Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem

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Youngin' Blues: The Story of Reed and RaKeem Page 17

by Mercy B

  The Victorian styled mansion was beautiful. Keem adored it, even in his drunken state. Using the grass, instead of the sidewalk, he took the quickest route to the door. Before he could find his way, however, he stumbled over his own feet. Falling face first into the grass, he cursed. “Fuck.”

  He didn’t get up right away. In fact, Keem laid in the same position for over ten minutes. Placing his hands in front of him, he got comfortable –lacking the will to remove himself from the wet grass. The sprinkles that kept the grass watered pointed in his direction soon after he’d landed, wetting him from head to toe. The cold water felt good on his back as he sighed, intoxicated beyond belief.

  “RAKEEM!” he heard Bella yell, not after long. He’d dozed off, that quick.

  “Huh?” he slurred, head still down.

  “What are you doing out here?” she asked.

  Bella had just gotten in from the store, and was about to prepare dinner. RahMeek had special requests, and she had to run out to the grocery store to get them. She wasn’t expecting to find RahMeek’s little brother laid out across her front lawn when she got back home.

  Seeing as though he was drunk, she shook her head and took off for the house. Bursting through the door, she yelled her husband’s name. “RahMeek. Get down here, now!”

  “Whaaaa. What?” RahMeek was in the middle of an evening nap. Bella had put the pussy on him, and he could barely move a muscle just two hours ago.

  “RaKeem is out here on the front lawn. He can’t even get up because he’s so damn drunk. Come get him.”

  Bella blew out in frustration. This shit had to stop. Reed had the poor guy losing his mind. She’d yet to have a sit down with her, but she needed to do so as soon as possible. Sometimes, men could truly learn a lesson after they fucked up. Just like Meek, she felt as if Keem had learned his. He was a mess without Reed, and Bella could see why. They were perfect for one another. The love they shared was wholesome and rich. Bella wouldn’t have thought in a million years that they’d part ways.

  “Where he at?” Meek asked when he reached the bottom of the steps. Without a shirt covering his chest, Bella stared on. Her husband seemed to get better with time. They’d just made love two hours prior, but Bella was desperate for me. She’d nearly said to hell with Keem and lead RahMeek back up the stairs.

  “The front lawn.” Bella smirked.

  “Chill out.” Meek smacked her on the ass and ran towards the front door.

  Pulling out his cell phone, he took RaKeem a picture as he laid out on the ground, wet. The shit was hilarious. After sending the flick to Roc, he put his phone in the pocket of his sweats and went to rescue his little brother. Love was a motherfucker.

  Running over before the sprinkles could attack, Meek bent down and placed Keem’s arm around his neck. Lifting him from the ground, he nearly dragged him into the house. With his speech delayed, Keem kept repeating, “Meek, I’ve got to get her back, yo.”

  Over and over, he said the same thing. Meek listened to his younger brother’s cry for the love of his life. Meek understood his pain, because he’d been in a much similar situation. The only difference was that he wouldn’t let up. Bella grew so tired of him that she had no other choice but to take him back. He wouldn’t stop until she did.

  “You will.” Meek assured his little brother. “Just don’t give up. More importantly, don’t let her think that you’ve given up.”

  “Take him to the downstairs bathroom. He is not about to be fucking up my carpet!” Bella yelled when she saw Meek heading for the stairs. She’d put up the groceries and was in care mode. Of course Meek wasn’t about to help his little brother do much more than lay down to sleep, so she would have to do what was necessary to get him cleaned and comfortable.

  “Watch your mouth!” RahMeek hissed.

  “Whatever, nigga. Just take his ass downstairs.”

  Dropping RaKeem on the toilet seat after letting it down, RahMeek ran to Bella. Getting in her personal space, he grabbed her face and squeezed. Her mouth popped open and she groaned from the pain that RahMeek was inflicting. “I said what your motherfucking mouth, Bells.” He chastised. Leaning down, he stuck his tongue inside of her mouth, making her moan. “Now, when you are done, come upstairs so I can put a hurting on that pussy.” He let her face go, and pushed her backwards, laughing. He knew that she was coming for him, so he took off running.

  Smiling, Bella massaged her jaws and turned towards Keem. Rolling her eyes into the top of her head, she headed for the shower. Turning it on woke RaKeem. Looking around, he realized he’d made it inside of the house and to the bathroom.

  Like a faucet, his words began to spill through his teeth. “Bella. I really fucked up.” He felt the need to tell the world that he’d fucked up, that day. “I did. I really did. Yo, Bella, Reed…” he choked up. “See, you don’t understand. She loved me.” he cried. “No, no. She loves me unconditionally. I think that if I was a broke nigga, she’d love me no less. See, that’s real. You don’t find that to often. That’s why I’m not trying to go looking.” Keem placed his head in his hands. “I may sound like a sucker, but I don’t give a fuck. I loss my girl. She wasn’t just any girl. Reed was the best. I mean, what teenager you know sticks by a nigga’s side that she barely even knows for four whole months, not knowing if he would live or die. I could’ve woke up and not even remembered her. She ain’t give a damn. When I got up…”

  Keem heaved, he could no longer stand the pain of his reality. He was broken, and tired of hiding it. He wanted to let it all out, and he knew that Bella would listen. She was the sole reason that he’d come over. He was more than thankful for this moment. “When I got up from that coma, Bella, I searched for her. She’d been there with me everyday. I know because I heard her. I heard her crying and begging me to come back to her. I’ve never heard Reed pray, Bella. Never. Each time she was alone with me in that room, she talked to God. It was because of Reed that I am here. I had given up, but the thought of her kept me fighting to get up. Each time I heard her crying, it pushed me a bit further to my recovery. What type of nigga am I? Huh? I’ve been shitting on Reed since I could walk, again. I couldn’t wait to recover to get my dick sucked, even fuck on the same little bitch that Reed had beat at the movies that time. I mean, Reed was willing to go against her blood for me. This ain’t no way to repay her.” Keem broke down.

  Bella’s heart yarned for their reconnection. “I got her a ring, Bella.” He revealed. “I’ve had it for some time, now. I was just too busy doing my thing and didn’t have the courage to ask for her hand in marriage. I was too afraid to commit. I was afraid to disappoint her. I couldn’t fathom asking her to walk into a fucking trap. I wasn’t ready. Now that she’s gone, committing myself to her is all that I can think about. Some days I just sit and stare at the ring. It’s beautiful, just like she is.”

  “I’d love to see it.” Bella said.

  “I need you to talk to her Bella. I can’t do this anymore. It hurts too much. I’m not a bad dude. I just fucked up. I’m done. I’m done, yo. I just want my girl back.” Keem pulled at his curly locks, seemingly losing it. “Fuck being her nigga, Bella. I want to be her man!”

  That was the realist shit that Bella had ever heard before. in that moment, she concluded the fact that she was going to have a talk with Reed. It didn’t matter that Reed was grown and could make decisions on her own. Bella wanted to have a direct influence on this one. She wouldn’t be able to sleep if she didn’t at least have a word with Reed. It was necessary. She had never seen RaKeem so vulnerable and weak.

  Even though he was drunk, he was speaking from the heart. It had always been said that a drunk mouth speaks of a sober mind. In this case, RaKeem was just giving her the real. He’d fucked up, and he was ready to right his wrongs.

  “I just miss her.”

  “I know, RaKeem. Let’s get you showered.”

  It wasn’t long before Keem was sound asleep in the downstairs guest bedroom. Bella had made sure that he
had clean clothes to throw on for the time being. He and Meek wore the same size, so she didn’t have a problem finding some sweats and a tee shirt. Bella stood beside his bed as she dialed KinZu’s cell. She wanted to slide through without Reed knowing. Had she known, she would’ve probably ran off. Any time RaKeem was brought up, she rushed away. Bella didn’t feel up to her games. Like two adults, they were going to talk.

  “Hey Kin.” Bella started. “Is Reed home?” she waited for a response. “Okay. I’m headed over. Don’t mention it to her.” Bella warned.

  After hanging up, Bella called Kelly and insisted that she accompany her to Reed’s place. Kelly agreed, anxious to get a word in with Reed as well. This talk was more than necessary on both parties’ behalf. After speaking with Reed, Kelly wanted to have a talk with RaKeem. Reed was well within her rights to shut Keem out, and Kelly supported her to the fullest. It was just hard seeing such a love like theirs wither away. If she could help it, she at least wanted to get them to talk to one another. It was important to get closer. If not, they’d forever be scorn –the suspect and the victim.

  Bella stepped out of her Bentley at the same time that Kelly jumped out of her G-Wagon. Her little small belly was so cute, causing Bella to have baby fever immediately. She figured by now, it was time to have a little RahMeek junior.

  “Hey!” Kelly sounded exasperated.

  “Hey. What’s the matter? You good?”

  “Yes. I’m fine. This pregnancy is nothing like the last. This baby is killing me. I can’t even go two hours without thinking about sleep. I just reached my two hour mark on the way over.”

  “Oh damn. You should’ve said something. I would’ve come alone.”

  “It’s fine. I needed a break. All I do is sit around that house.” Kelly waved off, locking up her truck behind her. She looked stunning in her heather grey PINK two piece.

  “You look good.” Bella complimented, hugging Kelly around the neck and then rubbing her tiny bump.

  “So do you, baby!” Kelly cooed.

  Bella was wearing a pair of black tights and a black crop top. On her feet, she wore a pair of Gucci sneakers. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail. She reeked of royalty. Even dressed down, one knew that she was that bitch. There wasn’t any denying it.

  “Let’s get inside.” Bella looked around, checking their surroundings. Even though her husband had been out of the game for some time now, she was still very cautious. She couldn’t afford to slip up, her husband would never let her live it down if she did.

  “Yeah. I need to sit down.” Kelly complained.

  KinZu and Reed had moved into a cottage style mini mansion near the suburbs. Completely secluded, Bella had wondered how they were even able to find their home. Both, very smart girls, where buying the home. Neither planned on living in it for long, but they would rent it out just as soon as they made their final payments. It was the perfect move.

  The pastel yellow painted house was perfect for the two. It reminded Kelly of the home that she’d envisioned for she and Bella as children. However, they weren’t dripping in funds back then, so they took what they could. No matter what, Bella had always made it do what it do. Kelly could never thank her enough.

  “Reed,” Bella yelled, walking through the house, in search of Bella’s bedroom.

  “Yeah?” Reed called out, suspicious of Bella’s presence. She could see that KinZu had let her end, but she wondered why.

  Before she could protest, KinZu, Kelly, and Bella had all piled into her bedroom. She was busy filling out the necessary papers to start her consultant company, and hadn’t noticed so many footsteps.

  “Well, hello.” She placed the pen that she’d been writing with on her desk and gave the clique her undivided attention.

  “We need to talk to you.” Bella started.

  “Obviously.” Reed countered, knowing what this was all about.


  Kelly pulled out her cell and showed Reed the picture of RaKeem laid out on Bella’s lawn. She’d sent the photo from her husband’s cell to hers. Kelly thought that it was hilarious, but it was sad at the same time. The young man was hurting. If Reed was completely done with him, she needed to give him some closure. If not, she needed to go get her man back.

  “When was this taken?” Reed asked, holding her hand up to her chest. “Why is he laying out here like that?”

  “He showed up to my house drunk.”

  “Keem doesn’t get drunk.” Reed reminded everyone.

  “Yeah, that was before you left him.” Bella enlightened her.

  “Shit, I don’t drink, but I’d get drunk if it meant easing my pain.” KinZu agreed.

  “He’s hurting, Reed.” Bella sighed. “He poured his heart out to me, today. I felt so bad for the poor guy.”

  “For what? I’m the victim, here.” Reed pointed at her chest.

  “But Reed, it’s been two months. Don’t you miss him a little?” KinZu asked.

  “I miss him a lot, but that doesn’t change a thing. He put himself in this mess.” She hissed.

  “I know you miss him a lot… I can see it in your actions. You don’t even seem the same no more.”

  “Kin, what are you trying to say.”

  “You miss him.”

  “I just said that.”

  “And you still want him.” KinZu added.

  “Bull!” Reed lied. “Come on now.”

  “I’m being serious.”

  “Are you KinZu?”

  “Yeah, and she is right!” Kelly added.

  “I can see it, too.” Bella chimed in.

  “I say that you go for it, Reed. There is no need of hurting yourself, trying to hurt that man. He’s sick about what he’s done to you. He’s done a lot of suffering. If that’s where you heart lies, then I say go get your man. However, if you’re completely done with him then you owe it to yourself to get some closer. Meet with him. Tell him that you want nothing more of you two. It’s simple.”

  As Kelly spoke, KinZu listened on. She’d been dodging Jonathan like the plague. She was still in pain. Hearing Kelly speak, she knew that one day she’d need to gain closure from her relationship with him. If not, she’d forever be holding on to something, whether it was love or pain.

  “Exactly. I mean, I don’t think that you should give up, but if that’s the decision you’ve made, then we can’t do anything but support you.” Bella shrugged. “But damn Reed, I don’t think that throwing in the towel will make things any better when that’s where you’re meant to be.

  Sighing, Reed considered everything that the girls where telling her.

  “Okay, I’ve said my peace. I have to get back to my husband before he freaks out. Plus, I have this long ass drive and I’m praying that I can stay awake.”

  “Call me if you can’t. I’ll talk to you the entire way.” Bella threw in the air.

  “Girl, if I get too tired, I’m pulling over. Roc will just have to get out of bed to come get me.” Kelly was spoiled, much like Bella and Reed. They all had good men, even though they all fucked up.

  “Okay. Call me when you get home, then.”

  Kelly walked over to Reed’s desk and hugged her neck. “It’s all good, love. Whatever you decide, you know that I am here for you. If you are ready to walk away, then let that man know. He deserves it. If you’re not ready, just talk to him.”

  “Okay.” Reed smiled when Kelly kissed her forehead.

  “Night you all.”

  “Let me walk you out.”

  The minute KinZu and Kelly left the room, Bella moved closer to Reed. She took a seat on her bed and breathed deeply. “Reed. He loves you.”

  “Bella, that man hurt me. That’s all I care to know right now. Love doesn’t hurt like this. It just doesn’t. Yeah, it’s been two, nearly three, months, but my healing doesn’t have a time limit. Frankly, I ain’t done healing, yet. When I have finished, I’m not sure if with Keem is somewhere I want to be. A man that claims to love you doesn’t ju
st walk all over you like that. It’s just not possible.”

  “Yes it is.”

  “No it isn’t.”

  “It happened to me.”

  “And you were a fool to take him back!” Reed covered her mouth after the words had come out.

  “It’s fine.” Bella smiled, taking the insult. “Get it off of your chest.”

  “I always thought that you and Kelly had to have been crazy to take your men back. Like, if your heart hurt anything like mine does now, then how could you. It’s never ending. I still feel the same amount of pain that I felt when it first happened. Gosh. I don’t wish this on anyone.” Reed hurriedly wiped the lone tear that was about to fall. “I mean… What if he doesn’t get it right this time? Who’s to say that he won’t do the same thing again? After I take him back that may cause him to think that this is okay. It’s not okay. This is not some car, toy, or foreign object. It’s my heart dammit, and you can’t just play with it.” Reed was furious, and Bella just listened on. She was glad that she was able to get things off of her chest.

  “I understand your dilemma. I was here before, with the same questions as you. However, sometimes you just know. I knew without a doubt that my husband didn’t want to be alone. I also knew that he was aware that it wasn’t any more chances to be given. He’d used his one, one that I hadn’t even given him to start. There weren’t any more freebies. He broke my heart one time, and that was enough. Meek didn’t want to be alone. That’s why he got his shit together. With your absence, Keem knows that you aren’t to be played with. You’re showing him right now that you don’t mind leaving his ass. That’s what you’re supposed to do. You’re not some weak bitch that will just lay down and allow him to step al over you. You’ve stood your ground, but now it’s time to go for what you know. You want him Reed. You can’t tell me anything differently and I believe you. Go get him.” Bella raised from the bed. “I’m going to get out of here, but I’m going to leave you with this one… If you don’t want to see your man dance off into the sun, down the aisle, or fathering someone else’s child, then you’d better get off of your high horse. Because as time passes, hearts heal… Even the ones who caused the chaos will eventually move on. Happiness will find it’s way, Reed. Don’t let it be without you.”


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