DOUBLE MASSIVE: A Twin Stepbrother Romance

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DOUBLE MASSIVE: A Twin Stepbrother Romance Page 10

by Cassandra Dee

  “Cole, isn’t this amazing?” she breathed, nodding to a sculpture of what looked like a giant balloon dog.

  “Um, yeah,” I mumbled. It looked like a heap of twisted metal to me.

  “The artist means this as a critique on modern life, that balloon dogs blown up to monstrous proportions pre-occupy the minds of the modern American,” she said in a hushed voice.

  Landon and I shared a glance over her head. What the hell was she talking about? But our little sister was really talented, and unexpectedly, I felt proud of her, proud that my girl had so much to give.

  At lunch, it was the same thing. She was unspeakably sweet, romantic, and smart. The waitress came over at the old-school diner, be-bop blaring in the background.

  “What’ll you be having, hon?” the middle-aged woman asked, chewing gum with a smack.

  “Um,” murmured Morgan. “I’ll have a salad and … do you have you have those old-fashioned cream sodas, you know the kind that come with the curly straws?”

  “Yep, three straws comin’ right up,” she said. “You guys?”

  “Double cheeseburgers, rare,” I ordered. “With cokes and large fries.” Turning back to Morgan, I asked, “What’s up with the cream soda? Isn’t that kind of hokey?”

  “Oh you know,” she said flushing. “If we get three straws, it’ll be cute, you know? Like in the old movies where a boy and a girl on a date sit together and sip from the same drink. I saw it in a couple Doris Day movies, I’ve been watching them as part of my film class.”

  Landon and I shared another look. Were we on a date? Shit, our plan was working like magic, but it just made me want to fuck her even more. I could tell my brother felt the same way. But we held back, indulging her, letting her chatter away about schools, how much she adored art, plans for next year, etc.

  Suddenly, she came to a stop.

  “What about you, brothers?” she asked quietly. “What are your plans for next year?”

  “Landon and I, we’re looking into some things,” I said vaguely. The fact is, we already had a promotion business and were making mad bank, but no need for our little sis to know.

  Morgan was quiet for a moment. “I’d love to see you guys more, next year too,” she said. “I hope this isn’t a one week fling,” she said.

  The thing is, it was supposed to be a short-term fuck, done as soon as we finished impregnating the little girl to leave her high and dry. But I found myself lying through my teeth, halfway wishing it was true.

  “Of course not,” I rumbled assuredly. “Landon and I will be there for you no matter what. You’re our little sister, right?” I asked playfully.

  She turned her big brown eyes on me, and I could feel my heart melting.

  “Thanks big bro,” she said with a shy smile. “I want to spend more time with you guys. This has all been so … magical, I guess,” she said, her cheeks flushing fetchingly again.

  I could almost kill myself, but Landon stepped in smoothly.

  “We’re always here for you, little sis, we’ll just have to iron out a few things going forward,” he said smoothly. Oh shit, he was going in for the kill.

  “Like what?” she asked innocently.

  “Well, we’re siblings obviously, plus the fact that we haven’t been using any protection.”

  “Yeah, I was going to ask you about that,” she said, looking down at her belly. “We haven’t exactly been playing it safe, have we?” she said slowly.

  “We’ve only been enjoying each other for a few days, it’s not dangerous,” replied Landon smoothly. “I’m sure you’re fine,” he continued. Wow, he’d used these words on so many girls, but I’d never felt bad hearing him speak them before.

  “I hope so,” said Morgan, her eyes downcast again. But my spidey sense told me something was off … maybe Morgan wanted to be a mom? To our baby? Oh shit.

  But we were interrupted by a middle-aged woman who materialized at the table side.

  “Morgan Kingsley?” she asked. “Landon Kingsley? Cole Kinsgley?”

  “Yeah, that’s us,” I said roughly, my voice hoarse.

  “Bowdoin administrators would like to ask you to join them at the President’s office,” she said. “It concerns some videotape of the exhibit, “Balloon Dog.” Would you come this way please?”

  Videotape? What the fuck? But I had an ominous feeling … because I’d kissed Morgan in that corner, sneaking a sweet taste of her in the shadow of that monstrous sculpture. Oh shit.

  Continue to Part Three



  A secretary showed us into a plush office, portraits of white-haired men on the walls, with Bowdoin’s flag hung prominently in a window.

  A blustery, red-faced man got up from the desk, holding out his hand.

  “Welcome, I’m Dean Skelos, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions,” he said. “We’re so pleased to have Morgan visit campus today. I understand you’re her brothers, Cole and Landon.”

  “Yeah, nice to meet you,” said Landon slowly. “Thanks for the warm welcome, but is there a reason why we’re here?”

  The older man sat down in his chair, gesturing for us to sit as well. My twin and I made sure Morgan was comfortable, and then took chairs on either side of her.

  The man looked distinctly uncomfortable, and said, “I may as well jump right into it. Your father, Gerald Kingsley, informed our board that his stepdaughter Morgan would be visiting campus this week. When you signed into the museum this afternoon, the front desk called Administration immediately to inform us of your arrival.”

  “Okay,” said Landon. “We get it. Gerald Kingsley is a powerful man, and he asked you to look out for us, maybe give Morgan a private tour or something. But why are we here, seriously?”

  The man harrumphed uncomfortably. “Well, young man, we have cameras all throughout the museum. Security for the artwork, you see, and you and your brother were caught on camera … how do I say this … sharing affections with your sister,” he said delicately.

  “So what?” growled Landon, covering Morgan’s hand with his own. “She’s our sister, and if we’re a little protective, it’s normal,” he said.

  “That’s right,” I rumbled, putting a reassuring hand on Morgan’s knee. “Our sister means the world to us, and if we were a little over-bearing, it’s just brotherly affection,” I said dismissively. But Morgan was white as a sheet and trembling like a leaf in her chair.

  “No, not exactly,” said Dean Skelos slowly. “You see, we have cameras everywhere, and our hall camera by the restrooms caught some … how do I say it? Unexpected activity.”

  My eyebrows shot up with warning. “Meaning?” I growled threateningly. Landon was shooting lasers from his eyes as well.

  “Maybe it’ll be easier if I show you the tape,” Skelos rushed, clearly nervous. “The footage speaks for itself.”

  He flicked on a monitor on the wall, and a grainy black and white image flashed on-screen. There was a hallway, and you could see women coming in and out of a restroom. He fast-forwarded a few seconds, and pretty soon Morgan came into view, her svelte frame unmistakable. My brother and I followed in the tape. Morgan handed her purse to me, and turned to go into the restroom, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me for a kiss. She responded wholly, lovingly, sweetly opening her mouth under mine, her arm trailing up my back before breaking free to turn toward the restrooms.

  But Landon hadn’t gotten his kiss yet. He playfully grabbed her by the waist and spun her towards him, gently cupping her chin, giving her a deep, thorough kiss as well. And Morgan responded, pressing her body against his, her arms fastening around her neck before detaching again to use the restroom. But Landon was insistent. His erection was visible in the video, and he pulled her back to him, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone was coming. After making sure the coast was clear, he pulled playfully at the tie around her neck, and like magic, the top of her dress fell down, exposing lush, creamy breasts. God bless whoever invented
halter tops.

  Here’s where it got steamy. Both Landon and I swooped in on our little sister, each of us bending forward to suckle at one of her breasts. Her tits were creamy and firm, and I could still taste her nipple in my mouth, the puffy flesh hard yet soft at once. We nursed from her for a minute or two, and fuck, you could see my hand worming its way under her dress, causing Morgan to throw her head back and moan silently.

  But she’d really needed to go, so she pulled away again, smiling as she re-tied the halter and backed into the restroom, giving us a special look. By this point, my brother and I had huge erections, totally evident on screen.

  The dean flicked off the monitor and turned back towards us. “You see, we understand that you’re her brothers,” he said uncomfortably. “Unfortunately, as a university, it is our duty to protect our students, even prospective ones who haven’t matriculated yet. The video clearly shows that you were engaging in heavy foreplay with a woman who also happens to be your sister.”

  “So what?” I growled. “There’s nothing there.” I wasn’t worried at all. I mean, it wasn’t like Morgan was underage, and shit, Landon and I had so much x-rated footage on tape, this was nothing in comparison. Okay, so maybe the fact that Morgan was our sister put a twist on things, but it’s not like we were related by blood.

  The dean looked uncomfortable. “I realize that you’re not biologically related, but the University does not condone sibling relations, even those of steps,” he said. “To keep things simple, we’d request Ms. Kingsley refrain from applying to Bowdoin next year,” he said slowly.

  “Or else?” said Cole smoothly.

  There was a pregnant pause. “Or else we’ll have to notify the board, which includes Gerald Kingsley,” said Dean Skelos.

  Ah ha, the truth had finally come out. Fucking Gerald was probably chair of the board, thus the special treatment. The university wanted to keep the dough coming, yet avoid controversy, and thought it was easiest if Morgan didn’t apply. Then the whole thing could go away, like the tape never existed.

  But that was a lame strategy. My little sister loved Bowdoin, was entranced by the studio art program, and she was going to fucking attend if my brother and I had anything to do with it.

  I got up, Landon standing abruptly as well, pulling Morgan to her feet.

  “Thanks, but we’re not bowing to your threats,” said Landon nastily. “Let’s go sis,” he said, tugging at her wrist.

  I gave Dean Skelos a cold smile.

  “Trust me,” I stated. “Gerald Kingsley is the least of your problems now.”



  I sat frozen in my seat on the car ride back. Cole twisted around to look at me while Landon drove.

  “You okay little sis?” he asked, stroking my thigh. “Don’t worry about assholes like the Dean. Everything’s going to be fine.”

  I still couldn’t manage any words. It wasn’t even so much about the admissions process, it was the fact that the three of us had been caught on tape in heavy foreplay. What had happened between my brothers and I was unmistakable, and the world was about to see.

  “What are we going to do?” I said in a soft voice, to myself.

  But my comment wasn’t lost on my brothers.

  “Don’t worry about a thing,” said Landon from the driver’s seat. “That was totally fucked up what they did, spying on us, turning cameras on us during a museum tour. I mean, a fucking museum, shouldn’t they be focused on the art and not the restrooms? Those fuckers will do anything for a big donor like Gerald,” he concluded vehemently.

  “But what about us?” I said softly. “My mom … my college tuition … Gerald was going to take care of all that.”

  “Don’t worry,” said Cole with a reassuring glance. “Landon and I make plenty, and if you want, we can pay for it. That’s not the issue at all.”

  “I’m just scared,” I said in a small voice. “I mean, I’ve had an amazing time with you guys, but are we really ready for our parents to know?”

  “Fuck them,” said Cole. “If we need to, we’ll move out. It’s not a big deal, little sis,” he said with a reassuring smile.

  I stayed silent, trembling in my seat despite my brothers’ words. Cold sweat broke over me. I mean, I just hadn’t thought things through. I knew entering into a sexual relationship with my brothers was the right thing to do because it felt so good, so true, the three of us together. But now it seems like we were going to face consequences.

  Because yeah, I wanted a relationship with my steps, or at least the opportunity to explore something deep and meaningful. Maybe it was the lust talking, but I’d seen a side of them on this trip that was infinitely caring and loving, and I wanted to explore our feelings. But to do so requires time and privacy, which we didn’t have anymore.

  I started sobbing quietly in the backseat, unsure of our future. What good could possibly come of this?

  But Cole turned around and put a hand on my knee. “Morgan,” he said comfortingly. When I didn’t respond, he said more forcefully, “Morgan! Baby girl, you have nothing to worry about. We’ll make it work, I promise.”

  I was flat out bawling now, and Landon pulled over to the side of the road so that they could talk with me. They helped me out of the car, and fortunately, we were able to find a bench in a beautiful wooded glade, with no one in sight.

  “Morgan,” said Cole, pulling me into his lap, holding me close. “It’s going to be okay, you’ll see,” he soothed.

  Landon sat to one side, and stroked my face. “Nothing is that terrible,” he growled before dropping a soft kiss on my shoulder.

  I was needy, craving the comfort of my brothers, and turned my face to his, silently begging for more. Landon responded immediately. He caught my mouth in a deep kiss, his tongue tracing the seam of my lips before pushing inside, gently exploring, arousing yet soothing at once.

  The tears had crushed all of my barriers, and I wanted, no needed, my brothers’ physicality, the warmth of their bodies during this fragile time. I desperately ran my tongue against Landon’s mouth, even as my hand went down to seek Cole’s hardness, questing for the pole that could be my salvation.

  “Oh baby girl,” growled Cole, his breath catching as my fist traced the length of his erection through his jeans. “Wait until we get to the hotel,” he said, trying to shift me off his lap.

  But I was like a barnacle, stubbornly clinging to him, my arms locked around his neck.

  “No, here!” I cried piteously. “Here, now!”

  My brothers shared a glance over my head, and like twins do, came to a silent conclusion. Cole lifted me in his arms, and we moved deeper into the glade, into the shade of the leafy pines, the aroma pungent and sweet, clean in the pure air of the glen.

  Gently, he placed me on a bed of leaves and I luxuriated in the soft cushion.

  “Please brothers,” I breathed. “We’re about to be outed to the world. Won’t you let me have you one last time?” I said, running my hands tantalizingly over my curves, pushing my breasts together and begging them with my eyes.

  The men shared another glance and turned their hot gazes to me.

  “Little sis,” growled Landon. “This isn’t the last time, but we’re going to give you what you need anyways, right here, right now.”



  She was like a wood nymph, her chestnut locks fanned beneath her. Her svelte frame twisted and beckoned, her eyes deep hazel pools of promise and desire.

  Cole and I didn’t hesitate for a second. We were naked in minutes, shucking off our jeans and shirts at light speed, crouching over our little sister in lust. Because our girl was in need, and damn if Cole and I weren’t going to answer.

  My brother kissed her deeply, helping her out of her top and bra while I knelt between her legs, spreading those creamy thighs. The sundress fell away, and a sweet shock awaited. Our dear Morgan, wasn’t wearing any panties and her sweet cunny beckoned, already gle
aming and moist in the dappled sunlight.

  Chuckling, I bent my head and took a slow lick. Morgan screamed beneath me, her cry muffled by Cole’s mouth, even as her hips twisted desperately under my lips. But I wanted the full monty. I pulled her labia apart, exposing her little hole and moist, hot pink insides, before lowering my head for another taste of her delicious twat.

  And she didn’t disappoint. My little sister was tangy and sweet at once, with a personal scent that was all her own. I delved deeply into her snatch, pushing my tongue into that private space before laving up each side of her pussy, the deep licks causing her to tremble and buck with delight.

  “That’s it,” soothed Cole, massaging her breasts as I savored her snatch. “I love a little girl who’s steamed up and hot,” he said, before fastening his lips to her nipple.

  But I wanted something a little different this time. I sensed that Morgan was ready, her barriers down, given the emotional intensity of the afternoon. It was time to experiment, to push the boundaries a bit.

  I continued tonguing her beautiful pussy, feeling her cream wetly onto my mouth. Slowly, oh so slowly, I traced downwards, letting my mouth glide effortlessly towards the brown pucker of her anus. When I brushed my lips against her in the most tentative of butterfly kisses, Morgan gasped, the air running out of her lungs.

  “Shh, honey,” soothed Cole. “Just feel,” said my twin.

  I rimmed her a bit, letting my lips and tongue trace the sensitive pucker, letting her savor her first feel of tongue on ass. Then I stroked her buttocks before wedging my fingertip against her pucker, massaging the hole all the while kissing that sensitive space.


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