Vampire School (Elite Academy Book 1)

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Vampire School (Elite Academy Book 1) Page 13

by Scarlett Haven

  This is exactly how I want to spend my nights—with my mates, watching movies and having fun. I only wish Henry and Asa were here. Then tonight would be perfect.

  Friday, September 18

  3:11 am


  I have mixed feelings about Friday. On one hand, it’s my favorite day of the week. It means that I don’t have to go to school all weekend and I have a couple of days to just hang out with my mates. But on the other hand, I hate my Friday class. I’m so glad that I have it over with for the day, but that teacher has it out for me.

  As I read through the garbage textbook for my Science of Born vs. Bitten, I keep rolling my eyes at nearly everything. People surely don’t believe this garbage, right?

  I think back to what Rowan told me the other day—that if anybody can change the way bitten vampires are perceived, it would be me. There has to be something I can do.

  I close my textbook, pushing it away from me.

  As I contemplate lighting my textbook on fire, there is a knock on my door, interrupting my pyromaniac thoughts.

  I get up from my desk and walk over to my door. I’m expecting it to be Jude, Henry, Rowan, or maybe even my brothers. But when I open the door and see Asa standing on the other side, I am completely shocked. I’m also kind of pissed. Even if he is my mate, he had sex with me and then proceeded to ignore me for the next few days. That just isn’t right.

  I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. “What do you want?”

  He sighs. “I deserve that. I was a complete prick.”

  I nod. “Yeah, you are. Present tense.”

  “Will you come with me?” he asks.

  I want to say yes. I want to go with him, and I want things to be good between us. I want to be with him, but I also don’t want to wake up in the morning and for him to go back to hating me. I can’t handle that.

  “I don’t know, Asa.” I lean against my door frame, not inviting him in. Not yet anyway. “I can’t do this anymore. I’ve been obsessing over you for years, and you’ve acted like you hate me. I don’t want things to be like this anymore.”

  “I know. And you deserve better.” Asa lowers his head, shaking it. “I’ve always known that you deserve better than me.”

  My eyes widen at his confession. “Certainly you don’t believe that, but even if you do, it doesn’t matter. I don’t feel that way. You’re an amazing man, Asa. I’ve always known that. Apparently fate knows it too, because fate chose you for me. I only hope that one day you will be able to see the man that I see.”

  His eyebrows furrow as he looks at me. “Everleigh, you give me far more credit than I deserve.”

  I shrug. “Maybe so. But I hope you prove me right. Though, I’ve got to be honest, your track record is against you.”

  “Yeah, I know. But there is a reason I have been distant from you. I would like to show you, if you would allow me to.” His voice is timid, and he shifts his weight from one leg to the other.

  I think he’s worried that I’m going to tell him no. And maybe I should after what he’s put me through. But Asa is my mate. And despite the fact that he is blocking his thoughts from me right now, there is one thing he can’t block, and that is how he feels about me. Asa is in love with me, that much is clear. So, despite the fact that I am furious with him, I am going to tell him yes. I will always tell him yes.

  I walk forward, shutting my door behind me. Asa grins as he realizes that I am going with him. He grabs onto my hand and pulls me down the hallway. It isn’t until we start heading down the stairs that I realize we’re not headed toward his dorm. We’re heading toward the exit of the school. Whatever he is about to show me isn’t on campus. I wonder if I should tell Brody and Kolton that I’m leaving, but I doubt they will even notice I’m gone.

  Since we got to Elite Academy, and since my brothers have gotten over the shock that I have a mate, they have given me space. It’s really sweet that they are. I imagined they wouldn’t give me space until I had been mated a few hundred years.

  It’s sort of strange, actually. Brody, Kolton, and I have done everything together since we were born. Since before we were born, really. And now, I feel as though I am leaving them behind a little bit. Or maybe they’re leaving me behind. Things aren’t the same anymore.

  I guess things can’t always be the same. I knew this would happen eventually, I just thought we would be older. Growing up is kind of sad. And even though I know Brody and Kolton will always be there for me, it won’t be like it was. I have a new priority in my life.

  When we get outside the school, Asa leads me to his car that is parked at the front of the school. He opens the passenger side door for me, and I get in. He doesn’t say a word as he climbs in and drives away from the school.

  I look out the window as we drive. There are hotels and condos in the way of the beach, but every once in a while there will be a break between buildings and I will get a peek of the ocean. It’s quite beautiful. Even though I’ve lived here my whole life, I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of the view.

  “By the way, congratulations.” Asa taps his fingers on the steering wheel.

  I turn my head away from the window to look at him. “Congratulations?”

  “On completing your mate bond with Henry,” he clarifies. “I will forever be grateful that I got to be your first, but I know you have three other mates.”

  I nod. “You and Henry have been friends for a while, right?”

  “Correct.” He glances from the road to me for a second. There aren’t many cars out this early in the morning. “It took me a few years to talk to him, but once I did, we became instant friends.”

  I like that they are friends. I hope that someday he can be friends with Jude and Rowan too.

  “Thanks for talking to Rowan.” I turn my attention back out the window. “Whatever you said to him worked. We started talking and haven’t stopped. Even he and Jude are becoming good friends.”

  Asa just hums in response.

  I look over at him. “I really like them. It’s weird. I spent my entire life obsessing over you. I think I’ve been in love with you since I was thirteen or fourteen, maybe even before that. I didn’t think it would be possible to ever love somebody else the way I love you. But Jude, Rowan, and Henry… they have stolen my heart too. I can’t even explain how it’s possible, but I feel like I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have the four of you.”

  He reaches over a hand and grabs onto mine. “I hope you can understand why I didn’t tell you that you were my mate back then. As much as it hurt you, I had to wait.”

  I offer him a smile. “Asa, I know. I was a kid. I understand that you wanted to wait until I was a proper adult.”

  He squeezes my hand. “I knew you would understand.”

  We fall into a comfortable silence while Asa drives south. It isn’t until we get off on an exit about thirty minutes away from the school that I realize where we’re headed—to his house.

  Asa stays on campus during the school year, but he has a home not too far away from the school. I’ve been here a few times when I was a kid, but it’s been years since I’ve visited. Still, I remember the way.

  When Asa pulls his car into the driveway, I realize that that there are a lot of other cars there, including my parents’ SUV. I can’t understand why they are here, but I have a feeling that I’m about to find out.

  He squeezes my hand one last time before letting it go. “You ready to go inside?”

  I take a deep breath and nod my head, suddenly very afraid.

  Why do I feel like everything is about to change?

  4:07 am


  The seriousness of the situation doesn’t hit me until I walk into Asa’s house and see my parents sitting in the living room with three of my mates. Even my brothers are here. I have no idea what is going on, but I am suddenly terrified. Even my legs feel weak.

  Henry jumps up from his spot on the couch and pulls me over to where h
e was sitting. He sits down, pulling me onto his lap. We’ve sat like this before, but never in front of others. Still, I can’t bring myself to care. I need Henry’s comforting touch. He rests his hands on my thigh, gently stroking it. His touch is almost euphoric.

  I notice my dad looks at where Henry’s hand rests on my leg, but he doesn’t say anything. I’m sure he and my mom are trying to process the fact that I smell like Henry and Asa.

  “Congratulations,” Mom says, breaking the silence. “You held out a lot longer than your dad and me. We waited one night.”

  I didn’t know that. My mom and dad never shared that part of their story with us. But I get the feeling she’s only sharing now for my dad’s sake.

  Dad clears his throat and sits forward on the couch. “Two hundred years ago, an oracle approached my brother, my sister, and I.”

  An oracle?

  I know that oracles exist, but they are rare. They’re born when an elemental and a witch have a baby together, and only when that baby is born during a lunar eclipse. They say there is only one born every thousand years, but they have the lifespan of a human. In the supernatural world, they are precious. But there are none currently alive.

  Dad doesn’t look at me as he speaks. Instead, he keeps his head down. “It didn’t make sense at the time. I remember my brother laughed it off, but it resonated in me. I thought it might be important, so I wrote down what she said.”

  My breath catches as I realize that whatever he’s going to say is about me. It has to be.

  Dad looks directly at me. “Born in the summer, she is one of three. Four mates will she take. In her life, she will unite the born and the bitten. But whether she lives or dies is all up to fate.”

  I wait for him to say more. I feel like he should be saying more. That can’t be it.

  “That’s it?” I ask.

  He nods, his mouth pressing into a grimace.

  “So I’m going to unite the born and bitten vampires, but I might… die… trying to do it.”

  Dad nods again.

  I’ve never had to face the thought of death before. I’m a vampire. I’m immortal. I’m never supposed to die. But I also know that vampires can die. It just doesn’t happen. So the thought is completely terrifying.

  What happens to somebody once they die? Do they just disappear out of existence? Are they reborn? Is there a heaven? Or a hell? I haven’t even thought about what my beliefs are, but I feel like I should be thinking about them now.

  The simple answer would be to stay out of the entire debate. But taking the ‘easy’ way out just seems wrong to me.

  I told Rowan I would fight for the rights of bitten vampires. And apparently, it’s not just something I want to do, but it is something I am destined to do.

  I glance over at Rowan, who is looking at me. I wish we had completed our mate bond so I could know exactly what he is thinking right now.

  When I turn my gaze away from Rowan, I see that everybody else is focused on me. They’re most likely waiting to see how I am going to respond. But I already know. I’ve always thought that this is something worth fighting for. I just never thought I would be the one fighting for it.

  “You know I have to do this.” My voice comes out stronger than I thought possible, given the situation.

  Mom and Dad share a look that I’ve seen several times in my life. I know they’re talking to one another through their mate bond.

  “Why does it have to be my daughter, though?” The anguish in my dad’s voice causes my chest to hurt.

  “Does anybody else know about this prophecy?” Rowan asks. “I mean, other than your brother and sister? If nobody knows, she’s safe.”

  Dad nods. “Supernatural law states that every prophecy from an oracle is to be archived. Had I known, I never would have, but how was I supposed to know the prophecy would be about my own daughter? I was just trying to follow the law.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Yeah, but nobody reads old prophecies.”

  Asa raises his hand. “I did. It was a requirement for this class I took years ago. I barely remembered the prophecy until right before we saw Rowan that night. That’s when I remembered.”


  So people definitely know.

  “It’s not like I can hide the fact that I have four mates.” I wouldn’t want to hide it, even if I could. I’m ready to proclaim it to the entire vampire world. I’m tired of keeping it a secret.

  “We will just have to do everything to make sure that Everleigh comes out of this alive,” Jude speaks up. “Between the four of us, certainly we can protect her.”

  I know my mates are more than enough to protect me.

  Henry squeezes my thigh. “I know we will do everything we can to protect her, I just worry we might not be enough.”

  “Four mates are more than enough to protect me.” I lean into him. “I trust you guys.”

  Saturday, September 19

  9:17 pm


  This morning, Rowan, Henry, Jude, and I all stayed with Asa at his house. My parents and brothers left after the conversation we had. I know they have a lot to think about, just as I do. I’m still not sure how I feel about the prophecy. It’s so vague. I thought prophecies were supposed to be more black and white. But this one leaves so much up to fate.

  After my family left, none of us brought up the prophecy at all. I think we were all a little scared to talk about it. I know that I don’t want to discuss it or even think about it yet. I’m only eighteen. How am I supposed to do anything to change the world?

  When we wake up that night, Rowan asks if we can take a walk on the beach. He says he wants to talk to me, and I have a feeling I know what he wants to talk about. I say yes, of course, and we head out Asa’s back door to take a stroll.

  As we stroll down the beach, Rowan holds my hand. He has been a little slow to do physical things, like hold my hand or kiss me, so every single milestone that we take is huge to me. And it’s exciting. I told him that I would let him set the pace for us, and I am going to continue that.

  “I never imagined the world was so beautiful.” Rowan pulls us to a stop at the edge of the water. “When you’re a human, going to the beach at night isn’t really something you do. I mean, you can’t see anything. It’s completely pitch-black.”

  I try to imagine it as he says, but it’s not anything I’ve ever experienced. “Did you like being a human?”

  He grins. “Yeah, I did. But nothing beats the feeling of being a vampire. The entire world is different now. I see things, smell things, and feel things that I never could’ve imagined as a human. It’s brighter in every way. And the best part of it all is you.”

  I squeeze his hand. “Rowan, you are really sweet. I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody as kind as you are.”

  The smile fades from his face. “Everleigh, I am not kind. Just look at the way I treated you when we first met. I was cruel.”

  I shake my head. “Those things don’t matter anymore, Rowan. All that matters is how we are now. I told you a long time ago that I forgive you.”

  “I’m also selfish,” he continues. “Because I know I told you that you should fight, but I changed my mind. When I told you that, I didn’t realize that you would have to risk your life. And I’m selfish enough to ask you not to fight. I don’t want to lose you.”

  I turn to him. “But Rowan, I have to. I have to fight for you.”

  He shakes his head. “That isn’t what I want. Not anymore. The thought of losing you,” he pauses, putting a hand against his chest, “that hurts. I can’t lose you, Everleigh.”

  “Rowan…” I take a step closer to him, closing the distance between us. “It’s so much bigger than just you and me. You’ve been at Mystic Academy for a month now, and I know you can see it.”

  He doesn’t say anything, which is enough of an answer for me.

  “Everleigh, I know this is completely crazy. I also know that it’s way too soon, but I have completely fallen in love wi
th you.”

  My heart leaps at his confession. “I love you too.”

  His eyes widen. “Really?”

  I nod. “With all my heart.”

  Rowan leans down, pressing his lips against mine. This is the first kiss we’ve ever shared. It’s hard and desperate. I can feel his need in this kiss, and I hope that I am conveying the same need back to him.

  I need Rowan more than I need my next breath.

  But just as quickly as the kiss begins, he steps away from me. “Everleigh…”

  A loud shot pierces the air, frightening me. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, so I look down and see that I am bleeding.

  What the heck? Did something shoot me?

  It’s then that I realize the pain isn’t going away. Whoever shot me, shot me with a silver bullet. It didn’t hit my heart, but it still freaking hurts. It hurts a lot, actually.

  “Everleigh.” Rowan’s eyes widen with panic.

  “I’m fine.” But my knees give way. I’m not sure if it’s from the blood loss or the pain.

  Rowan catches me, gently laying me down on the sand.

  “What do I do?” he asks.

  “Pull the bullet out,” I manage to choke out. “I’m going to be okay.”

  I reach a hand up to stroke Rowan’s cheek. I want to comfort him. But my hand is too heavy to even lift it. Everything starts to go black, and all I can hope is whoever shot me has gone, because I need Rowan to be okay.

  10:01 pm


  When I open my eyes again, I am still lying on the sand, but I am surrounded by all of my mates. I can taste blood in my mouth, so somebody must have poured it into my mouth while I was passed out.

  The first thing I do is look at Rowan to make sure that he is okay. He is covered in blood, which makes me panic a little bit.

  “It’s your blood.” Rowan must be able to see the panic on my face. “From when I pulled the bullet out.”


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