Beautifully Flawed (Shine Design Series Book 2)

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Beautifully Flawed (Shine Design Series Book 2) Page 9

by Laura Pavlov

  “Never going to happen. My day one is football.”

  He pulled into Mimi’s driveway, and Jackson handed him his phone. “Keep telling yourself that. But you and I both know you’re dying to text her back. You keep looking over at your goddamned phone like it’s your lifeline. I’m going in to see my favorite lady while you text your friend back.” He used two fingers from each hand to make air quotes like the dickhead he was.

  Jackson pushed out of the car, while Maverick remained plastered to his seat and looked at his phone, reading Elle’s message.

  —Hey. Made it here safe and sound. How was your workout? Miss me yet?—

  She had no fucking idea.

  —Not the same without you, Peaches—

  —You going soft on me, Wallace?—

  His mind immediately went south—going soft would not be the words he would use to describe what was happening where she was involved.

  —Never. You happy to be home?—

  —Yes. Off to have lunch with Dani, Peyt, and baby Jojo. Birthday dinner with my dad tonight—

  No mention of her ex-boyfriend. Or the flowers. Interesting.

  —Sounds good. Have fun—

  —You too. Text you later—

  When he stepped inside Mimi’s house, he found she and Jackson huddled on the couch like two schoolgirls gossiping. He let out an irritated breath to alert them both of his presence.

  “Tell us, did she agree to go steady with you?” Jackson asked in a high-pitched voice.

  “Has anyone ever told you you’re an asshat?” Maverick said, before leaning over to hug Mimi. Jackson erupted in laughter and his grandmother pulled away and swatted him in the face with her hanky. Who the hell used hankies anymore?

  “Maverick Wallace, you will not use that language in this house,” Mimi said before sliding back on the floral couch she’d had since the pilgrims discovered the new world. Her lips turned up in the corners and she shook her head at him.

  “It really is offensive, Mav. And to speak like that in the presence of a lady. Shameful,” Jackson said with a dumb ass smirk on his face.

  He shot Jackson the bird before he poured himself a glass of sweet tea and took a seat in the chair across from them.

  “Probably quiet over at your place with Elle gone?” Mimi said.

  He glared at his friend. Obviously, he’d encouraged her, and it would never end now. She’d be like a dog with a bone.

  “She’s been gone for a few hours. I’ve hardly noticed.”

  Fucking lie.

  “Well, I’ve noticed. I enjoy my daily chats with her.”

  “She’s back tomorrow night, Mimi. I’m sure you’ll survive until then.”

  “So insensitive, Mav.” Jackson’s lips turned up in the corners and he wrapped an arm around Mimi’s shoulders.

  Maverick didn’t hide his irritation, but in truth, it had a lot more to do with a certain someone being gone than it did with Jackson being a first-class asshat.

  Elle Fiore was almost as consuming as football.


  Chapter Nine

  Elle’s Tip of the Day

  What’s good for the goose ain’t always good for the gander!

  Her heels clanked against the metal stairs as she, Dani, and Peyton made their way to the kitchen at the firehouse armed with loads of Chinese food, a cake, and birthday decorations. Of course, her dad chose to work on his birthday. So, she put on a dress and heels and brought the party to him. No one deserved a celebration more than Nick Fiore. He fought fires and saved lives, for goodness’ sake. Most importantly, he was the most consistent, positive force in her life. Had been since the day he’d entered it.

  “Well, look who the cat dragged in. Bring it in, Little Fiore,” Billy Stark shouted. Everyone at the firehouse referred to her dad’s best friend as Billy Goat. He took the bag of food from her and set it on the table before pulling her into a big, suffocating hug.

  “Hey, Billy Goat,” she said with a laugh, before he set her back down on the ground. “These are my besties, Peyton and Dani.”

  “Nice to meet you, ladies. Your dad’s been looking forward to this visit all day.”

  Loud voices entered the room before their bodies followed.

  “There’s our girl,” Axe and Westy, two of the older guys on the crew said.

  They took turns lifting her off her feet, and she introduced them to her friends. Big Jim and Turbo helped set out the food, and she swatted Axe’s hand several times when his finger dipped into the icing on the cake. The girls helped her tape up a few decorations before she ran up one more set of stairs to get the birthday boy. The guys called her dad, Hollywood, because of his good looks. They loved to razz him about resembling George Clooney.

  She peeked in the doorway and found him sitting on the bed tying his boots. The room held six beds lined side-by-side with a small table separating each one. It always smelled like an odd mixture of Irish Spring soap and beef jerky. A peculiar smell, yet she’d grown used to it. A photo of the two of them at her college graduation sat on his nightstand.

  “Happy birthday, Dad.”

  He pushed to his feet and made his way to her. “How’re you doing, Short Stack?”

  Elle’s father, along with his three brothers, her uncles, were all tall men. Each one fell between six foot two and six foot four. She clearly took after her mother when it came to her blonde hair and her height barely reaching five foot four inches. He enjoyed teasing her about it.

  “I’m good. Happy we get to celebrate you tonight,” she said, and he followed her down to the kitchen.

  Everyone sang “Happy Birthday” as they entered the room, and he greeted her two best friends with a hug.

  She had enjoyed lunch earlier, catching up with Peyton and Dani and spending time with Jojo. Between her trip to France and current job in Lake Tahoe she hadn’t seen the little munchkin in nearly a month.

  She’d gone to Peyton’s house to see the slew of floral arrangements Edward sent to the office. He’d texted her a few times over the past few weeks, but she hadn’t responded. There wasn’t anything to discuss. They didn’t have a future. It was important for her to be with someone who wanted to build a life together, and Edward Efant was not that man.

  Her mind kept wandering back to Maverick. She wondered if he’d be out on the prowl with her being gone. The man was probably thrilled to have some freedom. Though she needed space from him, it wasn’t because she craved it. They were growing too close. The lines were blurring, at least for her, and a little distance would help get her head on straight. Maverick proved to be a good guy, and she liked their friendship, but it couldn’t go anywhere, so she’d need to keep herself in check.

  “You still with us, Short Stack?” Her father pulled her from her thoughts.

  “Yes, of course. Just a little concerned. It looks like your plate might not be able to hold that mound you have there.” She laughed, noting he had enough kung pao chicken and sweet and sour pork to feed a small army. Her dad had a ferocious appetite, which made her think of Maverick, who ate as much as her father did.

  “I think this will hold me over for a little while. Tell me how the lake house is coming along in Tahoe,” he said, before they all started eating.

  “It’s going to be spectacular. The timeline is a little longer than I anticipated, but I don’t mind being there. It’s peaceful. I spend most of my days down at the house with Maverick. The home sits right on the lake so it’s not a bad way to spend your days.”

  Peyton beamed. “I told you he wasn’t a bad guy.”

  “Yeah, no more nemesis talk, huh?” Dani flashed a wicked grin.

  Elle rolled her eyes. “Turns out he’s not so bad. We’ve actually become friends. I’m pretty sure I’m the first single female friend he hasn’t slept with.”

  Her father choked on his Orange Fanta and she chuckled at his reaction.

  “Well, let’s keep it that way, okay?” Her dad forced a smile.

Hey, why not date the guy and score us some free tickets to a game or two this year,” Billy Goat shouted with laughter.

  “You want me to date a manwhore just so you can score some free tickets?” Elle raised an eyebrow in question and Dani and Peyton fell back in a fit of giggles.

  “What the hell is a manwhore?” Axe asked, around a mouthful of sweet and sour chicken.

  “You know, someone who moves from woman to woman faster than a knife fight in a phone booth,” Elle said matter-of-factly.

  The dining room erupted in laughter. Dani leaned in and whispered, right after a text from Maverick came through. “The manwhore sure does text you an awful lot.”

  She scooped up her phone and dropped it into her purse so Dani wouldn’t see just how often he really did text her.

  “Keep your voice down. The last thing I need is Billy Goat nagging me for tickets,” Elle said, keeping her tone quiet.

  “She’s right, though. The man has been texting you all day.” Peyton raised her brow in curiosity.

  “I’m designing his house. He’s just asking questions about…things.” Her cheeks heated, and she caught her father staring at her with a smile.

  “I thought you despised the guy,” her dad said.

  “I don’t. He’s fine.” She shrugged. My God, what happened to a girl having the right to change her mind.

  “Well, I vote for the manwhore. I love you, Li’l Fiore, but you know I’m the Miner’s biggest fan. You need to work your magic and score yourself a date before the season starts,” Billy Goat said in his boisterous voice from the other end of the table.

  “You don’t know dipshit from apple butter, Billy Goat,” she hollered back. “He’s the last man on Earth I’m going to date.” The table exploded with laughter.

  Her dad leaned in so only she could hear. “Short Stack, just because someone isn’t settled down in their twenties, doesn’t mean they never will. He’s young, and he’s a professional athlete. The man’s got a lot of pressure on him. Nothing wrong with playing the field till he meets the right woman.” Her dad hadn’t settled down himself. He liked to say he only had room in his life for her. He’d had a few serious girlfriends over the years but never chose to marry. It made her sad. She didn’t like the idea of him growing old alone.

  “You don’t even know him. Why in the world are you defending the guy?”

  “He’s a damn good player, and I’ve seen a bunch of interviews with him. He seems like a stand-up guy. Plus, isn’t he a lifelong friend of Peyton and Jackson?” her father said with confusion.

  Peyton pushed right into their conversation. “He certainly is.”

  Elle rolled her eyes and reached for the phone in her purse as it continued to vibrate.

  —When are you coming back? Daisy is depressed without you. She smells like soy sauce and urine again—

  She covered her mouth to keep her laughter in check before noticing her father, Peyton, and Dani watching her.

  Shaking her head, she said, “He’s a very needy manwhore. He wants to know when I’m coming back because the dog smells like soy sauce and urine.”

  Her dad’s gaze narrowed. “You’re getting awfully friendly with this guy, huh?”

  She waved him off. “He’s a client. We have the same friends, and we’re forced to spend a lot of time together. It’s no big deal.”

  When her phone vibrated again, Dani reached for it before Elle could stop her.

  “Ohhhh, now it’s Edward. Looks like you’ve got two guys who want to see you tomorrow.” She wriggled her eyebrows and handed the phone back to Elle.

  —I’d like to take you to lunch tomorrow if you’re available—

  Her father went to get seconds, which was hard to wrap her head around. She typed a quick response to Edward.

  —I’m going back to Lake Tahoe tomorrow and need to leave by noon, so lunch isn’t an option. Thanks for the flowers. I’m sorry for not responding sooner—

  —Breakfast? I’ll meet you as early as you need. I am desperate to see you and explain a few things to you—

  She tucked her hair behind her ear and sighed. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “He wants to see you?” Peyton whispered.

  “Yeah. I said I’d be leaving at noon, so I couldn’t meet for lunch. He offered to meet for breakfast instead. Said he’s desperate to see me and needs to explain a few things.”

  “What are you going to do?” Dani asked.

  She typed out a quick response to say she’d meet for a quick coffee on her way out of town.

  “It’s not like anything has changed, but I’ll hear him out.”

  “Well,” Peyton said holding up her phone, “Jackson texted and said Maverick wants to know when you’re coming back. Apparently, the dog really misses you.”

  Her dad smirked. “Careful, Short Stack. Sounds like you’ve got yourself in a game of tug-o-war.”

  “Sounds like one of those love triangles we see on those Lifetime movies Axe makes us watch. And you know which guy gets my vote,” Billy Goat shouted.

  She threw her balled up napkin across the table at him and turned her phone off. One of the men didn’t do relationships, and the other had never made her a priority. There was no love triangle here.


  “Hey, sorry I’m late. Just had to get a few thigs done before I get on the road,” she said. Edward kissed each cheek before pulling her chair out.

  She asked to meet at the cute café up the street from her condo. The coffee shop took shabby chic to a whole new level, and she loved everything about it. Black and white designs were painted on shiny marble floors, with velvet couches and vintage chairs surrounding white round tables. A wall covered in floor-to-ceiling silk pink roses made the perfect focal point, and chalkboards decorated the walls behind the white counter, announcing the daily specials. Crystal chandeliers hung from above, and the elegant, feminine décor assured there was always a line out the door.

  “No problem whatsoever, I’m thankful you agreed to meet,” Edward said, his accent regal and elegant.

  “Of course. Thank you for the beautiful arrangements. It wasn’t necessary.”

  “I behaved poorly, and I want to fix things. I know I was wrong, darling,” he said, as a woman approached and set down a cup of coffee for him and a black unsweetened iced tea for her.

  “I hope it’s all right I took the liberty to order you a tea?” His lips turned up in the corners.

  Maybe he did know more about her than she’d given him credit for. Although anyone who knew her, knew she drank about four large ice teas a day. Still thoughtful.

  “Yes, of course, and there’s nothing to fix. I accept your apology.”

  “You do? You’re willing to move forward?” His voice was full of hope and her chest tightened. She’d assumed he wanted to make sure they ended on good terms, not pick up where they left off.

  “Oh, um, I meant I’m willing to put the whole episode behind us and end on good terms. I didn’t mean move forward as a couple,” she said.

  “Why? Things were great until the episode with Sophie. I’ve spoken to her. Told her how important you are to me,” he said.

  Why now? Why not when the girl was hurling insults at her? What about the rest of the trip? He worked the entire time. They hardly spent any time together.

  “Listen, Edward. I think we were a little caught up in the moment. Truthfully, we’re in different places. You have grown children. One who blatantly doesn’t accept me. I’m closer in age to Sophie than I am to you.”

  He reached for her hand. “It never bothered you before.”

  “Well, once I took the time to step back and reflect on everything, I realized how different we are. Yes, we have fun getting all dressed up and going to parties together. That doesn’t make for a relationship though. I want to get married someday and have children of my own.”

  He studied her. His face appeared pained. He squeezed both her hands in his. “We can do all those things, darling. I�
�m not that old. Yes, I’m older than you. But men can have children much later in life than women can.”

  What in the Sam Hill? He’d considered leaving her at home for dinner per his daughter’s request, and now he was talking about having kids? The man didn’t know whether to check his ass or scratch his watch. They’d never discussed children because he’d already had two of his own. With someone else. Plus, he had some physical deficiencies which made her doubt children were even a possibility.

  She leaned in and whispered, “Can you have children?”

  Why was she even asking? She didn’t want to get back together with the man. She hadn’t experienced real heartache over the ending of their relationship. Disappointment, sure. Usually when she walked away from a boyfriend, she knew it was the right decision. Just like when she ended things with Edward.

  His handsome face brightened. He leaned in closer, with a humored smirk. “I do have two children, so I’m quite certain I’m capable.”

  She looked over her shoulder to make sure their conversation remained private. “Right. But you know, we’ve had some, um, challenges in that area.”

  He stilled at her words, and her cheeks heated. But come on, how do you have a discussion about children without mentioning the sexual issues in your relationship? It wasn’t like she’d had a ton of partners in her twenty-seven years. Go figure—she got a late start with her first boyfriend being gay and all. And honestly, James Ratcliffe was the best boyfriend she’d ever had. If only he’d liked the lady parts, she’d probably be married by now with a couple of kids. But even with her lack of experience in the bedroom, she knew that when someone said their parts didn’t work more than half the time you were together, there’s a problem. And when a man tells you his, um, what did Maverick call it, his flaming baton, was down, in the literal sense, down, he’s about as useful as a steering wheel on a mule in the bedroom.

  “Elle, I’ve told you my medication causes a few challenges for me in that department. But if we were trying to have a child, obviously I’d adjust things.” He leaned back in his chair with confidence, his sapphire blue gaze never leaving hers.

  They weren’t together anymore, yet here they were talking about a future? They hadn’t even said I love you, and if she’d felt it, she would have said it. Edward usually told her how much he adored her. Yet he’d sided with his demon spawn. The thought of spending her life with someone who didn’t think she was enough did not appeal to her. She’d spent her childhood reminded of her shortcomings on a daily basis.


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