Island Curves (A BBW Romance)

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Island Curves (A BBW Romance) Page 5

by Virginia Wade

  Friday night, after Scarlett had been put to bed, I settled on the sofa to watch a taped show, when the doorbell rang. I didn’t want to get up, so mom answered it. I was snuggled under a blanket with a bowl of popcorn on my tummy.

  “Honey.” It was my mother. “There’s someone to see you.”


  “Is this the same David from the island?”

  I jumped to my feet, knocking the bowl over, the kernels falling to the floor like a waterfall of fluffy nuggets. “Holy shit!” My heart pounded in my chest. “Where is he?”

  “The living room.”

  I squealed and raced passed my mother. “Omigod!” Mr. Muscle stood before me, shaved, shorthaired, and tanned. He wore a pair of jeans with a greenish-gray t-shirt. I flung myself at him. “David!”

  His face was in my neck, and he smelled of soap and cologne. “Marissa.”

  My mother observed our reunion with her lips compressed and a dubious expression on her face. “I’ll be in the kitchen, if you need me.”

  “Thanks, mom.”

  “It’s so good to see you.”

  “When did the show end?”


  “Did you win?”

  “You know I can’t talk about that. The results will be announced in six months.”

  I pulled away to look at him. “You came here first? You didn’t go home?”

  “Nope.” He grinned, flashing white teeth.

  I took his hand. “We should go to my room.”

  “Lead the way.”

  In the hallway upstairs, I paused before my daughter’s room. “Do you want to see Scarlett?” He nodded. I opened the door, and we peeked at my little angel, who slept with a pink teddy bear.

  “She’s as cute as her mother.”

  “Thanks.” She would have a baby brother or sister in nine months. “My room’s this one.” I sat on the bed and played with my hair nervously. David’s knee touched mine. “Who were the final three?”

  He grinned. “I can’t tell you. Sorry.”

  “That sucks.”

  “It’s so good to see you. The last week was a nightmare. I’ve never been so miserable.”

  “I was hoping we’d get together. I thought you’d call. I wasn’t expecting you just to show up at my house.”

  “One of the producers gave me your address. I had to bribe him.”

  In a moment of overwhelming affection, I grabbed his face, bestowing kisses on sweet-smelling skin. He must have just shaved, because he was baby soft. “It’s gonna be hard,” I complained. “You live in Dallas.”

  “I can live anywhere. I run my business from my computer. Lake Tahoe is nice.”

  “Are you moving here?”

  “Somebody’s gotta move, don’t they?”

  I stared at him. “I have to tell you something. Um…shit.”

  “What is it?” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

  “I…never did get my period, David.”

  His eyes widened. “Oh.”

  “I’m not on the pill. I wasn’t dating, so…I didn’t think I needed it. I wasn’t expecting to have sex on a TV show.”

  “I wondered about that.”

  “Look, I don’t want you to feel obligated. I could get an abortion, although I don’t want to. I can’t afford another kid right now. I can’t afford the first one. I’m such an idiot. My mom’s so pissed. I’ve totally disappoint—”

  “Shush,” his finger was on my mouth, “don’t talk. Just kiss me.”

  I knew better than to object. The glimmer in his eye assured me that it didn’t bother him in the least that I was pregnant. My intuition hummed a happy tune, which told me that I could cast aside my worries. None of them mattered.

  Chapter Nine

  As we sat on the stage, upon staggered benches, I glanced into the audience and smiled at my daughter, who was with my parents in the third row. The lights were blinding, our hostess looked radiant in a form-fitting blue dress, and I couldn’t be happier with life in general, patting my expanding belly and beaming with joy. An engagement ring sparkled on my finger; the proposal had happened the night before at a romantic dinner by the beach.

  My fiancé, being in the final three, sat on the first row beside Loren and Chuck. I was thrilled for my friend for having made it to the end. Now America would decide their fate. Whilst the cameras rolled and our hostess addressed the audience, I realized that it didn’t matter if David won or not, because we had both gambled and triumphed. He was no slouch when it came to business, running a successful sporting goods company with his brother, which grossed three million annually. The exposure from being on the show had produced a bonanza of sales and profits. I’d moved to Dallas with him, having decided a change of scenery would be beneficial. We had bought a lovely home in Keller, Texas with an awesome view and a pool, which Scarlett loved.

  After the commercial break, it was time for the big reveal, and nervous bundles of energy coursed through me, in anticipation of the news. I sat with Susan, and we squeezed each other’s hands for good luck.

  “I’ll read the results now,” said Charlene. “With thirty-six million votes having been counted, the first winner of Contest Island is…” The hush in the audience was palpable, as her well-manicured hand disappeared into a ceramic pot. David turned around and winked at me. “Loren Pierce.”

  Pandemonium erupted, as Loren shot to her feet, her face a mask of surprised disbelief. She hugged David and Chuck, and then she ran into the audience to embrace the members of her family. I was ecstatic for my friend and happy for her good fortune.

  “Now for the second winner of the three million dollar prize.” Her hand disappeared into the pot. She held up a white card. “The second winner of Contest Island is…David Komen.”

  My heart skipped a beat, as my fiancé got to his feet and high-fived several men in the first row. Then he climbed over the staggered seats and hauled me into his arms, kissing me senseless. My ears rang with the applause of the audience, as each camera in the auditorium was on us, capturing every detail of our affectionate celebration.

  “I love you, baby!” he whispered in my ear.

  “I love you too!”

  He bounded off the benches and ran into the audience to hug his parents and brother, who were seated near my parents. While we composed ourselves during the commercial break, I tried to calm down, knowing that my blood pressure had probably spiked. The question and answer session was about to begin, and, when David returned, along with Loren, who was dabbing her mocha-colored skin with a tissue, they sat and waited for their cue.

  Susan hugged me. “You did good, girl.”

  “I did.”

  “I knew you guys would work out.”

  “So far, so good.”

  Our hostess beamed, preparing to grill us with questions. “Now, David, everyone watching this season was aware of the romance between you and Marissa. You started off hating each other, and then something happened. Would you care to elaborate?”

  He grinned cheekily. “Um…she’s totally hot, Charlene. I had no means to resist her. She basically wrecked my game.”

  “You won the show, David. How can you say she wrecked your game?”

  “I came to dominate and win challenges, which I did. I didn’t plan on romance. Uh…that was a surprise.”

  “Marissa, what were your first impressions of David?”

  “I thought he was an arrogant jerk, no offense, honey.”

  “None taken.”

  The audience laughed at this. Every negative thing I had ever said about him had aired for the entire world to see, creating television ratings gold.

  “That first impression didn’t last long, did it?”


  “In fact, from nearly the beginning of the show you two were together.”

  “Not together, but…we slept together.” Oh, God. That totally didn’t come out right! “I mean, we were next to each other in the shelter.” My face
flamed with embarrassment. My mother would kill me! The audience erupted with applause and ribald whistles.

  “I would say from the looks of it, that you got a lot closer than that. This is the first time in history that a baby was conceived on a live show.”

  David grinned roguishly. “That’d be my fault, Ms. Laird.”

  She laughed, “Oh, I think you both can share the blame there. And, from the sparkler on Marissa’s finger, I see you’ve already gone down on one knee.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Last night at dinner.” The auditorium thundered their approval.

  Charlene winked at me. “Congratulations.”


  After the question and answer session had concluded, I found myself in a dressing room with my parents and David’s parents, chatting and sharing champagne. I drank sparkling water, while my fiancé sat with Scarlett on his lap, my daughter having adopted him as her new best friend.

  One of the producers burst through the door. “The ratings just came in. This season was the most watched out of ten years. Congrats, guys. You were awesome.” In typical producer fashion, she disappeared as quickly as she appeared.

  David handed Scarlett to my dad. “I...can I get a minute with my fiancé, please. We’ll meet you at the afterparty.”

  Mild objections registered, but people began to file out, leaving David and I alone. He pulled me to him. “Pregnant chicks turn me on.” He was shockingly erect and it pressed against my belly.

  “Stop it, you dirty boy. Somebody can come in at any second.”

  “I’ll remedy that.” He wedged a chair under the doorknob. “How do you like them apples?”

  “What’s going on here?”

  “We’re having a time out.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yeah. Get on the sofa.”

  “Demanding, aren’t we?”

  “We’ve got interviews out the wazoo coming. You’ll be too exhausted later.”

  The dampness of arousal wet my panties. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Pull that dress up.”

  My grin was saucy. “Really?”

  “And drop the panties.”

  I slid my undies down my legs and lifted the bottom of the dress, exposing myself.

  “There’s the promised land.” He unzipped his jeans and came between my thighs, kneeling. A knock sounded on the door, startling us. “Go away!”

  He prodded gently, pushing out the sides of my labia as he sought entrance. I thought he was going to slide in fully, but instead, he rubbed himself over my slit, brushing my clit repeatedly. He wet himself in the process.

  “Oh, David!”

  “Are you gonna scream when you come?”

  “Do you want me too?”

  “I love it when you scream.”

  “Then for you, I will.”

  He drove in deep, filling me to the balls, while enjoying the snug confines of my silken walls, which contracted around him. I played with my clit, which felt like an enormous Milk Dud.

  “You feel so good, Marissa. Show me those boobs.”

  I lifted the dress over my head, exposing my bra, which barely held my breasts in check. Pregnancy had increased their size drastically. I unclasped the hooks, the flesh bursting out in voluptuous freedom.

  “Like this?”

  “Jesus. Those are sinful.”

  “You can suck on them when I breastfeed.”

  “God, I hope so.”

  I giggled, “I always make too much milk. I’m like an overflowing cow.”

  “No, you’re perfect.”

  I toyed with my nub, while he slid in and out with gentle persistence. “You can do it harder, David. I won’t break.”

  He lifted my legs, holding the ankles. “You ready?”

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  His balls slapped against me as he drove home repeatedly. I grasped for his butt, my fingers digging into the firmness of the region. He was slick with moisture; the length teased me to distraction, while a delicious tension began to build.

  “David!” He let go of my legs and leaned over, continuing our intimate connection, and took a hardened nipple into his mouth. “Oh, yes.”

  Sliding a hand between us, I rubbed myself, while he thrust back and forth, pleasuring us both. With each tug on my nipple, I could feel my belly contracting with sensual energies that threatened to overwhelm me.


  “Marissa, Jesus. It’s like a vice.”

  “Sorry. I can’t help it.” I sounded breathless.

  “No, I love it.”

  “I’ve never slept with a millionaire before.”

  He laughed, “Yes you have. I was one before.”

  I gasped, “Oh, wow!”

  He pressed my breasts together, laving each nipple thoroughly. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “More. Do me more.”

  “Demanding little wench.”

  He plunged, hitting something sensitive, which created a firestorm of sensations that tingled out from my core. “Yes! Like that!”

  “I can’t keep this pace up for long.”

  “Me either.”

  I was right on the edge, skirting orgasmic rapture with each labored breath and fearing that, when I screamed, security would break down the door.

  “Oh, David. OH-OH-OH-DAVID!” My belly tightened, as the climax hit like a pleasurable tsunami. The orgasm made my stomach feel like a hard basketball, while I convulsed with pleasure. My belly would soften again as soon as the contractions wore off.

  David got to his feet, massaging his wet length. “Oh, God.”

  Knowing what he wanted, I closed my lips around him, sucking aggressively. He groaned loudly, erupting with a silken stream, which squirted into my mouth.

  “Jesus! Ooohhh…” I captured every last bit, the rest dribbling to my breasts. “That’s so nice, honey.”

  I glanced up at him. “You’re a naughty, boy, David.”

  “We’re just getting started, Marissa. I’ve got big plans for you.”

  I tingled from the roguish look in his eye. “Oh…sounds good.”

  The End

  Books by Virginia Wade

  Cum For The Viking

  Cum For The Viking 2-6

  Cum For Bigfoot

  Cum For Bigfoot 2-15

  Sense And Sexuality

  Pride And Penetration

  Naughty Emma

  Siren Island: Shipwrecked

  Siren Island: Lust For Gold

  Siren Island: Kidnapped

  Jane’s Playmates

  Sarah’s Playmates

  Taken By Pirates

  In The Garden Of Snakes

  Ann of the Apocalypse

  Conquest of the Gladiator

  Bred By The Dark Lord

  The Virgins of Castle Bliss

  Lily (A Novel)

  Cavegirl (Primitive Lust)

  Breeding the Lusty Babysitter

  Bred By Pastor Green

  Bred at Bible Camp

  Total Nympho: The Stacy Collection

  Total Nympho 2: The Stacy Collection

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