DOUBLE MASSIVE: A Twin Stepbrother Romance

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DOUBLE MASSIVE: A Twin Stepbrother Romance Page 8

by Cassandra Dee

  Because she was definitely enjoying her time with them. Her dress had ridden up until I could glimpse the tiny vee of her panties, watching as Cole rubbed there, the girl gyrating hotly on his hand.

  “Mmm, baby, yes!” she’d moaned. He’d given her a teasing kiss and said, “Let Landon carry you upstairs, we’ll be more comfortable on the bed.” And his brother had swept the woman up into his arms, laughing all up the stairs, making kissy moaning noises, pausing when they got to the landing.

  “Think Morgan’s asleep?” said one twin to the other.

  “Oh yeah,” his brother replied. “Our little sis is probably dead to the world.” And with that, they turned into the master suite, the door snicking shut behind them.

  But throughout the night, I’d heard female moans of ecstasy, punctuated by the low growls of my brothers. My eyes wide open, I’d listened in wonderment at the banging and shifting going on inside. Though I couldn’t see, I could certainly hear wet flesh slapping, imagining the bumpy ride the girl was experiencing, the two biggest bumps my brothers’ cocks.

  What did the twins’ dicks look like? I mean, I was terrible at biology. Their faces and bodies looked exactly the same, so did that extend to their rods too? I flushed again in the dark, berating myself for my crazy and inappropriate train of thought.

  But god, I was so turned-on listening to the live porn show next door. My pussy was beginning to drip from the sounds of sex, and I let a finger drop in to trace over my clit. I’d never been with a man before, just too shy, too nervous, and … there was no one else like the twins, frankly.

  As the moans grew in volume, I stroked myself, fantasizing about Cole and Landon. They were so steamy … so masculine … and … oh god. I was so pathetic and desperate that I was dreaming about my own brothers. But I couldn’t deny there was a zing to the idea, something alluring and indescribably hot about being taken by my steps.

  I frigged my cunny until I came, my pussy spasming with sweet release, images of Cole and Landon dancing in my head, and fell asleep to a low masculine shout in the distance, probably one of my brothers climaxing. If only that could be me, in bed with them. I’d do anything for the opportunity.



  The next day, the blonde was sitting at the breakfast bar in nothing but a t-shirt and panties, swinging her leg on the stool.

  “Good morning,” I mumbled. Well, this was awkward. I’d never met a girl the morning after, and definitely not one who was so vocal during her sex romps. Her screams had been loud and shrill, almost to the point where I wondered if she was okay. But she was definitely not embarrassed.

  “Hiya,” she purred. “Are you the help? I’d like some breakfast please.”

  I stopped in my tracks. I guess I didn’t look like much, but didn’t think I looked like a servant either, with my teddy bear pajama pants and a tiny sleep tank. But some people just have little to no powers of observation. Besides, the girl had already spun around, turning to greet my brothers as they tromped down the stairs.

  “Landon, Cole!” she cried, her arms outstretched. “How are you feeling honeys? I know I’m a little sore,” she murmured cheekily, coyly smiling at both.

  Both men gave her a peck on the cheek but were curiously distant, helping themselves to food in the fridge.

  “Yeah, hey Lana …” began Landon.

  “It was so great meeting you last night,” continued Cole.

  “Not Lana, Dana,” the blonde corrected. I let out a muffled giggle. Really? My brothers got her name wrong?

  “Oh yeah Dana,” said Cole, “It’s been great knowing you and all, but my brother and I are really busy today, you know … like, really busy,” his voice trailed off.

  “It’s Saturday,” said Lana petulantly. “It’s 9 am right now. What could you possibly have to do?”

  “Well,” said Cole. “We need to work out, and then run some errands, do some laundry, maybe check out a few books from the library …”

  I stifled another giggle. There was no way these two guys had library cards, even I could see that. But Lana was determined.

  “I’ll go with you to the library!” she said. “And I can help with laundry, I’m really good at colors versus whites,” she cooed.

  The boys exchanged a glance.

  “Um, no thanks chicky,” said Landon. “We don’t like people touching our shit, so we just do it ourselves. Plus, we wanted to spend some time with our little sister!” he exclaimed, hooking an arm around my neck. “Right Morgan? We had some shit planned today.”

  “Oh right,” I said brightly, catching on. “I was going to show you the estate gardens, they’re gorgeous this time of year.”

  “The gardens, that’s right, the roses are in bloom,” repeated Landon. “I’d forgotten that Cole and I, we love horticulture,” he confided with a wink.

  This was so unreal. Evidently my steps would do anything to get rid of a girl the next morning, including pretending to be avid gardeners and bookworms. I giggled. Maybe next time they should add poetry and opera to the list.

  But the girl finally got the point. Pouting, she swiveled on the seat and said, “Ok I get it! You want me to scram. But I’m telling all my girlfriends that the Kingsley twins are just one-night stands. You’ll never get anyone to sleep with you again!” she exclaimed shrilly.

  Neither of my stepbrothers moved.

  “Sure,” said Landon in a slow voice. “Do that.”

  “Yeah,” drawled Cole. “I look forward to it.”

  “Okay,” finished Landon. “So are you leaving now?”

  The blonde got up in a huff and flounced out of the kitchen, coming back downstairs fully dressed in those ridiculous heels again.

  “Don’t bother to call!” she cried shrilly as the door slammed behind her.

  “Well, we don’t exactly have your number,” remarked Cole dryly to her departing back.

  I stood in the kitchen, trying to muffle my giggles again.

  “Little sis, sorry you had to witness that,” said Landon, “but you might as well get used to it.”

  I grinned and put my hands on my hips. “No worries, she thought I was the help, so she deserved it. Anyone up for some pancakes?” I asked brightly.



  And so it went on like that for months. Landon and Cole brought girls home all the time, and I mean, all the time. There was literally a train of mini-skirts going up to their bedroom a couple nights a week, and they rarely ever repeated. It was amazing how many women threw themselves at the twins.

  And it was pure torture for me. Each night, I listened through the walls, hearing the unmistakable sound of flesh slapping, the groans and high-pitched squeals of girls intermixed with my brothers’ grunts. But I tried to play it cool whenever I saw them because it’d be so embarrassing if they knew the truth … that each time they fucked someone, I fingered myself in bed, pretending it was me, pretending that they were running their masterful hands over my body, touching me in my intimate spaces and making me shiver with pleasure.

  It was even more awkward given that we’d developed a healthy sibling relationship. The guys were fond of me and would call me “Little Sis,” giving me a noogie or joshing around. They were never embarrassed to walk around in towels, I was family after all. But I noticed – who wouldn’t? Those rock hard bodies dripping with water were the stuff of my masturbation fantasies almost every night.

  And my parents … my mom was so clueless it was unbelievable. I think she was actually happy there was someone at home with me, even if they were two men she’d never met. I guess she felt so guilty for never being there that someone was better than no one.

  “How are things, Morgan?” she asked, her voice crackling over the phone. At this point, I hadn’t seen her in two months, she and Gerald were on some kind of world tour to promote Pharma Tech’s latest blockbuster drug.

  “Um, good I guess,” I murmured. Cole and Landon were up to their shena
nigans again, fucking girls right and left, and I’d recently started wearing headphones at night, hoping to muffle the sounds of lust. No such luck though. I was about to try ear plugs next, anything to keep from hearing the girls’ ecstatic squeals.

  “Everything going alright with you at school?” she asked.

  “Oh yeah,” I replied vaguely. “I’m thinking about visiting some colleges, maybe Rhode Island School of Design and Bowdoin, they have great studio art programs,” I mumbled.

  “That’s a wonderful idea,” she chirped. “Maybe Cole and Landon can go with you!” she said. “Let me ask your stepdad about some extra spending money for you guys, maybe you could take a college tour up and down the Eastern Seaboard. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

  “Um, yeah, okay,” I mumbled. My mom as trying to kill two birds with one stone. Not only would I see all the schools, but she wouldn’t have to take me herself. But there was no way my brothers were going on college visits. They were barely passable students with no interest in further education after senior year. I knew because I helped them with homework sometimes – it wasn’t that they were dumb, they just didn’t care.

  But when I mentioned my mom’s idea about the college tour, both guys perked up.

  “Why not?” growled Landon. “Maybe I want to visit some schools.”

  “Yeah why not?” agreed Cole. “It’ll get us away from this shithole,” he said, laughing when I gasped. We lived in an exclusive gated community, and I’d never refer to it in anything but respectful terms after living in the projects.

  “Sorry to offend you little sis, but there’s a lot of shit going on here that you have no idea,” said Landon. “Besides, we never traveled before,” he added with a meaningful look at his brother. “Why don’t we accompany Morgan on her college tour?”

  Cole hesitated for an instant, avoiding my eyes. But he slowly nodded, asking, “When do we leave?”



  Knowing that I was about to embark on a trip alone with two gorgeous men, I bought some slinky lingerie for the first time in my life. The lady at the store was nice, but clueless. “Is this for a special someone?” she’d asked. “Fancy lingerie can really make a difference,” she’d confided in a hushed voice.

  “Um, yeah,” I’d replied, flushing. Actually, it was for two special someones, but there was no way I could say that. Trying on the assorted bras and thongs, I could feel myself getting wet again, imagining Landon and Cole peeling the lingerie off my body.

  Because that’s what I wanted. I wanted this college tour to be a tour of my body, my first time meaningful and special … with my twin stepbrothers as my guides.

  I know it’s wrong because we’re related. But no one will ever know right? We’ll be passing through little podunk towns, places that don’t even show on the map, and hotel rooms are designed for discretion. Carpe diem, seize the day, anyone?

  So I’ve bought an armful of slutty lingerie, and I mean to use it to seduce … the two men of my life.

  Continue to Part Two



  So my life is … unsupervised, I guess. I’d been alone at home, my mom and stepdad traveling, when two gorgeous men moved in. They were my stepbrothers, my stepdad’s kids from a fling he had with a stripper twenty years ago … and the most breathtaking men I’d ever met. Chiseled bodies, penetrating blue eyes and knowing smiles were just the beginning. There was a steady train of women going up to their bedroom, their moans and pants leaving little to the imagination.

  Unfortunately, they never showed any interest in me. I mean, I guess it’s “moral” not to put the moves on your stepsister, but I was getting desperate. I’ve never done it with a guy, much less two guys before. It’s not that I’m a prude or anything, it’s just that the boys at my high school are either unattractive or gay … guess that’s what you get when you’re at a specialized school for the visual arts.

  But I really wanted to be with my brothers. Trying to fall asleep to the soundtrack of a non-stop porno was frustrating, and I was always touching my slit, pretending it was me as Landon and Cole got it on next door, the shrieks and moans making me grimace in pleasure as well as bringing out the green-eyed monster.

  After another night of unabated lust, my frustration came to a peak, and unexpectedly, I received an opportunity. It was time for a college tour, and miraculously, Landon and Cole had agreed to accompany me, despite their lack of interest in higher education. I’d bought a ton of slutty lingerie to make tempt my brothers, but had been ridiculously unsuccessful.

  “Where are you guys going?” I asked plaintively, as they dropped me off at another school campus.

  “Oh out and about,” Cole mumbled vaguely. Landon said nothing, and I kept quiet because pestering didn’t help at all. Besides, I wanted them to see me as a woman, and not an annoying little sister.

  This was the third day of them ditching me off at a campus in the morning before disappearing for the rest of the day, doing who knows what. They might stop by the hotel before dinner, before going out again, but I wasn’t saying anything.

  Except that the conga line of girls started up again. Or more accurately, it never stopped even though we were on a road trip, and there were multiples this time, duos, trios, even five girls one night, the party loud in their suite next door as I listened through the adjoining door. There were moans, splashes, the sounds of wet flesh slapping, the unmistakable cries of females coming again and again, mixed in with my brother’s grunts. I’d become a pro at timing Landon and Cole’s climaxes.

  Cole was like a lion. He’d roar when he came, a deep growl emitted from the depths of his chest. I could imagine his biceps straining as he pushed his member deep into some slut’s fanny, her twat warm, wet and welcoming.

  Landon was more like a beast. He punctuated his orgasms with a loud “Fuck!” while shooting his sperm into some tramp’s cunt, a hard jerk of his hips and slapping sound the perfect accompaniment.

  Finally, I was done. Really, truly done. No more listening through the walls, a witness to the action but never in on it, my pussy hot and moist as I fingered myself, juices dripping off my hand. I wanted to be a character in the play, and was determined to find my part.

  After another lonely day wandering by myself, topped off by dinner alone in my hotel room, I showered and changed into the pink dress. I fluffed out my hair, making sure the chestnut waves coiled smoothly over my shoulders before carefully applying some lipstick and blush. My glasses were gone, replaced by contact lenses, and I blinked at myself in the mirror, suddenly unsure.

  My reflection was completely changed. Instead of a gawky teen, I looked like a nubile fawn, my legs lengthened in nude heels, doe-eyed yet seductive in the blush-colored dress. I felt nervous and a little scared but was determined to go out. I’d heard my brothers talking about Club Zest last night, and bravely, I swung my purse over my shoulder before catching a cab downtown.

  It was embarrassing frankly. I’d never worn any type of revealing outfit before and the male attention was unsettling, although it made my skin tingle and a new feminine instinct uncurl. I mean, to feel male eyeballs glued to my breasts and ass was completely new, yet empowering. I added an extra sway to my hips, and sure enough, the bouncer let me bypass the line and skip in for free.

  But inside, I was suddenly out of my element. It was really dark, and strobe lights flashed on and off, swirling over a sea of tangled, writhing bodies. I couldn’t really see what was going on, but it seemed that quite a few people were only half-dressed, lithe bodies on display as they gyrated and twisted to the pulsing beat. The music was blaring so loudly that I was developing a headache, and I scanned the crowd futilely, trying to make out my brothers amid the mass of dark, moving shapes.

  Suddenly, a really hot guy came up to me. He was tall, at least six feet, and dressed in leather jeans with spikey back hair.

  “Hey girl,” he said, leaning towards me and speaking directly
in my ear. “I haven’t seen you before. What gives?”

  I flirted back. “I’m Morgan!” I shouted above the loud beat, pushing my breasts out.

  “Oh great, Laura’s my favorite name,” he said, eyeing my décolletage. Evidently, names didn’t really matter, but I was determined to roll with it. He was movie-star handsome, a lot like my steps, and his torso was covered with tats, also like my brothers. I didn’t even bother to wonder why he wasn’t wearing a shirt. His body was chiseled and defined, his abs taut as he guided me through the crowd.

  Before I knew it, we were making out in a dark corner of the club. It started out sweet, a soft graze of his lips against mine, but pretty soon his tongue was pushing into my mouth, insistent and wet, like a huge snake invading my private space. Plus, his hands, which had delicately skimmed my curves at first, were soon gripping and squeezing really hard, hurting as he cruelly twisted my nipples.

  “Mmmphf!” I cried, as I tried to push him away. But his arms were like a straitjacket, his face mashed to mine as his hips ground harshly against my pelvis. He pinched and twisted even harder and thrust a heavy leg between my thighs, pulling me roughly up his body as I screamed into his mouth, my small fists trying to beat him away.

  “Shut up slut,” he ground out, before reaching between us. Instead of stroking my pussy, as I’d imagined a lover would do, he nastily pinched the sensitive flesh of my inner thigh, leaving bruise marks on my creamy skin.

  This time I positively screamed, my shrieks lost in the pounding beat, and tears sprang to my eyes from my utter helplessness. I’d never imagined that my big night out would end like this. I was coerced, my virginity about to be lost to a gorilla, when suddenly he was ripped off of me, the cold air of the club blasting my skin.


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