The Edge of Harmony: The Guardian Maidens Book 2

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The Edge of Harmony: The Guardian Maidens Book 2 Page 20

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Gerald said, “Rufus, I want to ask you about something.”

  The man nodded and brushed off his clothes and looked at us to see what Gerald had in mind.

  Gerald said, “Rufus, I hope that I’m not out of line, but I have a delicate question.”

  The man, Rufus, said, “Is it about Anne? I hope it is.”

  Gerald said, “As a matter of fact, it is. Rufus, is the arrangement working out? Is she going to be a widow-wife with you?”

  Rufus shuffled his feet anxiously and said, “Gerald, we’ve had a lot of trouble in the village, and I’m willing to do my part, and I’ll provide for her, but a different situation, if possible, might be easier. Did she ask you to speak to me?”

  Gerald said, “No. She hasn’t said a word. And I haven’t spoken to her. But you know how things seem right and other things feel wrong at times. I was wondering if you and she might be happier if something else were done.”

  Rufus said, “Gerald, I would be so relieved if it were different. She’s a good woman, but my wife’s not in favor of it anymore. And to tell you the truth, I’m uncomfortable around her. I don’t know why. She’s a hard worker and very pleasant. In a way, I feel like she’s more pleasant than I can handle. That sounds stupid to me, but that’s how it is. It’s like being in the presence of a great man. You get nervous. Not Sir Ronin. I don’t feel that way about standing here with you, but with her, I’m afraid to ask her for something. She serves more willingly than you can imagine, but I’m not comfortable somehow. Are you thinking that you have a different way for her to be happy?”

  Gerald said, “I have an idea. Can you let her go soon? If it’s decided?”

  Rufus said, “She can go today. She has very little, and she can collect it when she wants. I’m sorry for this. It’s just that my wife is unhappy with it.”

  Gerald patted the man on the shoulder and said, “Don’t give it a thought my friend. I’ll make sure that she’s happy. I release you from any obligations. You did what you could, and I’m thankful for you giving it a chance. I will see that she is provided for and you are released. How should we talk to her?”

  Rufus said, “We can go together. I don’t want her to think that I hate her.”

  Gerald said, “Let’s go then. It will take just a minute. We can talk to her now. Leave the plow. And when we’re done, go to your wife and tell her the good news. And if you want to, stay at home today. Or go for a picnic and reconnect to your family. I’ll handle the rest.”

  The three of us walked to where the woman was working, and when we approached, she stopped what she was doing and smiled at us.

  Gerald said, “Anne, you look lovely today. I have a favor to ask you. A very big favor. And, I went to Rufus first to ask him if he would release you from his house so that you could consider my suggestion. I went to him to ask, he didn’t come to me.”

  Anne smiled and said, “Rufus, you’ve been kind to me. But we both sense that we aren’t meant to be together. You were kind to take me in and I’m grateful. If you are releasing me, then I release you as well, and I will think well of you always.”

  Rufus said, “Thank you Anne. You are more gracious than any woman alive I think. Um, I don’t know what Gerald has in mind for you, but if I’m not needed, I’ll go. I can send your things or you can get them or whatever you want.”

  Gerald said, “Send them to my house and I’ll see that she gets them. Thank you Rufus. You are a good man. Have a good afternoon.”

  The man shook hands with Gerald, and then with me. Then he nodded to Anne, and literally ran away.

  Gerald said, “Anne, this is Ronin.”

  Anne smiled and said, “We all know who our hero is. Sir, I am Anne. Thank you for what you have done for us.”

  Gerald said, “Can the three of us take a walk and then sit and talk. Oh, this has nothing to do with Ronin. He is here because he is our friend, and I want his support, even in this. Well, especially in this. We won’t go far. Just far enough that we can sit and talk more in private.”

  Anne smiled again and said, “As you wish,” and the three of us walked about fifty yards and sat on the ground in a little circle.

  Gerald said, “Anne, there’s no point hemming and hawing. Let me come right to the point. Not that you have to decide immediately, of course. It’s all up to you. So, I’ll just tell you what’s on my mind, and you can think it over. But, it’s very important to me and I’m very sincere, and I hope you will be in favor of it.”

  Gerald sat silent, and after a minute, I said, “Gerald, you didn’t actually tell her what’s on your mind.”

  Gerald looked shocked and said, “Oh, right. Anne, here’s the thing, and I won’t beat around the bush. OK, here’s what I’m thinking. OK.” He took a deep breath and said, “Anne, will you come and be my widow-wife? And live with Jean and Lucille and I? And I’ll love you like a woman, and make you as happy as I can.”

  Anne said, “Gerald, I did not expect this. Not in my lifetime. This is a surprise.”

  Gerald said, “But I mean it. Jean and Lucille want it, and so do I. And your son will be very welcome at the farm. And if you can’t decide right now, come and live with us and decide when you’re ready. But, we have decided for ourselves and we will try to convince you that it’s the only way for us to be happy.”

  Anne said, “You’re serious? You want me as a widow-wife? Just like that? And do you think that you love me already?”

  Gerald said, “I do. Anne, I’m certain that I do. And so do Jean and Lucy. We know in our hearts that it’s the right thing for all of us. And that means for you too. If you don’t think so, tell me and I’ll provide for you until you find a man that you can love. But if you can love me, I’ll be happier than I have ever been.”

  Anne said, “Gerald, I don’t know what to say. If I think about it, then yes, I can love you. As a widow-wife. Do you find me attractive?”

  Gerald said, “I do. Anne, you are beautiful, and I am drawn to you. Here,” and he stood up.

  He motioned for Anne to stand in front of him.

  He took her hands and said, “Anne, the proof is in the eating, as they say. May I kiss you?”

  Anne nodded, and Gerald took the woman in his arms and kissed her on the lips.

  Their caress went on for a moment, and when the kiss was over, Gerald said, “So, do you feel anything?”

  Anne said, “Um, I feel quite a bit. I feel like I’m not sure that I have ever been kissed like that before. That was a surprise. Can you love me like that already? It seems that you do.”

  Gerald said, “I do. Anne, I’ll prove it to you if you give me the chance. Oh no, have I been too bold? Have I been too forward? I’m sorry if I have. I’m just very convinced. Anne, I love you. I knew it before, but to hold you in my arms like this, I know that I love you even more. I will make you happy. And if you can find me desirable, I will love you as a wife. Like I do Jean and um, Lucy. And I will be a father to your son if you want me to. My goodness I‘m losing my mind.”

  Anne laughed and kissed Gerald again, and then said, “Gerald, how can I refuse a proposal like that? It was sudden, and I had no idea that you felt this way about me. Obviously you’ve been thinking about this for a long time. I was surprised when you arranged for me to try things out with Rufus. I had it in my mind that I fancied you more than him.”

  Gerald said, “I was a fool. I resisted what needed to be. But now, will you do it?”

  Anne said, “I will. And, I think that I can help you to be happier.”

  Gerald said, “Then stay by my side all day. I don’t want to leave you for a moment. Stay on my arm. Oh, can we tell the boy? Or do you need to talk to him alone?”

  Anne linked her arm in Gerald’s and said, “We can talk to him now.”

  Gerald said, “And you’ll move into the house here today. Ronin, you’re on your own now. I’ll see you later.”

  And the two of them walked away.

  I laughed to myself. Gerald got so fluster
ed at times that he didn’t know what to say. But he blurted it out and had what he wanted now. I supposed that it was time for me to take care of my own business. Where were the women and their children?

  I walked back toward the others and, looking around, and I spotted Harmony playing some game with three children. It was definitely the boy and the two girls, and they laughed and chased each other.

  Walking up to them, I called out, “Harmony! Come here! Bring your friends!”

  The four of them stopped suddenly, and then ran to meet me.

  I said, “I’m ready for lunch. Or a snack at least. Hello. I’m Ronin.”

  The boy stuck out his hand and said, “My name is Jack. I’m eight. I’m very pleased to meet you, Sir Ronin. I need to talk to you.”

  I said, “Oh you do? Well, I’ll be very interested to hear what you have to say.”

  Jack said, “I want to be a Shadow, like Lady Harmony. But it’s not about that. It about something else.”

  I said, “Then, I do look forward to it. Jack, who are these lovely ladies with you?”

  Jack said, “These are my sisters. Sir Ronin, may I present the Lady April, and the Lady Tanya,” and he bowed.

  I said, “I am very pleased to meet you, my Ladies. I am Ronin of Sturgil’s Mark.”

  Jack added regally, “Hero of the Fields and Orchards, Rescuer of the Ten Kingdoms, Slayer of kobolds and Rats. Good Sir, welcome to my luncheon.”

  I laughed and said, “Well, thank you young Lord Jack. That was quite the introduction.”

  Jack grinned and said, “But I won’t always call you all fancy, Ronin my good man. Let’s be friends. No need for ceremony! Pish now! Girls, get some food for our friend.”

  I laughed but gave Jack a look and he quickly said, “I mean, if you please, your Ladyships. I would do it myself, but I must be excused to speak to Ronin about matters of importance.”

  I said, “Harmony, it seems that Jack and I need to talk. Will you go and find their mothers and see if they want a picnic with us? And find Val and Dawn and bring them as well?”

  Harmony bowed low and grinned and said, “Of course, Your Eminence. Your wishes are our commands.”

  She giggled and led the two young girls away to find the others.

  Jack looked sternly at me and said, “Walk with me. I wish to speak to you.”

  Chapter 22 - Settling Things With Alice and Brenda

  I smiled and Jack and I started strolling slowly.

  He said, “Lord Ronin, I have a situation that I am not able to resolve.”

  I said, “Jack, you use such big words. And so formal.”

  He said, “It’s a big problem and needs a formal solution.”

  I said, “Then tell me your troubles and I’ll see how I can help you.”

  He said, “It’s this. You see, our village has been under attack recently and it has come about that I have become the man of a house with four women. I have met with the other men, and we think that given the situation, and my youth, that you should take over in my place.”

  I said, “Jack, what other men?”

  He said, “Well, not men really, but my soldiers. I have taken council with them, all one thousand four hundred and six of my finest warriors and trusted advisers, and they have said that the burden is too much for me. If I were twelve, or even ten, perhaps I could do it, but I’m eight and have more to learn before I can rule a household. An army is easy, but a house, with four women, that’s too much.”

  I said, “I can see how it would be. What can I do for you?’

  He said, “Sir, I have given it a great deal of thought, and of course discussed it with my Wizard, and I want you to take the women as your widow-wives. The girls, of course are too young for now, but they need a father, and I want you to be the one for them. They deserve a great hero as a father, and that’s you. Frankly, there’s no one else that I can trust. I’ll tell you a secret. They are all elven princesses. We must keep it a secret, but they are. They don’t even know it themselves. I have told them repeatedly, but they won’t believe me. Perhaps it’s just as well. But, there’s more. The man who had them in his house before was a coward. When the trouble started, he stole our money and ran away. He pretended to be our father, but I know that our real father was a great man and was either lost in a heroic battle, or shipwrecked on an adventure.”

  I said, “Jack, how do you know all of this? Are you making it up?”

  He said, “I am not. I know it because I know it. But there is danger coming. And my fair mothers need your protection.”

  I said, “Jack, let me look at you.”

  I held the boy facing me, and looked. Sure enough, he was part elf, and stronger than his mother, Brenda. And, I could see dormant places, like I had with Dawn.

  I said, “Jack, can you see elves?”

  He said, “Sure. My mothers and sisters are elves. And that’s why you are the only man I trust. You have three elf wives already. And, you’re strong like Lady Harmony. So, you can protect us.”

  I said, “Jack, was the man who was at your house before part elf?”

  He said, “Not at all. Not even a little. That’s how I know he wasn’t really my father. But he’s coming back today, and I need you to protect us. I can’t do it by myself.”

  I said earnestly, “Jack, what do you mean? Are you saying that he didn’t die in the orchards the way that people say?”

  Of course, I knew the answer to that already, but I wanted to hear what Jack knew.

  Jack said, “Of course not. That was a fairy story to make him seem more respectable than he was. I saw him take our money and leave a note and go. But he’s almost here now, and I want you to take my mothers as your wives and my sisters as your daughters and make me your true son. It will be easy. We have a house already. I’ll tell my family that I have chosen you to be the head of our house, and my mothers will love you, and everything will be fine. I’d do it myself if I were twelve, or even ten, but I’m only eight.”

  I took a breath and put my arm around the boy’s shoulder and pulled him against my side.

  I said, “Jack, I’m honored that you chose me. I’ll do what you want. I’ll take your mothers as my wives, and you and your sisters as my true children, if that’s what you all want. First, I think that as men, we need a war council. Tell me about the man and how you know he’s coming back today, and what the danger is.”

  Jack said, “His name is Ichabod. I know that he’s coming back because he is. I can’t see him because he isn’t like us, but I know it. And he gets closer every minute. I must have spies that are watching him and they report to me when I’m not looking at them. The danger is that if my mothers are alone, he will tell them to let him come back to our house, and they will because they had an obligation to him. And I’m not twelve and I can’t banish him by myself.”

  I said, “So, the plan is for me to announce that they belong to me, as my wives, and that you and your sisters are my children, and that he has no place here in our village.”

  Jack said, “Because he isn’t their husband or our father, and besides, he stole from us and abandoned us with nothing to live on. But I’m the only one who knows. And mother Alice, because she found the note. But she doesn’t know about my spies, so she doesn’t know that I know.”

  I was quiet for a moment for the dramatic effect, because we were playing a game to some degree, and finally exclaimed, “I’ll do it! I’ll take your mothers as my wives and you and your sisters as my children, as long as they accept me. And I will banish this man Ichabod as you and the council advise me to. I will. I swear you an oath. On my honor, I’ll do it.”

  Jack said quietly, “Thank you. And about my sisters, they’re so in love with you that they’ll go along with it. You won’t have any trouble with them. I can guarantee it.”

  I said, “You are a surprisingly mature and resourceful young man. Are you sure that you want to be a Shadow. I would think that a Holy Paladin might be more like you.”

He said, “One thing at a time. Let’s go tell the others. It will be best if I do it, because I am the head of the house until I turn it over to you. But we need to be quick. He’s almost here.”

  I said, “Jack, if you weren’t in danger from this man, would you have still chosen me?’

  He said, “Of course. We are the same. My family has to be with a man the same as us. Because of our secret.”

  Jack started to hurry in the direction of the women and the picnic that was being laid out on the ground on a blanket. As soon as we were with them, Jack took charge.

  He stood at one side of the blanket and said, “Mothers, please, I have a very urgent and important announcement. I have talked it over with Ronin and come to an arrangement. Please, if everyone is seated, Ronin, come stand next to me. Now, listen. I have been the head of the house for a month since Ichabod disappeared. But now, I have spoken to Ronin, and he has agreed to take you two widows as his wives. This was my idea, but it’s the only way.”

  Brenda started to interrupt, but I waved her off and smiled, indicating that she should let Jack continue.

  He said, “I know that this is sudden, but it’s the only right thing to do. Make him happy as best you can. He will be a good husband. I’m sorry to be so much in a hurry, but you’ll see why soon enough. April and Tanya, Ronin is your father now. He’ll love you and you can trust him. Lady Val and you other Ladies, please don’t be against this. Our very lives depend on it. Now, you have to hurry. Mothers, go with Ronin and Lady Valeera, because she has to be there too, and go to the farm house. We’ll wait for you here. Mother Brenda, I did this for you. You’ll see. Don’t be too shocked. Ronin is your husband. Be very sure of that. And he is my father. I am sure of that. But you have to go.”

  Jack pulled Brenda to her feet and hugged her, and the others stood up as well.

  Jack said, “Go to the farm house. We’ll wait for you here.”


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