightly to a close. Rosie didn’t know why, but suddenly she felt very nervous.

  Taking a deep breath, she crossed the yard and pulled back the bolt on the door. As she slid it open, a hand plunged forward and grabbed her into the darkness...

  Rosie and Jess have always been the greatest of friends, but more recently they’ve found themselves drifting apart. On the Autumn Treasure Hunt Ride, Rosie sets out to make amends. But what she discovers that day takes her down a path of deception and danger, putting her friendship with Jess to the ultimate test...

  8. The Perfect Pony

  by Michelle Bates

  The stable yard was already busy that morning and there was a crowd of people gathered around the barn in the corner. Horses and ponies whinnied loudly, and the sound of crashing hooves on timber echoed around the stable yard. Before Alex even had a chance to walk over, Tom had crossed the stable yard toward him.

  “I wouldn’t like to be in your shoes right now, Alex...”

  Alex’s sister Kate cannot believe what he’s done. Alex thought he was solving lots of problems buying a pony at the local auction. So he’s in for a shock when he realizes he’s now the owner of Puzzle, a filthy, thin and abused pony. But worse is to come, for Puzzle is in such a state, she may have to be put down...

Riding Holiday

  by Michelle Bates

  As Izzy leaned forward to get a closer look, the words swam in front of her eyes. It was only two lines, but what she saw completely took her breath away. She hadn’t really had a chance to think about what they might find at Joe Hagan’s farm, but what she had found looked like evidence that they hadn’t had a wasted trip...

  Kate and Izzy have left Sandy Lane for a three-week riding holiday at a racing stables in America. But they’re not doing much riding, the owner is mysteriously missing and everyone seems to be keeping a secret. Then a horse’s life is threatened...




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