Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem Page 5

by Mercy B

  “I missed you.”

  “I missed yo ass, too. What you about to get into?” he asked.

  “You trying to come watch your man practice?” he smiled. “Coach having open practice today, and I need you where I can see you.” He rubbed the side of KinZu’s face, feeding into her need for validation.

  “If you’d like.” She blushed.

  “Like, baby ya man would love that shit. Hop on.” Jonathan turned his back towards KinZu, encouraging her to jump on him. “I’ll even carry you.”

  Laughing at him, KinZu hopped on his back, nearly making them both fall. She was the clumsiest that he’d ever met. “Damn, just knock a nigga down.” His down south accent was heavy.

  Resembling the famous rapper Nelly, Jonathan had a caramel complexion, perfectly aligned teeth, two dimples on each side of his face, low thick waves, and deep dark eyes. He stood roughly around six feet even, perfect for KinZu’s average height. The two were stunning together, and KinZu loved every detail about him. Jonathan was apart of the school’s basketball team.

  The girls flocked to him, but he’d always made it known that he was taken. However, it didn’t stop him from fucking half of the female student body. He was lethal with his dick, and every bitch wanted a hit. It was the main reason that KinZu was still around. Jonathan could fuck his way out of the stickiest situations. He shit was that damn good.

  “Sorry,” KinZu giggled, trying again.

  This time she succeeded, and Jonathan took off towards the gym.

  “So, in other words, he’s compromised his operation because he couldn’t stay away from the nose candy?” Reed placed her hand on her forehead. “I can’t believe this shit.” She cursed. “Dammit.” She was upset for cursing, and only ended up doing so again. “Sorry.” She apologized, knowing that Keem hated when she used filthy words. “It’s just that they do the dumbest things.”

  “It’s all good. If they weren’t making mistakes, then how would we get paid. Their fuck ups are to our advantage. Have patience, love.” He scooted into Reed’s side.

  Lifting his sleeves slightly on his white button down, Keem placed his hands on either of Reed’s shoulders. He hated when she got too worked up over their clients. As a man, completely detached from his feelings most times, he didn’t give two shits about them fucking up –as long as there was a way to fix them.

  Of course he got tired of reinventing ways to maneuver around the same system that he’d tried to keep his people out of, but it was his chosen career. He’d forever be in business as long as he had clients that were bullheaded, and destined for fuck ups. Reed was just simply imbedded in her involvement in the day to day operations.

  Once she gave word on something, she expected the clients to fall through. Being that she was a woman, she had to realize that everyone wasn’t capable of following the guidelines that she set forth. Keem was a using a strategy. He purposely set Reed up to talk to the men who suffered from the need of authority.

  Reed’s demands, in their mind, went against their masculinity. They felt that it was no way a woman could advise them on anything. Each time, they fucked up and did exactly what she’d told them not to –pushing them to call on the couple to get them out of the sticky situation that they’d gotten themselves into. At that point, their fees doubled, and Keem hit them where it hurt. It was a tactic. More money. It was always the motive.

  After long, they’d begin listening, but Reed and Keem would be done have milked them of so much bread. Even with Reed knowing the plans that they’d set in motion, it was still frustrating when clients took her word lightly. She was just as knowledgeable as her counterpart, and she couldn’t wait until their clients realized it. Until then, they’d keep taxing them.

  “I’m trying. It just gets me upset when this all could’ve been avoided. Like, I don’t understand Leslie for the life of me. It’s either cocaine or his freedom. It’s simple as that.” Reed hissed. “… Because he’s lost the trust of his connect, so he might as well kiss that operation goodbye. I know Jahad, and he never rekindles.” She couldn’t believe how dumb of a person Leslie was. The coke was frying his brain cells. She was convinced of this.

  “I’ve told him that the connect is a no go. I’m not even going to waste my time flying over the waters. About his freedom, however… We can at least keep him out on the streets. If he can get himself clean, I can find him a new connect. I have this guy… Dade.”

  “You’re speaking as if I don’t know who Dade is.” Reed rolled her eyes up into her head.

  “Of course you know Dade.” Keem countered. “I didn’t mean it in that aspect. I was more so talking to myself, and you at the same time. I was near mentioning another connection, but placed Dade’s name –once I realized the meshing of the two would be easier.”

  “Yeah. I could see that happening. Besides, Dade calls them like he sees them. If he is a no go, he’ll decline the offer to do business up front.”

  “So the next step is…”

  “Rehab.” Reed scribbled in her notebook. “It’s a must that he gets clean. He can’t think straight when he’s high off of that coke. All that is ever on his mind is prostitutes and more coke. We can’t have that. He wrecked a $400,000 car because he was too gone to see the parked cars that aligned his own damn parking lot. He completely forgot that he’d arranged a card night. Like, he has to be the most foolish of all of the clients.” Reed blew out in frustration at the thought of Leslie. She couldn’t wait to be in his presence to chew him a new asshole.

  Keem continued to massage her shoulders, but it was barely helping. The thought of Leslie kept getting her more vexed. With each kink that he rolled away, another one presented itself. Keem was determined to relax her, though. She was much too tight.

  “I know. However, we have to get him an alias. If the officials get word that his system is junked, it’s back to the Feds for him. That’s what we don’t want.”

  “That’s what you don’t want.” Reed mumbled. She didn’t give a damn.

  People like Leslie would never learn. He threw his money around, thinking it would save him forever. Pretty soon, his luck would run it’s course. Reed wasn’t looking for his downfall, but she wanted to see him suffer the consequences of his actions at some point. It was much needed on his end.

  “Stop it, Reed.” RaKeem shook his head, removing his hands, and spinning Reed around in his direction. “I know that the things that he does aren’t pleasing, and are much like punches to your gut. Trust me on this one, though. He’s going to cause himself a world of trouble. Leslie is continuously digging a deeper hole for himself. Soon, he’ll be out of our hair. He’s to stubborn to listen. People like that have limited time as free people, or living people. It’s either or. For now, he’s our client. Our clients, we always have their best interest at heart. So, even though you don’t like what he’s doing… Just do your job. Let your man handle the rest. Shit, I don’t even get you this vexed.” Keem joked to lighten the situation.

  Just like he knew he would, he got a slight smile from Reed. “You’d better not! Just like I’m ready to do Leslie, I’ll drop you in a hot second.” She assured him, and he knew that she meant it.

  “We locked in for life, Reed. Ain’t no quitting me.” RaKeem joked. “You’re stuck.”

  “Whatever. Where are we headed?” Reed finally asked. They’d been driving for quite a while.

  “I need to go holler at Meek.” Keem admitted.

  “Good, I need to see Bella. I miss my Baylee Reign.” Reed puckered her lips up. Keem only could shake his head. They weren’t going near neither Bella or Baylee.

  “We aren’t meeting them at the house. You’ll have to see them another time.” He broke her face.

  “What?” She folded her arms over her chest. “Then why are we meeting Meek?”

  “He has something for me to look into.” RaKeem shrugged.

  “Both of y’all are full of it.”

  “Whatever,” Keem mushed Reed’s head –ca
using her to lean over sideways.

  Reed hadn’t seen much of Bella, her previous guardian. As a child, Reed had a stint in a group home, a place she hated with a passion. After her mother’s husband was caught attempting to penetrate her virgin vagina, her big brother Roc killed him. Their mother testified against her very own son in court, trying her hardest to paint him as a horrible murderer, which he wasn’t. He did what any real man would’ve done, and acted upon impulse. Roc was sent away to jail, and their mother gave up her rights to Reed. She had no one to take her in, so she was sent to a group home. Luckily, her brother’s girlfriend, Kelly and her sister Bella, had hearts. They came to her rescue, taking her under their wings. She was forever grateful for their leniency.

  “Stop. You could’ve left me at the school until you handled your business.”

  “Why? I would’ve had to come all the way back out just to pick you up. Quit pouting, I’ll tell him to hit me up on the office line when I get to the house. It ain’t nothing major.” Keem shook his head. Reed was as spoiled as they came, and he only had himself to blame.

  “No, handle your business. Don’t let me stop you.”

  “I never have. I just don’t feel like seeing you pout for the rest of the night.” Keem told her. “We have things to do, and sitting around with your lips poked out won’t get them done.”

  “My lips aren’t poked out.” Reed chuckled.

  “They were just a minute ago.”

  “Well, they aren’t now. Quit bringing up the past.” Reed waved Keem off.

  He snatched her hand in mid air, brought it down to his lips, and kissed the back of it. Reed smiled, warming RaKeem all over. She’d never fully grasp the effects that she had on him. She made even his darkest days feel better. Just her presence kept him focused and in grind mode. He felt as if they were a powerful combination, unstoppable even. With one another, they had the knowledge of an entire team. A force to be reckoned with, everyone knew that they were the best chance at whatever it was they needed done.

  “What do your heart desire for dinner?” he questioned, picking her brain. Reed was a very healthy eater. She prided herself of eating clean and staying healthy.

  “Lobster and asparagus.” She hummed, thinking of how tasty the combination would be. She didn’t eat meat, other than seafood. She hated the filth that was pumped into the animals that the meat came from. She’d much rather take her chances with the natural creatures of the sea versus farm grown, altered animals.

  “Lobster it is.” Keem placed her hand on his lap, grabbed his cell phone and punched a few buttons. He’d texted Meek and let him know of the sudden change of plans, and he was sure to make the right moves so that Reed would have the dinner she desired. Turning his attention back towards Reed, he smiled before placing the phone back in it’s rightful spot.

  Just as Reed’s existence was centered around Keem’s, his was the same case. It wasn’t much that they didn’t do together. You rarely saw one without the other. As a team, they were splendid. Both, well aware of the worth of their counterpart. It was the main reason they cherished one another so much. What they had was rare, and it was lovely.

  Twenty minutes later, the custom wheels on the Phantom winded the twirling driveway of RaKeem’s home. The $9.8 million estate was dressed with beautiful greenery, a small lake, two horses, a huge outdoor projector and theatre, a golf course, and a hell of a guest house. The indoor pool wrapped around half of the very first floor. RaKeem had allowed both Reed and Raven to assist in coordination and decoration of his home. He hadn’t had the slightest clue on what to place in the huge spaces that served as rooms. With a total of ten of them, he was sure to turn gray before he figured out what was to go where. Luckily, his mother and girlfriend came to his rescue.

  “After you,” Keem spread his arm, advising Reed to lead the way.

  Pulling out her keys to his home, she prepared to open the door. However, it swung open before she could stick it into the pad. Rosa was quick on her toes. When she was around, Reed rarely had to lift a finger. She served as the cook and housekeeper, and took her position very seriously.

  “Hola!” she yelled, happy to see Reed.

  “Hey, Rosa.” Reed reached in and hugged Rosa’s neck.

  “Come. I prepare dinner for you.” Rosa encouraged Reed to follow her into the kitchen. She’d began preparing exactly what Reed had requested. Just a few minutes ago, she’d just made it back from the market with fresh lobster.

  “It smells good in here, Rosa.” Reed allowed the smell to invade her nostrils.

  Looking around the state of the art kitchen, she realized that Rosa was making a mess. Reed chuckled, thinking about how the space would be spotless when the time came. She didn’t understand how Rosa did it, but something gave every time.

  “One hour. Dinner will be ready.” Rosa assure Reed. “Go, I will call when ready.” Rosa had just invited Reed inside, and now she was putting her out.

  “Okay.” Reed nodded, and headed up the stairs.

  Standing inside of the custom built study, RaKeem adjusted the tie around his neck as he listened intently to the caller on the other end of his line. Observing the space around him, he searched, desperately, for his stress relievers. The two weirdly shaped instruments fit in the palms of his hands, and allowed him to release the tension that motherfuckers loved pumping him with.

  “Yeah.” He acknowledged the fact that he was still listening to the bullshit that was spewing. “Okay.”

  He pulled the top draw from the mahogany colored desk. Nothing. Sighing, he leaned to the right and opened the draw just across from that one, but nothing was there either. “Fuck.” He cursed under his breath.

  Standing up, big and tall, he placed his right hand on his right hip, and pondered. He was trying his hardest to figure out where he’d last had his instruments. He only discussed business in his office, so they had to be near. Just as he went to call out to Reed, he felt a vibration in his pocket.

  At the same time, he heard Reed’s steps nearing his office. Within a moment’s time, sweat beads had formed across Keem’s forehead. He wondered how close Reed was, and if he had time to power off his second cell and store it without being detected. Taking the risk, he whipped his cell out, checked the caller, and pressed the side button to power it down. Just as he’d thought, Danity was calling. For obvious reasons, Keem tried separating his secret affairs from his open one.

  Aside from his personal and business cells, Keem carried around a secret cell. It was the only cell that any woman he’d encountered, other than Reed and his family, had access to. He’d had the damn thing for years. He rarely carried it around, not wanting to take the chance of getting himself into a world of trouble. The previous night, he’d needed it in order to give Danity a heads up about his plans for the night. The plan was for her to be waiting up, but that wasn’t the case. She’d fallen asleep on him, anyway.

  Leaning back down, Keem pulled out the second desk draw to the right and lifted the small piece of would that lead to his hiding spot. He tossed the phone inside, and slammed the drawer just as Reed pushed the door open to his study.

  “It says knock first.” Keem mouthed, chuckling. Reed didn’t follow rules well. His rules, at least.

  Humping her shoulders, she removed her shoes and laid on the couch that was adjacent to his desk. Reed stared on as Keem babbled at the mouth, venom in his words. Obviously, someone had encountered a problem that they’d been forewarned about. Keem was upset because they hadn’t handled it the way he’d advised them to.

  “Listen, if you want to do this shit your way, then what the fuck do you need me for. Instead of backing down, that was your chance to man up. I can’t be the man that you need to be. These clowns will run circles around you if you allow it. I’m setting up another meeting, and this time you go in demanding respect. No one leaves until you’re completely satisfied with the outcome. Aight?” RaKeem spoke clearly, wanting to be sure that he was understood. “Besides, wher
e are all of those goons you told me you had when you need them?” he asked, not waiting for a reply. “Round their asses up, because it’s show time.”

  He ended the call, blowing out a heavy gush of air. He’d never understand for the life of him why people paid millions of dollars each year to be consulted, only to disregard what was being set forth for them. Most of RaKeem’s clients only returned when new problems arose. Those, he rarely spoke with.

  However, he had about ten men on his roaster that literally needed him to take them by the hand and walk them through each and every problem that they encountered. It seemed as if they were incapable of running a successful business. Keem couldn’t help but to wonder how they’d made it as far as they had.

  He turned his attention back towards Reed, only to see her maneuvering his stress relievers from hand to hand. RaKeem smiled. She knew exactly what he needed. Not even bothering to question where she’d retrieved them from, he held his hands out, and she threw them his way. Catching them midair, he winked and blew a kiss in the air. Reed captured it, and snuggled it close to her heart.


  KinZu woke to the rising of the sun. She opened her eyes, but laid still in the bed. Rubbing the space next to her, she was happy to come into contact with Jonathan’s abdomen. He was still asleep, with his breathing under total control. He didn’t budge, even when KinZu lifted up and propped her head up on her arm.

  For what seemed like forever, she stared at the handsome young man before her. As perfect as he looked, he was graciously flawed. KinZu kept her eyes trained on his closed lids as she wondered if he’d ever get it right. Time was of the essence, and their clock was ticking. It was only so much that she could withstand, before she reached a breaking point. By the time he’d realized his mistakes, she prayed that it wasn’t too late for them.


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