Eternal Reign (Age of Vampires Book 1)

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Eternal Reign (Age of Vampires Book 1) Page 13

by Caroline Peckham

  “And this was used for transportation?” Magnar confirmed, bringing my mind back to our aeroplane conversation.

  “They were really fast. You could zip from one side of the country to the other in less than a day. And I think that’s a pretty long way away,” I confirmed.

  “It is further than you can imagine,” he replied. It was strange that his knowledge could fill in some of the gaps in my own like that. In some ways we were both as ignorant as each other about the world we now travelled through.

  “And there was another flying machine with big, spinning blades on top of it called a hoppercopper or hopelcopter. No wait it was-”

  “Silence.” Magnar raised a hand to halt me and pressed his back to the wall of a partially collapsed building. I quickly followed suit, my heart pounding frantically as he tilted his head to listen for something. “They’ve found us,” he breathed.

  I blinked up at him as fear coiled in my gut. A stupid part of me had been hoping that the vampires had given up on their hunt for me. I was just one, insignificant human, lost in a huge world. Why waste their time trying to track me down? That hope had been foolish though. Of course they’d want to find me. They’d want everyone in the Realm to see what happened to anyone who tried to run. Ice flooded my veins as I imagined the terrible things they might do to me to make sure no one ever tried to follow in my footsteps.

  “They’ll kill me,” I breathed in horror. “They’ll string me up in front the whole Realm and drain my blood for everyone to see. They’ll make an example of me and-”

  Magnar caught my face between his hands and forced me to look at him, silencing my panicked rambling. I gazed into his golden eyes, finding a pool of strength there.

  “They will not take you Callie,” he promised. “You are under my protection and I won’t allow them to lay a hand on you. I give you my word that I will keep you safe.”

  I stared at his face inches from mine and my heart lurched in a way that had nothing to do with the danger coming for us.

  “Okay,” I breathed, pushing my fear aside. Despite everything I knew about the vampires, his confidence made me believe he just might be able to keep that promise.

  He nodded and released me, leaving a line of fire across my skin where his hands had been.

  Magnar closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he concentrated. “I believe there are only five of them,” he said softly after several long minutes.

  “Only?” I squeaked. One was more than enough to take me down. I had about as much chance of standing against five of them as a mouse stood against a wolf.

  Magnar turned to me and placed a hand on my arm. I drew my eyes up to meet his. “In your chest beats the heart of a warrior. You will fight for your life and you will win,” he said fiercely. Suddenly I could see the reason he had led his people. The way he spoke left no room for doubts. I could imagine men and women following him into battle without an inch of fear in their hearts.

  Somehow, I found a few scraps of my own courage in his golden eyes and clung to them, building on them with my own resolve and determination to survive. Dad and Montana needed me. I wouldn’t let the vampires take me. I wouldn’t let them stop me from getting to my family.

  “Say it,” Magnar growled.

  “I will win,” I replied with as much grit as I could manage.

  He released his grip on my arm and pulled the blade he’d given me from my belt, pushing it into my hand. “Then prepare to stand and fight. They’re nearly upon us.”

  As the hilt connected with my palm, I could have sworn I felt a kind of excited energy coursing through it. This was what it had been made for. It hungered for the blood of the creatures that hunted me. It wanted to find a home in their flesh. Fury. Its silken voice beckoned me to join with it and I found myself almost eager for the vampires’ arrival.

  Magnar reached up to his shoulders and unclasped his cloak, letting it fall to the ground and revealing the leathers he wore beneath it. Though he had called me a warrior, that seemed like some kind of joke in comparison to him. He was the embodiment of power. A weapon given flesh. I pitied anyone who tried to stand against him.

  “Come on out, poppet,” a cold voice cooed from somewhere beyond our hiding place. A large measure of my confidence turned and ran screaming for the hills at the sound of that voice but a small portion of it stayed with me.

  “It’s been a long time since someone called me poppet,” Magnar replied gruffly as he stepped out from our hiding place and pulled one of his blades from his back. It hung loosely in his grip as he moved into the open space before us where four vampires stood waiting.

  I followed, leaving him enough space to wield his weapons without taking my head from my shoulders but not allowing the gap between us to increase too much. He might have called me a warrior but I had no idea how to wield any kind of weapon. And though I might have been willing to try and defend myself, I knew I was no match for the immortal beings who had come for me.

  The vampires dropped back a few steps, hissing like alley cats as they watched Magnar approach.

  “Slayer,” spat a male with long, white-blonde hair. “Not possible.”

  “I was there when the last of you died!” cursed a strikingly beautiful female with dark skin and piercing blue eyes. “The Belvederes gutted every last one of you!”

  “Then I must be a ghost,” Magnar replied calmly, not even showing a flicker of emotion at the words she delivered. “Although I do not feel dead.”

  “You soon will be.” At a signal I barely registered, the four of them leapt towards him at once.

  Magnar didn’t even flinch as they surrounded him, each swinging their weapons at him from different sides to try and overwhelm him.

  He swept his blade in a wide arc, parrying two of theirs and managing to slice into the leg of the blonde male.

  They came at him again, moving so quickly I could hardly follow it and yet he managed to evade their blows, dancing between them like he was toying with them.

  He grabbed his second blade from his back and threw it, catching the green-eyed male in the chest. The blade must have pierced his heart because he let out a blood-curdling scream. His face disintegrated and fell into dust which blew away through the clearing before the sound of his voice had fully faded.

  Their fight started to move closer to me and I stumbled back, wishing I could do something to help but knowing I’d only get in the way if I tried.

  As the three remaining vampires rushed at Magnar again, the hilt of my blade started to feel hot beneath my palm and I was struck with the urge to turn around. I spun on my heel, suddenly remembering that Magnar had said there were five vampires coming for us.

  She rushed at me like an oncoming tide. I screamed as I threw myself aside and her fingernails scratched against my coat without managing to gain purchase. She came for me again, her thick brunette hair flying around her too-beautiful face as she reached towards me.

  I ducked beneath her grasping hands once more and slashed at her with Fury. The blade felt alive beneath my palm, almost like I could feel a beating heart within the unnaturally warm metal. It hungered for her blood and I ached to give it what it desired.

  The third time I tried to evade her, I failed. She smiled wickedly as her hand closed around my throat and she lifted me clean off of my feet.

  I flailed wildly in her grasp, my feet kicking desperately as I tried to fight her off. She was even stronger than I’d imagined. Her smile widened as she raised me above her head. Black spots started to dance before my eyes as I struggled for oxygen.

  I started to panic but Fury called to me, urging me to use it. With every ounce of energy I could muster, I slashed the blade down, carving it into her arm. She dropped me with a cry of surprise and I hit the concrete hard, pain rippling through my body.

  She howled in rage as bright, crimson blood poured from her arm and splattered on the pavement. Smoke rose from the wound and the smell of burning flesh tainted the air.

sp; I scrambled back, trying to get away but she leapt on top of me, driving the breath from my lungs.

  “Don’t worry pet; they want you alive,” she hissed.

  She threw a punch into my gut and grabbed my throat again with her other hand, crushing me into the concrete. I would have been dead already if she wanted to kill me but by some miracle she had orders to spare my life. That gave me one clear advantage; I could keep fighting for my freedom but she couldn’t finish me off. I struggled in what would have been a useless attempt to break free except that I managed to get Fury into the small space between our bodies.

  With every drop of strength I had, I jammed the blade up and under her ribs. Her brown eyes widened in horrified surprise a moment before they turned to dust and crumbled apart. Fury sang with victory in my palm and a searing pain flashed along the inside of my forearm.

  I scrunched my eyes shut and clamped my mouth closed as the remains of the vampire scattered over me. I rolled over quickly, wiping my face with the arm of my coat and spitting on the ground to make sure I didn’t ingest any of her. I kicked her clothes away and pushed myself upright.

  As I regained my feet, I watched Magnar exchanging blows with the two remaining vampires. I hadn’t seen him kill the other one but a pile of blood-spattered clothes marked where it had happened.

  I stared on, wanting to help but not knowing how I could as the clash of metal rang out again and again.

  The female vampire feinted to the left before lurching back. She managed to get beneath Magnar’s guard, striking a blow that cut through the flesh of his arm.

  He yelled out in anger and pain as she came at him once more. The male vampire lurched forward as Magnar exposed his back to him.

  I whipped my arm back and let Fury fly. My aim was true and the blade found its home in the vampire’s thigh, making him shriek in pain. His head whipped around and he wrenched the blade from his leg. He screamed again as smoke rose from his palm and the stench of burning flesh reached me once more. He tossed Fury aside in horror before coming for me.

  I stumbled back, unarmed and completely at his mercy as my heart pounded a violent rhythm against my ribs.

  My eyes widened as I spotted Magnar behind him. He swung his blade with ferocious force and took the vampire’s head clean off. Without sparing me a glance, he returned to his battle with the female, finally able to give her his full attention.

  I skirted the decapitated body and ran to collect my blade. As I grabbed it from the ground, I could have sworn it was pleased to see me. The hilt hummed with energy as I sprinted back to the twitching body and drove the blade home in its heart. Fury seemed to sigh with satisfaction as the vampire fell to dust beneath me. I’ve waited so long. The words flitted through my mind and I wasn’t even convinced I’d really heard them. Maybe I was going insane.

  The sound of swords clashing had stopped and I looked up to find Magnar grappling with the final vampire. Their blades lay on the ground and she clawed at him as he threw punches. He caught her by the throat and slammed her against a crumbling wall, sending bricks tumbling from it.

  Before she could fight him off, he grabbed a dagger from his belt and stabbed her in the gut. She cried out as he stabbed her again and again, finding her heart on the fourth strike. His fist which had been around her throat closed on dust as she fell apart.

  He turned to me with his chest heaving and a fire burning in his gaze that I hadn’t seen before.

  “So this is what you live for huh?” I teased as the adrenaline drained from my body and the reality of what had just happened began to press in on me. “I can see why you enjoy it so much.” I gave up on trying to stand and sank down to the ground, placing my trembling fingers against the cold concrete.

  Magnar looked at me for several long seconds and let out a booming laugh. I couldn’t help but smile in response. If there was one thing that could make you forget your problems for a while, then it was looking your own death in the face and saying fuck you.

  My eyes were sore from crying, but I'd finally gotten a handle on myself. I was left with a hollow space in my chest that grew larger the longer I laid there. Even in the Realm, I'd never felt this powerless. I was stuck in a game I didn't want to play while Callie was being hunted by vampires and my dad was in too much trouble to even dwell on.

  The door clicked as it unlocked, but I didn't move from my fetal position on the bed, feeling too heavy. Too hopeless.

  “Have you calmed down yet?” Erik's flat tone rolled into my ears.

  I stiffened, but didn't answer.

  “I knew you were a rebel, little human, but Wolfe has now informed me of just how deep that rebellious streak runs. A sister on the run...your father in the blood bank. How chaotic.” His weight pressed down the bed and my body knotted up from his proximity.

  “I can’t help them,” I breathed. “I’m all alone here.” Voicing my fears made me tense and I immediately wished I’d remained silent.

  “You have other humans here to keep you company,” he said, his voice terse.

  “I don’t want them, I want my family,” I hissed, rage spitting like hot water in my chest.

  Erik sighed. “I don't want your emotions affecting the ritual.”

  “Screw your ritual.” I rolled over fast, sitting up and glaring at him. I must have looked a mess with my tangled hair and reddened cheeks, but I didn't give a damn. “And screw you and your parasitic brothers and sister.” My heart was stronger again, but coming eye to eye with him threatened to crack the fragile walls around it.

  Erik's face remained unchanged, but he scratched at the thick stubble on his chin as he considered how to answer. “If you would just take a breath-”

  I launched a pillow at him and he caught it with ease, tossing it to the floor.

  “You're acting very childishly,” he remarked and my body flamed from the comment.

  I ground my teeth, fighting for my resolve. “I won't play along with this. I won't do anything until my father's safe and your vicious General stops hunting my sister.”

  The demand had been circling in my mind for hours. It was the only leverage I had to play.

  Erik released a breath of annoyance. “That's not for you to decide. You will do as I say.”

  “No I won't,” I snarled and tension spanned through the air as our gazes locked together. Fear threatened to make me back down, but I couldn't. The only thing I had left to hold onto was my resilience, and I wasn't going to let this vampire steal it from me.

  Erik rose to his feet. “I can't deal with these emotions, Rebel. It's not my place to comfort you.”

  “No, but apparently it's your place to keep me prisoner here to do as you like with.”

  “I'm not going to talk to you unless you curb your tone. I am a Count and you will address me with respect.” Erik marched out of the door, slamming it behind him.

  Good, I'd pissed him off. That was something to be proud of at least.

  Minutes stretched into an hour and I started to wonder how Erik might respond to my outburst. Would he punish me? Hurt me?

  I shuddered, drawing my legs up to my chest and resting my chin on my knees.

  Hurt me all you like, vampire, I will not obey your commands.

  Low voices sounded beyond the door, making my ears prick up.

  “Just talk to her. For the love of the gods, Clarice, I don't know what else to do. She's going to cause problems if she continues the ritual in this manner.”

  “You are such an idiot sometimes,” Clarice replied and my heart thudded harder at the thought of her coming in and trying to give me a pep talk. It damn well wouldn’t work. She wasn't going to make me comply. I'd had enough of their orders.

  “What's that supposed to mean?” Erik growled.

  “She needs support through this transition, Erik. You need to learn how to look after her if you're going to have any chance of her choosing you at the ball.”

  Is that all they cared about? Some ball? And what the hell did they
want us to choose them for anyway?

  Whatever it was, they were all fooling themselves if they thought I'd willingly pick any of them.

  Erik released a growl of frustration. “I don't understand her, how am I supposed to help?”

  “Is it really so hard?” Clarice snipped. “Her family is in trouble. You'd care if it was your family, wouldn't you?”


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