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Dreamstone Page 15

by Ben L. Hughes

  “To be honest, it would be best if you did it in person. Stories like yours have a funny way of getting cut off when they are over the phone,” Alex hinted.

  “Is there any chance I could do it on a weekend? I can’t afford to miss any more days of school this semester,” Matt asked.

  “Certainly,” Alex replied. “Next Saturday’s program is still open. Would you be able to attend that one?”

  “Yeah, that should work,” Matt acknowledged.

  “Alright, if you can e-mail me your address, I’ll send you directions to the studio and a badge so that you can get in,” Alex promised.

  “Can I bring my fiancé with me? She is an integral part of the story as you know and she is my moral support,” Matt admitted.

  “Yes, she can come, but you will need to arrive at the studio half an hour early so we can go over radio etiquette and all of the FCC requirements. I also have a policy of meeting with all of my guests in person before the show. If I get a funny vibe, I will pull the plug right then and there,” Alex stated as fact.

  “No problem, I understand completely. I will see you next Saturday,” Matt replied.

  “Great, I’m looking forward to it. The only thing I ask is that you let me know if there is any reason you cannot attend. I always have back up material, but I’m a stickler for courtesy,” Alex insisted.

  “I am too,” Matt replied. After the call, Matt saw Melissa out on the back porch and he went to tell her the good news.

  “How did it go?” she asked as he joined her on the porch swing.

  “Your idea has paid off, we have a spot on next Saturday’s radio program with Alex,” Matt announced.

  “Wow, that was fast,” Melissa remarked.

  “I told him the story about the dreamstone and how it allowed us to communicate with Helios. I also emphasized the importance of our task and he wants us to come on his show right away. I hope it was alright that I volunteered you?” Matt asked in an optimistic tone.

  “Of course, I said I would help in any way that I could, and I meant it,” she replied.

  “I really appreciate it. I don’t think I would be able to do it without your support,” Matt confessed as he sat on the porch swing with her. Melissa leaned against him and they swung back and forth in a comfortable silence.

  Chapter 18

  Sunday brought cooler weather and Matt could tell that autumn was starting to change to winter. A heavy fog rolled in and the windows were covered in a fine mist that glistened in the diffused light. Matt saw Melissa sitting at the kitchen table sipping a cup of tea and reading a romance novel. He slowly crept up behind her and read a few lines from the book. ‘…William plunged into Rosetta’s welcoming loins, a passionate kiss ensued as the forbidden love was made all the sweeter by the risk of being caught and punished for their crime…’ He thought it was cute how she seemed so sweet and innocent on the outside, yet she loved reading steamy romance novels.

  “Can I help you?” Melissa asked when she noticed him looming over her shoulder.

  “What are you reading?” Matt smirked.

  “A romance novel. Would you like me to read some of it to you?” Melissa offered.

  “No, I don’t think my virgin ears could bear it,” he joked.

  Melissa laughed and shook her head. “So what should we do today?”

  “I thought we could go down to the bridal shop in Fortuna and see if they have a dress to your liking,” Matt offered.

  “Really?” Melissa said as she sprang from her chair in anticipation.

  “Yeah, we can’t have you wearing those rags to the wedding,” he joked.

  “You don’t like my Eeyore pajamas?” she protested.

  “They make me sad,” Matt replied.

  “They’re meant to be ironic,” she exclaimed.

  “I think the bridal shop is open if you want to go down there now,” Matt remarked after glancing at his watch.

  “Okay, just give me minute to change out of my depressing pajamas, I don’t want the town folk to hang themselves,” she joked.

  Matt laughed and then went out to the car and warmed it up for her.

  After a short drive, Matt stopped in front of a small family owned shop that was tucked away in the heart of old town Fortuna. He preferred quaint shops to the impersonal corporate mega stores that seemed to be monopolizing the globe. Once inside, Melissa inspected several rows of dresses until she found a couple that she liked. Then she held them up against her silhouette and looked in the mirror judging them on some incalculable scale. Matt looked on lovingly as each dress seemed to be more beautiful that the last one.

  “I’m going to go try this one on,” Melissa said as she selected one of the dresses and headed over to the changing rooms. Matt followed closely behind her and as he started to pause at the door, she grabbed his arm and pulled him in. He quickly closed the door behind him, but the store clerk gave him a prudish look.

  “You’ve seen me with a lot less on than this,” Melissa remarked when she noticed he was blushing.

  “I know, but the owner gave me a funny look when you pulled me in here. I think I was supposed to wait outside,” he replied.

  “You’re so cute, I love you,” Melissa said as she slipped into the dress and then turned in a slow circle several times. Matt gazed on, wondering how he could have ever deserved such a princess.

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  “It’s very pretty,” Matt replied.

  “Are you sure you like this one?” Melissa said as she stared at the mirror, looking the dress over slowly from top to bottom.

  “I think it’s perfect,” Matt exclaimed.

  “I think so too, but it’s kind of expensive. Perhaps I should look at some others?” she suggested.

  “Don’t even bother, that dress is breathtaking, I want you to get it,” Matt insisted.

  “I love you so much,” she said with teary eyes.

  “Don’t get any tears on the dress,” Matt scolded in a joking way.

  “I won’t,” Melissa replied as she blotted her face with Matt’s shirt. Then she reluctantly removed the dress and placed it back on the hanger. Matt took the dress up to the counter and the shop owner rushed over to help him.

  “Did you find one you liked?” the lady asked.

  “Yes”, he replied as he handed her his credit card.

  The lady gave him a receipt and then motioned for Melissa to come over to the counter so she could get her measurements.

  “Your dress will be ready for pick up in three weeks. Is the gentleman in need of a Tuxedo?” she asked.

  “Yes, I would like to rent one if possible?” Matt replied.

  “We can take care of that for you. Come closer so I can get your size, and then you can pick something nice out from our men’s section,” she said.

  After being measured, Matt followed her to the tuxedos and she pulled a few out for him to look at. Melissa stood nearby, signaling to Matt when she saw the one she liked.

  “Can I try that one on?” he asked.

  “Of course,” the owner replied. Then she creased her brow as Melissa followed Matt into the changing room.

  “You look so handsome,” Melissa said with a smile after Matt put the tux on.

  “Great, then I’m done here,” he said as he changed back into his street clothes.

  On the way out of the dressing room Melissa grabbed his butt, and Matt jumped and then gave her the ‘behave look’.

  “I can’t keep my hands off of your cute butt,” Melissa replied in a soft voice.

  Matt liked the attention even though he protested by swatting at her hand when she tried to grab him again.

  “I would like to get this one,” Matt said as he handed the Tux back to the owner.

  “Excellent choice, just call two weeks before your wedding date, and we’ll have it pressed and ready for you,” the owner promised.

  “Thank you,” Matt replied as he paid for the rental. Then they headed back to his c
ar and headed home.

  When Matt turned down the street that their cottage was on, he noticed a black van with tinted windows parked across form it. The van had a faint plume of exhaust fumes coming from the tail pipe and the license plate frame was empty.

  “Doesn’t that van seem suspicious?” Matt said as he slowed down. Melissa looked on as they approached it, but before she could see into the driver’s side window, the van sped off.

  “That was odd,” Melissa replied, looking a bit nervous.

  “Yeah,” Matt remarked, trying not to sound alarmed.

  “Is the dreamstone in the car or at the house?” Melissa asked.

  “It’s in the car, but I’m going to relocate it after I drop you off,” he replied.

  “That would make me feel better,” Melissa admitted.

  “I’ll be back shortly; I love you and try not to worry while I am gone,” Matt said as he pulled up to the curb in front of the cottage to let her out.

  “I love you too,” she replied as he drove off. She wanted to go with him, but she knew it was safer if she didn’t see where he hid the dreamstone. Like so many other archeological finds, it’s significance and value put anyone connected to it at risk. The further they were from the dreamstone, the safer she felt they would be.

  Matt stopped at a local garden center and purchased a large potted Azalea. When he got back to his car, he took out the dreamstone and shoved it deep into the potting soil. Then he headed back home, wondering if Melissa would see through his deception.

  “What’s that?” she asked when he came walking in with the plant in his arms.

  “While I was out, I bought you an Azalea,” he replied.

  “It’s so pretty, where should we put it?” she asked.

  “The guy at the garden center said it needs some direct sunlight, and some shade.”

  “Okay,” Melissa replied as she leaned forward to smell the last flowers on it.

  “What do you think about the back porch?” Matt suggested.

  “That’s what I was thinking,” she replied. Matt was relieved that he didn’t have to come up with an excuse as to why it couldn’t go out in the front yard.

  “By the way, how did it go with the dreamstone?” Melissa asked.

  “I found a safe place for it,” Matt replied with a sigh. He did not like keeping things from her, but he feared that the military’s pursuit of the dreamstone wasn’t over.

  Chapter 19

  Monday morning Matt woke early and quietly slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb Melissa. Then he went out on the back porch to study for his Sociology exam. After an hour of intensive cramming, he finally closed his book and put away his notes. Then he went back inside and gave Melissa a kiss on the cheek before heading off to class.

  The Sociology exam was difficult, but he felt that his last minute cramming really helped his grade. Sociology was one of those requisite classes that was required for most majors, and Matt tried to make the most of it. The rest of his day was comprised of math and science classes, and although those were more rigorous, he actually looked forward to them.

  When he finally got back home he went out on the back porch to relax in the swing for a while. It was fast becoming his favorite spot to unwind and before long the gentle swaying motion lulled him asleep. His thoughts drifted for a while until a familiar voice called out to him.

  “Hello Matt,” Helios said, seeming happy to see him.

  “Hi,” Matt replied, looking a bit confused. “I must have fallen asleep accidently,” he said after realizing the Azalea was next to the swing.

  “That’s okay. I was actually hoping you would visit me again,” Helios remarked.

  “Well, I do have some good news... Melissa and I are going to be guests on a radio talk show that focuses on unexplained or supernatural events. We are hopeful that when we tell our story about the hyper-reality project, someone involved will come forward and help us,” Matt said optimistically.

  “I am pleased that you and Melissa are making progress,” Helios replied.

  “I hate to ask, but what will happen if we are not successful?”

  Helios blinked a few times while he considered the question. “What would you do if you were in our position, knowing the complexities of the issue?”

  “I would stop the project by any means necessary,” Matt replied in a solemn tone.

  “That is one option,” Helios admitted, “However, we have decided to let the project continue either way. We will follow its progress closely and if your species starts to misuse hyper-reality, then we will intervene. Of course we would prefer to help guide the project and avoid any issues in the first place, but we also realize that may not be possible.”

  “Have other species been caught in the technologically advanced and sociologically stupid conundrum?” Matt asked.

  “Humans’ rate of technological advancement is unparalleled. You will probably eclipse us in a couple of years,” Helios said hissing rhythmically. The sarcasm was not lost on Matt and he was amazed by the similarities between their two species.

  “How long has your species been using hyper-reality?” Matt asked.

  “Our species started developing the technology when we discovered that our sun was nearing the end of its life cycle. Just as your species’ first experimental attempts in hyper-reality caught our attention, so did our first use of the technology. Shortly thereafter, another race of beings came to our planet and helped us use hyper-reality to relocate. Now we are offering to help you just as we were helped. Although the circumstances are different, you do understand that we are only here to help?” Helios asked.

  “Yes, I can see that,” Matt replied. “How many others species have the technology to use hyper-reality?”

  “There are hundreds of species that actively use it to explore the universe, and I suspect your planet has had many visitors over the millennia since it is very biologically diverse,” Helios remarked.

  “What happens to a life form if it crosses into hyper-reality without a protective ship?” Matt asked.

  “The life energy will drain out of the organism if it remains in hyper-reality unprotected,” Helios replied.

  “Why does that happen?” Matt questioned.

  “Within the dimension of hyper-reality there is a reservoir of life energy. All life forms get their life energy from that pool and it returns to the pool when the life form dies. Humans believe that they have a soul and that their soul continues on after death. In fact, it does. What you call a soul is simply the life energy that your physical body encased while it was alive. When the physical body dies, the life energy crosses over into hyper-reality. At first, the energy is like an echo of the original being or life form that it originated from, but gradually over time the energy loses its connection or identity to that life form, and is re-born into a new one,” Helios explained.

  “So it is kind of like reincarnation?” Matt asked.

  “Yes, but on a cosmic scale. Every living thing in the universe is interconnected in this way. I believe your species has already discovered this truth about matter and energy and how they cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form into the other. The life cycle of the universe operates in the same way,” Helios replied.

  “Thank you for helping me understand all that,” Matt said in an appreciative tone.

  “You’re welcome, and if you reflect on what I have said, your understanding of life will make more sense,” Helios alleged.

  Matt woke from his nap pondering what Helios had said about the cycles of life. He had always felt that there was a bigger picture, and although he didn’t pretend to understand the meaning of life, he did feel like a puzzle piece had just snapped into place.

  Chapter 20

  As the weekdays passed by, Matt became increasingly excited and nervous about the radio show. He had always dreaded the thought of speaking in public, and a live radio audience was only marginally less intimidating. Feeling restless, he started ru
mmaging through a box of miscellaneous items until he came across an old paper map with California on one side and Nevada on the other. As he ran his finger across one side and down the other, he was calculating the best route to Pahrump in his head.

  “What are you looking at?” Melissa asked as she peeked over his shoulder.

  “I was just seeing how long the drive to Pahrump will be,” he replied.

  “How far is it?”

  “Seven hundred miles, which is about ten to twelve hours of driving,” Matt guessed.

  “We won’t have to stay in a hotel on the way down or back if we share the driving,” Melissa suggested.

  “That sounds good,” Matt replied.

  “I’ll reserve a place for us to stay in Pahrump Saturday night since there is no way we’ll be able to drive back after the interview,” Melissa remarked.

  “Sounds good,” Matt replied as he folded up the map and put it into his backpack while Melissa went to look online for a hotel.

  A few minutes later she came out and handed Matt a print out of their reservation.

  “That was fast,” Matt replied.

  “I reserved a room with a king bed,” she said with a smile.

  “Sounds good, I’ll finally have some room to spread out,” Matt joked.

  “That’s what you think,” Melissa replied.

  “Speaking of bed, I’m going to take my shower and hit the hay. What time did you set the alarm for?” he asked.

  “5:00 AM,” she said with a sigh.

  “It’s going to be long day,” Matt remarked.

  “I know, I’ll be in bed shortly,” she replied as she blew him a kiss goodnight.

  The next morning, the buzzing of the alarm clock woke Melissa from a deep sleep. After she silenced the annoying clock, she rose from bed and turned on the lights.

  “It’s time to get up,” she said softly into Matt’s ear.

  “Is it 5:00 am already?” he asked in a sleepy voice.

  “Yeah, we need to get going,” she insisted. Matt wiggled under the covers until he found the edge of the bed and then dropped out onto the floor. Then he inched along like a caterpillar until he reached the dresser where he fumbled around until he found his clothes. Melissa gathered their things and then took them out to his car. A few moments later Matt meandered out and got in on the passenger’s side.


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