OVULATED: Pregnancy Romance Collection

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OVULATED: Pregnancy Romance Collection Page 22

by Snow Novels

  "Do you know how to find it?" she asked, amazed at his ability to feel things with his mind. It was like having a GPS attached to your brain.

  "I do. If we can get there, I can leave. I will be safe."

  "Oh," Sophie said. She didn't want to think of him leaving. The mere idea made her feel like the air was being sucked from her lungs.

  "I know how you feel about me," Kay said. Sophie's heart raced. She didn't know why she should feel embarrassed to tell him she loved him, except... what if he didn't love her back. "I will miss you very much when I am gone."

  She smiled and turned her eyes to him. "I... I'll miss you too."

  "There is something I must ask you." He seemed hesitant. Sophie was desperate to know what he was thinking. She couldn't imagine it was anything like marriage. Did they even have marriage on his world? "My people are not like yours. They would accept you as you are. They would appreciate your skills, your intelligence, as I do.... Would you go with me?"

  Sophie's breath caught in her chest. The blood rushed from her face. "To outer space?"

  Kay nodded.

  "I... I... I" she stammered.

  Kay smiled and kissed her. His mouth was sugar on her lips. He pulled her on top of him; she placed one knee on either side of his body. The cot barely fit them both, but she made it work. Their kissing got hotter until Sophie thought her body was on fire. She pulled Kay's pants off him, a mad fervor overtaking her. If she didn't have Kay this instant, she thought her body might explode. She pushed her own pants to the ground and climbed back on top of him, careful of his wounds.

  Kay's eyes glowed brightly as she pulled him into her, rocking her hips back and forth. She moved faster the brighter his eyes glowed, transfixed with the way that they seemed to change color, like some sort of holographic image. She let her hair fall against his face as she leaned forward so he could taste her breasts. His mouth was magic as he strummed the dark pink of her nipples.

  Her hips worked harder to secure the moment they were both waiting for. Then, for one brief second, Sophie thought she felt something. An image... a sound... something from Kay's mind traveled to her brain. She felt connected to him by an invisible rope running between them, and in that instant, she knew how he felt about her. He loved her as much as she loved him.

  Sophie's back arched and her body tightened. Kay's hips moved up and his eyes turned a bright topaz. They peaked together, and in that moment Sophie knew her answer to Kay's question was yes. She would go.

  Chapter 11

  "The fighting has stopped," Kay said. "For now at least. If we are going to make our break, we should do it now."

  Sophie reluctantly pulled herself from his warm embrace and tried to prepare herself for whatever she would find when they got back to the surface. Kay stood up, his leg seemed almost healed.

  "My people heal much faster than yours do," he said as she watched him walk across the room as though his leg had not struck been struck by a bullet only two hours before. "We should go," he said, opening the door.

  Sophie took his hand as they made their way through the hall where she'd dragged him, his blood still staining the floor, and back to the elevator they'd come down. When the doors opened up top, there was silence. They stepped from the elevator and saw bodies lining the floor.

  "Oh my God," Sophie said. "Are they—"

  "No," Kay told her. "They are not dead; they are only unconscious. My people have a powerful venom we can deliver which will knock out most creatures."

  "Oh," Sophie said. "Venom. Why didn't I think of that?"

  Kay shot her a smile that melted her heart and pulled her into the corridor towards the front door. They actually made it outside and to the parking lot before being detected. Suddenly a gun blasted the car next to them. Sophie turned and saw her father and Stark leading a group of guards towards them. The hatred on his face was frightening.

  "Quick," Kay said, breaking the window of a Jeep and opening the doors. "You drive. I don't know how." Sophie jumped into the driver's seat and the car suddenly started.

  "How did you do that?" Sophie asked, peeling out of the lot as another gunshot blasted their windows out. Sophie looked in the rearview mirror. Her father had just fired at her.

  "It is a sort of telepathic trick," he told her.

  "Neat trick," she said, speeding through the barriers at the gate and getting on the highway.

  "Okay," she said. "You're the navigator. Where to?"

  He closed his eyes and began to direct her towards a small town in Pennsylvania, between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg. She figured that was as good a place as any for an alien space craft to land. After all, much of Pennsylvania was green forest so dense it looked like a painting when you were driving by. It was hard to believe that parts of America were still so unincorporated.

  They drove for what seemed like hours. When Sophie looked at the time, she realized that it had been hours. The sun was starting to rise. It had been over twenty-four hours since Sophie had slept. She stifled a yawn. Without guns blasting at her, her adrenaline was down and her body was trying to go to sleep. She opened a window and sucked in a lungful of fresh morning air.

  "Turn right here," Kay said. "We are not far."

  She assumed that Kay meant for her to take the exit on the right and quickly got off the highway. She'd been checking the mirror every few minutes since they left the base and hadn't seen anyone following her. She looked at the sky now, searching for aircraft that could be tailing them. It was empty. She breathed a sigh of relief.

  "I think we're safe," she said. Kay took her hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it tenderly.

  "You will go with me then?" he asked.

  Sophie took a deep breath. Last chance to back out, she thought, then broke into a wide smile and nodded her head. She saw Kay's face beam from the corner of her eyes.

  "There," Kay said, pointing to something in the distance. She saw a sign that said Visit the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania - Pine Creek Gorge, 3 miles ahead.

  Sophie stepped on the gas. Pine Creek Gorge was an 800 foot canyon that ran through the forest of Pennsylvania. She had never been here, but she'd seen it featured on many Travel Channel shows. She didn't know how they were supposed to find his ship in the middle of it.

  "Turn right," Kay said.

  Sophie looked to her right and saw only trees. "There's no road," she said.

  "It's where we must go."

  She hesitated, then pulled off the road and headed deep into the forest. Kay had her go right and left then left again. It was lucky they had a Jeep, a car never would have made it. Sophie had never been off roading before, and if they made it out of this, she did not think she ever would be again.

  "We'll have to walk from here," Kay said, when they were stopped by a small river. He got out and Sophie followed. The river only went up to her waist and Kay helped her cross it without much trouble.

  "It's there," he said, excitement taking over his voice. He ran towards a clearing, Sophie just behind him. The ship stood in the middle of a patch of trees. It was bigger than the biggest mansion on Earth. It must have been able to house thousands of people. She was overwhelmed with the colors and lights that emanated from it.

  "That's your mother ship?" Sophie asked.

  "That is like our sister ship. Our mother ship is even bigger. This ship docks inside it."

  Sophie's jaw dropped. Even bigger than this? She couldn't imagine it. Sophie recognized the man that had tried to shoot her inside Lextarr when he thought she was holding Kay prisoner. Kay ran to him and was joined by a small group who hugged him tightly. Sophie stood by, watching, tears forming in her eyes.

  She never even heard the gunshot that hit her arm. She thought she'd been bitten by a bug, and when she turned to look she saw a mass of blood streaming from a hole in her skin. Her head snapped instinctively towards Kay.

  "Sophie," he shouted. "Run!"

  She ran towards him, tripping as she looked behind
her. Her father was there, a gun in his hand. He was firing at her. "I'd rather see you dead than go with him!" he yelled. She was almost to the ship when another gunshot hit her back. Kay ran to her, catching her before she hit the ground. She had just enough time to see her father's face peering at her through the early morning light, hatred in his eyes. Then the world closed around her and she did not try to fight it.

  Chapter 12

  Sophie opened her eyes. Bright light streamed over her head, making her blink. A heart monitor beeped next to her. She looked around the room, searching for any sign of Kay. Had they killed him? The hospital bed she was in was not uncomfortable, but it was still a hospital bed. She put one foot over the edge and a loud beep went off like an alarm.

  A nurse came in, a stern look on her face. "You can't get out of bed. You're not well enough yet," she said, pushing Sophie back down.

  "Am I okay?" she asked. "Where am I?"

  "I think it's best that you wait for the doctor."

  "I have to find him," she said, making another feeble attempt to get out of bed. The nurse shook her head and pushed Sophie back with one finger. Sophie fell back onto the mattress without protest. She was still too weak to fight.

  "Who is it you're looking for?" the nurse asked.

  "Kay," Sophie said, uncertain if the nurse would even know what or who she was talking about. She wasn't sure if she was in a military hospital or civilian hospital. There were no signs anywhere to help her identify her location.

  "Where am I?" she asked again. "What have you done with him?" The nurse shook her head and told Sophie to stay where she was.

  "I'll be right back. If you try to get out of bed again, I'll know."

  Sophie looked around the walls and the doors. There must be some sort of identifying marker somewhere. But she could find nothing.

  Footsteps echoed down the hall. Sophie's heart froze in her chest. What if it was her father? What if he'd come to finish her off? She braced herself when the steps stopped outside her room. The door opened, and Kay stepped in.

  He was smiling and handed her a giant bouquet of roses.

  "I hear you are already causing trouble," he said, kissing her head.

  "Kay!" she screamed, throwing her arms around him.

  "Careful," he said, "or you will upset the nurse and get me in trouble too."

  She pulled him too her, crushing the flowers he still held in his hand. His lips were warm and wet and tasted like honey. When she finally allowed him to pull away he set the flowers on a table and picked up her hand, holding it to his lips.

  "What happened?" she asked. "Where am I? Is Earth still..."

  "Earth is fine," he told her. "The meteor has been destroyed. You were injured. So I brought you on board our ship. You are in our medical facility."

  "Wait," Sophie said. "You mean... I'm on a spaceship?" Kay smiled, a teasing look playing at his eyes as the glowed brightly at her. He walked across the room and drew back the curtain. Through the window, Sophie saw a million stars shining brightly in the dark sky of space. Her breath caught in her chest and she had to force herself to breathe again.

  "Are you alright?" Kay asked, concerned. He went back to her bed and put a hand on her forehead.

  "Am I alright?" she giggled, excitement coursing through her. "I'm better than that. I'm a freaking astronaut!" She pulled Kay to her and kissed him again before the nurse could come back and kick him out from the room. Sophie had a feeling he was going to be a very big distraction on her road to recovery.


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