Fatal Chaos

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Fatal Chaos Page 35

by Marie Force

  Sometimes, when she had a rare moment alone, she allowed her thoughts to wander to life without Tommy and Alex at the center of it. She loved them both—desperately—but she wasn’t sure how much more she could take of the distant, closed-off version of the man she loved. They were supposed to have been married by now. Like everything else, that plan had been shoved aside to make room for Tommy’s overwhelming grief. It’d been months since they’d even discussed getting married. In the meantime, she took care of Alex and everything else while Tommy worked and came home to sleep before starting the cycle all over again.

  They didn’t talk about anything other than Alex. They never went anywhere together or as a family. They hadn’t had sex in so long she’s forgotten when it had last happened. And she was as unhappy as she’d ever been. Something had to give—and soon, or she would be forced to decide whether their relationship was still healthy for her. She desperately did not want to have to make that decision.

  Only the thought of leaving Alex had kept her from making a move before now. She loved that little boy with her whole heart and soul. She’d stepped away from her own career as Nick’s chief of staff to stay home with him and had hoped to add to their family by now. When she thought about the early days of her relationship with Tommy, when they’d been so madly in love, she couldn’t have imagined the current state of affairs or feeling as insignificant to him as a piece of furniture who was always there when he finally decided to come home.

  Christina hadn’t told anyone about the trouble brewing between her and Tommy. In her heart of hearts, she hoped they could still work it out somehow, and the last thing she needed was her friends and family holding a grudge against him forever—and they would if they had any idea just how bad things had gotten. Her parents had questioned the wisdom of giving up a high-profile job to stay home to care for her boyfriend’s child, especially when she’d made more money than he did. But she had been ready for a break from the political rat race when Alex came along, and she had no regrets about her decision. Or she hadn’t until Tommy checked out of their relationship.

  This weekend they’d be expected to celebrate at Freddie and Elin’s wedding, and she’d have to pretend that everything was fine in her relationship when it was anything but fine. She wasn’t sure how she would pull off another convincing performance for their friends. Tommy was one of Freddie’s groomsmen, so she’d get to spend most of that day on her own while he attended to his friend.

  She was dangling at the end of her rope in this situation, and more than once she’d thought about taking Alex and leaving, even though she had no legal right to take him. Another thing they’d never gotten around to was her adoption of him after his mother was killed. But what would Tommy do if she left with his son? Call the police on her? She’d be surprised if he noticed they were gone.

  Tommy came out of the bathroom and went to the closet where he had clean clothes to choose from thanks to her. Did he ever wonder how that happened? He put on jeans and a black T-shirt and then went to unlock the bedside drawer where he kept his badge, weapon and cuffs.

  She watched him slide the weapon into the holster he wore on his hip and jam the cuffs and badge into the back pockets of his jeans, the same way he did every day. Holding her breath, she waited to see if he would say anything to her or come around the bed to kiss her goodbye the way he used to, but he simply turned and left the room.

  A minute later, she heard the front door close behind him.

  For a long time after he left, she lay in bed staring up at the ceiling with tears running down her cheeks. She couldn’t take much more of this.

  * * *

  Don’t miss the latest gripping novel

  in the bestselling Fatal series

  by New York Times bestselling author, Marie Force,


  Available from HQN Books November 27, 2018.

  “Fans of Scandal and House of Cards will love the Fatal Series.”

  —New York Times bestselling author Cindy Gerard

  If you loved the sizzling romance in Fatal Chaos, then don’t miss the next story in this sexy and thrilling series by New York Times bestselling author Marie Force!

  Fatal Invasion

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  Their high-profile romance is making headlines…and could prove FATAL!

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  Fatal Threat

  Fatal Identity

  Fatal Frenzy

  Fatal Scandal

  Fatal Jeopardy

  Fatal Mistake

  Fatal Deception

  Fatal Flaw

  Fatal Destiny (novella)

  Fatal Consequences

  Fatal Justice

  Fatal Affair

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  THANK YOU FOR reading Fatal Chaos and for continuing to embrace Sam and Nick’s journey after TWELVE books! When I wrote Fatal Affair, I never imagined anything like what’s become of this series, and it’s all thanks to the readers who make it so fun to still write their story after ten years with Sam and Nick! I can’t imagine life without them.

  After you finish the book, make sure you join the Fatal Chaos Reader Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/FatalChaos12/ to chat about the book—with spoilers allowed. If you’re not yet a member of the Fatal Series Reader Group, make sure you join at https://www.facebook.com/groups/FatalSeries/ to be the first to see covers, excerpts and to be entered into drawings for advance reader copies of future books. If you’re not yet on my newsletter mailing list, please join at marieforce.com to never miss a new book or sale.

  Special thanks to my friend Captain Russ Hayes, who retired in May 2017 after thirty years with the Newport, Rhode Island Police Department. He has moved on to a new position with the University of Rhode Island police, who are lucky to have his expertise on their team. Russ has read every Fatal book and keeps me honest with the police details. I wish him the best of everything in his retirement and appreciate that he hasn’t also retired from Fatal Series duty!

  As always, a special thanks to my HTJB team, who make it all happen behind the scenes so I can write: Julie Cupp, Lisa Cafferty, Holly Sullivan, Isabel Sullivan, Cheryl Serra and Nikki Colquhoun as well as my husband, Dan, who oversees the home front. Thank you to my Harlequin editors, Margo Lipschultz and Alissa Davis, and my agent, Kevan Lyon, as well as my outstanding beta readers Anne Woodall and Kara Conrad, for all your help and support. A big thanks also to Jessica Estep and the InkSlinger PR team.

  As I wrote this book, I graduated my daughter, Emily, from college, and my son, Jake, from high school. This book is dedicated to them. Their father and I are so proud of them!

  Much love and thanks to my wonderful readers. I couldn’t do this job I love without your support, and I never take it for granted.



  Read on for an excerpt from COLTON K-9 BODYGUARD by Lara Lacombe.

  Colton K-9 Bodyguard

  by Lara Lacombe

  Chapter 1

  “Are you sure you really want to do this?”

  Beatrix Colton’s heart sank as Jennifer Sheridan nodded.

  “I have to,” the young woman said sadly. She gave the poufy white dress one last, longing look before pushing it across the counter. Bea grabbed the
hanger and hung the dress on the hook next to the register, smoothing out the full skirt with the palm of her hand.

  Now came the awkward part. “I’m afraid I can’t offer you a refund, since you’ve already had your final fitting,” she said delicately.

  “I know.” Jennifer blinked back tears and shook her head. “I hate this,” she said, sniffing. “But Mark and I have talked about it, and I just can’t risk his safety.”

  “I understand,” Bea assured her. And, truthfully, she did. “The Groom Killer has us all scared. I don’t blame you for wanting to be careful, especially right now.”

  “Mark said I’m overreacting,” Jennifer confessed. She looked down, then met Bea’s eyes. “But I think he’s secretly relieved we’re canceling the wedding. One less thing to worry about, you know?”

  Bea nodded sympathetically.

  “We’re being very public about the cancellation. That’s why I’m here—everyone has to see me return this dress.”

  “Of course,” Bea murmured.

  “I had hoped the police would have captured the killer by now,” Jennifer continued. She eyed Bea speculatively, and Bea realized the woman was waiting for her to chime in with a juicy detail about the investigation. Everybody in town thought Bea’s cousin, Demi Colton, was the Groom Killer who’d murdered two men the night before their weddings—one in January, and one last month in February. Bea herself wasn’t so sure; she didn’t know Demi all that well, but she hated to jump to conclusions about something so serious.

  “I’m sure they’ll find whoever is doing this soon,” Bea replied, trying to sound noncommittal. She wasn’t in the mood to discuss her cousin or any other topic related to the Groom Killer. She’d already lost a lot of business, thanks to panicked couples canceling their nuptials in the hopes of staying off the killer’s radar. If the police didn’t find the culprit soon, Bea’s Bridal Salon would have to close.

  It was a possibility that made her sick to her stomach.

  Forcing a smile, Bea changed the subject. After a moment, Jennifer realized Bea wasn’t going to reveal any family secrets, and she gathered up her purse to leave.

  “I really am sorry about this,” she said, pausing at the door.

  Just go, Bea thought, practically willing the woman to leave.

  “I understand,” Bea repeated. “I hope you’ll come back once your wedding is back on.”

  “Oh, I will,” Jennifer promised.

  Bea nodded, but the woman’s reassurance didn’t make her feel any better. The possibility of future business was nice, but it wouldn’t help her pay the bills now.

  And that was the problem.

  Since Bea’s Bridal Salon didn’t exactly offer a diverse array of services, there wasn’t much she could do to draw in clients while the shadow of the Groom Killer lingered over them all.

  Her father, Fenwick Colton, had offered to float her some funds until things returned to normal. But Bea refused to use his money. This was her shop, and she wasn’t going to take charity from anyone.

  Especially not dear old Dad.

  Bea had inherited the bridal shop after her grandmother’s death five years ago. She’d seen it as both a gift and an opportunity; Bea had spent countless hours in the shop as a child, falling under the spell of the beautiful dresses and the happy brides. She’d spent many an afternoon walking among the gowns, daydreaming about her own wedding. There was something magical about a wedding dress, and she loved seeing the look on a woman’s face when she found her perfect one. It was an experience that never got old, and it was the reason Bea loved her job.

  But her father and siblings hadn’t seen it that way. Fenwick had viewed the shop as a burden, something to be sold quickly so he wouldn’t have to deal with it. When Bea had embraced the chance to own the boutique, her father had been shocked and disappointed. He’d argued long and hard against it, telling her it was beneath her dignity as a Colton to do such work. He thought Bea should marry a rich man and spend her time lunching and volunteering, as all well-bred women did. When Bea refused to fall in line, Fenwick threatened to use his position as Red Ridge’s mayor to make sure the shop failed. But Bea had held firm, and eventually her father had accepted the fact that he wasn’t going to be able to change her mind.

  The grandfather clock began to chime the hour, drawing Bea out of her thoughts. The familiar sound was comforting, and for a moment, she could almost feel her grandmother’s presence, as if the kind woman’s spirit had come for a visit.

  “Don’t worry, Gram,” Bea said quietly. “I’ll find a way to make this work.”

  She walked over to the front door of the shop and flipped the Open sign to Closed. She drew the shades down on the windows and returned to the register. It wouldn’t take long to close up tonight—no one had bought a dress in days.

  Jennifer’s returned gown caught her eye as she moved to the back room. The orphaned dress had a forlorn look about it now, as if the bride’s rejection had soaked into the fabric.

  Bea shook her head at the fanciful thought and grabbed the dress off the hook. She’d need to inspect it carefully for signs of damage, but it appeared to be in perfect condition. Maybe Jennifer really would come back for it, once the Groom Killer had been caught. If not, perhaps Bea could sell it to another bride…

  There was a muffled thump from the direction of the stockroom, and Bea paused in her journey to the back office. She was the only one in the store, so what had caused the noise? Her thoughts flashed to the bakery a few doors down. A pregnant stray cat had gotten in there once, looking for a warm place to deliver. The mama cat and kittens had all been adopted. Maybe another mama cat was looking for shelter from South Dakota in March.

  Placing the dress on a nearby rack, Bea headed for the stockroom. She hadn’t gone more than a few steps when the lights flickered off, plunging the store into darkness.

  The fine hairs on her arms lifted and she froze, her breath catching in her throat.

  “Hello?” she called out uncertainly. She shook her head, feeling foolish. She was the only one in the store, and the lights had probably gone out thanks to a power surge. All she needed to do was walk over to the circuit box and flip the breaker switch back into position. Simple enough, right?

  “Right,” she whispered to herself. Bea resumed her walk toward the stockroom, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was not quite right…

  She heard a rustling from the front of the store. Was someone coming to rob her?

  Lights, she thought, panic rising up her throat. Turn on the lights. If the store really was being robbed, the illumination might spook the would-be thief. She wasn’t brave enough to stick around, though—as soon as she flipped the breaker switch, she was going to escape out the back. Just as she stepped through the door, she caught a whiff of perfume. It was so unexpected, Bea drew up short, confused. She didn’t wear perfume, and she didn’t use air fresheners in the store to prevent the dresses from absorbing odors. Where had the smell come from? And why was it familiar? There was something about the scent that tickled her memory, but before she could put her finger on it, Bea heard a noise to her right. She turned, straining to make out a shape in the darkness. Air blew past her face as someone moved, and then her world exploded in a starburst of pain.

  * * *

  “Well, what do you think?”

  Officer Micah Shaw shrugged at the question. “I think we’re out here on a wild goose chase. You?”

  Officer Brayden Colton nodded. “Yeah. It’s starting to look that way to me, too.” He sighed. “I don’t know whether to be relieved, or…” He trailed off, and Micah filled in the blanks.

  “You still think Demi is innocent.”

  “She’s my sister,” Brayden said simply. “The Demi Colton I know is not a cold-blooded killer.”

  Micah didn’t respond. There wasn’t anything he could say, really. Bra
yden had grown up with Demi and they were family, so naturally he didn’t want to believe she was the Groom Killer. But the evidence suggested otherwise. Most of the Coltons on the Red Ridge police force had a hard time believing one of their own could turn to murder, and Brayden in particular thought his sister was being framed. Micah wasn’t as idealistic. As a former Army Ranger who’d served in Afghanistan, he’d seen the worst of humanity. Nothing shocked him anymore.

  “You want to take the far end, and we’ll search down here?” he suggested.

  Brayden nodded. “That works. We’ll at least be able to say we covered the whole area when we go back to the office.”

  The two men parted ways, and Micah and his K-9 partner, Chunk, set off down the darkening alley.

  Personally, he thought they were wasting their time. Chunk was the best cadaver dog in the state—hell, the region—and he’d been placid and calm ever since they’d set foot in the alley. A far cry from the behavior Micah would expect if there was a body present. But since Tucker Frane had stumbled into the station earlier, claiming he saw Demi Colton shoot a man in this very alley just a little while ago, the police had to respond.

  Micah, Chunk and Brayden had been dispatched to search the area. So far, all they’d found were a few discarded coffee cups and some cigarette butts. Not exactly the stuff of a crime scene. But they had a job to do, and Micah bagged it all. He was nothing if not thorough…

  “Come on, boy,” he said encouragingly to Chunk. “Let’s see if there’s anything to find.”

  Chunk waddled alongside Micah, the tips of his ears dragging along the ground as he moved. The red and white basset hound was never going to win any beauty contests, but he had one of the best noses Micah had ever seen.


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