1415: Henry V's Year of Glory

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1415: Henry V's Year of Glory Page 76

by Mortimer, Ian

  Bordeaux 68, 105, 207, 225, 301, 356, 357, 384, 461, 484, 512; Jurade of 39, 69, 225, 249, 278, 355, 461, 484

  Bordiu, Dr Jean, archdeacon of Médoc 103, 281, 355–6, 359, 375, 383–4, 397, 562

  Bosredon, Louis de 400

  Boston 497, 589

  Botreaux, Elizabeth, Lady Botreaux 288, 413

  Botreaux, William (1389–1462), Lord Botreaux (1395) 288, 293, 316, 390, 413

  Botteler, John 297

  Boucicaut, otherwise known as Jean le Maingre (1366–1421), marshal of France 301, 335, 374, 399–402, 407, 410, 412, 415, 428–430, 435, 446

  Boulogne 215, 300, 314, 325, 391, 392, 397, 400, 565, 606

  Bourbon, duke of see John of Bourbon

  Bourchier, Lord see Stafford, Hugh

  Bourchier, Sir William (d. 1420) 68, 103, 118, 155, 297, 328, 361, 488, 509, 580, 596

  Bourges, archbishop of see Boisratier

  Bourges, Treaty of (1412) 16, 17, 40, 182, 280

  Bourneville, Robinet de 444

  Bouvier, Gilles le (1386–c. 1455), herald of the duke of Berry 413, 417, 422, 439, 565

  Bouvier, William 116

  Boves 406, 407, 408, 409

  Bower, Henry, bowyer 105, 173, 191

  Bower, John, turner 154, 166, 173

  Bowet, Henry (d. 1423), bishop of Bath and Wells (1401–7), archbishop of York (1407), treasurer (1402) 57, 104, 291, 473

  bows see archery

  Brabant 443, 444

  Brabant, Clignet de (d. 1428), admiral of France 48, 98, 344, 439, 446, 450, 494

  Brabant, duke of see Anthony

  Bracquemont, Braquetus de 148

  Bracquemont, Lyonnet de 328, 369

  Bracquemont, Olivier de 328, 369

  Bradbury, Jim 525

  Bramham Moor, battle of (1408) 184

  Bramshulf, William 395

  Brecon, lordship of 250

  Breisach 163–4, 166–7, 171

  Bresle, River 398

  Brétigny, Treaty of (1360) 12, 14, 40, 41, 115, 117, 277

  bricks 100, 102,

  Bridgettine nuns (Order of St Saviour, 1370) 75–6, 100, 101, 106, 534

  Bridgewater 589

  Bridlington Priory 151

  prior of; 254

  Bristol 37, 40, 103, 122, 146, 477, 589; friars of 288; manor of 504; mayor of 105;

  Brittany 40, 61, 117, 217, 277, 322, 416, 501, 583;duke of see John

  Brocas, William (d. 1456), MP for Hampshire (1414) 63

  Brogny, Jean Allarmet de (d. 1426), cardinal bishop of Ostia 49, 157, 176, 177, 203

  Brown, John 194, 297

  Bruges 226, 583

  Bruges, William (d. 1450), Chester herald (1398), Garter King of Arms (1417?) 343–4, 378–80, 385, 391, 596

  Brunham, Robert 495

  Brunyng, John (d. 1436), abbot of Sherborne (1415) 113

  Brussels 458

  Brut chronicle see books

  Bryde, Robert, royal chaplain, chancellor of the collegiate church of St John of Beverley 93

  Bubwith, Nicholas (d. 1424), Henry’s secretary (1402), keeper of the privy seal (1405–6), bishop of London (1406–7), bishop of Bath and Wells (1407) 66, 149, 279

  Buckfast, abbot of 193

  Buckinghamshire 222

  Bufreuil, Jean 328, 369

  Builth, lordship of 188

  Burgh, John, esquire 70, 236

  Burgundians see John the Fearless

  Burgundy 9, 15, 39, 116, 171, 217, 522; dukes of see John the Fearless; Philip the Bold

  Burnell, Hugh (d. 1420), Lord Burnell (1383) 161

  Bury St Edmunds 236

  Butler, Sir William (d. 1415), of Warrington 379, 582

  Byfleet 100

  Byzantium, emperor of 479, 515

  Cabochien revolt (April 1413) 39, 102

  Cadbury, Somerset 288, 413

  Caen 371, 536

  Caix 409

  Calais 53, 73, 93, 155, 215, 233, 252, 281, 391–3, 399, 400, 402, 405, 415, 460, 476, 484, 518; attacked by John the Fearless 14; bricks imported from 100; commission to investigate fraud in; defence of 14, 64, 80, 82, 104, 146, 154, 156, 166, 174, 189, 226, 233, 383, 568; embarkation/landing at 15, 68, 475; French prisoners ordered to assemble at 380, 383, 384, 465, 471–2; march of army to 375, 384–6, 390–5, 397, 399, 401–2, 418–9, 430, 434–5, 454, 458–61, 469, 532–3, 543–4; negotiations at 166, 220, 322; provisions for 60, 82, 160, 195, 200, 232, 461, 469, 487; raids by soldiers from 300, 314, 325; siege of (1346–7) 325, 338, 364, 370, 514; Staple at 583; treasurer of see Salvayn

  Calthorp, Sir John 327

  Calton, Nicholas, king’s clerk, 70

  Calverton, John, of Northumberland 500

  Cambrai 417; cardinal of see Ailly

  Cambridge, earl of see Edmund of Langley; Richard of Conisborough

  Cambridge, University of 84, 252, 221, 253

  Cambridgeshire 179

  Camoys, Thomas (d. 1421), Lord Camoys (1383) 161–3, 306, 394, 431, 440, 580, 592, 599

  Canche, River 419

  Canford, manor of 214

  Cank Forest 128

  cannon see guns

  Canterbury 90, 289, 477; abbot of 497; archbishops of see Arundel, Chichele; bailiffs of 230; Cathedral 25, 90, 198, 400, 476; convocation of 56, 473, 547; Dominican friars of 60; Franciscan friars of 60

  Cantiers, Guillaume de (d. 1418), bishop of Evreux (1400) 225, 230, 238

  Capra, Bartholomeo Francisci della (d. 1433), archbishop of Milan (1414) 267

  Carcassonne, bishop of see Puy

  Cardiganshire 250, 496

  cardinals, college of 171, 177, 267

  Carew, Sir Thomas (d. 1431) of Haccombe 94, 170, 187, 195, 597

  Carisbrooke Castle 502

  Carlisle 192, 503

  Carlisle, bishop of see Strickland, William

  Carmarthen 180, 250

  Carmarthenshire 250

  Carmelite friars 34

  carpenters 40, 188, 197, 202, 222, 234, 249, 270, 324, 390, 404

  Carthusians 100, 101, 534

  Cary, Robert 193

  Cassinel, Guillaume 168

  Cassinelle, la, mistress of the dauphin Louis 168

  Cassy, Richard, royal chaplain 297

  Castile: king of see Juan; kingdom of 81, 103, 106, 552; queen of see Catalina

  Castle, Roger, royal esquire 104

  Catalina of Lancaster (d. 1418), queen of Castile (1388) 103

  Catherine of France see Katherine

  Catterick, John (d. 1419), bishop of St David’s (1414–15), bishop of Lichfield (1415–19), later bishop of Exeter (1419) 66, 76, 149, 187, 204, 340, 578

  Catton, William, clerk of the king’s ships 82, 96, 166, 191

  Cauchon, Pierre 107, 278

  Caudebec 327, 593

  Causis, Michael de 59, 190, 219

  Cawardyn, David, yeoman of the king’s chamber 320, 493

  Celestine V (d. 1296), pope (1294) 101

  Celestines 101, 137–9, 142, 349, 534

  Cerretano, Jacob (d. 1440), papal notary 65, 66, 81, 91, 186

  Ceuta 293

  Chaigny 409

  Challant, William of (d. 1431), bishop of Lausanne (1406) and (temporarily) of Terouanne 65

  Chalon 399

  Chalons, Blanche, wife of Sir Robert Chalons 202, 221

  Chalons, Sir Robert (d. 1439) 202, 294, 584

  Chalton, Thomas, mercer of London 169

  Chamberlain, John, clerk of the admiralty 83, 144, 579

  Champagne 484

  Champernowne, Alexander 193

  Chancellor, Adam 146

  Chancellor, William 194, 197, 199, 229

  Channel Islands 270

  Charente, River 39

  Charing Cross 47

  Charles III (1361–1425), king of Navarre (1387) 11, 506

  Charles V (1338–1380) king of France (1364) 217

  Charles VI (1368–1422), king of France (1380) 7, 9, 18, 25, 68, 83, 89, 96, 107, 117–8, 169, 195, 229, 275, 277, 339, 351, 363, 376,
388, 397, 399, 407, 409, 463, 501; absolves John the Fearless 10; ambassadors of, negotiating with those of England 147, 260–70, 275–8, 346; attends meetings of the royal council 215, 414; death of 517; deceived by John the Fearless 106, 144; declared that he will fight Henry 412; fails to send a relieving army to Harfleur 336, 354, 360, 364, 366–8, 372; health of 7, 168, 261, 508–9; hears service in memory of his murdered brother 54; jousts against the duke of Alençon 88; letters in his name concerning the defence of the realm 367, 375; letters in his name to Henry V 260–1, 265, 268, 301–3; makes gift to representatives of Glendower 103; meets with the dauphin at Vernon 393; opposition to Armagnacs in 1411–13 17–18; opposition to Bugundians 281, see also John the Fearless, relations with French government; receives a deputation from the council 474; receives Burgundian ambassadors/ proctors in Paris 78, 88, 102, 498; receives English ambassadors in Paris 95; receives letters from Henry V 143, 152–3, 213, 264; receives news of Agincourt 458–9; receives the Oriflamme at St Denis 358; refuses to acknowledge Henry as the rightful king of England 39–40; representatives at the council of Constance 225, 238, 278, 389, see also Gerson; returns to Paris 485, 493; sacred person of 378; sends ambassadors to John the Fearless 305–6, 484–5; stays away from Agincourt 414, 456

  Charles VII (1403–1461), count of Ponthieu, later dauphin (1417), king of France (1422) 500, 509, 517

  Charles (1364–1431), duke of Lorraine (1390) 239, 376, 392, 393, 407, 426, 500, 508

  Charles (1392–1401), dauphin 10

  Charles (1394–1465), duke of Orléans (1407) 10, 11, 16, 17, 52, 88, 116, 168, 351, 355, 368, 409, 415, 423, 426, 428–9, 431, 446, 459–60, 485, 488, 490, 508, 598, 599, 601

  Charles (1394–1472), count of Eu (1397) 52, 68, 95, 116, 398, 412, 446, 508

  Charlton, Edward (d. 1421), Lord Charlton of Powys (1401) 156, 161, 543

  Charolais, count of see Philip of Burgundy

  Charterhouses see Axholme; Coventry; Kingston upon Hull; London; Mount Grace; Sheen

  Chartres 10; bishop of see Boisgilon, Montagu;Peace of (1409) 18, 78

  Chastel, Tanneguy du (1369–1449), provost of Paris 415, 423, 428, 456, 504

  Châtillon-sur-Seine 475

  Chaucer, Alice see Phelip, Alice

  Chaucer, Geoffrey (d. 1400), poet 34, 89, 388

  Chaucer, Sir Thomas (d. 1434), Speaker, king’s butler (1402–13) 34, 42, 94, 105–6, 165, 187, 231, 236, 320, 547

  Chauny, Albert de 7, 8

  Chef de Caux 325

  Cheney, John, royal esquire 84, 282, 297

  Cheney, William, sheriff of Devon 84

  Cheshire 135, 250, 324, 484

  chess 57, 533

  Chester 26, 29, 170, 198, 255; St Werbergh’s 258, 549; stewardship of 170

  Chester herald see Bruges

  Cheyne, William, judge 587

  Chichele, Henry (d. 1443), bishop of St David’s (1408), archbishop of Canterbury (1414) 34, 587, 592; against Lollards 334, 340, 342, 547; draws up copies of the Treaty of Bourges 280; draws up instructions for Burgundian ambassadors 199; entertains Henry at Lambeth 171, 510–13, 516; named in Henry’s will 296; privy councillor 79, 145, 147, 156, 249; receives French ambassadors 267, 277; receives Henry on his return from France 476; requests a loan from the Londoners 120–1, 137; sees Teutonic envoys 259; trustee of royal estates 291

  Chichester 240, 252, 262, 589

  Chichester, bishop of see Reade, Robert

  Chidiock, John (1401–1450), Lord Fitzpayn (1415) 472

  Chidiock, Sir John (d. 1415), Lord Fitzpayn (1390) 377, 379, 472

  chivalry, court of 85

  Chlum, lord of see John Kepka of Chlum

  Christchurch, manor of 214

  Christian of Prachatice 112

  Churchill, Sir Winston (1874–1965), politician and historical writer 550

  Cinque Ports 121–2, 160, 226, 356, 390, 403, 488

  Clamance, Riflart, de 444

  Clarence, duchess of see Holland, Margaret

  Clarence, duke of see Thomas of Lancaster

  Claxton, Sir William 502

  Claydon, John (d. 1415), shopkeeper and Lollard 110–11, 334, 340–2, 357, 358, 513, 530, 536, 547

  Clere, George de 509

  Clermont, count of see John of Bourbon

  Cléry 409

  Clifford, John 170, 187

  Clifford (d. 1422), Lord Clifford 247, 254, 285, 299, 306, 311, 316, 318–19

  Clifford, Richard (d. 1421), keeper of the privy seal (1397–1401), bishop of Worcester (1401–7), bishop of London (1407) 56, 149, 249, 340–2, 497

  Clinton, Lord Clinton 316, 390, 596, 597

  Clitherowe, Richard, esquire, yeoman of the king’s chamber, 70, 96, 105, 139, 140, 169, 191, 577, 581

  Clitherowe, Robert, yeoman of the king’s chamber 320, 493

  clocks 45, 46, 86, 357, 572

  Clyffe, John, royal minstrel 84

  coal 42, 202, 497

  cockfighting 88

  coins, counterfeiting of 179, 214, 473

  Col, Gontier (d. 1418), secretary to the king of France 148

  Colchester, John, mason 507

  Cole, William 73

  Colne Priory, Essex 320

  Colnet, Nicholas (d. 1420), royal physician 173, 297

  Colomiers 500, 503

  Colville, Geoffrey 77

  Colvyle, Sir John 579

  Conisborough Castle 244, 586

  Constance 49; bishop of 126; bishop’s palace 59; cathedral of 74, 114, 121, 133, 185, 272; celebration of Candlemas at 77–8; council of see next entry; Dominican monastery 91, 112, 122; Franciscan monastery 82, 179, 186, 218, 222, 226, 257, 263, 271; House of the Golden Sword 65; Painted House 65; St Paul’s Street 139; town hall 50

  Constance, council of (1415–8) 2, 49; Benedict XIII’s abdication negotiations 284, 465–6; Benedict XIII’s deposition negotiations 466, 505–6, 517; Burgundian representatives at 107, 278, 300, 382, 389; canonisation of St Bridget at 75–6, 101; concerns about protection at 50; condemnation of Wycliffe at see Wycliffe; election of new pope 114–15; extirpation of heresies by 237, 513; Emperor Sigismund arrives at 49; Emperor Sigismund leaves Constance 284, 465; English representatives at 52, 64–7, 80–2, 84–5, 90, 101, 106, 113, 120, 121, 127, 147, 149, 187, 281, 477, 512, 515, 524; first session held without pope 127; Gerson at see Gerson, Jean; Gregory XII, abdication of 266–7; Henry V’s involvement with 51–2, 56, 65–7, 72, 280; Jan Hus at see Hus, Jan; Jerome at see Jerome; John XXIII flees from 123–5; John XXIII’s abdication negotiatons 92, 97, 108–9, 121, 127, 140, 171; John XXIII’s deposition negotiations 74–5, 90–2, 122–3, 134, 141–2, 157, 163–6, 176–7, 185–6, 202–4; national voting at 84–5; numbers attending 49; papal business conducted by 61–2, 134, 478, 486; petition to John XXIII 120; plenary sessions 114, 133, 141, 185; refutation of Jean Petit’s Justification 278, 300, 389; reprisals following the martyrdom of Jan Hus 381; trial of Jan Hus at see Hus, Jan

  Constance of York see Despenser, Constance

  Constantinople, patriarch of 114, 266

  Conway Castle 111, 334

  Conyn, John, king’s tent-maker 84

  Copenot, John 505

  Copil, Robert, pâtissier 503, 504

  Copleston, John (d. 1433) 193

  Coppleston, John (d. 1458), lawyer, MP for Devon (1421) 193

  Corbeil 493

  Corbie 406, 408–9, 413, 423

  Corfe, William, master of theology 157, 223, 580

  Corfe Castle, constable of 478

  Cornhill, Edmund 73

  Cornwaille, Elizabeth (d. 1425), wife of Sir John Cornwaille 34

  Cornwaille, Sir John (d. 1443), later Lord Cornwaille, Baron of Fanhope (1433) 34, 161, 240, 326, 361, 394, 411, 442, 446, 472, 476, 486, 580

  Cornwall 103, 195, 233

  Corrario, Angelo see Pope Gregory XII

  councils, ecclesiastical see Constance; Pisa; Sutri

  councils, great (English); 1414 November (Westminster) 41, 66;69; 1415 April (Westminster) 83
, 94–6, 142, 147–154, 156–7, 158–9, 175, 181, 192, 200, 210, 255, 512, 525, 557–9

  councils, great (French) 498, 504, 573;1415 October (Rouen) 414–16, 498, 500, 504

  councils privy (English) 9, 67–8, 156, 282, 291, 386, 555, 557; of Henry IV 263; of Henry V 69, 78–80, 83, 85, 91–2, 94, 99, 120, 124, 140, 137, 141–2, 145–7, 165, 187–8, 194–6, 199, 236, 240, 243, 249–50, 252, 269–70, 278–9, 282, 291, 294, 300, 307, 321–3, 325, 350, 383, 386–7, 401–2, 406, 413, 418, 427, 435, 439, 461–2, 466–7, 470, 478, 486–7, 494, 524, 543–4, 558, 573; of Henry, prince of Wales (1410–11) 13, 15, 16, 403

  councils privy (French) 52, 53, 54, 68, 78, 215, 300, 346, 351, 367, 378, 396, 400, 412, 418, 474, 475, 494, 504, 506, 573

  Courtenay, Edward (d. 1419), earl of Devon (1377) 149, 247

  Courtenay, Sir Edward (d. 1418), heir to the earldom of Devon 299, 306, 477, 488

  Courtenay, Richard (d. 1415), bishop of Norwich (1413) 249, 257, 552, 569; ambassador to France 68–9, 86, 115–19, 130, 260, 268, 573, 575, 592; appearance and character, 69, 117, 118; appointed to distribute royal treasure 69, 200, 207, 210–13, 242, 514, 585; appointed to deal with requests for money 235; compiles a dossier of Armagnac promises 182, 280; executor of Henry’s will 298; friendship with Jean Fusoris 86–7, 118, 244, 268–70, 274–6, 279, 347, 349–50, 357, 537, 575; illness and death 358–60, 387, 403, 466, 483, 486; orders corpse to be cut down at Calais 73; provides intelligence concerning Harfleur 155, 328; seeks intelligence on Agincourt campaign 349–50; serves Henry in Wales 29; stays near king on Agincourt campaign 346–7, 349, 358–9, 561; suggests founding a Celestine house at Sheen 101, 138; trustee of royal estates 291

  Cousaille, Sir Jean 98

  Cousaille, Sir Peter 98

  Coventry 101, 187, 206; bishop of see Catterick; Charterhouse 101; mayor of 211; prior of St Mary’s 211

  Covolt, Hans 183, 235, 236, 241, 242, 249

  Cramaud, Simon de (d. 1423), archbishop of Rheims (1409), cardinal of St. Lorenzo (1413) 141

  Cranbury 290, 292, 304, 306, 307, 310


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